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  1. Hi I have two ex Santander debts - £4k loan / £1400 cc which were in a Step Change DMP that ended in 2016. These debts are now being chased by Westcot. I received a letter for one of the debts on Saturday, and today Westcot have started calling me. I have not responded yet. I am aware of how aggressive Westcot are, Ive had previous dealings with them. The debts themselves are from around 2011. The letter from Westcot states they are looking for an 'affordable' payment plan. No mention of court has been stipulated yet. I really do not want to have to deal with Westcot again, as they made my life a misery last time. They have given me 10 days to respond. Would it be better to write to Santander instead? Or should I request that Westcot send me proof they can chase the debt? Many thanks in advance for any help. RJW
  2. Hi. Been paying Stepchange for over a year now. Various Credit Card + overdraft debts totalling just over £30k. I will be in a position to clear them next year if I can get F&F acceptance at around 35%. Should I also be seeking to obtain CCA's to see if the debts are enforceable and also look at unfair charges etc on the overdraft (Santander) Also possible unfair charges on original account when it was A&L
  3. My husband at 55 has just been diagnosed with young onset dementia, he has £52k in unsecured debt in a DMP and we have mortgage arrears I have been managing for several years as he was being treated for anxiety and depression, I assume caused by the mis-management of our family finances ( a seperate issue), something that only came to light after he was made redundant in 2012. My question is how to move forward - I am unable to pay these debts (in his name) as I only work part time and have no idea how much longer I will be able to do this with his diagnosis and need for care and he has not been able to claim benefits during most of this period as the dwp declared him fit to work twice - he received esa for the assessment phase and despite support from GP he was declared fit to work. when he applied a second time he was advised he did not have enough contributions - vicious circle. I have much to deal with moving forward but would appreciate advice on the debt above- unsecured. I have spoken to the debt management company who advised I should contact the debtors myself. I am in the process of obtaining an LPA financial.
  4. Hi Guys Sorry Ive been meaning to get to this but have just not had the time. I am looking for some help on some debts that i have, things are getting out of hand and i feel i can no longer manage them. I was looking at a DMP but one of the other guys on here said to set up a thread before i go down that route. I'll start off by listing the debts i have and with who and then see what you think. Creditors: Aqua Credit Card: 475 (25 in arrears) Barclaycard: 450 Capital One card: 450 DRS Ardent Credit: 375 Lending stream: 847 LLoyds Credit Card: 1200 LLoyds Overdraft: 1200 Lowell Financial: 3371 On Stride Financial: 1154 (this is increasing) Satsuma: 1033 (also increasing) Sunny: 403 Vanquis: 1100 Mr Lender: 1000 Moneybox: 200 SafetyNet: 750 Even typing this out makes me feel worse
  5. Hi, I’ve been on a DMP with StepChange for 10 years and have never missed a payment. I still owe 12k but have been offered 5k by a relative. What are my chances of getting this accepted as a full and final settlement? The companies and amounts involved are two accounts owing 5k to PRA, one with 1400 to Link and one with 700 to Westcott. Only the Link debt shows up on my credit file. Advice appreciated thanks.
  6. Evening Peeps, newbie here. I used to be a member a long time ago and found the info on here very helpful. So thankyou ! I have now got a clean bill of health on my credit score, but still owe debts to various DCA's. My question is - can a DCA still try and issue a CCJ, even after say 8 years of the original default account ( notice of default has been isssued ) - my accounts have ALL dropped of the various CRA's as they all defaulted many years ago ( over six years ago ) - I am still paying them via a DMP. To summarise all debts are over 8 years old now. And I am still paying them. They just dont appear on my Credit Reference Agencies. Are these debts still enforceable in a court of law ? Lets assume than none of the DCA's have the original CCA's ? Thanks for any info, will be much appreciated, but cannot find this information, having trawled the forums. Big love and respect ! x
  7. Hi My partner and I got into a lot of debt after we became self employed in 2004. When things got bad we kept the company from going under by using personal credit cards. Credit was easy to come by; we had one credit card (MBNA) with a 20k limit, as well as several others. Following a heart attack in 2006 I had a Critical Illness insurance payout, and used much of the 47k to pay off some of the larger debts. However, when the credit crunch of 2008 occurred, business suffered and the debts piled up again. We took out a DMP in 2012, costing £50 month in fees and paying our creditors £5pm, and £20pm to HMRC for Tax Credit over payments. Total monthly bill £150. I have been reading the CAG debt forums recently and this has given me the confidence to cease paying the DMP company and have a go at dealing with our debt myself. I have SAR'd the DMP and hope you can help me going forward.
