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  1. Hello My friend made a personal injury claim after a car accident at the beginning of last year. The 3rd party & insurance company accepted 100% liability. She made a claim for personal injury due to neck pain/whiplash through Irwin Mitchell. In July 2018, an approximate settlement was made to the value of £3000 odd. My friend received £2700 and the rest was taken in fees by IM. On Saturday she received a letter from IM with a copy of court documents headed 'EUI Ltd v ********' - the papers state that they are not disputing liability but they are disputing the amount paid to her for 'special claims' and want to recover that money plus costs - amounting to around £3400. She spoke to IM who said that it 'probably' won't go to court. Not very reassuring, to say the least. She is really scared that they will take it to court and make her pay that money back (which she doesn't have as it has been spent!). I thought that once the case was settled and a settlement paid out, that was it? I think I might not be as educated as I think I am! Any thoughts? Incidences of this happening before? Outcomes? All help greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. I know someone who has been trying to claim compensation for a injury that occured in July 2015. The solicitors and company are taking so long to complete the claim. The result of the injury is bad enough requiring daily medication and walking issues, which no one really understands apart from you has had it before. Major distress in making appointments and contacting the solicitor has happen over the past 3 years can you be compensated for it either through making a complaint against your solicitor or other bodies?
  3. Dear All, I’m looking for some advice please. Some time ago I had a road traffic accident. When cycling a car cut me off. I didn’t have a chance to break and hit the car, went through my handle bars and hit the ground. The driver drove off from the accident scene but the registration plates were known to the Police because one of the witnesses took photo of that car. I had many injuries and was taken to hospital. After sometime Police sent me a letter and informed me that ..."the driver of the other vehicle registration number XXXXXXX was unable to be traced"... and that I can submit a claim to MIB. I have checked DVLA records and the registration plates numbers are registered in the database and the make and color of the car matches the one that cut me off. I don't know why Police having registration plates numbers informed me that the driver is untraceable. This is a mystery to me. 1. Do you think it’s possible to handle untraced driver/personal injury MIB claim yourself or a solicitor is required ? 2. What kind of challenges will I have to face if I’ll go at it myself ? 3. Is it possible that I could receive less compensation if I go at it myself ? Many thanks for any help.
  4. Got stopped by 4 traffic police cars (that were on a roundabout) they checked insurance and driving license which was all good ! Then started looking around the car and said 3 tyres were rubbing as the car is lowered but not excessive (can send pictures on request) They told me they didn't know if it was legal or not so they took pictures to send away to be examined. they also threatened to take my car away from me but in the end they let me drive away. also the accident happened on 27th of june and I received the letter on 12 of july. does it matter that they sent the letter out later than the 14 day period ? thanks
  5. My partner is a carer. She has been sent to work for a lady who wasn't equipped with the correct device to keep her upright. She fell on my partner and my partner suffered a back injury leading to incontinence, pain and time off work. We took the case with xxx LLP, who wrote a letter to the employer and got a response, offering 4000 pounds as final settlement. xxx advised us to reject that offer, saying, over the phone, that we can always fall back on the 4000, but they believe we can get much more. Since then, my partner has been to Royal Berkshire Hospital, where the doctor said he doesn't see any injury and any pain she might have is a result of earlier injury. Her incontinence might be an infection (totally rubbish). Now it feels like the case might fall through, as the doctors do not want to confirm her injury and we see the 4000 pounds as a better-than-nothing solution. However, when we WROTE to xxx, they said the offer is off the table and we can't fall back to those 4000 pounds. 1. She will be seeing a doctor from xxx privately to assess her but I reckon a judge might be more interested in an NHS doctor rather than a doctor from an interested party? 2. What can we do in regards to xxx making us think we could get at least 4000 pounds and now they are implying we can come out empty handed? 3. Any other advice regarding the situation in general will be appreciated I will just add that the reason my partner was injured is that she grabbed the falling lady and saved her from rolling down the stairs. And that my partner is truly injured. It took her 2 weeks to admit that she's incontinent because of the shame.
