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Found 19 results

  1. Hi All, I am new here and looking to draw on your wealth of knowledge. I bought a shower from Victorian Plumbing around 6 months ago that was not fitted until around 8 weeks ago, on having the shower fitted my plumber informed me that although following the instructions to the letter the shower pressure was rubbish despite it being great without the shower attached and the water was not heating up. I complained to VP and they eventually replaced the unit but only after around 6 weeks of too and fro'ing with the manufacturer and not getting anywhere. The problem I have now is that the replacement is displaying the exact same issues. Wondering whether the installation was the issue I had an electrician check it over and he told me to get an engineer out as the power was getting to the unit but the heater element was not warming up at all. Now I have decided to go direct to the manufacturers website and email them asking for an engineer visit, they responded asking for a number of pictures but have not since replied other than to tell me they are chasing the manufacturer. This has been ongoing for around 9/10 weeks now and I'm at the end of my tether. What would you recommend I do from here?
  2. i purchased a Shower screen with pivot door in 2010 for £90 off a ebay shop. Today , it worked loose from the frame me and a couple of friends tried to reinsert it back into the frame - upon which the glass shattered cutting both my friend's hands:mad2: The specifications say it is 6mm safety clear glass ,BS EN 12150 & CE certified. Checking on the ebay shop the company just states 25 year guarantee in general - and that's it .And it states it for all its products even the smallest and cheapest. There is only basic vague refund info and nothing fora potentially faulty item. i admit it is 7 yrs since purchase , but, if i can avoiding paying £90 for another , do i have any claim for a refund ?
  3. Hi all Nearly 6 months ago my Father in Law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The Palliative Care team at his Hospital immediately requested that the council fit a level access shower in his council flat. 4 months later, his wife had heard nothing so rang the Council up. Was told that the adjudication Panel had rejected the request! The next day his daughter phoned to plead with them to reconsider. They immediately phoned back to say they had granted the application. No reason was given for the refusal or the reconsideration. She was phoned in August to say they would start work on shower on the following Monday. They never turned up. No reason was given. He passed away mid-September. The shower was never fitted. For the last few months of his life he refused to leave the flat because he was worried that he smelled. This despite his wife washing him frequently using cloths and bowls of soapy water. I have registered a formal complaint and I'm awaiting the response. I have had a phone call from the Director of Adult Social Care who apologised but refused to provide any explanation. He told me to register a formal complaint if I felt his apology wasn't sufficient. I have made FOI request for the minutes of the Panel meetings. However, I am now considering legal action to seek financial compensation for his wife. Would she have a case and if so, how would I go about it?
  4. I bought an Aqualisa electric shower and paid a lot to have it professionally fitted . Almost immediately, when switched on, water began gushing out of the back and down the wall. I looked online and found several postings, including one which explained this was due to a pressure relief valve opening and described how to fix it. Basically, you switch off the electricity, take off the cover, unscrew the valve (difficult) and push a plastic ball back into its tube and then reassemble. OK for a month then it happened again. I phoned Aqualisa customer services and asked for a fitter to repair it under the 2 year guarantee, which they did. Six weeks later same problem. This time customer services said they will make a total of 2 repair visits and thereafter, until the 2 year guarantee has expired, they will post you a new valve which you will have to fit yourself. So what happens after 2 years? You have to buy them and keep changing them yourself or you don't have a shower. It is clearly a design fault, but customer services say it isn't, and "it isn't part of the shower because it's a safety feature", even though it is inside the shower under the cover. What utter nonsense ! I now have a shower that fails every six weeks and the manufacturer won't honour the guarantee. I want my money back but don't know how to get it without spending even more money There are quite a lot of internet postings on Aqualisa electric showers describing exactly the same fault - take a look. Don't buy Aqualisa showers.
  5. ...that leaks fae places over all... No action required...just a cautionary tale.... No Honour Waited over a fortnight for them to come and fix a small leak from the tank. Said the warranty was null and void due to a small hole drilled in the back to accommodate fitting. Even though this was nowhere near the fault and had nothing to do with it ie it wasn't what caused the fault. The shower was faulty and it wouldn't have mattered a jot how it was installed as the internal part was leaking from the heating tank (the other end from the drilled hole) The mans attitude from entering the house to leaving was bordering on rude. He told us that he wouldn't charge for the visit which is the only thing in his favour. We were told to go for a Mira as it was a quality shower, shame we weren't warned that they have reliabilty issues as well as poor customer service and will do anything to get out of honouring their guarantee.
