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Found 13 results

  1. Hi My partner and I got into a lot of debt after we became self employed in 2004. When things got bad we kept the company from going under by using personal credit cards. Credit was easy to come by; we had one credit card (MBNA) with a 20k limit, as well as several others. Following a heart attack in 2006 I had a Critical Illness insurance payout, and used much of the 47k to pay off some of the larger debts. However, when the credit crunch of 2008 occurred, business suffered and the debts piled up again. We took out a DMP in 2012, costing £50 month in fees and paying our creditors £5pm, and £20pm to HMRC for Tax Credit over payments. Total monthly bill £150. I have been reading the CAG debt forums recently and this has given me the confidence to cease paying the DMP company and have a go at dealing with our debt myself. I have SAR'd the DMP and hope you can help me going forward.
  2. Hi All I need help re clarification of the above I have started a civil court action against my housing association landlord I did send a LBA They did not response They have now responded that I breached the Pre Protocol procedure re disrepair Does anyone know what this means I have already sent my N1 form plus documentations to the court thanks
  3. Took a fixture out of it's packet and didn't pay for it when I bought other items of shopping at a national DIY chain. Was stopped at the exit by 2 staff. One wearing shop attire,the other plainclothes. I was asked and immediately admitted the theft. The uniformed staff asked me to come into the store. He took me to pay for the item with the packet I had discarded. I paid at the card self service point. He then asked me for photo ID but I only had my bank card. He accepted this after the other plainclothes staff indicated it was OK. He seemed to take a photo of the card with a phone. He then asked me to come to the booth so he could take a photo of me with the phone. He didn't ask for my address or any other details. I asked him where the photo went and he said ' crime line'. I said what's that and he said not to worry, that's it, you're fine to go.. I think he could see I wasn't quite with it. After this he said I was fine to go. I said I was sorry for being a fool and he said don't worry we all get tempted. It was all quite odd. .I'm not in the best state of mind due to redundancy, no excuse for theft. . my head isn't quite all there...so wasn't asking the right questions at the time. I presuming that I wasn't allowed to just pay for the item and there is no more consequences? Are there further ramifications? ..and what is crime line? Plus it looked like he was using a mobile phone for his photos ..like his own mobile. .i know this sounds laughable but that can't be correct can it?
  4. I have just watched the 2nd part of this highly emotional and very worthwhile project. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p035vdwv http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/
  5. This is just so easy - a few moments work. Take a fresh 4pt flagon of semi skimmed milk, at the same time as you buy a tub of skimmed Greek style yoghurt. Decant ca cup of milk and save for other use. Top up the space with ca 1/2 tub of yoghurt TIP mix together in a jug first with equal amount of milk to make a smooth easy pour cream. Put cap back on and shake vigorously for a minute, loosen cap very slightly to let out any gases produced. Place in a warm space >25C Put in refrigerator and thats it - brill and so much better for you You have enough to make another 4 pts. I can keep mine for up to 3 weeks of daily use. Google Acidified Milk, it was an old way to preserve milk before fridges
  6. A surge in the number of people representing themselves in court has prompted legal organisations to draft guidelines for lawyers who come up against people who find themselves in court without legal representation. The guidelines have been developed by the Bar Council, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) and the Law Society in response to the rising numbers of people representing themselves in court without a lawyer as a result of cuts to legal aid, the increase in the small-claims limit and the introduction of employment tribunal fees. The practical guidelines are relevant to the civil and family courts and tribunals where there has been an influx of people who cannot afford to instruct a lawyer, have not been able to obtain free legal advice and often have no alternative other than to embark on 'do it yourself' justice. The guidelines discuss how far lawyers can help unrepresented people without this conflicting with their duties to their own clients. Lawyers are advised to communicate clearly and avoid technical language or legal jargon, or to explain jargon to the unrepresented party where it cannot be avoided. The guidelines are available to download below. Litigants in person: guidelines for lawyers (PDF 387kb) Litigants in person – guidelines for lawyers: Notes for litigants in person (PDF 116 kb) Litigants in person – guidelines for lawyers: Notes for clients (PDF 117 kb) A selection of relevant cases: June 2015 (PDF 109kb)
  7. I have just watched this programme - All this guy wanted was a downstairs toilet so that he could have some dignity - at the time of making the programme, the local council were still making up their minds whether or not to provide this for him. Shocking. What an amazing transformation though Nick Knowles, his team , local tradesmen and the whole community came together to give this man his life back and provide him and his family with a brighter future. I am unable to put the link because it contains part of a banned word.. so for the full story google.. DIY SOS: The Big Build on BBC1 tonight with Nick Knowles helping Mo Morris in Maidstone
  8. My wife parked in a LA car park and as the 2 machines weren't working and she just needed to "pop into the shop" she did just that and came back to a ticket. Nothing weird about that but... This was more of a home made ticket! Nice bright yellow box with "Penalty Charge Notice" and "Do not ignore" on the front and on the back, all handwritten... Reg £130 fine for further details or to make any other complaints or inquiries Please contact 0800731732 ticket issues under traffic section 69 WARDENID: PC10D75 I know there is nothing illegal about handwriting (or possibly even spelling/tense mistakes), but what's the current wisdom on these things? Wait for a letter? Thanks all
  9. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/11451963.Police_tell_crime_victims_to_carry_out_their_own_investigations__watchdog_says/?ref=rss