  8. I'm starting up a DMP through Payplan and natwest is one of my creditors. I have given payplan all the correct details in terms of account numbers,addresses etc but natwest are saying that the information payplan have given them is incorrect so they can’t provide a balance on the account, the details they hold are different. They have asked if I call into a branch. I don't really want to do this as I don't see the need to, other than to confirm to them that I am now dealing with payplan. Will they want me to have a sit down with them? That is not going to happen.
  9. Hi all I have been on a DMP for 12 years. I have inherited a little money and want to clear down the remaining debt. I have written to all the creditors and made offers of approx 30% of the outstanding amount split proportionately between them. The total outstanding is £7500 and allocated funds are £2500. I could be pushed to clear in full if I had to, without borrowing, but would rather clear for significantly less. I have so far received one reply from Cabot, the largest of the debts, refusing my offer, and suggesting I pay £3856 to clear. I've listed below the debts and where they came from etc. All defaulted in 2005. What are my options? 1 - do nothing until all creditors reply 2 - make a slightly increased counter offer 3 - continue to pay till end of plan 4 - any other ideas Creditor Debt Full and Final Offer made Cabot (egg loan) £4,820.27 £1,662.23 NCO (Alliance & Leicester CC) £1,464.41 £504.99 Fredrickson (Capital One CC) £829.88 £286.18 Link (Egg CC) £135.15 £46.60 Thanks very much in advance
  10. I'm into a DMP about 6 yrs now and through here have realised I've been cash cowed by a couple of the pre 2007 one's One card has not been part of the plan for some reason, never been paid and is on the cusp of Statute barring and I likely won't hear from them due to a CCA request thanks to you guys...now for the rest of them to be CCA'd Two stupid questions : Obviously part payments have been appearing on my records due to DMP but the original 5 yr old defaults will possibly drop off next September ...... is this correct? Like most I want to increase credit scores for some future plans, If I don't pay anymore .....will my scores begin to increase post September or will having made payments screw me up for another 6 yrs?
  11. Sorry if this is long winded, will try to get all info here on 1st attempt 5 x creditors total outstanding approx. 46K Barclays loan with Cabot – debt purchased by Cabot Barclays overdraft with Barclays Recovery – debt still with Barclays Store card with Cabot – this one is clear, see below Mint card with Westcot – not sure if bought or just being collected Barclaycard with Mercers – not sure if bought or just being collected Store card with Lowell – not sure if bought or just being collected All were in default but now expired (2016) on credit report, which is going in right direction. Entered DMP with Financial Atlantic (FA) approx. 2008, paying £150 pm across all creditors, have been model client and paying regular. During this year’s DMP review, it was clear that FA would not entertain any CCA requests and would only negotiate F&F at rate of 40%, plus there 10% charge on savings made. After checking forums, I decided to go for CCA requests myself, letters sent 1 week ago, Cabot already replied for the store card debt and will no longer pursue the debt as cannot obtain CCA, £3.3K gone. I asked FA to hold all payments to creditors pending CCA replies, they have now advised my DMP account will be cancelled and to continue discussions myself with creditors, I guess they saw what I was doing and wanted no part of it. FA will write to creditors advising plan is cancelled. My option, as I see it, is await for CCA results, if no CCA, debt unenforceable, ignore, if CCA, then maybe go for F&F starting at very low figure, I am guessing for bought debt, I have paid more than the purchase price already, others were only on token payment, duration left for each as per my DMP between 8 and 15 years, one (Barclays loan has 38 years at current payment) I understand these debts cannot be put back onto credit file as once defaulted that’s it, am I correct here? Has anyone done similar, what was result and how should I play this now.
  12. Apologies if this is a regular question ... I took out a series of PayDay loans in Apr-July 2012, rolling over each month with the same company. Eventually I got the bank to issue a new debit card (said I had lost old one) to break the CPA and default the loan. After several difficult phone calls I got them to agree to a DMP where I paid off the loan in £10 installments per month, which I have been doing ever since. Now my credit file lists these payments as against a regular loan - an 'Advance against Income' . The loan is dated as starting the day I failed to pay my rolled over loan, with a complete (though occasionally inaccurate) list of my monthly payments. Regarding the credit listing surely this is not legit and the loan should be marked as defaulted? I had not been concerned too much until recently when I found this is messing up my application for a mortgage (overall my circumstances are better now). I want to get this 'loan' taken off my credit file or at least marked as a default against the original, which would be far less toxic than the current situation. Can anyone comment on the legal situation here and can I quickly force them to mark this as defaulted (around Aug 2012). deed can I make a complaint against the PDL over the rolled over loans, no credit checks taken ( I was in arrears on my Mortgage at the time) even though this is all before the new FCA rules, and include this demand as well? Thanks in advance for any advice, I appreciate your efforts.