  6. http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/story/2015-09-03/a-woman-tells-of-her-disgust-at-finding-a-hidden-camera-while-showering-at-travelodge/ http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/13641641.Woman_stunned_to_discover_camera_hidden_in_shower_while_staying_at_Wheatley_Travelodge/
  7. I have found this forum whilst searching the internet for some advice concerning a shattered shower screen. I went away at the start of August and left my keys with a builder to refit my bathroom. We ordered everything through him. While we were away there was a leak but it seemed to have been repaired. We came back mid August, and there was still a lot to be done and then a fair bit of snagging. It was finally finished and we paid him on Friday just gone. 1 hour after payment, there was an almighty crash and bang. The new shower screen had literally shattered and exploded all over the bathroom. The builder came round and cleared up the mess and said he would be back with a new screen. I was so shocked by the incident that I didn't inspect the bath with him however upon closer inspection, there appears to be over 25 areas of damage in the bath, from gouges to scratches. It's an absolute mess. I let the builder know yesterday but I haven't heard anything from him as yet. I was wondering if anybody could offer advice as to whose responsibility this is? I feel that having spent £5k on a new bathroom that it surely can't be mine but I don't really know what my rights are. Thanks
  8. Hi guys, please help me..... I bought a Bristan Glee Shower from a online retailer via ebay in June 2015. I had it fitted by an electrician and a plumber in the following month. It has now gone wrong, keeps tripping the fuse and cant control the temperature (I think its the thermostat). It has been installed for 6 months. My belief is that it should be covered under a guarantee, however now I have the user guide in front of me; it states that in order for the guarantee to be valid, I should have sent off the registration card that came with the shower within 10 days of purchase. Surely this cannot be right? Does a guarantee not automatically come with a new product these days? I have proof of purchase. TYIA,
  9. My father has had a walk in shower fitted and it all looks fine. But the problem is it cuts out on a regular basis which is down to the water pressure. On going back to the people who fitted the whole unit my Dad was told the water pressure was tested at the time and it's an external fault. Our water company don't acknowledge any fault. Meanwhile the shower keeps cutting out. Have you any advice on how I should deal with this?
  10. We purchased an Aqualisa Vitalise SLX 8.5kW shower as part of a bathroom suite March 2013. From then until about 6 months ago it worked fine (Max temp on setting 3 of 45°C) 6 months ago it started intermittently not heating up to full on 3rd setting (Max of 36-37°C). We just got on with it, having other things to deal with. The fault is that: Setting 1 does not "click", and does not affect water temperature. Setting 2 "clicks", lights dim slightly, and water temperature increases. Setting 3 does not "click" and does not affect water temperature. Therefore i'm guessing that Setting 1 switches on one heating element, Setting 2 switches on a second, and Setting 3 switches both on. (Hence why 1 and 3 don't work). We eventually had time to research the problem (November 2014) - these showers were recalled in Dec 2013 due to risk of electric shock. We contacted the company who said that if it was not leaking then it was not eligible to be replaced under that recall. (http://www.electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk/product-recalls/2013/12/aqualisa-vitaliseenergy-electric-showers/) We then contacted their technical support who sent an engineer to investigate, who turned up with a whole new (?refurbished) unit, and fitted it. He said that due to low local water temperature and it only being an 8.5kW unit, the shower may not reach the maximum temperature. He left with the shower not achieving more than 36°C, having lowered the house water pressure slightly. Having investigated more thoroughly since, it appears that this replacement shower ALSO has the same problem our previous one had. Throughout winter 2013 the shower worked perfectly. Question is, who do we chase? Since Aqualisa replaced our previous unit, does the Sale of Goods Act apply to them?