  10. Rightway DIY has retails stores in North England. About 5 months ago, I purchased a lot of items from Rightway DIY. The staff working at that time were very helpful. Two of my purchases were halogen heaters. After about 5 or 6 weeks, I could start to smell 'electrical burning' in the house. I called an electrician who came out as an emergency. The electrician immediately smelt the burning and began testing the electrics. The electrician found the source of the burning electrical smell. The burning electrical smell was coming from the halogen heaters. In addition to this, the plastic casing at the back of the heater was burnt with some small parts melted away. After this incident, I returned to the store. I purchased a more expensive heater and agreed to return the halogen heaters at a later time. I did not keep the receipts since the staff members knew me as I was a regular shopper at the store. It was agreed that I could return the heaters at a later time and take other goods. Upon returning the heaters this week, it transpires that there is a new team of staff and I was told that I needed receipts - DESPITE the arrangements that were made with previous staff. I left the 2 halogen heaters in the store and was told by the staff that they would be thrown in the bin. I replied to the staff that I am rejecting the goods under the Sales Of Goods Act and that I will not be taking them with me. I also informed Rightway that I am leaving the goods for inspection and in my opinion a product recall should be started since halogen heaters with plastic that burns with heat is clearly a dangerous product. Since Rightway DIY have told me that I need receipts, I said that I could prove my purchase through bank statements. Rightway DIY said that it was their store policy for receipts only. I replied that whilst it may be their store policy, unfortunately they have to adhere to UK legislation and a receipt is not required as proof of purchase. I wanted Rightway DIY to either refund my money, give me a credit note etc - since I needed to spend more money within their store. Rightway DIY refused to do this. I would have been happy with the £20 (or cost of halogen heaters) to be deducted from my next bill at the store. However, due to a changeover of staff and a store policy that was not implemented on my previous shops there, I will no longer be shopping at those stores. It is now my intention to pursue Rightway DIY legally. I intend to claim back the cost of the 2 halogen heaters in addition to the cost of the electrician who had to attend as an emergency callout. I realise that I am entitled to the money as a refund but am not so sure in claiming the money for the electrician. I attribute the cost of the electrician to the faulty dangerous products sold by Rightway DIY. Can I claim back the cost of the electrician from Rightway DIY? Also, Rightway DIY now has my 2 halogen heaters, both with the same fault, both with plastic that burns! As far as I know, Rightway DIY have made no attempt in placing a product recall for the dangerous items they have sold. Thanks in advance for any help!
  11. ok kids have got a 12ft pool, its about 6,000 ltrs it takes a LONG time to heat (outside tap is on hotwater system) ive had a madcap idea that im going to try and build over the week and im looking for views/advice/derisment the current idea is - i have an old unused bbq that i ussually burn old paperwork in. i have several old lengths of hose, and can get hold of some copper piping the current idea is length of hose over side of pool, going to a drill pump (attached to smallish 6v or 3.7v motor), another length of hose going into about 1.5m of copper tubing, this copper tubing will be coiled inside of the closed lid of the old bbq, this then feeds out converting to another length of hose connected to the water inlet valve on the pool the idea is that the water will be drawn out of 1 tube, fed through the piping inside the hot bbq, then fed back in through the standered inlet so as to heat that bit faster namely seen as the pool heater advertised as ok for this pool is 4kw and would eat electric and i have several old bags of charcoal/coal hanging around to use up the current idea for joining hosepipe to copper pipe is - 12mm copper pipe, 12mm internal diamiter of hosepipe, smear copper pipe in rubber solution and insert into hosepipe and pray a seal is made any improvements on this idea would be welcome idea 2 is the same as idea one but with a copper pipe going around the outside of the pool with several holes drilled in to let hot water into several areas idea 3 is a small airfan on the base of the bbq to feed air in and get closed bbq alot hotter again help guidance or simply pure fear would help
  12. I placed a significant order £300+ on Saturday morning. Instructions were that contact would be made within 24 hours to discuss delivery times. 5 days passed and all day yesterday I sat trying to get some telephone assistance but stayed in the "busy high call volumes" for 3 hours. Finally called corporate HQ and spoke to someone. 1 hour later a woman phoned and said delivery date would be 5th September which is way over the guidelines on the online booking info. I explained that this was not acceptable and the woman went away returning in 20 minutes saying she was trying to talk to the delivery department. I asked her to email with a sooner date she agreed within the hour, no email was received. Be aware that using this service could make you an angry person
  13. I've been looking at miss sold mortgages do most people go to a firm with no win no fee or go to a solicitor or DIY themselve? I first purchased my property from my local council through my bank on a right to buy. I took out a loan with my present company secured on the property 6 months later this same company sent out with regards remortgages by letter. They offered a self certified mortgage with a fixed rate for 3 years,consolidated some loans and released money for home improvements,It had early redemption figures added to it if I sold my property within 3 years.It has a redemption fee of 250.00 if the house is sold.Added into it is the completion fee as well as the Legal Fee. On the application only loans/credit cards show as any financial status no household out goings.On the mortgage illustration and offer it states that 'The terms of this mortgage reflect past or present financial difficulties'. They sent out letters stating that they might of miss sold the mortgage.Then later on they seemed to want people to move their mortgages to their Business Partner.They stopped lending sometime later which they never told me about so when I had difficulties they couldn't offer me anything else. I'm tied in by the interest rates which are linked to the Libor rates which are 9.44%.They'll never go down only up.The mortgage also goes past the retirement age.
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