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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, Not sure if this is the correct forum, I have a somewhat difficult situation I am contending with. in summary; I had a lease vehicle; prior to the end of the lease arrangement I arranged the inspection (Thurs 15th March 2018) and collection (Sat 17th March) with British Car Auctions (BCA) in accordance with what I had to do (inspection within 7 days of collection and end of contract). BCA failed to turn up (i took the day off off work!)! I called BCA who advised that they had made a mistake and schedule my inspection and collection for the incorrect dates. They advised management would contact me and they would rearrange. I received no contact. I repeatedly called to rearrange as I was aware I was now out of my contract date (phoned Audi to advise of situation). Was unable to get a response. Monday 19th March BCA turn up at my front door at 7:45am unannounced to collect the car. I advise that it has not been inspected and the collection date was 17th. Two collection agents then sat in my living room for approximately 2 hours trying to get through to their head office to check if they could collect the vehicle. Eventually advised that they could not, and went on their way advising BCA would contact me to rearrange. Fast forward several weeks of trying to arrange the collection and inspection and fit with BCA's availability and I mange to arrange inspection and collection (difficult as I work away for long periods of time and they have limited availability). Car was inspected Tuesday 17th April (another half day annual leave) and collected Friday 20th (half day annual leave). I have now received an invoice from Audi for the additional rental. I have spoken to Audi via telephone who agreed that this is BCA's error and they should cover the invoice, however Audi are still invoicing me as it is my contract! Audi have tied to contact a manager at BCA and also ha zero success. I am going down the formal complaint route and any tips on acts, cases, precedents or what I should include / not include in the letter would be gratefully appreciated. My first thought was to list it chronologically as above. I can go through phone records if required and list every call made and received (all via my mobile). I would like the invoice covering by BCA, and if possible compensation for the annual leave taken whilst waiting for their failed inspection and collection. Also, to add to this. I queried if I should even be responsible for this complaint as I did not employ BCA, Audi did.(my original complaint was to Audi) They advised that they are satisfied that the complaint against Audi has been resolved and I need to pay the bill and try to recover the costs from BCA. Please help!!
  2. I am registered disabled due to mental health and currently receive help from my mental health team and NHS psychological services 3-4 times a week. One of the things I have problems with is people coming to my home and tend to retreat into it as my 'safe' place. Even my social worker has only been here once and no friends visit and only my children come here. I have my electricity and gas from the same company since I switched to them years ago and I read my own meters on the last day of most months and type the readings in online and pay at the same time. I decline to have my meters read by strangers unexpectedly turning up on my doorstep. I am very frugal as I live on benefits, gas wise I don't have the hot water on (boil a kettle to wash up and have an electric shower) and didn't use the heating at all this last winter, managing without, only using the gas hob once or twice a week (eating disorder helps). I don't use much electricity either so my utility costs are very low. I realise that by law I have to let someone come and inspect the meters once every two years so when I was written to in May 2013 I made the appointment and the man came within the two hour time slot agreed in May last year and I showed him the meters which are inches apart. Now I have had a letter stating that the company need to come and inspect my electricity meter and that if I don't comply they will apply to the magistrates court and charge me £208 to cover costs. I managed to telephone them and apparently when the man came out he only looked at the gas meter and now they need to look at the electricity meter. They are beside each other and I get both electricity and gas from the same company! Please can you tell me, do I have a right to decline this new inspection as I let them in last year or do they have a right to look at gas one year and electricity the next? I wish I didn't get into such a state about people coming into the house, I feel I am ridiculous but know that I will find another visit soon distressing as I am struggling at the moment and these threatening letters and legal action is just as bad. TIA eta the company is e.on if it's ok to name them. They seem to be unable to check gas and electricity meters at the same time
  3. Hi All, If your in the market to buy a nearly new car, please inspect these with just as much care as you would with a 3 - 5 plus year old car. We lease our Vehicles with an option to buy, otherwise after 3 years chuck them back and renew (Mrs. Stig still has her 2008 Toyota Prius that we purchased). We recently took possession of a brand new "14 plate" 7 seater, this vehicle had faults from day one, back to the dealer, repeated workshop & bodyshop visits, panels not fitting, leaking water if rained overnight not to mention the safety aspect where we took the Prius out instead for fear that with the new car the rear door would unlatch & slide open with our two little stiglets inside (even though they were belted up etc.). We returned the Vehicle with just over 2500 miles on the clock & got a new one (different car Manufacturer). Got a telephone call last night from a friend, the returned car is advertised on Autotrader in a well known national dealership. The dealership must know of the issues because the photographs are of the cars good side (it was the drivers side where the doors did not meet, bonnet off centre, rear tailgate out of alignment). It is also priced exactly the same as other cars in that age bracket. If your in the market for a nearly new car, please check, check & check again! Stigman
  4. Ordered a kitchen sink online and in the confirmation email: Just out of curiosity I thought you were allowed a reasonable amount of time to inspect the goods?
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