  11. Hi Last night a large frameless shower screen 'exploded' in my daughters bathroom. There was no one in the room at the time fortunately. It had been installed by a competent bathroom installer a week before. My daughter has been using the shower for a week. The company who supplied the screen say that they are not responsible, one defence they used was that its only our word that no one was in the room. I understand that tempered glass can explode spontaneously. The glass was bought by our installer from the glass supplier. Our installer works for himself and I do not think it is fair for him or us to pay for a new screen. Should the supplier take responsibility? Also if there is damage to the bathroom are they liable? Advice gratefully received as the best they are offering is a discounted replacement. If they are responsible please advise me on what to say to them. Thank you in advance for any help
  12. Hi please can I get some help Faulty steam shower - retailer refuses to honour 5 year warranty In May 2012, I bought a steam shower, as it had a 5 year warranty from Heat and Plumb London, (they still sell these), there are several faults which have now made the shower unsafe if not impossible to use, I wrote to them last week after speaking to which legal (they give you advice but are now very busy) they said the shower was covered under the Sale of good act 1979, so I wrote to the retailer asking for the repair or replacement as it should have lasted more than 2 years.........they have come back and state the original supplier to them is now bankrupt and they can send me parts if I remove the old ones and send them the details of them and will have to charge me, I am not happy as the shower is not working and we have no resolution, I sent this email below and have still not heard anything from the retailer at all now since last week when they stated the supplier is bankrupt, so no warranty - I need to have a new shower installed this weekend as this is no good, and cost me £800 in 2012, I am having to pay another 500 for the new shower cubicle, now! I sent this last week! Dear Sir Sale of goods Act 1979 - defective shower unit - request for replacement and/or repair at suppliers cost. I have now taken legal advice in this matter, I can confirm that my contract for the purchase of the above shower unit which cost approx. £800 is with Purity Bathrooms T/A HEAT AND PLUMB, after considering the matter closely and due to the nature and cost of the appliance/shower unit, I can confirm that the durability and Quality of the product is not of satisfactory quality and failed to be fit for purpose. Sale of Goods Act 1979 Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 goods must be as described, of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. I can confirm that the shower Unit is not fit for purpose as this should have lasted longer than 18 months, moreover the shower steam unit has failed and so has the thermostatic selector for the shower, in addition the build quality is of a inferior design, which has caused these failures, I must also inform you that the reason for buying the shower at such a high cost was due to the 5 year, warranty which you supplied as part of the sale. The contract remains with Heat and Plumb, therefore I now wish to replace the Unit as there is no guarantee for this item and the terms of the contract has been broken by your Company, accordingly any product you now supply (replace) must be of a suitable quality, under the terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and must be as described, and of satisfactory quality and ad fit for purpose, unless you are prepared to supply me with a shower unit which you can now guarantee to be as stated, then I will expect a full refund by return. I await your written response by return and give you no more than 7 working days to conclude this matter and either send me a satisfactory and fit for purpose shower unit which will last longer than the warranty, or send me a full refund, failing which I will have no other option but to issue a County Court claim for damages and loss, which will include legal costs and costs for time to issue proceedings. Please send your response in writing only so there is a record of this issue and I look forward to resolving this matter as soon as possible. Kind regards
  13. We renovated our bathroom 4 years ago and had a bath tub and shower screen fitted as part of the work. It was bought from an online store (with an actual high street store behind it). It had a good reputation/feedback, so I was confident in buying from them. We have used the bath/shower for the last 4 years until a couple of days ago. While bathing my 3 year old son, the shower screen dropped without warning. The impact of the falling shower screen was on my face - I had a bruised cheek and broken glasses (glasses on my face to see with, not the shower screen glass). I caught it in time before it hit my son, so we were relieved that he was ok. After assessing the shower screen and the wall fitting it was secured to, I saw that the hinge had snapped and a piece had broken clean off. It is made of plastic and I wasn't expecting it to fail after 4 years (or ever). The shower and everything else in the bathroom has been well taken care of and only cleaned with standard domestic cleaners (nothing harsh or likely to corrode any of our bathroom fittings). There should be no reason for a plastic part to be used in a safety critical item and there was no indication that any part was about to fail. I contacted the retailer and sent them pictures of the faulty hinge/fitting. They responded by escalating the matter to the manufacturer, who has stated that they will send a replacement set of hinges. I have asked them for their assurance that the replacements will not fail - I want to be confident that my family is not put at risk again. Should I accept this as the end of the matter? I suffered an injury (that I will get over) - but what about my broken glasses? Do I have any claim against the retailer and/or manufacturer for the loss?
