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  1. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-5653351/Computers-decide-PPI-victims-payout-explosive-documents-show.html
  2. Hello, I am completely clueless and dealing with other stressful situations on top of a collision a couple of days ago. Other party's fault and my car is not worth fixing. I was asked to send in photos of car for evaluation purposes. Other party's insurance company offered to settle the case too. What do i have to look out for? I've read something about paying out premium. I have no idea what that is and I don't have time to deal with this as there are other very urgent pressing matters in my life. I was told something on the phone about my premium and no claims bonus not getting affected. Also I will have to keep the car and have it fixed from write off money as I had a former damage to the car that never got fixed and I won't be paid enough now to buy a new car. Help please!
  3. Sick and elderly have to wait outside in all weather in the cold for up to an hour before a GP surgery opens - just to get an appointment. Patients are said to start queuing at around 7am every day, although the surgery doesn’t open its doors until 8.00am. What if you are elderly and living on your own? You can’t expect them to come and queue. It’s disgusting. There are lots of old people standing in the freezing cold in the middle of winter. The system needs to change. There are queues every morning. The surgery should open up its doors earlier and have a ticket system, whereby the surgery doors open early to let them inside that way Sick and elderly are not waiting in the cold. The weather is only going to get colder and colder, please help me draft up a complaint to the surgery to get them to change their ways.
  4. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/820462/Outraged-parents-Thomas-Tallis-School-suicide-notes-class-project
  5. I had to reregister. I was pj2, but CAG no longer has a password renewal option (or it doesn't work, as the page doesn't exist), so there was no way I could get back into the forum. After years of paying an old debt slowly, Robinson Way sent me a letter: "our client is today offering you a 50% reduction of the balance you owe in settlement of your account. Paying XXX will clear your account and you save XXX and become free of this debt. Please note that where this account is recorded on your credit file and you pay by reduced settlement, this will be updated as partially settled with a zero balance outstanding, and not as settled or satisfied however our client will not pursue you for any remaining balance. We may even be able to accept this over 3 monthly instalments... when you contact us, one of our customer contact representatives will discuss your current financial circumstances with you to ensure that any reduced settlement arrangement you commit to remains affordable". I would be very grateful for advice: how can I make sure I can't be pursued by anyone for the balance and that the balance cannot be sold on to a DCA. Shall I write and say I would like reassurance on this point specifically? Also, how do I avoid full disclosure of financial circumstances? Maybe email is better than phoning them but I don't see after years of paying that they have the right to trawl through my circumstances.. Could I just say, "I could raise" the money to pay it (without stating whether I already have it) and don't wish to discuss further, but agree to their offer? Thanks for any help.
  6. Hi there. Total newbie here. Any advice greatly appreciated!! I got into debt a few years ago. Payday loans the lot (multiple - it's embarrassing. I was a young stupid single Mum). Now in a decent job with teenage kids. Went into a DMP with Debt-line who then were sold to Lawrence Charlton. Have been paying £130 a month dutifully since 2013. Although the charges went up significantly when Lawrence Charlton took over I felt safe so kept on with it and owe about £18k to my creditors now. Lawrence Charlton are stopping all DMPs and said I should transfer to Payplan. OK, except they are offering an alternative too; solicitor advice regarding writing off debts that have been bought by a second party (which is most of them) as they "may not be enforceable". hang on a minute, have I been paying companies which I didn't need to for years? Can't I sort this myself? Or Should I just be responsible and set up a DMP with Payplan instead?? SO confused!!
  7. Can anyone please explain to me what exactly is a Category D write off. Car valued (retail) around £1350--1500. What price reduction would be acceptable for a car written off as Cat D. ??
  8. A strange thread perhaps and why have i written this. Well i have been watching as a couple of people write letters to each other for years. When young i used to write letters to relatives thanking them for birthday presents etc. I watched the person write a letter and was surprised in these days of emails that they get so much pleasure from this practice. Writing a letter,putting it in an envelope,sticking a stamp on it and trotting off to the postbox. And waiting for a reply. Really feel tempted to get my quill out dip it in ink and write a letter to myself. Then i could act like Mr Bean. Excitably open it wondering who it is from. Do any of you out there in web land,consumer land still write letters to friends,family etc. And how long have you communicated with someone this way. I find as i get older for some reason i want to go back to this practice.Do you? Fancy buying a fountain pen, or Quill, blotting paper a writing desk and having a go,do you.? Or do you only communicate this way perhaps. If so i may not get many replies. Maybe you use both methods,email and write. Thanks for any responses, Yours faithfully, Tawnyowl, Just practising i am a little rusty.
