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  1. Hi Guys, I hope all is well. I have been trying to regsiter for a gas supplier. I have called around all the big suppliers and was told that they didn't supply my property as there was no meter point reference number. Having done some research online I discovered I could all XOSERVE to find out my MPRN so I could regsiter for a gas supplier. XOSERVE have said that due to an admin error from the previous supplier to my flat that I was not registered on their system and to contact any of the energy suppliers and sign up with them which didn't help at all. I have gone back to all the big energy suppliers explaining the circumstances and non of them seem to understand and they have all said again they can't supply my propery because I dont have a MPRN!!! I would be very grateful if anybody who has dealt with this situation before could give me some advice on how I get a MPRN in order to sign up with an energy supplier? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Many Thanks, Frank
  2. Hi, I run a small retail operation, bricks and locks building..., I am disputing the bill Britisg Gas have sent me, they said it's a smart meter and up to date, it still doesn;t seem right.. One of the last letters have threatened with bailiff or coming in to change the meter, how heavy are they on this stuff? Need I worry till I can try sort it out with them? How long do they normally take to take action?
  3. I was sent a demand by email from Octopus for over £500, immediate payment, which they say is what I owed to Iresa, I've no idea who octopus are bit they're quoting ofgem and all sorts, they reduced it to £400 when I queried it, they are saying I was underpaying Iresa! What's going on? Octopus have threatened me with collection agency already! I had a DD taken out of my bank yesterday to IresaOctopus for the usual monthly payment I was making to Iresa, should I cancel this DD? I know I need to check back and see exactly how much I've paid to Iresa, I know they took extra out of my account in January to cover underpayments over the year, and I'm going to book an appointment with CAB, atm I'm on holiday and worrying about this!
  4. I left talk talk after several years up to 2017 and had no yearly contract to honour due to it expiring. Quite simply they didnt provide me a working internet, blaming some issues with their line management software. I finished with them and didnt pay them for the time the line was not working. They sent me bills but I just could not pay them due to the principle of it. I tried to call their staff to explain that I am not going to pay when I didnt receive service, but wasted effort of course. Now talk talk are threatening credit score points against me if I dont pay. Is there anything I can do after they put this on my credit file. Its the principle of it that gets me, I just dont want to pay them after all the hassle and expense they put me through. As I was having to buy mobile broadband until I had a BT line put in. I have lots of credit I hardly use so its not the end of the world anyway but surely there must be a way to challenge them ?
  5. Ok all, im in need of help, i have asked on another forum but just wanted more advice if possible i started a LTD company less tham a year ago it was going well, but some bad business decisions have quickly turned the good to bad i have a 3 debts with suppliers, one at £2.5k one at £3k and one at £2700 the £2700 got a ccj against the company i was paying 500 a month but cant afford to pay it, now i have received a notice of issue of warrant of control. The registered office address was my home until recently when i changed it, i now use one of the online registered office services things sorry not sure what its called exactly, so its now different to my home the issue of warrant letter came to my house as it was sent before i updated the details with the supplier which i have now done im worried that bailiffs are going to turnup and start taking my families stuff, we dont have much, an old car in my partners name, the usual tv sons xbox and a few other bits, nothing of great value just hoping someone can tell me what i can do, i really couldnt face the family if the bailiffs came and took stuff im finding it hard to look my kids and partner in the eyes now as i feel like a total failure many thanks
  6. Hello! I'm new to this forum so please be gentle! my partner and I moved into a flat almost three years ago. For the first few months we had no boiler, gas, radiators etc as the building is very old. Only electric. The landlord finally got gas installed, so we had heating. Great! Only thing is, the men who installed the gas meter seemingly did not hook us up to the supplier I had requested. ..in fact no supplier at all. Having not had a bill for several months, I contacted who I 'believed' was our supplier, to be told that we weren't on their records. And we weren't on anybody's records. She told me that essentially the gas is coming direct from the grid, it's free, and if I keep quiet, I'm not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately at the time I didn't think to record that conversation. here we are, nearly three years without paying gas, and we are planning on moving out in a few months. We're panicking that our letting agent will find out we don't pay gas and will forward us a giant bill, or that if we try and start a gas account that they might back date the bill? Please does anybody have any advice or know how this stuff works? I put my hands up to the fact that we've been aware of this situation for a long time, and usually we're very play-it-safe types, but we threw caution to the wind for once and now I'm wondering if we'll be punished by the utility gods for eternity for this tiny thrill of free gas... HELP! Thanks for reading!