  6. I had an accident at a VERY slow speed (about 5mph) in my local petrol station. I was reversing into a petrol pump place, and a black taxi drove forward into me. No damage to either vehicle, but the cab driver is claiming personal injury. This smells to me, and I think he's a fraudster. my insurance co say it's my fault - I would argue it's 50/50 as he should have seen my reversing lights and stopped moving forward. I exchanged numbers with the driver he only told me it wasn't his cab, but he was a friend of the owner of it. He gave me his name, but i didn't get ID from him. How do I know the person who's claiming is the actuial person who drove into me? Maybe this guy wasn't insured to drive the car? Also, I noticed the back bumper of the taxi was hanging down, and was secured by a seat belt tied round it. Don't taxis have to conform to strict legal obligations as to the state of the cab - was this cab roadworthy in this condition? I've asked my insurance for a copy of the driving license photo of the claimant to make sure it's the same guy, but they have refused to provide it. Any advice?
  7. Hi, My 9yo son was injured on holiday and my travel insurer wants to use a solicitor for the personal injury claim that happens to be part of a group which also collects debt and I have had some dealings with. Can anybody tell me, if this solicitor secures compensation for my son's injury, if the company can then retain it against my debts? Many thanks in advance! rune
  8. Hi All I need help re clarification of the above I have started a civil court action against my housing association landlord I did send a LBA They did not response They have now responded that I breached the Pre Protocol procedure re disrepair Does anyone know what this means I have already sent my N1 form plus documentations to the court thanks
  9. Good morning, A friend of mine has a personal injury case against a bus company after driver took wrong route and hit a bollard whilst reversing to get back on route. - Bus company have admitted liability. The solicitor (well legal executive) acting for my friend requested a rheumatologist assess my friend because she suffers from a condition called hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome (hEDS) which causes constant debilitating pain and can cause small injuries or trauma to last for ages Anyway, this "expert" appeared not to know too much about her condition and has referred to out of date materials when talking about the hEDS, and also fibromyalgia, calling the fibro "neuropsychiatric not rheumatic" He has focused on the childhood depression and previous work problems (bullying but not mentioned this is why she left) and my friend feels like he is focusing on irrelevant issues and wonders if she can disagree to this being put in. The whole report practically makes her look mentally unstable, even though depression and anxiety are a symptom of hEDS from a very young age. I have helped her find current criteria on both hEDS, fibro, and also widespread chronic pain, which she also dx with at same time but not mentioned once in his report. Her solicitor is harder than a slippery pig to get hold of and my friend is looking to change representation, but I think she really needs to address this report before making any decision. So, my question is this please experts, Does the medical report need to include this information about her past job and depression which she feels doesn't really have a bearing on her case because she is claiming for the pain and inconvenience she has suffered since the accident. I have said that in my opinion it would need to be added because she has since had to leave her job. But I have promised to help her so will try to find out for sure. I know the info I have written is scanty, but this is the best I can do without disclosing too much. Many thanks guys.
  10. In May 2015 my friend's neighbour fitted a new steel railings at the front of her house. The railings were welded up by her father, so owner of property has vicarious liability. The railings form the boundary between her property and the pavement and there was no barrier sheilding the public from the flash of the welding arc or the metal fragments from the grinder used to tidy up the welds. well, you guessed it, my eyes were caught by the welding flash and suffered retinal burns in both eyes and pitting to both eyes from the metal fragments .Very painful. Attended A&E, got treatment and antibiotic for the infection from the metal fragments. Cleared up within a week. The paintwork and windsreen of my car was also showered with hot metal fragments. Sorted out the paintwork myself, but the windscreen is covered in tiny pits. Noticable and distracting when driving into the sun. Written LBA to owner of property but no response. Told owner at the time, response was to go forth and multiply. Time to sort this out before three years is up. Medical report of examination obtained from A&E visit in 2015. Prob is, I'm in N.Ireland and defendent is in England. Need a little advice on N1 claim form. Do you need to include full POC with N1 or a brief outline with full details and evidence included at Allocation stage?