  9. Hi, I am going to try luck in claiming back PPI I had years and years ago. Because it is so long ago, I dont have any paperwork/account numbers. I can remember who I had loans/credit cards with but my question is, where do I write to, is it their registered/head office or to a branch? Many Thanks
  10. A debt collection firm has agreed to write-off £414m worth of claims after the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found systematic failures in the company's systems and controls. Motormile Finance, which also trades as MMF, will write off debts that it had purchased from third parties owed by more than 500,000 customers. Motormile, which also trades as MMF, MMF Debt Purchase and MMF UK, describes itself as “one of the leading debt purchase companies in the UK,” and specialises in buying up old payday loans and other debts, and then attempting to recover this money. According to consumer website forums, the company has bought payday loans from a number of lenders including Cash Genie, Peachy, Mr Lender, Lending Stream, Swift Sterling, WageDayAdvance and PoundsTillPayday.co.uk. It is also understood to have bought car finance loans. The FCA said that after buying debts, the company failed to carry out the necessary “due diligence” to make sure the sums of money that were said to be owed were correct. It added: “This in turn led to unfair and unsuitable customer contact for recovery of those sums.” A redress programme has now been set up, affecting more than 500,000 people. The vast majority – who typically received a letter or email saying that the debt had been passed to Motormile – will see their debts written off. Typically the debt will run into several hundred pounds per person. In cases where the affected customers had started making payments to Motormile, it will be repaid to them. A total of £154,000 is being repaid to 2,148 people, which averages about £72 per person. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/nov/02/over-half-a-million-in-uk-have-their-debt-written-off-over-unfair-practices The company has set up a dedicated page on its website providing further information.
  11. Hi people. I emigrated to Ozz 3 years ago in my absense Link Financial obtained a CCJ over an old disputed British Gas originally finaced by GE money. Link bought the debt from GE. The dispute was over the interest rate charged by GE money for the boiler. In essence I did no sign the credit agreement. The CCJ was issued on my old UK address. Today the court have agreed to set it aside, in a telephone hearing which is great, but have instructed me to write a defence letter to Link and also the Court, I acknowledged to the Court that I owe money for the Gas boiler. I am confused as to what to write especially as link have said that due to commercial reasons they will no longer be pursuing the debt . Will the CCJ still stand or is it dependent on my defence letter? Love some sane advice...Thnaks
  12. Hi, We bought a 2003 Fiesta in November 2014 (last year) from a car dealer in Warrington for £1500. We didn't do any checks as we felt that it was unnecessary from a dealer (We now know this to have been a mistake and should have done checks), however we did ask if there was anything historical about the car that we should know about, they said there wasn't. Fast forward to today, we've come to trade in this car as a part exchange and they've informed us that it was a Category D write off, and would only offer £150 for it. We've now run a check on it ourselves and this is true. Do we have any recourse against the dealer in Warrington? Since we'd asked about it's history, and they didn't tell us this information, have they mislead us? What course of action should/can we take? There seems to be conflicting reports from similar situations around the internet ranging from them being told to take them to court, to them not having any rights at all. If we would have known that it was a write off, we'd have never bought the car. Over the Course of the last 12 months we've spent over £1000 on repairs for the car (yes - fully admit that it was a bad purchase, all things considered), are we able to claim any of that back as well as the price paid for the car, given we wouldn't have bought the car if we knew the full story? Just a little bit confused on what our options (if any) are? Thanks in advance to anyone that can advise.
  13. i wrote my car off in an accident on 14th feb i admitted fault but insurance keep saying they are waiting for a police report before they pay out. I am still paying finance on the car and monthly insurance installments. how can i get them to speed things along everytime i phone i get a different story.