  7. Check your tariff and compare. Forthcoming price increases by Npower, Scottish Power, EDF....BGas holding prices for now.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38931218
  8. Hello, The following issue has been on going since 24th December 2017. Looking for a bit of advice. On the 4th November I messaged a photographer on Facebook messagner with regards to providing wedding photography. He replied and advised he required a £100 deposit to secure the booking. He send the invoice to my email address with stated the deposit, name of the company and the following message “ by paying the amount above you are agreeing to the terms and conditions at (insert company’s website) “ I paid te £100 via goods and services on pay pal I did not receive tt se terms and conditions, I was not guided to where on the website they were (at the bottom of a very .. long .. packages page”. I emailed two days later asking when I would receive a contract for the booking to win, I was told then by paying the deposit I was in contract and that was sufficient I emailed a Facebook page and reviews of supplies and was told he was the most complained about supplier in the UK by not providing a good service.. saying there will be more than one photographer and one turns up etc. So on 24th we emailed saying we wished to cancel due to lack of contract and transparently. He emailed sayingthats fine but we need to pay a £200 fee to cancel. I contacted citizens advice telling me to send a recorded letter in addition to the email I send which he contacted and said he would be sending debt collectors and his lawyer is looking after this for him .. The wedding in 852 days away from cancelling and wen I read trading standards- companies can put a cancellation fee in that’s reasonable due to loss of profit or business. I felt the notice I’ve provided is sufficient. The terms and conditions weren’t actually given to me, he has now threatened us with debt collectors and said “the invoice clearly states that you have 14 days to cancel. But the invoice does not clearly state that. I’ve contacted citizens advice who will pass it to trading standards but they take 10 working days to make a decision. Any help as to where we stand would be great (Additional note) the photographer stated e was a memeber f the Scottish wedding photographer and portrait society but I contacted them and he is not a memeber.
  9. I switched energy supplier, am on pay as you go thing with the key (electricity) and card (gas). Someone at the door persuaded me, all fine, got a cheaper rate. Everyone here is fine with it because it's a cheaper rate. Thing is I just live here, I don't pay any of the energy bills here and I told them this clearly. The previous contract wasn't under my name and am 100% sure a credit rating check would deny any other form of payment method lol. Any pitfalls? This contract is under my name now. In the future if I or anyone else wants to change provider for this house, they can do so right (after the contract runs out)? Any new contract doesn't require me? I can cancel the application at any time according to the email during the initial phase before they send me a new key/card. As I said it's not a big deal because everyone here is fine with it, but would like any input.
  10. Hi , we are a micro business. We have an electricity supplier for a few years and pay a monthly account . Suddenly an unknown electricity supplier contacts us and insists they supply us with electricity . They use the wrong name to address our business. They have a very large bill for us. They refuse any questions... stating the 'data protection act'. They constantly harass us with telephone calls. They sent a caller around to collect money and informed us they will get a warrant to cut off our supply. They have no idea of our electric meter number. They have no idea of our current supplier account number. They are very intimidating on the phone. How do we stop them applying for a warrant of entry ?