  11. Hi, Last year in May I badly hurt my ankle. It was massively swollen and bruised (I can upload a picture if required). I had damaged my right ligaments in the past and had gone to the hospital and been told just to rest it for a few days. With this in mind, I did not go to hospital for 4 days assuming it was just ligament damage. However, after 4 days the pain was much greater than previous + was much more swollen and bruised. I decided I would go to hospital. Note, I was able to limp on it, but not put much weight at all on it. I went to Accident and Emergency and because it had been 4 days, I was subjected to 'Triage' and a Nurse gave me a lookover. I told her I believed I had fractured it as well as ligament damage. She claimed because I could put some weight on it, it was very unlikely to be a fracture and decided that I did not need an X-Ray. She advised me to go home and rest it. Over the next few months my ankle was in agony daily, I struggled to put proper weight on it for about 4 months and could not do any sport for 7 months. Even after this, I could not properly participate in sports and stopped after a few weeks. I still had pain in the ankle (even when lying still and sleeping, it would be sore after walking for 5 minutes etc) After 11 months of pain, I decided to go private to get the issue fixed. I was given a procedure to repair the ligaments and during this procedure, there was 5mm of bone snapped off in my ankle (the fracture I had suspected). Now, if I had been given the X-Ray when I went to A&E this fracture would have been spotted and I could have received the correct treatment at the time and would not have had to have a year of agony and being unable to enjoy sports. Does anyone think that I have a case? This is my ankle at the time I went to hospital I'm not sure the photo has worked, I do not have enough posts to post a link to it either. Hopefully this has attached now Ankle.pdf
  12. Hi All I had a trip/slip over 4 years ago with the offending council admitting liability immediately. The case dragged on due to the fact that my legal team changed three or four times and a lot of time was wasted. Eventually a competent solicitor was appointed and an agreement was made to settle the claim (we were due in court on the 2nd June) on the 24th March 2017. A time frame was given of 4-6 weeks but usually much sooner than that. It is now the 18th May and I have not received my money, I have called and emailed my solicitor every day this week and have had no response. He forwarded me an email from the other side stating the cheque will be with us 'very soon' over a week ago. Still nothing. I called the other sides solicitor yesterday from the information forwarded to me and he has not called me back nor acknowledged my call. I am at a loss at what to do now. Why would they settle and not pay out. Any ideas where I go from here as I cannot afford to jeopardise nor delay my payment any longer. I am on the verge of missing out on a business opportunity and also a holiday that I booked on the strength of the money being with me at the end of the 6 weeks. Thanks in advance
  13. Hello All, I have an annual membership with British Military Fitness which was taken via Salary deduction through my company via third party provider GYMFLEX. I trained with BMF for 2 months but had an injury on 1st of March in my left ligament and have not been able to train since. I wrote to my company HR as advised by GYMFLEX , along with recommendation from my physio for 3 month no boot camps that BMF provides since its not a GYM but boot camp setup only in outdoor parks, and the response sent back is as follows. 'Thanks for your patience whilst we looked into this for you. This has been raised to the gym and I'm afraid they are not willing to authorise a cancellation in these circumstances. When you signed up to the benefit you confirmed that you understood it is a non-cancellable 12-month membership and there are no exceptional circumstances in this instance for us to go outside of the standard terms and conditions.' I have looked up GYMFLEX website and they do mention that it can be cancelled if the GYM agrees as noted below 3.4 NON-CANCELLABLE MEMBERSHIP Your GymFlex Membership is a non-cancellable 12 month membership. In certain circumstances, and in line with your chosen GymFlex Gym’s own Terms and Conditions it may be possible to upgrade, suspend or terminate a membership. This process is subject to a written request by your Employer and a Process Fee of £25 is applied by Incorpore Limited. In the event a refund is agreed by the GymFlex Gym, Incorpore will pass on the entire refund received by the GymFlex Gym, less the £25 process fee and the Initial Set Up Fee. But the GYM which in this case is BMF which doesn't have an annual membership and hence no terms and conditions either They have a 6 month membership offer in which T&C mention that in case of injury, membership can be cancelled. (i) Cancellation for medical reasons, relocation or redundancy We may allow you to cancel your membership before the end of the minimum term if you have been a member and: Have a medical condition that stops you from attending classes Relocate more than 20 minutes drive from any of our venues (as measured by AA Route Planner) Are made redundant Can you kindly advise how I should proceed to take this further. Having attended only 2 months, I will loose more than 200£ in this. Thank You Sunny
  14. Hi Elderly relative slipped on food produce on supermarket floor. Very bad fall. Immediately other customers came to help and they called over a store assistant to assist. This assistant then put up one of the yellow "danger slippery surface" signs. Relative had the presence of mind to use telephone to photograph what slipped on and the injury. After a while relative managed to get up/ drive home and then go to the doctor. Its a rural quite old-fashioned GP and they told relative to come back if injury gets worse (ie they were very busy and kind of couldn't deal with this type of complaint) 1 month later the bruising has subsided but the injury is still bad; causing problems. A possible fracture? Needs an x-ray to verify. In the meantime relative had been expecting a call from the local branch to check injury ok - but never received any call. So relative instead wrote to the head office of supermarket and complained. The head office replied quite swiftly advising relative to return to the local branch for compensation: which turned out to be a bunch of flowers and a cheque for a nominal (tiny) value. Given relative is elderly and vulnerable I am of the opinion that the flowers/tiny cheque value is a 'fob off'. Lots of elderly would be very happy with such "gifts". But relative is still in pain and may even have a fracture (can update on this after hospital) so I am wondering if we should write and thank them for the flowers and the cheque - but we are considering making an injury claim against them. Is this how it works? See how they reply to such a letter from relative? Or just go straight to a lawyer to handle this issue?
