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  1. I was an Iresa customer before they went into liquidation and have just received a reminder from Octopus that I did not deal with their email about my final Iresa bill. I have now dealt with it but I am concerned that others might have just accepted the figures given without checking or being able to check them. The initial final bill showed us as being in debt to the tune of £89.01. I knew that this was wrong as we had always been in credit. I saw that Iresa had estimated our gas usage for the last month (July) at 55% of our annual usage. That massive over estimate seems very suspicious to me! However, I contacted Octopus and challenged the estimate pointing out where the error had occurred. I then received an amended bill showing a credit of £49.99 and some figures to justify this were included. This still seemed wrong so I sat down with the meter readings and bills and worked out my own estimate of the correct figure. I am no accountant and I struggled with the figures but, eventually, arrived at a figure that I sent to Octopus with an explanation of my calculations. I have now received a new final account showing a credit of £305.39, a difference of £394.40 from the original bill. Octopus admitted that they had made an error in their calculations and apologised for doing so. I have no doubt that the errors by Octopus were innocent ones but there was clearly no checking of the figures being produced. I was able, with difficulty, to work out where the errors had occurred but I know that many people including my wife and in laws would not have been able to do so. I am concerned that there seems to be no (or completely inadequate) protection for customers caught in circumstances such as these. It is unfortunate that I did not see the original message from Octopus and dealt with it earlier. I doubt that raising this here will help anyone but felt that I had to do so just in case someone else has found themselves in the same situation as we did.​
  2. Hi all. Please could anybody give advice. I am having financial problems and decided to cancel my BT phone, internet and tv and switch to Talk Talk to save £25 a month. My BT account contract is up start of October so I set up my new account to start in September. BT want paying for the part month which is fair but also want to charge me £65 for Broadband equipment and £24 for TV equipment which seems unfair. Is this right? I'm doing my best to reduce my spending and that feels like a kick in the teeth. Thanks in advance
  3. Nearly 180 employers named and shamed for underpaying thousands of minimum wage workers READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/nearly-180-employers-named-and-shamed-for-underpaying-thousands-of-minimum-wage-workers
  4. very long story which I will add later today, if possible, but your question of {did you make offers to the creditor before ccj } made me think because I made the offer which they refused,and yet when we went to court they accepted the exact amount! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?398804-Help-with-a-judgement-and-visit-from-HCEO-**Partial-Refund-Obtained** but I am not a business, just a pensioner who has now fees which like yours, didn't apply , I have now paid all but 200 which they say I still owe, did it cost you much and how did you go about taking them to court, As I am new on here I dont know how far I can go asking personal questions , but I know ,{ I am not being arrogant} that the original debt was just so flawed , and I cant seem to find out how to go about proving it, I am not disputing the money owed on the debt , but the lies which were behind it, and it need not have gone this far paying all the HCEO fees, As I said I dont know how far to go on here, with company names etc, I would like to copy and paste the costs etc , but is this allowed, because then I can explain a bit more in detail what happened? Long story , had delivery of oil which I HAD NOT ordered which was £739 , it was signed for by my partner who just thought I had ordered it, I asked them to come take back on same day, they refused and said I had signed up to their top up service, which I had not, as always paid for my oil when I had saved enough money, I couldnt afford to pay all that at once and save weekly for my oil as well, I made them 2 offers, which they refused, next thing I knew was an HCEO was at my door, with a writ I explained I didnt know anything about the court proceedings, and was just waiting for the claimant to get back to me again to see if we could come to an agreement, they had gone to the High Court which was around 200 miles form me, I had to ask him for it to be set aside, he did an inventory and went away. The original court case was 27 1 2011 and I wasn't aware until 7th june 2011 . , The reason for me posting is the fees are very high, having read some of the comments on here, are not right, and they are still chasing me for more, and keep stating about 2004 regulations . I have got an email with court papers and fees, and also a breakdown of fees, which are a joke, even more of a joke is the fact that my monthly payment which I have paid to the court is the exact amount I offered the claimant and was refused out of court on a debt and judgement of 795 with the court costs, I have now paid 65 payments of 35 .00 and DARE NOT cancel it as they told me in an email they will enforce again, For the last 3 weeks I have nearly drove myself crazy trying to find out what I can do to claim these fees back, I dont have a problem about paying the oil debt, but I do have a problem with their under hand way they have gone about it and now I am owing money to my friends who have been helping me pay this, I would be really grateful for any advice, thank you x
  5. I received a letter from Northampton County Court over an alleged bus lane infringement in which the amount was £195 made payable to Harrow Council, the date of the alleged offence was 06/03/2015 at 11.28. I had never received any correspondence from Harrow Council about this ticket, I had to do a notice to owner to send it back to it's original PNC. Now the bus lane in question I know very well and have done for almost twenty years, the end of the bus lane you can enter two lanes , the right hand side to go up towards Harrow on the Hill, or Roxeth Hill, the left hand side to go straight up or turn left, now what happens is there is a box junction so the right hand side stops until you can go on, I crossed the bus lane to go left I believe but because of the length of time I can not remember what I was doing that day. The reg is correct, you can clearly see the make of the car on the photo yet on the part of the form where it has Vehicle make, it has unknown which is strange. Now I thought you were allow a certain distance to enter the bus lane towards the end of it to turn left, I may be wrong, do I have a leg to stand on to appeal, now there is one photo and you have to pay £10 if you want to view any additional photos on line, it's free if you go down to their office.