  13. Hi all I am after some advice. I am currently on a DMP through Step Change and I have been paying £422 a month for about 3 months now. I am due to inherit some money so I want advice on paying the debts or ‘settling them’ as I have seen in previous posts. Full and final is what I have seen crop up a lot. The balances are as follows; £27,814.00 – Sainsburys Loan showing as ‘1 month late’ on my credit report £2,265.00 – Halifax Overdraft £2,028.13 – Halifax Credit Card £3,826.00 – MBNA Credit Card showing as ‘1 month late’ on my credit report I have seen posts about offering 20% to each firm, can someone point me in the right direction for templates ect. or advise what I they recommend I should do. If I can get them all settled and get myself off the DMP how long will my credit file be effected for? Thanks, Sam
  14. Hi. I'm on a DMP with step change, currently paying back debts of £12k.. received a letter today saying i had broken the agreement on a default notice and now they want paying I'm full the amount I owe them.. . I don't understand why. Currently paying £724 a month..never missed any payments with them. Any help.of ideas. ..im scared about people coming to my door. Can they do this before a court order. .if it gets that far. ..im paying everything im.asked too...
  15. I have just been reading through this thread and found, it is a very similar situation as I have. I entered a dmp in March 2009 and one of the accounts included was an MBNA CC. The account was never defaulted but marked with a dmp marker. The account was paid in full and closed in June 2013, so consequently as no default notice was served the account is still being reported on my credit file. I have contacted Moorgate as they purchased the debt to request the removal of the account and they referred to MBNA who refused to do so. I then raised a complaint with the ICO who advised that although their guidance at the time was that a default notice is served as nominal payments were agreed, they have to use their most up to date guidance and as the account did not meet that criteria they would not do anything further. I have also written to fos who have now replied to say that as the incident took place over 6 years ago they are unable to investigate the matter without MBNA consent, which has been refused. I think my only remaining option is to start legal proceedings under the DPA unless anyone else has any advice?
  16. Looking for advice on this as I have only been made aware of S86D CCA. I have been on a DMP with Payplan for over 6 years. During this time Barclay's have continue to charge interest albeit at reduced rates on my two cards. I don't believe that they ever sent out a notice of arrears for the accounts at any time. With S86D in mind am I right in thinking that they therefore have not been entitled to charge interest. Whilst I have had AP markers for the entire period they have backdated defaults which will mean that they drop off within the next couple of months. I have received monthly statements from Barclays for the cards throughout so does this counteract the requirement for them to provide a notice of arrears. The interest would be sizeable and could wipe out the rest of my DMP which still has 5 months to run. I have found the below advice Arrears notice penalty Of course, when a trader provides credit, he or she accepts that the debtor may default, whether intentionally or not, or knowingly or not. Either way, the creditor is under a duty to provide the debtor with a notice stating that he or she is in arrears and exactly how much money is owed. Section 11 of the CCA 2006 amends the CCA 1974 by inserting a new section - 86D - that sets out the consequences for a creditor if he fails to notify as required by sections 86B or 86C. If the creditor fails to provide a notice when required to do so, then throughout the period of his failure (i.e. from the date that it was required to be given until the end of the day on which it is eventually provided), he is not entitled to enforce the agreement. In addition, the debtor or hirer is not liable to pay any interest that relates to the period of the creditor or owner’s failure,
  17. I was with pdhl I'm now in a worse state than I was b4. I went with a debt company for 3 months can't remember their name and they said they were no longer doing dmp and said.they gave my account to pdhl I was paying 115 a month which was meant to be a 5 year plan. I was paying 15 out to the debt to them once I was with pdhl I was paying 15 like the others company as the honored the contract I stopped receiving emails and all that from pdhl would get a statement every few months after a year I noticed it had gone up from 15 to 25 I was paying I rang pdhl up and they said they would change it back a few month later I noticed it hadn't changed rang back up and they told me I signed a contract I had to pay it a few months after that I got a statement and noticed a month was missing rang up they said it was their