  11. I am looking for some advice re mobility scooter. I brought a new scooter from Care_Co http://www.careco.co.uk/cl-ms/mobility-scooters.htm in June i went out approx 4 times on this until early September because i had to wait until some of my garden had been concreted over to accommodate scooter. On approx by 10th trio it stared to break down, it went okay the stooped etc and twice crossing the road. I contacted the supplier and i have been met with indifference, it took almost 5 weeks before an engineer called which was today. There is a fault with the scooter. I have asked for a full refund as i have no confidence in the scooter or the company even if it was repaired. I understand that under the Consumers Act a company has tooter at least attempt at repair or replacement unless it would cause significant inconvenience. I have explained that has well as a physical disability i also have Bipolar disorder and anxiety which for me means that i will not feel safe on this scooter if repaired and would not feel comfortable going out alone on it which negates the reason i brought it for. I have found the company so difficult in that its been impossible to speak to a manager, i have made 5 attempts in the last 10 days to speak to a manager and i get fobbed of, 4 times via phone, once via email and no one gets back to me. Today when the engineers left i rang the company again and said i wanted a refund again i could not speak to a manager, then in minutes i got a call from the engineers company (who had told me they were separate from care co and would take a couple of days for the report to go through) to say that a part has been ordered i went through it all again. I feel they are pushing a repair on me and giving me no option as no one will communicate with me, any ideas on what i can do next and what are my rights. Many thanks for any advice and for reading
  12. Hello folk, On the 22nd of August I received an email from extra energy sending me my "final" electricity bill, which included a £25 fee for exiting the tariff before it expired. I called Extra Energy and they told me that my supply had been taken over by British Gas and that I should speak to them about it. The operator at Extra Energy wasn't very helpful although I did tell him that I did not want to change supplier. Reality is I would not be a BG customer even if they were the cheapest in the market, I had a very bad experience with them in the 90s and there is no way I would ever consider them again. Since I did not ask to be supplied by British gas, not even knowing what tariff I am on, as I have not yet received any correspondence form them, would I be in my rights not to pay their bill if they sent me one? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to have free electricity, in fact I have opened a separate savings account and instructed my bank to transfer £70.00 every month to it, just in case I get a nasty surprise. With Extra Energy my tariff was Bright fixed price January 2017, which is less expensive than BG standard, so if I do get a bill from BG can I recalculate the figures using EE's rates? Last but not least, can I sue BG for taking over the suplly without my say so? Thank you in advance for any advice.
  13. Hi all, New on here but have been reading a lot - I need some help with a claim for I have had through in the post. I used to run a business 4/5 years ago that dealt with various suppliers. The business closed in 2012 and hasn't traded since. I had a letter around 2 months ago from an old supplier stating that the business had been sold to someone else and that there was an outstanding balance on my account from 2011, it came with an attached statement of invoices spreading across 18 months - first thing I knew about it, I was not aware I had a balance outstanding as the business has been closed since mid 2012. I was also shocked that the invoices spread across such a long time period. when I was trading with this company I normally paid for my good on collection or delivery. If any payment had been missed i'm not sure why it was not bought up at my next order? I simply wrote back to this letter stating that the business was closed now and I was not aware of any balance outstanding at the time. On the 12th Sept I had a claim form though the post from a company I did no recognise - I was only on seeing the suppliers name on the bottom on the form I realised who it was from. This old supplier of parts with whom I have not spoken or ordered since 2012. The particulars simply state - "Claiming payment for goods supplied on credit for which payment has not been received" I assume the company that is claiming is the new company that has bought out the supplier? - However it is signed by the guy who I dealt with back in 2011 so not sure. my question really is how to deal with this - The business that closed caused me a lot of grief and money at the time and my credit is still, even if its slowly, recovering from it all closing. Last thing I want now is to have another CCJ on my file and be back to square one! - I'm still waiting for the others I incurred (I probably would not have got them in the first place if I'd have been part of this forum then as I didn't even reply to claim at the time and they were just awarded as default!) to drop off! The main defence I think I have is that I was never aware until recently that there was an outstanding balance. I always paid for my deliveries or collections at the time of ordering. I did not have a "credit" account which I had a limit for and paid off as you would with a normal supplier. The company (although it was me as a sole-trader) closed in 2012 I am still unsure why, if the claims are true, I was allowed to keep ordering for a period of 18 months if this balance was due. It seems to me that there must be an admin error or their part or something? Any advice or suggestions? Cheers Chris