  6. Anger at nearly £4k disabled parking bay charge READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-42772258
  7. How do you Prepare for Santas visit. Do you make sure your chimney has been swept so he does not get any soot on his clothes. Of course we know if a chimney is not available a couple of clicks of his fingers and hey presto he materialises wherever he likes. So do not worry if you have not got a chimney,I feel many of you perhaps do fret a touch. And of course Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer's do you leave them a treat as they must need feeding many times on their journey around the world on this special day. Do you leave them some water,some mince pies perhaps,a few carrots. Or a few sprouts even. Perhaps a glass of non alcoholic wine for Santa As a drop of the real stuff may cause a few problems in the sky high above us. And I have heard him many times, and of course once I met a few of his elves. Sure I did. Who can forget the noise of the bells, just to remind you a video.Which continues after the first one for those that would like to hear more. Now do not be shy cast your minds back and remember what your parents did preparing for his arrival. And what you plan to do. Just wondering as I do at times. Bye for now Tawnyowl who has seen the bearded one a good few times in my life.
  8. Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster (Cheesy phrase but meh) Bit of background: 6-7 years ago at the ripe age of 19 and 20, I fell into quite a bad gambling habit and like many around 2010, I got roped in a vicious PDL TRAP! I'm a big believer NOW that at that age, we should not be allowed the credit afforded to us. I knew nothing of the consequences at the time and it took a few years for me to realise how detrimental the effects of bad credit were. I borrowed from Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes, at astronomical rates of APR from all of the lightly regulated (at the time) pay day lenders - Wonga, Payday UK, wageday advance, lending stream, text loan, uncle buck etc etc. This obviously didn't end well and eventually the wolves where at the door! Also at this time and In my desperate situation (and on a teenagers wage), I was somehow allowed an overdraft with Halifax of over 2k + Natwest wanted me to open an account with them, and allowed an overdraft...to a 19 year old....of £4000!!! Obviously I don't blame anyone but myself for these issues and actions, but I do feel that the regulations weren't there to protect me from these spiralling issues. Now its 2017. My creditors are all paid off and satisfied. My defaults begin falling off at the end of January and my final one (CCJ) ends in November. The advice I'm looking for from the 'forum experts', so to speak is this: - Is it possible to discuss with ex creditors to have defaults removed a few months early? (There is some sketchy data on my credit report including missing markers all over the place etc and obviously back in 2010 there was less regulations and the affordability was pretty much none existent). -I have 1 default with 'Lending Stream' On my 'Noddle' and 'experian' report it states the default date as 'November 2012', yet...I took out a credit agreement with Lending Stream in 2010! And I'm aware they only have 6 months to add a default marker once the relationships as broken down so how on earth do I have a marker over 18 months later on a PDL? Surely this is arguable. - My CCJ is solid in place, aside from a court appearance and great argument I'm assuming this is unremovable until 6 years after initial application of the CCJ? I haven't sent off my satisfaction request letter yet though and need to soon, Do you guys think this will make much of an impact on my file? - My main question, When will I be able to start going to a broker to apply for a mortgage? When will my credit be 'A OK'? I have been accepted for 1 credit card over 8 months ago with vanquis to which I have stayed within the £150 limit and paid off in full each month but this doesn't seem to have affected my 'score'. And I have recently been accepted with Capital One for a £1000 credit card Which I intend to use at the same amount as the Vanquis card only I read somewhere "Credit accounts over £1000 show CR checkers that you're a lower risk". That's about it really. Thanks for reading and sorry for the wall of text. If anyone is having similar issues to the ones I have mentioned, feel free to message me. I've had some pretty nightmarish times over the past 6 years. Key advice: Don't bury your head if it gets really bad, it will genuinely only get so much worse. It just keeps adding up until you eventually speak to someone. Tell each creditor you're struggling, set up a plan. If it's gone to far, research free DMP companies, I paid £50 per month admin fee for mine for 6 years to which I now regret as all of my money wasn't going to creditors.