administration fee they took one every year and the creditors knew about it I'll cut to the chase in 2015 I found out my plan had gone up to 50 a month them taking out I rang up had a big argument was passed on to one of their bosses they said they were allowed to take up to 48 percent of a payment I stopped paying them 3 months later they rang me up which was 2016 now tried to get me to come back I spoke to a real nice woman and told her I was on a 5 year plan and agreed to pay only 15 out she was helpfull and sorted it out for me to pay 25 I had to go though the money again this and that and I stated to her I will agree only if you promised to make sure it was put right. Well 2 months later I had 2 statements and guess what 50 was taken instead of 25 rang pdhl up they said I agreed to this I said no I didn't I said if u listen to my phone call I stated it in 3 or 4 places I would only agree if it was dropped to 25 they them said they didn't have any recordings plus the women had left the company I then told them I was going to go the cab and requested all my records of my signature and phone calls they never sent me any thing and I then got a letter stating they were stopped by the fca I'm now getting classed by my credit company's I owe money to with a debut of 3000 left and I only had 5500 and was with pdhl for 4 years or a bit over I shouldn't be paying all this back still plus.one.debut was only 100 and they're saying I still owe then 60 pound need help
  18. Hi there. Total newbie here. Any advice greatly appreciated!! I got into debt a few years ago. Payday loans the lot (multiple - it's embarrassing. I was a young stupid single Mum). Now in a decent job with teenage kids. Went into a DMP with Debt-line who then were sold to Lawrence Charlton. Have been paying £130 a month dutifully since 2013. Although the charges went up significantly when Lawrence Charlton took over I felt safe so kept on with it and owe about £18k to my creditors now. Lawrence Charlton are stopping all DMPs and said I should transfer to Payplan. OK, except they are offering an alternative too; solicitor advice regarding writing off debts that have been bought by a second party (which is most of them) as they "may not be enforceable". hang on a minute, have I been paying companies which I didn't need to for years? Can't I sort this myself? Or Should I just be responsible and set up a DMP with Payplan instead?? SO confused!!
  19. Hello This is my first post, so please bear with me. As you will have established from the title, I have been stupid recently and have taken out credit via a mail order catalogue and four payday/short term loans. I have always had a volatile relationship with money, which I think has stemmed from my chaotic upbringing (my father got himself into a lot of debt and I was sent out to work from the age of 12 and up until I was 27, I was paying him to help him out each week. The time this ended was when he died (hence it ceasing when I was in my late twenties). The above isn't my way of evading responsibility as I am old enough to know better - I just wanted to offer an overview. Just before my father passed away, I also suffered a miscarriage and thought I had experienced another shortly after he died , but I was lucky enough to give birth to my first child that year. If you are still reading this, thank you. Even writing this is making me cry and I genuinely don't feel I have properly grieved since the losses (my Dad and two babies) and believe this has probably contributed to why I spend on credit and buy things I simply can't afford. For a short time it makes me feel better. I have previously been diagnosed with depression, but thought I had overcome this. I now think I have just masked it with the borrowing! I am currently paying StepChange a monthly payment towards older debt , but have racked up mail order debt of £1750 and also owe the following: MyJar - £800 Satsuma - £1000 Wageday Advance - £150 QuickQuid - £400 I have previously borrowed from the top two and paid them off in full, but this was only possible by borrowing from one to pay the other, but it gave me more credit at the next time of applying. The first payments for these new loans are due at the end of April and I know I cannot pay them. I am losing sleep and feel poorly with worrying about what to do or say to these companies. None of them asked me if I was on a DMP, but I know it is my fault. I am working full time and have a partner, who doesn't know the extent of my debt, but he has his own issues (addiction). We have three children and I look at them and feel so crap for letting them all down. Please can anyone offer any advice? I am sorry for rambling on. X
  20. hi I'm new to this I have been with a debt management company for a few years and have huge debts mostly Lloyds loans. Some had ppi which I have claimed back over the years should I of tried to claim as I have been off sick since 2003. i have read i can request agreements what would this achieve?
