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Found 6 results

  1. I was an Iresa customer before they went into liquidation and have just received a reminder from Octopus that I did not deal with their email about my final Iresa bill. I have now dealt with it but I am concerned that others might have just accepted the figures given without checking or being able to check them. The initial final bill showed us as being in debt to the tune of £89.01. I knew that this was wrong as we had always been in credit. I saw that Iresa had estimated our gas usage for the last month (July) at 55% of our annual usage. That massive over estimate seems very suspicious to me! However, I contacted Octopus and challenged the estimate pointing out where the error had occurred. I then received an amended bill showing a credit of £49.99 and some figures to justify this were included. This still seemed wrong so I sat down with the meter readings and bills and worked out my own estimate of the correct figure. I am no accountant and I struggled with the figures but, eventually, arrived at a figure that I sent to Octopus with an explanation of my calculations. I have now received a new final account showing a credit of £305.39, a difference of £394.40 from the original bill. Octopus admitted that they had made an error in their calculations and apologised for doing so. I have no doubt that the errors by Octopus were innocent ones but there was clearly no checking of the figures being produced. I was able, with difficulty, to work out where the errors had occurred but I know that many people including my wife and in laws would not have been able to do so. I am concerned that there seems to be no (or completely inadequate) protection for customers caught in circumstances such as these. It is unfortunate that I did not see the original message from Octopus and dealt with it earlier. I doubt that raising this here will help anyone but felt that I had to do so just in case someone else has found themselves in the same situation as we did.​
  2. I was sent a demand by email from Octopus for over £500, immediate payment, which they say is what I owed to Iresa, I've no idea who octopus are bit they're quoting ofgem and all sorts, they reduced it to £400 when I queried it, they are saying I was underpaying Iresa! What's going on? Octopus have threatened me with collection agency already! I had a DD taken out of my bank yesterday to IresaOctopus for the usual monthly payment I was making to Iresa, should I cancel this DD? I know I need to check back and see exactly how much I've paid to Iresa, I know they took extra out of my account in January to cover underpayments over the year, and I'm going to book an appointment with CAB, atm I'm on holiday and worrying about this!
  3. Opened: Feb 2018 Investigation into Iresa and its compliance with its obligations under its gas and electricity supply licences READ MORE HERE: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/investigation-iresa-and-its-compliance-its-obligations-under-its-gas-and-electricity-supply-licences-slcs-14-233-234-25c-slc-0-october-2017-275-278-2716-and-chsr-2008
  4. Some of you are aware of the colossal screw up the DWP made when moving people from IB to ESA over the last 5yrs. Some 75000 were wrongly placed in the incorrect ESA group which has led to them being underpaid for years. I got some advice from a local community service, got the ESA3 forms from the DWP and asked to be moved from Cont Based to Income Related ESA... and pointed out that this would need to be backdated 4yrs due to their mistake. 3 weeks later I call to chase it up, spoke to a very helpful lady, who looked into it, awarded me IRESA immediately, and passed it to the team dealing with the backdating issues. I pointed out that due to the screw up I couldn't even get my prescriptions because I was on the wrong sort of ESA and had 2 days of meds left and no money to pay for them, and my HC2 had been delayed due to NHS jobsworths. That was the 21st of Dec... I was then able to get my meds the same day, and I was expecting a long wait for the backdating issue to be looked at. But on the 15th Jan.. I had a letter stating that they'd agreed to back date me from Dec 2014 for the sum total of £2133. It also said that it couldn't be back dated to the actual change due to section 27 of the social security act 1998. So I'm very happy to be getting an extra £13.50 a week and the under payment has already been paid into my bank. My personal opinion is that this wasn't an actual mistake... but that they deliberately tried to save money and according to info I've read on other rights websites... were made aware of years ago and did nothing... but now that they can further save money by not paying people the full amounts they would be owed... now they admit they messed up. But it's freed me from debt, given me a cushion in the bank for emergencies for a little while at least... and the extra money will come in handy and stop me from deciding if I eat or turn the heating on this winter. So my advice to anyone in the same position... Get onto the DWP, ask for the ESA3 form and fill it in, ask for it to be reviewed and backdated... Don't wait for them to get in touch with you.
  5. Hello I’ve been a customer of Iresa (Energy supplies) for over a year and never had a problem until the beginning of the year. My account has always been in credit of between £50-60 plus I always submit meter readings online when requested. I had an email 3 wks ago stating as my account was in Debit balance Iresa would request a one off payment from my bank on the 31st Jan. Logged onto my account and noted that the account was in £1351 debit. Iresa had generated an invoice for this amount and applied it to my account. I’ve since cancelled my DD informed Iresa of my actions via email and spoke to Customer Services and was told someone would email me shortly, that was 2 weeks ago and my account is still in debit. How can I resolve this as the I am concerned that Iresa will disconnect my supply
  6. Hi everyone My current EDF tariff is due to expire in March and so I've been checking out various providers and tariffs to see what's out there and what's good. A company called Iresa Energy have consistently been showing up at or near the top of every search on every website I've checked. However... I've never heard of them before, and info and customer reviews/ratings seem a little thin on the ground. So I was hoping to glean some advice/info from this wonderful place... Knowing that if you've had a lot of people talking about them on here... that's not always a good thing. My other question is that I cannot find any info about their participation in the Warm Home Discount scheme. Which brings me to my 3rd question... I applied for the WHD with EDF at the end of Sept 2016 and have received a reply that my application has been received... but not if I've been granted it yet. I've had it for the previous 2yrs and it's come in very handy with winter heating bills. The savings from Iresa over the next 12 months aren't enough to make up what the WHD gives me. None of the comparison sites seem to take the HD as a factor... and companies participation via those sites is scare or non existent. I've got a couple of months before my tariff ends... so not urgent, plenty of time to gather info together before the switch. Thanks
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