  9. Hello I came across this great forum whilst searching for information on my student loan predicament. My student loans were from 1995-1999 and I was under the age of 40 when I left university. I think therefore under the 'old' T&C's the remainder of my loan should be cancelled when I'm 50. I have read however that if I am in arrears (which I am), this will not happen. The reason I am in arrears is because Erudio claim they never received my deferment a couple of years ago. Shortly after sending them my deferment form I moved address. I informed them of my new address three times but they still sent any correspondence to my previous address. This went on for months until finally I got a letter to my new address telling me that not only did I not get my deferment granted but I was now nearly £600 in arrears as a result of them sending letters to my old address. I was then involved in a lengthy email debate with them in which I argued that they had my email address all along so why wasn't I contacted via email? As a gesture of good will they paid me £100 for my inconvenience!! My question is, am I still eligible to have my remaining loan written off? If so, what is the best way to go about this? Regards shaft65.
  10. Early last year my husband received a county court summons for £11,500 for a credit card debt sold on to a DCA. He replied and defended the action on the basis of the limited information on the summons and that he was awaiting a reply to the CCA letter sent to them on the day the summons was received. He never received a copy of the CCA, just a letter from them saying the debt was no longer enforceable and they could not proceed any further through the courts, but would he please call them to discuss a repayment plan. They also promised to forward the copy of the CCA. That was over a year ago and we are still haven’t received the CCA, but what he did not advise them was the debt would not really be statute barred until last October , three months after their letter. Move forward to now, and I have received a letter from the same DCA and they are chasing a debt for £8.250 for a card of mine. This will become statute barred in the middle of August when it will be 6 years since the last payment. I received a letter from them dated 6 April but not received until 12 April, saying if I did not contact them within 14 days they would commence legal action. My understanding of statute barred debts is they expire six years after the last payment or admission of the debt and the creditor has until this time to obtain judgement. Is this correct and can the DCA request to the courts an extension this period for the time it takes to transfer to a local court and to a hearing? The default for this will expire soon and I am l keen to keep as clean a record as possible after eight years of financial misery. I appreciate I am morally wrong but this DCA will have purchased the debt for peanuts,
  11. Hello, Summary: Recently found out I have a CCJ against me, which was made on the 07 April 2010 after signing up for a popular credit report/expert website and have done some research before deciding what action to take. What I know: The CCJ on 07/04/2010 will be removed from all registries after 6 years, which is only a few months away at this point The amount is for £194 If I pay the CCJ it will be classed as "Satisfied" If I do not pay the CCJ, it may come back to bite me in the proverbial ass in the future What I need to know: If I pay the CCJ, will it still be removed in a few months, or will it start a new countdown of 6 years since the date the CCJ became "Satisfied" What do I need to do (helpful if listed in steps) to resolve this matter without it blowing up in my face? Thank you very much in advance for any assistance provided!