  21. Hi all, Just looking for some advice on what I should do going forward. For the record I am a resident in Scotland. I have accrued around 47k of unsecured debt among six creditors in the UK. 1 Ratesetter £23.8k P2P loan 2 Barclaycard CC £4.9K 3 Tesco Bank CC £5.9k 4 Virgin Money CC £6.2k 5 Hitachi deferred payment £4.5K 6 V12 Secure Trust Bank £1.8K I am now at a point that I am about to start missing payments and will end up defaulting. I have spoken to step change who have recommended a DPP under the Debt Arrangement Scheme as I have a flat with equity that I wish to protect. While this is the formal way of things I thought I could perhaps try the informal route first and doing a self managed DMP with it being more flexible and being able to pay off creditors with lump sums if I can get some overtime built up. I filled out my income/expenditure sheet and included this in a letter to each of my creditors explaining I can no longer service my debts and included a revised payment amount (pro rata of £585 surplus). The letters were sent 1st class recorded signed for. All direct debits have been cancelled today also. I assume it is now just a waiting game for their responses? I reckon they will more than likely reject especially Ratesetter - this is the debt I am most worried about as it's a high amount and essentially other peoples money. Am I doing the right thing here? Should I just be going straight for the DPP to save any court cases? Any help or advice on the matter is greatly appreciated.
  22. Please help, I'm not sure how to handle this claim and don't want to get it wrong! Name of the Claimant ? Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Ltd Date of issue – 30th Aug 2016 Date to submit defence = - by 4pm Friday 30/9/2016 What is the claim for – 1.The claim is for the sum of £13718 in the respect of monies owing pursuant to The Consumer Credit Act 1974 (CCA) under account no xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx. The debt was legally assigned from Santander UK PLC to the claimant and notice has been served. 2.The defendant has failed to make contractual payments under the terms of the agreement. A default notice has been served upon the defenadant pursuant to Section 87(1) CCA. 3.The Claimant Claims: 1. The sum of £13718 2. Interest pursuant to s69 of the County Court Act 1984 at a rate of 8.00 percent from the 13/8/16 to the date hereof 12 days is the sum of £36.08 3. Daily interest at the rate of £3.01 4. Costs What is the value of the claim? £13718 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? cahoot Flexible Loan When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 20/05/2002 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. HPH2 Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Yes Why did you cease payments? Had a Debt Managemant Plan set up with Payplan from February 2010 of which Santander had agreed to being paid £66.27 per month However, they refused repeatedly to freeze the interest unlike the other creditors in the DMP. This was adding around £200 per month in interest in January 2011 I stopped paying the DMP as it seemed pointless as it would never reduce the debt. The original debt was £10804 at the start of the DMP but 11 months later was £13718 due to them being completely unreasonable. What was the date of your last payment? December 2010 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Only with regards the interest whilst in a debt management plan Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes, as described above. Payplan had requested all creditors freeze interest and all agreed except Santander. Many Thanks. Brief background: In early 2010 after trying to keep a failing business going I was left with various credit card and a flexible loan debts and the combined monthly repayments became unbearable. I entered into a debt management plan through Payplan paying £324 per month to 6 creditors. By January 2011 the business could no longer trade as I lost my premises and then a few months later lost the house. I considered bankruptcy for the first few years but could never manage to raise the fee (about £750 at the time), then as time passed and I lived in various places the letters became sporadic and it was easier to ignore the few that came. I've had plenty threatening court action from all the usual DCA's and nothing happened until now. I was looking forward to another 4 months hoping it would be statute barred but Hoist have other ideas! I've tried to get an idea by reading all the forums but was wondering if I can do a CCA request for a flexible loan? Also, when checking the FCA register the DCA's licenses don't seem to be active - is this relevant and can it be used? FCA license for Howard Cohen (Cohen Cramer Ltd) Current Status: Lapsed , Permissions Inactive 31/10/2015 FCA license for Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Ltd Current Status: Cancelled , Permissions Inactive 30/09/2015 I have registered with MCOL and done the acknowledgement on the 8th Sept 2016 and stated I wish to defend the whole claim, problem is I don't know the best way to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Forgot to add, the solicitor on the claim form is Howard Cohen & Co, Leeds
  23. I've been on a DMP now for over 7 years and am looking into what I should be doing now. There are 6 accounts remaining on the DMP, 2 of which have been reassigned and are wtih Debt Colletion Agencies, the other 4 are with the original creditors. Default Notices were served on all these accounts and my credit file is no longer affected by them. I've had a look through some of the threads on here and it seems that I should be issuing CCA requests to the DCAs at least to see if the debts are enforceable. Just wondering what the position is regarding accounts still with the original creditors. I have a few concerns about doing this though as the DMP is running smoothly and I am planning on applying for a mortgage soon so am worried that by issuing CCA requests, the creditors may be triggered in to starting court action. just wondering if it is worth doing it now or waiting until I have a mortgage. Any advice would be appreciated.