  14. Hello, where I live is a house with a lock up shop to the front of it . I have been renting the house for almost 12 years and the shop for just over 6 years. It is privately rented but I would be interested in buying the property and I know my landlord would sell. The value I would estimate is in the region of £145000. Getting together some sort of deposit is not a problem. My issue is that looking at my income and doing the calculations that building societies / mortgage lenders do, I fall far short of what I would need to borrow compared to the amount they would lend. My rent is £550 per month and the shop is £400 per month so I am currently paying £950 per month. I am certain that mortgage repayments would not be more than this. As over the past 12 years I have proven that I can afford this amount are there any establishments around who would look at affording me a mortgage on the basis of my proven rent payments ? Thank you in advance for any help or advice
  15. Hi New to site. I inherited a small property in 2005 and continued dual fuel account with same company. Used property as second home whist renovating it. Decided to rent out as I was then living in Cornwall (330 miles from property) Rented out property in December 2013 to young couple. Took 6 months and a complaint to OS Energy before new account put in female tenant's name, by which time tenant had built up large debt and had DCA calling every day. Tenant's informed me they were vacating by April, 2015. In the meantime I decided to sell property as too many problems with tenants. They did not give me an exact moving out date but eventually moved out on 2 August, 2015 leaving the keys and note with meter reads on with neighbour. Meter reads were correct, so wrote a letter dated 5 August, 2015, enclosing tenant's note to supplier stating that I had taken back property and to put new account in my name and send to Cornwall address. Property had been sold so it would remain empty so expected to be put on standard tariff, 3 monthly bills. Unbeknown to me the supplier had received call from tenant on 4 August, 2015 and she gave them a 'false' name for the person due to take over the supply. It was 3 to 4 months before I realised what was happening. I wrote to supplier in November, 2015 explained the situation and again asking for account to be put in my name. Roll on January, 2016 up on a visit to the property, a couple more bills in the 'false' name. So I started emailing the supplier's complaints department, requesting they halt any action on the account until my complaint had been sorted. I opened one of the bills and it was estimated as approx. £700 owing. Obviously as the property had been unoccupied sine tenants had left, I knew about only 10% of this figure was actually used, mostly standing charges. On 29 January, 2016, I returned to property to find supplier's agent just leaving having just fitted ext. prepayment gas meter. When I explained who I was and what the situation was, he contacted his office, gave them the actual meter reads and an account was set up in my name and Cornwall address. He was instructed to put the original meter back. Which he partly did and put a sealing disc in the supply effectively cutting off the gas. The gas could not be used as it needed commissioning. I then had to arrange for the system to be drained to prevent frost damage. I emailed supplier giving them 7 days to fix the gas supply. They ignored my request. The new owner took over the utilities on 8 February, 2016 and arranged for registered plumber to recharge system and gas supply and then sent me the bill for nearly £200. I have since discovered that the supplier merely changed the name on the account and expected me to pay the charges on the account (for letter and agent visit) In an email from the supplier they indicate they did not respond to my contacts due to the DPA and I was not the named account holder. The bills they sent me, 2 both dated 29 January, 2016 and the final bill dated 17 February, 2016 are estimated, contain the charges and have the same account number as the 'false' name one. I also started a complaint with the OS Energy on 16 January 2016 (8 weeks after I complained to supplier in Nov, 2015) In March, 2016, I received email from supplier after I had told them I had started complaint with OS Energy. The supplier offered to simply zero the estimated bill and contribute towards plumber's bill. I had previously informed them I would wait for the OS decision and they should also do same. According to the info I have researched, the supplier did NOT obtain a warrant, did not write informing that pp meter would be fitted giving 28 days warning. They did not offer any payment plans. They are also required to send 7 day warning letter about fitting pp meter. They did but it arrived several days after they had fitted meter and was dated 29 January, same day as pp meter fitted. So as far as I'm concerned they breached Ofgem rules for fitting pp meter. I will let you digest this part of the story before telling the rest of the saga (or farce). Perhaps you can recognise which supplier is involved?
  16. Hi everyone. This is the letter I have sent to one of my suppliers. What do to when a supplier from abroad refuses to refund for a manufacturing issues on the item bought. 05 October 2015 Dear Mr. X, Request full refund Order N 6513 dated May 2015 23rd + invoice 29617 + 30 EUR for storing. I am writing to you to make official request of full refund for the purchase of the Scooter model H300 I have bought for my customer Mr. X X. As you were previously made aware of, the scooter was received by the customer with manufacturing issues such brakes not perfectly working, speedometer not set for showing the speed as described in the scooter specifications and the main issue, the handlebar broken in two pieces. After making request for repairing the scooter, I was charged for the repairs despite the scooter had arrived already broken to the UK. I was also charged for the delivery from London to the warehouse in Germany and from the warehouse to London. As a third charge, it was added an extra 10 EUR for each week the scooter was kept in the warehouse after repairs were done. In regards to this last charge, I have never