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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, We received a PCN for parking 2 hours 21 minutes at Greenwich Shopping Park. I appealed, as I believed it was a mistake as we understood the time limit to be 3 hours. They rejected the appeal, explaining that on a match day the maximum stay is 1.5 hours. There was nothing to indicate that it was a match day when we entered the car park. We also checked the shopping centre website before making our journey (greenwichshoppingpark.co.uk) which advertises 3 hours free parking. It also does not mention match days. We drive a fully electric vehicle, and planned our journey around stopping at this car park to recharge so we could make it back home! This is my appeal: Dear Sir or Madam, I received a parking fine explaining that I entered the Greenwich Shopping Park car park at 16:11 and left at 18:32 - a total of 2 hours 21 minutes. It clearly states on the website (greenwichshoppingpark.co.uk) that parking is free for 3 hours. We checked this before making our journey. I believe the charge has been made in error as we did not exceed the 3 hour time limit. Yours faithfully, (My name) In their reply they have provided a POPLA code. They have extended a discount period until 16/02/2017 which is £40, and £70 after. Should I make an appeal to POPLA? Any advice is most appreciated. Thank you.
  2. Hi there. Total newbie here. Any advice greatly appreciated!! I got into debt a few years ago. Payday loans the lot (multiple - it's embarrassing. I was a young stupid single Mum). Now in a decent job with teenage kids. Went into a DMP with Debt-line who then were sold to Lawrence Charlton. Have been paying £130 a month dutifully since 2013. Although the charges went up significantly when Lawrence Charlton took over I felt safe so kept on with it and owe about £18k to my creditors now. Lawrence Charlton are stopping all DMPs and said I should transfer to Payplan. OK, except they are offering an alternative too; solicitor advice regarding writing off debts that have been bought by a second party (which is most of them) as they "may not be enforceable". hang on a minute, have I been paying companies which I didn't need to for years? Can't I sort this myself? Or Should I just be responsible and set up a DMP with Payplan instead?? SO confused!!
  3. Hello, I received a PCN from smart parking on 12/12/16 which states that I allegedly breached the t&c's within the shopping park. Contravention = "over free time". I have read through other similar threads and am planning to reply with the following: xxyyy is not compliant with the POFA so no keeper liability has been created. Do not contact me again or a complaint of harassment as both a criminal act and a civil tort will be made"... as helpfully posted in one of the threads I came across. Just want to know if this is the best thing for me to do please with my own situation? Thanks in advance
  4. Hi all, I have just received a PCN from Smart Parking for "the alleged breach of advertised terms and conditions within GREENWICH SHOPPING CENTRE CHARLTON on 21 April". It arrived within the 14 day period of the date of the alleged breach. They are "invoicing" me for £70, reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days. The PCN shows two photos from their ANPR (?) system - one of me entering the car park, and one of me leaving it some 3 hours and 33 minutes later. The parking T's & C's allow 3 hours of free parking. The car park was only half full when I returned to my vehicle to leave. I have read many of the threads in this forum during the past 24 hours, including a recent one regarding Smart Parking Ltd and ASDA. All of the comments and advice that I have read are of great help. Could you please clarify my position, in your opinion, regarding the £40 fee, the 14 days, et al. NB - there is no mention of POCA 12 or section 4 (hope I have those correct), nor any mention of VAT on the "speculative invoice". Many thanks in anticipation.
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