  24. Hi I am new to the forum but have been looking at similar posts etc to try and get my head around my situation etc. This site is incredible and has given me the confidence to fight my alleged debts. I entered a DMP in 2004 as got into financial difficulty due to numerous factors. all the debts were obviously taken out prior to this probably late 1990s or early 2000s at the latest. I have dumped the DMP as 12 years on nothing seems to have changed. Was originally told that I would be debt free in 6 years but that's another story. I have SAR'd the DMP company. I am sending CCA requests for any credit card/loan debt. Also have a overdraft debt with Lloyds - sending then a SAR. List of debts below any advice greatly accepted. All below defaulted 2004 M and S Loan now Robway £8k Halifax CC now Cabot £4.5k Lloyds CC now PRA Group £4k MBNA CC now Link £4k Barclay Card (EGG) CC now Cabot £3k Barclay Card (Morgan Stanley) now Link £2 Capital One CC now Lowell £2k Lloyds Loan now Cabot £580 Lloyds Loan now Apex £400. Also my DMP provider put my Lloyd's current account/overdraft on the DMP without informing first saying because I had debts with Lloyds on the DMP then I couldnt bank with them - that was in 2007. I am more than capable of handling the CCA requests etc but will probably need some help with checking the agreements when they come back. Also seems like the DCA's are escalating a lot to court these days. Again I will have no issue defending any claim that can be defended with some assistance if possible. Thanks in advance.
  25. Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster (Cheesy phrase but meh) Bit of background: 6-7 years ago at the ripe age of 19 and 20, I fell into quite a bad gambling habit and like many around 2010, I got roped in a vicious PDL TRAP! I'm a big believer NOW that at that age, we should not be allowed the credit afforded to us. I knew nothing of the consequences at the time and it took a few years for me to realise how detrimental the effects of bad credit were. I borrowed from Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes, at astronomical rates of APR from all of the lightly regulated (at the time) pay day lenders - Wonga, Payday UK, wageday advance, lending stream, text loan, uncle buck etc etc. This obviously didn't end well and eventually the wolves where at the door! Also at this time and In my desperate situation (and on a teenagers wage), I was somehow allowed an overdraft with Halifax of over 2k + Natwest wanted me to open an account with them, and allowed an overdraft...to a 19 year old....of £4000!!! Obviously I don't blame anyone but myself for these issues and actions, but I do feel that the regulations weren't there to protect me from these spiralling issues. Now its 2017. My creditors are all paid off and satisfied. My defaults begin falling off at the end of January and my final one (CCJ) ends in November. The advice I'm looking for from the 'forum experts', so to speak is this: - Is it possible to discuss with ex creditors to have defaults removed a few months early? (There is some sketchy data on my credit report including missing markers all over the place etc and obviously back in 2010 there was less regulations and the affordability was pretty much none existent). -I have 1 default with 'Lending Stream' On my 'Noddle' and 'experian' report it states the default date as 'November 2012', yet...I took out a credit agreement with Lending Stream in 2010! And I'm aware they only have 6 months to add a default marker once the relationships as broken down so how on earth do I have a marker over 18 months later on a PDL? Surely this is arguable. - My CCJ is solid in place, aside from a court appearance and great argument I'm assuming this is unremovable until 6 years after initial application of the CCJ? I haven't sent off my satisfaction request letter yet though and need to soon, Do you guys think this will make much of an impact on my file? - My main question, When will I be able to start going to a broker to apply for a mortgage? When will my credit be 'A OK'? I have been accepted for 1 credit card over 8 months ago with vanquis to which I have stayed within the £150 limit and paid off in full each month but this doesn't seem to have affected my 'score'. And I have recently been accepted with Capital One for a £1000 credit card Which I intend to use at the same amount as the Vanquis card only I read somewhere "Credit accounts over £1000 show CR checkers that you're a lower risk". That's about it really. Thanks for reading and sorry for the wall of text. If anyone is having similar issues to the ones I have mentioned, feel free to message me. I've had some pretty nightmarish times over the past 6 years. Key advice: Don't bury your head if it gets really bad, it will genuinely only get so much worse. It just keeps adding up until you eventually speak to someone. Tell each creditor you're struggling, set up a plan. If it's gone to far, research free DMP companies, I paid £50 per month admin fee for mine for 6 years to which I now regret as all of my money wasn't going to creditors.
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