  15. I've never done this before so please bear with me if I provide too little, or too much, information. In December my Parent's hot water cylinder sprung a leak, they had home care with British Gas so called them out. An engineer came that night to drain the tank and another engineer came the next day to do the repair. The work they completed was done, to our limited knowledge, correctly. However, the second engineer failed to store the loft ladder away properly - he failed to insert the locking pin to prevent the ladders from sliding apart. When my Father opened the loft access panel the following week, one of the ladders rapidly descended hitting him in the face before hitting the wall (damages to his person, spectacles, wall, picture,etc). My father is 82 and having had a stroke less than a year prior to this date had no intentions of going into the loft, he was opening the panel for me (as at 5'3" I couldn't reach it). I inspected the ladder and it didn't appear to have been damaged in any way, but the only way I could examine its moorings was to climb the ladder itself to look at the fitting in the loft. Unfortunately, whilst I was climbing the ladder (before I could see where the ladder was fitted) : it buckled and completely collapsed taking me with it. I landed flat on my back on the ladder - luckily I got away with only bruising, a concussion and whiplash (although it damage some items I had on my person). Originally we contacted British Gas to let them know what had happened in the hope of preventing it from happening to someone else who wouldn't be as lucky as I was (the hospital advised I was lucky not to have broken my neck). The attitude of those my Parents' spoke to at British Gas soon changed this opinion. At no point in their communication did British Gas return any telephone calls, and on top of this my Parents' were told that they could only contact the person dealing with their complaint, to whom they were only provided a mobile phone number as a point of contact (my parents are both in their 80's and although they have a mobile it is viewed as for emergencies, which left them calling from a landline at great expense). A letter was supposedly sent but was never received, even when resent (we eventually got it by email). In fact, no one paid any attention to my parents complaint until my Mother asked them what would have happened if it had been their engineer that fell, instead of me. British Gas have now referred this to their legal team, who have stated that my Father is liable for my injury's as he should have gone up the ladder to check it was safe for me to use (even though he is 82 and suffering with balance issues as a result of his stroke). They also state that there were 2 engineers present when the ladder was put away and that they stored it correctly. Firstly, there was only one engineer assigned to the job and present when the ladder was put away - two other engineers did visit the property earlier in the day to deliver parts but neither was in attendance when the ladder was stored away. Additionally, we still have the damaged loft ladder in the garage and, even in its damaged state, when the locking pin is inserted it cannot open on its own. Can anyone provide some advise on where we stand with this as it is making my Parents I'll with the worry.
  16. As a self-litigant after almost seven years of ongoing PI claim for PSTD which was initially for 40k. My barrister took over my case 2years ago and elevated my claim to 90k. We had two days hearing. I prepared the bundle and delivered personally to his office a week before the date. I asked for his skeleton argument, he replied, that is my own side, I will deal with it. Hearing date the defendant barrister handed his skeleton argument to my barrister my barrister said he didn’t know he had to do one. He borrowed my Ipad and held the court for 1.5 hrs pretext of negotiating. Yes, there was negotiating but only took 5 minutes. The judge rubbish his skeleton argument and he look like idiot when he was asked to comment on the defence case law. I gave her my legal cost for 13k for her to give copy to defendant and the judge. He took it, saying not now, ‘we have not won the case yet.’ Before the hearing defendant offered 12k settlement because they believed that the case was worth 5k. My barrister said it was too low. After the first day hearing which went very bad for the defendant., I asked my barrister to push for more and reluctantly for my barrister the defendant offered 20k, my barrister said no he would get at least 40k for the claim My Barrister won his case and was awarded 5K . I quickly told him to slip my schedule of cost in for the judge to sort it out since he has not prepared one for himself instead he was cherry picking my legal cost. By reading over to the judge. Total pay with cost 7k while I have legal cost of almost 15k for this case. We are still within the week of the decision, can I re-present my cost or go after the barrister. I have waited 7years for this case .