received the invoice, which complicates the situation as no payments can be requested without the invoice being issued. Please, find below the steps which have brought me here: • May 23rd: - I bought the SXT H300 from the website sxt scooters. Within the first 14 days you were made aware of the issues shown on the new scooter once the parcel was opened. • June 29th - The scooter was collected by Parcel Force from the X Ltd office in London for being delivered to your warehouse in Germany. • July 6th - The scooter was received by you and the paperwork signed by X. • August 13th - 39 days after you have received the scooter in your warehouse, I was informed by email that your mechanic had finished the check of the scooter stating that they had not found the issues described be me (I have all the pictures about the broken handlebar. After checking the scooter, you have stated that the parameters of the speedometer were wrong, that the brakes needed some fixes and that the wheels needed to be inflated. All this means that the scooter was not checked before the delivery and it was received by the customer in not acceptable conditions) • August 13th - This same day you have invoiced me for repairing all these issues were shown once the scooter was received by the customer. • August 19th - You have informed me that I will be charged extra 10 EUR for each week the scooter is kept by you in your warehouse. • September 7th - The invoices 29617 (delivery plus repairing) and the non-invoice never issued (storage for the scooter) were paid to your bank account as requested in order you to re-deliver the scooter back to London. • September 16th - 73 days after delivering it to you for the scooter being repaired, the scooter was received in London and the delivery was signed by Mrs X X which has opened the parcel in front of me and noticed that the handlebar is mounted upside-down and that the speedometer is broken. (I have sent you the pictures of it) • September 17th - I personally sent you an email making you aware of the receipt of the scooter with the handlebar mounted upside-down and the speedometer broken (the picture were attached to this email). No answer was received by you. • September 20th - I sent you the second email advising you again of the fact the scooter was received with some broken parts (speedometer) but unfortunately no answer was received by you. • September 30th - I sent the third email to the same email address we have had in the last 2 years our correspondence and for the third time I have not got any reply. I have asked your assistance for a scooter that was received for the second time with manufacturing issues. After 125 days still the scooter is there on a side in the office and it is not possible using it. During this time more than one consumer and businesses defense center and departments - German Patent and Trade Mark Office, HM Revenue & Customs and UK Trade & Investment, UK European Consumer Centre, The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, Verbraucherzentrale, German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection - were informed of your behaviour, about your conduct, about your threats for having published a correct review of the issues happened with the scooter sold by you. No international laws prevent a consumer or a business by publishing on internet the behavior of another business which they have a cooperation with as long as all the statements correspond to real facts. This will be considered as a threat and valuated as such. With this letter, I would like to ask you to issue a refund for the money spend for buying the scooter which, after 4 months and 4 days after its purchase, is still not possible riding on the road (private) because of the issues mentioned above. The total amount to be refunded is: 1151,43 EUR • 873,84 EUR for the purchase of the scooter. • 157,59 EUR for the delivery UK-Germany and Germany-UK and repairing of the scooter under warranty. • 30,00 EUR extra charge for storing the scooter within your premises (invoice illegally not issued) • 90,00 EUR as anticipation for delivering back a scooter that since the beginning was not possible to ride because of its issues. As a matter of the facts, the departments mentioned above will be receiving copy of this correspondence with you in order to be updated with the development of the facts. They will be also authorized of proceeding with further investigations about this report in order to make more clear the reasons which have brought you to behave against the rules. Nonetheless they will be requested to make public this report as we strongly believe that users and potential buyers must be made aware of your conduct as a Company. I have never got an answer. I have the item broken in my house and cannot use it. What to do? Does anyone have a clue? Regards.
  17. Hi, I've decided to switch from my current (Atlantic) gas+electric supplier to COOP using moneysavingexpert. I have received letter month later from COOP to provide meter readings. I did that and noticed I was charged direct debit from them but also was charged by Atlantic. I have called Atlantic to ask why they charging me as COOP is my new provider. They said that they don't know nothing about any switch and that they are current supplier and advised to call COOP. I have called COOP and after long conversation I was told that this is correct. That there was some mistake and they charged me 49 pounds for services they do not provide. I have asked to cancel my account and refund money and confirm everything by email. I have received email saying all that. Today 10 days from speaking to COOP I have noticed that I was charged another 49 pounds for services they do not provide. I'm not rich person and every pound counts for me and here they taking 49 quid for nothing. I have planned my week spendings and now I have 49 pounds less . I did not received refund yet as COOP said it will take 10-14 days! How they can take money off me for nothing and refund it in 10-14 days! I need them now Please advise what to do. Thank you.