  12. Hi, I am hoping for some advice. I took apparently (I don't remember but I have used payday loan companies so its probably true) took out two loans with minicredit both for £100, one in Feb 2011 and one in April 2011. On my credit file there is entries for Kapama, one for £866 and one for £793. These were not on my credit file a year ago. I have contacted them by email to question what they are and they replied giving me the dates etc. I know I was not working at the time and they did not search my credit file (I have old copies that I checked). Where should I take this next? Is it worth me arguing the interest and then offering £200 to clear the outstanding debt? Thanks in advance
  13. Hello Caggers, wonder if you can help me out with a dilemma I am having with DX Services. On 26th November this year, I received a message from DX saying that they had attempted to deliver my passport to my home address. I was given the opportunity to arrange a redelivery. I chose to have my passport redelivered to work. I also completed the special delivery instructions to deliver to the main reception, where I would be in a position to sign for it. I gave the building names as 1-9* and this was on the confirmation email I received. Fast forward to 1st December, the agreed delivery. I received the passport, though I was surprised not to be asked for ID considering that DX advised that I would not ID or anyone signing for it on my behalf would have to provide both mine and their IDs. When I was signing for it, I noticed that the new label on the envelope was for 8-10* on the same road. The company name was what I provided, however 8-10 also has a building name, which was included on the envelope. I asked the delivery driver whether he attempted to deliver there but he said he pulled into their place before realising that we were on the opposite side of the road. Given that I gave the correct address, I can only assume that someone at DX looked up an incorrect source for my workplace and used that instead, without checking with me. My workplace has been at these premises for about 6 months, so there are some sources with different numbers (including 8-10). If this had been something else I would have accepted that mistakes happen and be pleased I got the delivery. But my passport contains a lot of personal information and could have easily ended up in the wrong hands. I sent an email to DX, their response was to send a letter acknowledge the negative feedback but nothing that indicated they had actually seen what my feedback was about. I sent a formal complaint in the post but am getting nowhere with them. Please can someone advise what might be the next best step to take? Should I be approaching HM Passport Services? Many thanks in advance. GS. Numbers changed to protect identities, but you get the idea.
  14. Hi. I wrote to all of my creditors in Jan of 2009 to inform them of my inability to pay my debts, and making offers of reduced payments. All of them to be fair were (or seemed to be) understanding and I've worked hard at managing the money I have, repaying the debts as much as I can and generally being more financially responsible. A creditor phoned me recently for a review and the woman happened to mention the debt (with them) was due to be removed from the reference agencies this month. I decided to check my CRA file (Equifax) and was pleased to find the other debts as settled but both my Lloyds loan and CC have over a year left. The reason for this is they were marked as AP (Arrangement to Pay) for 18 months before a DN was issued. I'm annoyed that despite keeping good order for over 6 years I'm still no better off. If I'd not paid a penny the debt would have been marked as finished by now, but instead, by doing the right thing I'm still being penalised. My question is, is there a way to get LLoyds to mark the DN earlier. I don't want anything on credit but it would be nice to know that things are moving forward. I'm still paying my debts but getting nowhere. Thanks, ISUCWROWFTTS
  15. Afternoon everyone! I have successfully had 3 defaults removed, 3 debts written off and I am in the process of having one more default removed and debt written off! I have been on my journey for about a year! Its flew over, and brings me excitement to challenge these DCA! especially with so many positive results! I will be going into more and more detail! Good Luck - any questions?
  16. Hi, It's been a while, haven’t been well for some time due to issues that occurred in a previous (recent) thread of mine, but after a year I’m starting to come to terms with what happened although I have been left in a financial rut. (I am not entitled to compensation so I thought about selling my story but don’t know how to go about it) Recently Wonga, and two MMF entries have now disappeared from my report I decided to check my Exp report and see how I really do stand financially since the "Great Advantage Finance Escapade" and forking out £3,500 for legal fees last year. My Current Credit Score 620 – This was below 400 last year:-) The total balance of the defaulted accounts is £5,742. – This was nearly £9k last year This is made up of 2 x Mobile Phone companies – Will drop off in less than 6mths, 1 x Catalogue – Going through a PPI claim (it’s a hell of a lot more than the default:wink: ) and the following that I have concerns / require advice on: 1) Instant Cash Loans Ltd T/A Payday UK: Account Started: 25/10/2010; Default Balance: £425; Current Balance: £0 Default Date: 01/04/2011; Last Updated: 08/09/2013 Debt Assigned to CAIS Member: Start date 01/02/2013 2) Lending Stream: Account Started: 28/01/2011; Default Balance: £788; Current Balance: £0 Default Date: 21/11/2011; Last Updated: 15/06/2014; Default Satisfaction Date: 13/02/2014 3) PRA Group: **This Debt relates to the above Lending Stream Entry** Account Started: 28/01/2011; Default Balance: £808; Current Balance: £808; Default Date: 05/01/2012; Last Updated: 02/11/2014 4) CashChoice: Account Started: 29/09/2010; Default Balance: £880; Current Balance: £1,480; Default Date: 26/02/2011; Last Updated: 25/09/2011 5) CFO Lending Ltd: Account Started: 01/03/2011; Default Balance: £940; Current Balance: £930 Default Date: 11/07/2011; Last Updated: 22/03/2015 item (1): I have no idea who these are or who the Assigned CAIS Member is (what is one?) I suppose I don’t realy have to worry about this one as the balance say’s £0 and the last update is 08/09/2013. I would love to know more details about this but I’m worried that it might open a can of worms if I do. Item (2) & (3): I have my SAR from PRA Group – it relates to Lending Stream and MEM. I’m not fussed about the MEM bit as it’s not on the report & they do not have any grounds to chase as no default issued or notice of assignment. (only the Agreement & a crappy excel statement) As for the Lending Stream bit the agreement states the value of the loan was £315. Of which further into the SAR it states £95.50 has already been paid (£94.50 was taken from my account the other £1 for the agreement) & the Default Balance is £808.00, yet the Credit Report says £788. The Default notice stated £347.00 is now due, this is the loan amount + £32 of charges. Surely the default value would have been the loan repayment amount of £409.50? The letter regarding notice of assignment from Lending Stream to PRA Group show’s the contact details on the right hand side as, this is normally Lending Streams – is this a dodgy put together job?. Surely the Lending Stream entry should no longer be on my report as PRA Group are reporting? There has been no Credit search by Lending stream to see if I was acceptable for a loan. Attached is the SAR from PRA Group – notice the Call Times despite me stating no Telephone contact – early in the morning very late at night. By their own admission they’ve proven harassment. Item (4) & (5): I did originally have a thread here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?370900-CFO-amp-CashChoice That related to Cash Choice & CFO but got moved all into the CFO section. I have’nt heard from any of these since the posts in the thread above. The SAR’s for both are attached, though CFO’s is less than helpful. Cash Choice – Loan Value £400 yet they are claiming I owe £1,480 nearly 4 times of original Value CFO – Loan Value £375 yet they are claiming I owe £930 nearly 3 times of original Value I cannot see the CFO entry being paid in on my statement for the dates of the agreement (only previous settle loans entries appear). With CashChoice I did speak to a DMC and had been paying them to deal with my debtors.. but I cut all ties with them when balances did not seem to reduce greatly. In May 2013 I received an email stating reduce settlement offer: Balance: £3985.59 REDUCED SETTLEMENT OFFER - £996!!! I did try to resolve the original balance with them (noted in the SAR) and asked to contact a number of times but no one ever came back to me. Also no letters were ever received from Cash Choice. Is CFO going the same way as Wonga over their handling of accounts? Both companies have not conducted any form of Credit Search to see if I was acceptable for a loan of any kind – trust me I would not have been. The SAR's
  17. Hi All, If your in the market to buy a nearly new car, please inspect these with just as much care as you would with a 3 - 5 plus year old car. We lease our Vehicles with an option to buy, otherwise after 3 years chuck them back and renew (Mrs. Stig still has her 2008 Toyota Prius that we purchased). We recently took possession of a brand new "14 plate" 7 seater, this vehicle had faults from day one, back to the dealer, repeated workshop & bodyshop visits, panels not fitting, leaking water if rained overnight not to mention the safety aspect where we took the Prius out instead for fear that with the new car the rear door would unlatch & slide open with our two little stiglets inside (even though they were belted up etc.). We returned the Vehicle with just over 2500 miles on the clock & got a new one (different car Manufacturer). Got a telephone call last night from a friend, the returned car is advertised on Autotrader in a well known national dealership. The dealership must know of the issues because the photographs are of the cars good side (it was the drivers side where the doors did not meet, bonnet off centre, rear tailgate out of alignment). It is also priced exactly the same as other cars in that age bracket. If your in the market for a nearly new car, please check, check & check again! Stigman
  18. We have a Hotpoint washer that had some bath mats in and when I just came to empty it smoke came pouring out of the drum and the mats were charred and smoking and there's ash all inside the drum. Scared the living daylights out of me. I rang Hotpoint who said the model had not been recalled and all they could do was allow me take out an extended warranty that I would have to pay for and then they would send an engineer. Rang trading standards who said that I needed to go back to Apollo Preston where I bought it as washing machines are covered for six years under the sale of goods act. Rang Apollo and confirmed I bought it in Aug 2011 so its not even three years old yet but they said that they only give one year warranty. I said this was a very serious fault and that I would write to them etc to which he said you can go down the legal route if you have the time and money but would cost me more than a new machine! I said I did have the time and would take it further so he's getting the manager to ring me back. If it was just a leak or something like that wouldn't bother but it nearly caught on fire.. .what would of happened if I hadn't of been stood next to it or if it had been at night.. could of caused a house fire and well don't want to think f what else could of happened. Does anyone have any advice. I have arranged to take the extended warranty with Hotpoint for one year but will cost £185 but they will provide new machine if needed but not sure if I'm doing the right thing as Applollo are responsible really. I need a washing machine though and not sure what to do.
