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Found 2 results

  1. Ladies & Gents... Have you heard the news? Mobile phones are now dangerous... (When did that change?) But no seriously. News from Samsung regarding their Note 7 Product; Selling over a million units already, the device is shaping up to be a catastrophe for Samsung. FAQS Below
  2. Hi Last night a large frameless shower screen 'exploded' in my daughters bathroom. There was no one in the room at the time fortunately. It had been installed by a competent bathroom installer a week before. My daughter has been using the shower for a week. The company who supplied the screen say that they are not responsible, one defence they used was that its only our word that no one was in the room. I understand that tempered glass can explode spontaneously. The glass was bought by our installer from the glass supplier. Our installer works for himself and I do not think it is fair for him or us to pay for a new screen. Should the supplier take responsibility? Also if there is damage to the bathroom are they liable? Advice gratefully received as the best they are offering is a discounted replacement. If they are responsible please advise me on what to say to them. Thank you in advance for any help
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