  17. Hey folks, need some advice. Hubby had a motorcycle accident last November. Was hospitalised and had surgery. 5 months off work with only SSP. We got through that. We had a witness and the police prosecuted the driver for driving without due care and attention. That went to court in June last year. Hubby had 12m review with surgeon yesterday and has to have further surgery in 3 weeks, meaning more time off work. Our solicitor is telling us that the other parties insures have not responded to their push for admission of liability. Court proceedings were allegedly served in September this year as they hadn't admitted or denied liability and we still have no response. We have asked about an interim payment, but have had nothing . We have been told we cannot get one unless the other side admit liability. We cannot afford for him to have further time off work as he only gets SSP! Is this right? Surely if the driver has been prosecuted it's pretty cut and dried and the driver's insurance company should have at least responded?? Thanks:|
  18. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice please. I was off on long term sick from work four years ago. I was asked to come into work for a sickness case conference and while I was at the meeting a traumatic event occurred which resulted in serious mental health issues and me recently being diagnosed with PTSD. I wanted to check if I would be able to put a claim in for Industrial Injury Benefit as I was off sick at the time. Also should my employers have logged this officially anywhere Thanks
  19. Hi A friend told me about these forums and in desperation thought I would turn to here to see if I can be advised what's best. I work alone with my boss, there is only the 2 of us. Early 2016 I was asked to push a broken down car. Next day when I got up I could hardly move with pain and have been signed off since then. I have since been diagnosed with a prolapsed disc and severe sciatica which is absolute agony so say the least. I can barely do anything and am facing surgery to try and help it. I have a personal claim going on and my boss insurer has admitted liability. I have been in receipt of personal accident sickness but as it is a fraction of what my wage is, I am now in severe financial trouble. I am about to lose my car over all of this. The past few months my employer is now saying there is nothing wrong with me and accusing me of fraud despite the proof I have with my diagnosis. He is withholding my payments I have only had since September. I was very scared of this guy, he used to make sexual advances to me and wrote a letter telling me to get my t*ts out to make sales if I have to. He told me the day after to burn the letter but something deep down told me to keep it which I did. He touched me on several occasions too. I needed the job and had financial commitments and was scared of him, it was not as easy as simply pack in as I am a single parent and depended on my wage to keep a roof over my sons head. He is making life extremely difficult for me by keeping back my payments I am due and I barely have enough to eat. The solicitor who is dealing personal claim for injury has told me there is no case against him for harrasment and that I would lose so I do not know what to do or where to turn. Can anyone please help me or advise me of what I should or can do? Many thanks
  20. hi Our child was involved in an accident and the case has got a date in the county court.the other driver crashed into our car when he was drunk,then got out and seen the damage he had caused,jumped back in his car and drove off. Now the drunk was never charged for been drunk or leaving the scene,even though the police were called.the drunk river now says it was only 2mph crash,even though damage to our car was £3000. Will our child have to give evidence or what actually happens in the county court??? will the judge look t the evidence himself and make a decision? is the court room going to be full of people or just the parties involved?
  21. Last month a work man from my Housing association repair agent hit my door hard to cause injury to my shoulder. He saw that I was disabled. I did not let him into my flat as I did complain about his previous conduct and was told that he will not return. He has left me with a nervous disposition and injury. I live in fear and hightened anxiety. My housing asociation has not bothered to write or call to apologise for what happened to me My damaged keys as a result has not being repaired Also, I cannot live peacefully in my home owing to very loud drilling noise by their builders. I was not informed in advance of these works which has been going on since summer I asked them before to let me know how long thwe works will go on for so that I can make arrangements to remove myself from my home is I am disabled These has been ignored It feels as if they do not care really I have no relationship with my housing officer What do I do Can I take them to court? I gather that Housing Act 1988 and under duty of care to tenants landlord should inform tenants in advance of any work that will go on for months and would result in very loud drilling causing anuisance to their tenants Does anyone know about these and social housing landlord and their duty to thier tenants? Many thanks indeed
  22. Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) This is my disability and is widely ignored. Why? I have no idea. I have a short video now uploaded to the well known site here >> Credit to Brain Injury forum for the video. A big thank-you, as this short video shows what can affect us and how misunderstood we are. Please enjoy and try to understand we are normal but have trouble being understood. This made me smile today, this made me sad today . This made me cry today as well!!! This is me in a nutshell, but... I take the time to help others more able bodied than myself, please help us to help you too..... To understand the complexities of being disabled... You might not see it, you may not hear it, but.... we are who we are and that is a person, that has feeling and wants too... We need help just like you but sometimes we are known as 'spongers' and much more a label we don't want/need or like. I am very much misunderstood now you can see why!