  14. Hi Thank you very much for looking at my thread.........I was looking to buy a vehicle from an independent dealer After we had paid the deposit a friend suggested we HPi check the car, we had already asked the dealer and he mentioned that that they had done a HPi check as standard procedure. When we purchased a report it stated that the vehicle was a write off? Am I entitled to my deposit back? Thank you very much to all responders Kind Regards Nick
  15. This one is weird. My mortgage statement from Dec 2013 shows NRAM have written off a mortgage shortfall off approx £590k (yes, £590,000). I do not have a statement for Dec 2014. I am not sure if this is a true 'write off' or whether it is just transferred to a suspense account or the like. The property was repossessed by NRAM in August 2012 after a long long fight. The mortgage was almost £1.1m with all costs and charges and arrears etc and the property had been worth £1.2m. Before repo we had offers of around £900k but could not sell as it would not clear the mortgage and NRAM are the most unreasonable company I have ever had to deal with. The property was repossessed and the same agent who was marketing it and had said it was worth around £1.2m plus then 're assessed it' for NRAM at about £650k, yes £650k and they continued to market it at a much lower price. The buyers at 900 magically disappeared. It didnt sell even then and was gradually reduced during 2013 until an offer for around £570k must have been made. We only knew this as I saw it on a different agents web site and decided to try and stop the sale as an under value sale. We even went to court for an injunction to stop the sale but lost although a potential case for an undersell is still possible. I feel very strongly that there was an arrangement for the agent to get it to sell as low as possible for his own personal reasons (we had known him for 10 years and he said this was one of his op 5 houses in the town). There was something just not right about the process although I cant prove that. The sale went ahead in Aug 2013 and the only thing we heard from NRAM was when a statement arrived in Jan 2014. It shows the proceeds of the sale £540k plus various other smaller amounts, agents costs etc and then it says Repo Writ-Off Cred ....... £590k. This takes the mortgage account down to zero, exactly. A cheque refund of £1500 is then ADDED which takes the balance owed to £1500 (no idea what the cheque refund is). Anyone reading this statement would say our mortgage balance is £1500. It is not a sales statement, it is our annual mortgage statement. Recently we were contacted by letter from PRA formerly those monsters Mackenzie Hall. It gives little detail accept our mortgage ref which is why I know its connected. I do not want to contact them or NRAM yet. NRAM know that if they chase us for shortfall they have a fight for undervalue so is it possible that bearing in mind what the statement says, does this look like they have unilaterally written off the debt. It is possible the PRA contact is only for the £1500 and not £590k. Not sure PRA would deal with this high value shortfall. We have had no letters assigning any debt either. We have a great deal of other debt but with a few things that are happening that debt might be manageable, the NRAM debt would be a big problem. The other weird thing is that the sale is not registered with Land Registry from July 2013. I cannot find any sale of our property registered anywhere apart from our own purchase in 1999. i have searched numerous websites including land registry which list all sales in a road/post code for many years back. I have not paid for a title check.
  16. Hi so June last year I part exchanged my motor bike at a local small garage/dealer it is meant to be a mark 1 Triumph speed triple 1994 I have had one or two people ask me how genuine it is as some parts look wrong so I did a hpi check it turns out it has had a colour change and was a cat c write off in 2005 it seems bikes don't need a vic check or is recorded on the V5. the dealer never told me it had been a write off I paid £600 plus my Kawasaki ZZR600 I would never have brought it if I had known and I believe the dealer should have told me. would I be in the right to ask for a refund I would be asking for around £1600 what do you think ?
  17. Hi, I'm quite unconfident with writing (inc. letters, forums...) but will try my very best to be clear and readable. I have viewed many cases here and learned much, but still struggling. I have a Claim against me (Credit Card) and have done all the necessary CCA CPR31 requests etc. My deadline for filing defence is tomorrow, and have now received a letter from claimant's Solicitors AGREEING extension of 28 days to file defence. ..I will come back here and post more details another day very soon, but due to extreme anxiety and research time I don't have the strength to do it yet (really need to get some rest). For the moment please could anyone help me construct an email to inform them (courts) of the wish to have the extension of time of 28 days to write the defence under CPR15.5. I have spoken to the court (Northampton) and lady told me first that I should submit the Defence by due date (17/01), but after I insisted I had a right to the extension she said I could email (CCBC Defendants) explaining, and attaching the letter from claimant/solicitors. (Writing them won't reach them in time). She didn't seem confident with this, and she also did say, after I asked whether I'd get acknowledgement, that they will first have to enter it into the system (but didn't give a positive reply). I hope I'm right about this...? It won't fall into "no defence submitted therefore CCJ"? I appreciate I should be able to construct the letter/email myself but my ability with these things are not really that good (and didn't want to risk being unclear), and I couldn't find examples anywhere (searched for almost 4 hours). I will post my story so far when I've recuperated a little (it has really taken a heavy toll on me). Please help/advise.
  18. Nothing more to be said... Can we put this in the newsletter please [ATTACH=CONFIG]56933[/ATTACH] This debt was mine form 2010... So almost SB anyway....
  19. My daughter was involved in an accident where someone crashed into the back of her, her policy was due to expire 5 days later. The new policy was already set up with the same firm and the first payment had been made. She was told by her insurance that her car was a write off a few days after the new policy had started. What will happen to the new policy? surely she won't have to pay it, will it be null and void? Opinions and advice will be appreciated.