  19. hi everyone, I am the first to admit I'm not the most organised with my finances and since my wife was diagnosed with Bipolar a few years ago my finances went worse. Over time, i've had a few Arrangements to pay on my Mortgage. It's difficult to keep up payments and sometimes I bury my head and get a little late with payments. I am in arrears with G&E, Council tax and Mortgage and when I was ill during June, my wife tried to use my card to make payment and was told no! When I was fit again, I transferred the money into my wife's account and she made a double payment - So from the last Arrangement to pay, I am up to date & this should clear my £900-odd debts be the end of the year. Unfortunately as the June's payment was late, NRAM has cancelled the ATP and I received late last week an eviction notice from my local sheriff court (I am in Scotland). After discussing with NRAM, I have spent my full week Faxing 3 months bank statements, wage slips and I&E along with a proposal to kickstart the ATP along with an extra payment to cover charges they have applied to my account. I was desperate to get these arrears cleared by the end of the year. Anyway my eviction has been planned for 31st July and I don't want to leave but they insist they want the full £900 cleared (as well as this months mortgage payment). Can someone advise me what I should do? I don't know where to turn and my wife's illness doesn't help when I'm trying to do it all myself. Any advice for Scotland would be much appreciated. Kind Regards J
  20. Hi Everyone, I recently reviewed my CRF from 2009 and noticed i had missed a MBNA loan that had PPI I think (thanks Nationwide) Ok details of loan Initial amount £5000 Period 72 months Monthly repayment £113.95 APR 7.9% So using CAGS Loan analysis spreadsheet if I didn't have PPI my APR would have been 19.5% I think not so I therefore had a higher initial amount and hence a one off PPI premium. Strangely I claimed back PPI on a CC in 2011 they never told me about the loan PPI or included anything about it in my SAR dated 2009. Naughty MBNA. Ok so using CAGS spreadsheet in reverse the initial amount comes out ~£6560 an eye watering 23.7% PPI element (egg still hold the crown for me with nearly 29%) This works out to approx £27 per month on PPI. I will send a spreadsheet breakdown with each payment as usual. 1. The PPI was very expensive 2. I was never made aware that PPI could have been purchased from third parties much cheaper. 3. My job would have paid sick pay for 6 months. 4. Prior to sale I was never asked if the policy was suitable for my needs or told of a cooling of period. 5. I simply was not given enough information to make an informed decision about the policy and its suitability for myself and my needs. 6.On early settlement of the loan the full rebate of the PPI premium was not refunded. 7.The PPI was pre-selected on the loan application (online) 8.The loan agreement had PPI applied and hence I felt locked it to purchasing it. 9. The site indicated that it was a good idea to purchase PPI. Thanks PT
  21. Howdy peeps, Back in 08/09 I was attacked in another town in Kent. The police attended, found out who it was and eventually it all went to court and they earned themselves a lovely 'free board' at HMP. Today, I was walking to the shops (where i live, which is about 40 miles away from that city), whilst on the phone, one of the guys who attacked me in 08/09 came up to me, asked for a cigarette, which I said I didn't have (as I stopped) then the abuse started again. Lucky for me his friend was there which pulled him back and stopped him from attacking me. Despite that, he followed me very closely until I was near the local police station at which time he turned around and left. Before that he was shouting threats at me etc... to provoke a reaction... I've reported it to the police, which are going to meet with me tomorrow at my house to discuss this. What I was wondering is what can I expect? Reasons I ask is: 1) I was the victim and witness in court which got him 4 years, now he knows I live here! 2) WOuld the courts have told him to have NO contact with me (the victim)? 3) If so, what can I do about this and who should i contact to alert the courts, or the police which handled the last event? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but I had NO idea where to ask this...