  14. on August bank holiday Monday my shower screen exploded. Whilst having a shower it genuinely spontaneously combusted. At no point during the shower had I touched it. I'm covered in little cuts and my bathroom literally looks like a bomb site (literally not just literally) We spent most of bank holiday clearing it up and I called both the manufacturer and the retailer when they opened on the Tuesday. Manufacturer tells me to call the retailer (fair enough Sale of Goods Act etc) but I wanted to know if it had happened before. Receptionist when I mentioned what I was calling about said "oh yeah that's happened a few times. I think it's the weather". Speaking to the customer services bloke he insists it's never happened on my model apparently, although very rarely (but not never) on other models. Retailer asks me to send photos which I do. No acknowledgement by email of having received them or what kind of refund/compensation they will offer I bought a new screen and had it fitted (paid the plumber £45). Since then I've cleaned the bath several times and it has lots of little rough jagged bits where the glass has scratched it. Plumber has quoted £550 to refit the bath as it has boxing at the end. That's before we buy a new bath. He has tried to 'wet and dry' it to smooth it out but it's still rough. Retailer called to me to say the manufacturer says it's out of its 12 month warranty so no refund although they'll sell me a new screen at trade price. I think that shower screens should never explode whether within 12 months or 12 years! I decided to call my home insurance legal advice line who advise I have a claim under Sale of Goods and negligence. I write a letter before action to the manufacturer and retailer and get a letter from the manufacturer today saying without prejudice they'll offer me a new screen replacement. Now the way I see it they've kind of shot themselves in the foot because I would have settled for that before getting legal advice. The advice says the manufacturer has been negligent and is therefore responsible for the damage to property (screen and bath) and personal injury (my cuts). My letter before action set out the costs for the new screen, fitting it, new bath, fitting it and personal injury compensation. They've obviously been frightened that I've got legal backing and are offering the minimum to shut me up. Their letter says "In very rare circumstances we do occasionally get defective pieces of glass. However these, as well as being rare, are very fragile; most of them have already broken by the time we unload the goods in our warehouse. I would consider it beyond the bounds of possibility for a screen with an intrinsic defect to survive being shipped to our warehouse, being picked and loaded in our warehouse, being transported to the retailer, unloaded and handled at the retailer, transported on to site, installed and then used for four years. For a screen to shatter the way yours has would need some agent acting on it after it was installed. In view of all of the above I would say the screen has shattered for some other reason than an intrinsic defect" Some clear facts only I can verify. It was fitted by an experienced plumber. No one was touching it at the time of the explosion. The conditions in the bathroom at the time were no different from any other day. What reason other than a defect is there? It's never been knocked or hit hard and certainly not at the time of explosion. My concern is twofold. Firstly I want to know why it happened so it doesn't happen to me again and secondly if there is a hidden problem it should be found so other people are safe. By fobbing me off in the manner above it suggests the case is closed as far as they are concerned. There's no defect therefore no problem. But I know I didn't touch it! So I know it could happen to someone else! I've posted to ask for advice about pursuing it further. Obviously I can call my legal advice line but I wanted other consumers' experiences of chasing companies based on defective goods issues so I know what lies ahead in reality rather than the clinical version I will get from the legal line. Thank you in advance.
  15. Not sure if this is right place to put this, however, a very good friend of mine lives in council accommodation the council OHA said that he needed a walk-in shower. He had a very good bath and sink installed by the council a few years earlier and initially only wanted the bath moved a bit to enable him to get in and out of the bath in safety. The council said that could not be done and recommended a walk in shower instead. He got all he specification from the council and even a picture of the shower that was going to be installed. However their contractors gave him a terrible time and they installed a completely shower unit for him. This unit is completely electric and not a mixer shower that could be used with his combination boiler. Anyway the shower malfunction and got to a scalding temperature but the council keeps insisting that does not happen as it is cut out at a certain temperature, but the manufacture instructions does say that they shower can reach scalding temperature if not installed or used properly. Anyway he wants the shower that the council told him that was going to be installed. Is there any thing he can do to insist on getting the shower unit changed to the one that should have been installed. Any suggestion on how he should proceed with this please.