  23. Hi all I need some general advice, or just someone to help with throwing some thoughts and ideas around. Trying to cut a long story short, i work as a mobile engineer for a firm travelling and repairing all over the UK. Back in October i was seriously injured in a freak accident (not at work i should point out!) and was hospitalised for weeks with several operations on my legs carried out. I have been signed off sick ever since then. My wounds are now healed over and scars are healing up slowly thankfully. But i still struggle to kneel down, need a handrail to use stairs and chances of climbing ladders are not great right now due to my scarred legs, and no idea how well my legs will take to hours of driving a day. My doctors have now said no more sick notes as i am able to work again, but need to take it easy on my legs, My employer says that my job hasn't got any "light work" and is naturally demanding on my legs and they will need me to carry out all of my duties if i am to return to work. So you see my catch 22 situation. Part of me wants to resign as i am not able to carry out the job at full fitness right now, and to be honest would like to get away from the firm anyway as they not been very helpful or supportive at all. But of course if i resign i have no chance of any benefits etc whilst i search for a more suitable local job. Or would i, as essentially my inability and hence resignation has been caused by injuries. On the flip side the firm wont fire me or lay me off as they would be worried to be seen to be unfair etc. And the doctors wont sign me off anymore as they see me walking about (albeit limping) and assess me "fit" for the workplace! Im truly stuck and no idea where to turn. I cant go back to work as not able to carry out duties fully to firms wishes, cant claim sick pay or benefits as wont have sick notes from doctors and yet of course i have Rent, bills and life to pay for. So if anybody can shed some light and help please? Where would i stand benefit wise if i resigned and claimed that i had to as unable to fulfil my role due to injuries? I am of course looking for new work locally and less physical but of course that is taking time. Or can i somehow appeal against GP not signing me off as i clearly not fit my "my" particular job? Thanks all
  24. I broke my ankle at work in 2004, Due to medical negligence was forced to walk on said ankle for 5 years whilst still broken, so then needed multiple operations to address this, which never accomplished anything and will be on painkillers for the rest of my life and am unable to work due to this. Question 1) Can I still claim for this as it has been over 12 years. Question 2) if I was stopping in the isle of wight at a hotel for work, and I sustained the injury after work hours, but was only on the isle of wight to work, can I still claim iib for the injury? Thank you
  25. Hi not sure if its possible to get advice on the following, but have used this website for debt issues over the years and advice has been invaluable, so hoping we can get some more advice re an injury claim. My hubby has popped and torn the ligaments and bicep in his right arm, this happened when he was at work (new job) he had to lift a very heavy trolley full of solid wheel rims over a lip to get them into the spray booth for painting. When it happened he was in agony of course and when he told the boss he was struggling to get the trolleys over and maybe installing some sort of ramp, he was told to "man up and just deal with it". It is now affecting his everyday living whereby he cannot lift anything even small things like taking a plate out of the cupboard can be painful. He has been to see gp who has said unfortunately there is not much that can be done and his body will learn to adapt, he is also going to physio so they can show him how to start using his right arm again. He has had to use his right arm all the time and comes home in agony as he cannot afford to take time off etc. Anyway the gp also asked if he had had any manual handling training, which he had not, and then asked if he had made a claim as he did have grounds for claiming as its is most definitely affecting this quality of life where he cannot even do simple things like mowing the grass, taking out the rubbish, more or less anything that involves using his right arm. Are there any companies you can suggest that we should contact that won't charge and arm and a leg (sorry for the pun!!!) so we can go ahead and start the claim process as it was definitely wrong the way he was treated and how they still expected him to work even after telling them he had hurt his arm. Sharon
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