  20. Hi I am sorry if this is in the wrong place but I didn't know where else to put it. I passed my driving test last month and coincidentally came into a little over a thousand pounds which I decided to use to buy a cheap run about. I bought a wee corsa which I love, knowing it had had what was described to me as 'a small bump' the repairs had al been done, although there were a few age related repairs needed which I knew about was happy enough to do it with the price I paid for the car. It turned out it needed a little more work than I thought but I figured that wasn't a major problem as the extra work only totalled around a hundred pounds. I had been getting a little worried that my documents hadn't arrived from DVLA but everyone said that it can take a good few weeks s o I went ahead and started the work on the car (not quite everything is done yet). Today I get a letter from DVLA saying its been a previous write off and I need to get a VIC check done, I am really not happy but I know I have no come back on the seller. The car is in great working order and is 100% roadworthy with just two small outstanding repairs that I plan to do next week. I called DVLA because quite frankly their letter didn't really explain anything and was told that I would need to get this check done before I could tax the car. However I have already taxed it as I bought it on 2nd oct so had to tax it there and then due to the new law. I pointed this out to the lady on the phone and she said she didn't understand how I could tax it and I pointed out that you no longer need a v5 to tax a car with the new law (surely she should have known that) The woman at DVLA told me I would be fine as long as I got it checked before the tax was due again, but she really didn't seem to have a clue what she was talking about to be honest. Do I need this check done urgently? I know I need it done but with the two repairs I have to do I wont really be able to afford it till at least next month and I have to travel quite a bit to get it done. More importantly do I have to tell my insurance company? I have already had a fight with them over something else and really don't want to deal with them just now but obviously now that I know its been a write off if I have to tell them then I will. Should they not have known this? I thought there was a database for insurance companies to check these things. I fully intend to keep the car, I am actually quite happy with it but I am worried about the insurance.
  21. Posting this on behalf of brother in law He had an accident last year and wrote the car off (cat b) It was on finance and he hadn't got comprehensive insurance like he was supposed to do the finance company (gmac) recalled the debt in full That then got put in as part of a debt relief order He got a letter a week ago saying the finance company wanted the car back and was willing to offer £81 for the value of parts off the debt I got him to email back pointing out that that was hardly a fair amount as the value of parts was alot higher giving some examples and also pointing out that scrap weight value of the car alone was over £200 they replied saying that as the legal owners they wernt offering just telling and saying that their report from northern assessors said it was only worth £81 which is interesting as northern assessors have never seen the vehicle I've emailed back to confirm he still has the car but pointing out its at a differnt address not told the the address as we don't want it seizing and told them to improve the offer off the debt or justify the £81 including sending a copy of the report Any other suggestions
  22. ive got a friend just had his car declaired a write off (probably - ill explain later) the insurance company has said they value it as a write off value of £700 there is none same model same age in the local area for that (ive put a range of £25 miles in for local think thats fair) the cheapest one of the local ones is £795, i think its fair to ask for that. they have said that £700 is the market value and wont budge. (i say probably a write off as they havent sent anyone out and simply asked "do you think its a write off") any suggestions?
  23. Hey, currently sitting here with a stupid wonga loan, on a repayment plan. in arrears by 270 days at £320. Been amending my repayment plan almost every other month as I am unable to afford it due to loss of hours at work due to disability. When I took this loan out I was in a bad place, and only earning £350 a month, i believe that they should have refused me on the basis of my income. I phoned them and they said I would receive an email today or tomorrow(!) if my debt was being written off.. Been worrying about this all week. So, has anyone else been written to regarding this matter? I still havent, no post, no email... seems like they're trying to pull a fast one.. Infact, after I called them they sent me an email asking to do a survey with the chance to win £100! The cheek. Cheers
  24. A small van hit my car last week. Rear ended me as I was waiting in a traffic jam on the way to work. It was weird because everybody had been in the traffic for a while and he just sails into me at about 30mph. The boot floor was crumpled up quite a bit, bumper damage etc. Anyway we exchanged details, I contacted my insurance, they tow the car away to the garage, and I got a hire car. So a couple of days later I get a call from the garage asking me if they can go ahead with repairs. I say no, I want the insurance agency to contact me first. He says, okay, you should hear from them. Two day later the garage calls me again saying the insurance agency have given them the go ahead for the work. I say, what about my go head? Where's my call? So I contact my insurance and they say they want to go ahead with £2400 worth of repairs. That's 65% the value of the car. I said, look I don't really want to be driving a repaired car that's been in a semi-serious accident. I also ask them about the repair related diminished value, and they basically say that doesn't come into it. I would have to prove diminished value. The insurer is Tesco, and I'm kind of regretting this choice now. They wont budge on doing a repair. Anything I can do?
  25. My printer has packed so I cannot print my letters to Vanquis. Will it make a difference if I write to them in block capitals and do not sign?
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