  22. Well, might be exaggerating a bit but will describe the scenario. Bought an oven over/hob 2 years ago. During the years it has suffered from issues like the bottom element blowing and the wires melting. Made a complaint and they were very good and sent me replacement parts and basically acknowledged the issue by sending me parts. 2 years has passed and I there are issue with the product. The main switch into the oven melted, it tripped the mains and smoke everywhere. On top of that a hob blew up and one of the plastic dials snapped. Contacted the company again and they say I am not covered as it has been longer than 2 years but as a good will gesture they will try and sort me out with parts again. It may be me who is being unfair but I really want the whole lot replacing as its never been right and a potential risk to safety. Knows its over 2 years but when you spend a few hundred quid on an item you expect to get at least 5 years from the product. Am I within my rights to try and get it replaced or should I just be grateful with more replacement parts? Many thanks Bill
  23. Received this email this evening. From:Request ([email protected]) Your junk email filter is set to exclusive.Sent:01 November 2013 21:43:16To: @HOTMAIL.COM (@HOTMAIL.COM) This message is here because your junk email filter is set to exclusive. Wait, it's safe!|I'm not sure. Let me check Dear New-me This email is very important please take action now. You owe £xxx.65 to UK SEARCH LIMITED in respect of SOUTHERN WATER-UTILITY SUPPLY, we have been instructed to collect it, so it is in your interest to contact us as soon as possible. Phone 01246 570 500 or Email enquire@ uksearchlimited.com Quote reference xxxxxxx. You can pay the full amount securely online https:// payonline. uksearchlimited.com you will need the following codes. OurRef xxxxxxx OriginalRef xxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from these emails ring us on 01246 570 500 however we will continue to phone and letter, and if appropriate we will instruct our doorstep staff to visit you. We use SagePay as our card services provider, so you can be sure of a secure transaction. Jon Kirwin Operations Director UK Search Limited I moved out of the rented house in Jan 07. Was in a real dark financial hole at time, this bill has been through Moorcrap,Robbers Way, Power to Connect and a few others, how should I deal with this?
  24. Hi All I won't bore you with all the ins and outs of my situation at the moment, but I was suspended on full pay from my job with a Major International Parcel Carrier on the 9th July of this year. I am suspended for alleged falsifying records and lack of duty. I strongly deny these charges and have responses for all of it. I had my first investigatory meeting on the 11th July and was told I would hear from HR in due course. I then received an email requesting another meeting to be held tomorrow. I have spoken to my Union Rep and taken advice and asked for any questions to be sent to me so that I may consider them and my reply. I have been told by the Manager taking this investigation that she cannot supply the questions as they will be decided on the day. As far as I am concerned I have answered their questions fully and frankly and really do not have anymore to add. Can they do this? I loved my job and the worry is making me ill. I also filed a grievance and this has not been mentioned. My thanks for your help in advance.
  25. Hi Guys I am new to these forums, but have had a bit of a look around. I wouldreally appreciate some help please, I have got myself into a bit of a pickle. I had some debts previously which all became Statute Barred before July thisyear. My problem is that I have received 2 letters from a company called DebtManagement Ltd. The 1st letter said that they were trying to contact me about a debt andthat if I ignored the letter that they would assume that they have located thecorrect person (I ignored the letter). The next letter I received today which had the header ‘Doorstep Agent Visit’. It states that they will instruct ourdoorstep agents to call at your address to discuss arrangements for the full amountowing. It is for Arrow – MBNA for just over £3000. I did previously get myself into some financial difficulty and as a result Ihad a few debts all of which became Statute Barred before July this year. I have checked on Equifax and this debt is listed, but I have confusion onthe SB status. I last made a payment in May 2006, then 1 payment late in June2006 and then late payments through to 5 late payments in October 2006. In November and December 2006 it says on myfile AP (Arrangement to Pay). The default was put on my file in January 2007. I am 95% sure that I didn’t make any arrangement to pay at that time,however I can’t be 100% sure!! I am worried about this doorstep visit and need some advice. Does anyone think that this debt may already be SB? Should I ignore the letters or is there any way of stalling them until I canbe sure that it is SB? I am a single parent on benefits and have no way of finding £3000. Thank you so much in advance QB
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