  16. I bought a Mira shower from plumbworld.co.uk under a year ago and it stopped working. Plumbworld said i had to contact MIRA/KOHLER direct which i did. They came out on site to me, they had told me to make sure the water was swicthed off, when he arrived on site he then said that it needed to be 'isolated' from the shower (which means just stopping the water from going to the shower which he could have been kind enough to explain to me on the initital call!). He did not explain this on the phone to me and has charged me £73.00 for not being ready for his visit. Just called them and explained that i was just told that the water needed to be off and not just isolated to the shower and they didnt care and said the invoice stands. ITs been a long time since ive had to deal with a company that has been so arrogant, the man who came round was rude and ignorant to me and the chap on the phone wasnt much better! I feel like this is a s cam of theirs to try and take advantage of people like me, would be grateful if anyone can help me, they must have made a fortune out of ripping people off like this. Telling people make sure your water is off and then coming out on site and chaging you £73 becuase its not isolated to the shower which was not explained. The worst bit is he had to come back and re book the appointment and we went 2 weeks with no shower. I had just had a cesearean section and was having to shower at my parents, and was trying to cope with a 21 month old baby and a newborn. If he had explained in the first place that it was not just switching the water off and that it had to be isolated (being as i am not a plumber) then i would have got it sorted ready for his first visit. I am very suspicious of this lot and what they are up to. I used to be a computer engineer and used ot make on site calls and am pretty good at following instructions when someones coming out on site to me. I always make sure ive got everything ready and follow any instructions. Especially as a I was incredbility desperate for the shower to be working again. Cheers for any help
  17. Hi. Newbie here. Interested in people's thoughts on a problem I have with part of a newly purchased and fitted bathroom. I purchased a shower enclosure recently and upon fitting, it transpired that in part of the shower tray water actually ran the opposite way from the waste, pooling at the back of the shower. I've had several fruitless discussions with the online supplier who after admitting the tray is faulty are offering to replace the tray but not contribute at all to the cost of removal and refit and are pushing back on the fitter who apparently should have thrown water at it before fitting fully. No prompting to do this are in the supplied instructions. I'm also, given their reluctance to speak to me to discuss the issue and a general evasive attitude, probably wanting to get a full refund (above issue around costs of fitting notwithstanding), however their stance is that they will only refund partially given that I have "damaged" the non-faulty screen by using it. I bought the enclosure as a single piece that included tray and screens and my view is that if one (major) part of it is faulty I should be entitled to a full and not partial refund. Tray isn't sold seperately anywhere I can find. I'd be very grateful for any advice or if anyone has had similiar experience in dealing with this kind of thing. many thanks
  18. I have a situation with the base ( external side ) of my shower, which has been growing a rather nasty wool like fungus for quite awhile now. I do wipe the fungus away regularly with disinfectant but the horrible growth reappears rapidly and is getting progressivly worse. My plumber is pretty certain that a pipe has burst underneath, and, due to the extreme cold in the room, all year round, suspects the situation has been like that for quite awhile, but because the entire room is tiled , floor to ceiling, the only visible effects of the pipe burst, is the furry white fungus He states I should be entitled to claim on my insurance for the work. However, will the insurance company pay out when all that can be seen, is just the fungal growth, no physical evidence of flooding water ? Some years ago, during winter there was a big freeze in the area where I live, due to this a couple of pipes burst and my kitchen was flooded. My new plumber stated at the time that the pipes had not been lagged which they should have been, in particular as I live in a greatly exposed, high altitude building. ( I did, incidently, originally, ask, that the piping be lagged, but my request was flatly ignored ...) As the shower was installed by the same people who installed the pipework in my kitchen it would appear the same thing has happened again, except the flooding water is hidden beneath the base ( Please note : the base was totally filled in with cement, there is no access area, so the whole thing will have to be smashed to pieces to access the pipes, which will be time consuming and expensive. When I made the claim years earlier for the burst pipes in my kitchen my insurers were somewhat reluctant to pay out, even though many, many other households were hit by the big freeze in the locality ! They paid out eventually, but only because the rest of the nation was awash with flooding in their homes, so they had little option but to fork out ! However, now, I stand alone with burst pipes hidden deep down under thick cement and behind a strong barrier of tiling. The weather is not freezing, and no other homes are affected .... What is the best way for me to approach my insurance company to ensure I get a fair result, regards this particular, it would appear, rather longstanding, issue ?
  19. Hi all. My OH bought one of these from Argos a couple of months ago: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/8331836.htm Last night, my daughter was about to take a shower and the rubber fitting over the hot tap ruptured down the middle, covering her and pretty much the entire bathroom in hot (but thankfully not scalding) water. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like my OH kept the receipt so I doubt that we can return it, but my main concern anyway is that Argos and the manufacturer are aware of the potential fault - if this had happened to someone elderly, the outcome could have been far more serious. I'm not trying to scaremonger here - we checked all the reviews before purchasing, and it's obvious that this isn't a common occurrence! If there are any serial or batch numbers on the shower, I'd be more than happy to provide them if they are required for checks to be made.
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