  18. We have no problems selecting a supplier for our house , easy using various moneysupermarket type web pages and historic data What I need is a resorce which will help to help my daughter ( single mum with 8 year old son ) to select a supplier. She will be starting from scratch with no historic data to help her choose a supplier and to calculate her starting point for a DD payment plan . A link to a suitable web site would be appreciated
  19. I recently switched gas and electricity (together, dual fuel) suppliers. The switch completed a couple of weeks ago, on 13th May. I was on a fixed monthly DD tariff with my previous supplier, and my account had built up to be significantly in credit (should be over £400 after my final bill, going by my calculations). I provided meter readings to the new supplier on the switch over day, and I was told (by at least one of the suppliers) that the new supplier would forward these on to the old one, in order for the final bill to be raised. My online account with my previous supplier isn't showing any updates yet, I contacted them to be told that it takes up to 28 days from the switch to produce the final bill, and I'll be refunded sometime after that. Is this normal? Sounds like there's nothing I can do to speed it up. I did raise the issue of the relatively large credit on my account with the supplier some time ago, but they gave some waffle about how it could be wiped out by my next bill, even though my usage history didn't suggest that at all.
  20. A friend purchased some hair extensions online with a regular supplier as she is a part time mobile hair dresser and has used this supplier for approx 18 months. The item purchased was for a booked client. The hair extensions didn't arrive and this is confirmed by Royal Mail who has checked the tracking information. However, the supplier didn't insure the goods for the full amount and therefore the retailer has advised that Royal Mail will only refund for the amount insured. The Terms & Conditions of the online supplier reads as follows; If for any reason, Royal Mail fail to delivery any special delivery items at their required time, we are willing to provide a refund for the postage paid and will make a claim to Royal Mail for the loss of this postage, if proven the item did fail to reach for its guaranteed time. We do not take any responsibility for loss of earnings or any other costs. If items are lost and you are willing to make a claim through Royal Mail, compensation levels are provided at http://www.royalmail.com for special delivery and recorded items. My friend has spoken with Royal Mail but they have advised her that as she is not the customer who purchased the postage for the item, they cannot take a claim from her. She is out of pocket for the hair extensions of almost £100 plus the loss of business from the customer, not to mention the loss of reputation caused by this event. I do not understand the T&C's above of the retailer as they look ambiguous so is there anyone who can kindly advise what course of action can be taken against the online retailer please?
  21. We contacted Vetmedsdirect on the 8th Dec and ordered medication for our little dog. We supplied a copy of the presxcription to them to faciltate the order. In addition we paid £3.59 for delivery. It is now the 13th Dec and still no sign that the medication has even been shipped. Under the Consumer Contract Regulations can we request that they cancel the order which has not been shipped and also request a full refund? Very annoying as we now have to go and buy from a veterinary practice and at higher cost as we have run out of out of the tablets. It seems that these Online vets take your order although they do not have the items in stock. They then order which is why it takes a lot longer to get items from them. Are there any really reliable Online vet suppliers?
  22. I recently purchased a Playstation 4 for my son for Christmas from my mothers catalog company called Kays. We bought it on credit at £500 over 32 weeks and have paid the first instalment. My son was unable to use it for four days during Christmas as the Playstation network was down. We have now set it up for him to find that the disk drive is faulty and will spit out the game disk or not accept it at all. I contacted Sony who after troubleshooting this with me agreed that the unit was faulty and that they would accept it for repair. I know from working with repairing computers and consoles that sending this back to the manufacturer can take weeks and often months to get it back. Beside that I feel as it is supposed to be brand new I didn't want a repaired console, I wanted a new working console, especially as I have paid £100 more than what they cost in the shop. I asked my mother to contact Kays and have them collect it and replace it. My mother did this and was told that we must return the unit to Sony as they will not accept it back if it has been plugged in, faulty or not! I feel this is outrageous as we did not buy it from Sony and have no contract with them and I have never been told I can't return goods less than 30 days old that don't work correctly and get a refund or replacement. So I wonder can anyone tell me if goods bought on credit from a catalog are subject to special terms where the creditor takes no liability for the goods they supply? I appreciate any help here as Kays won't budge.
  23. Ofgem has ordered Spark Energy to pay £250,000 to Citizens Advice for 14 breaches of relevant conditions and requirements. These include: Refusing to allow customers to switch. Switching other customers without their knowledge Billing errors Failing to refund customers in credit Failing to notify customers of increases failure to provide accurate direct debit calculations. failure to deal with complaints properly Spark Energy are so bad they make Npower look almost professional http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-31490466 Notice of Intention to Impose a Financial Penalty on Spark Energy 16 February 2015
  24. Could someone please help me with the following situation? Aviva/ Quotemehappy / Solus Park Royal are lamentable and treating me, their client, like thugs. Back on the 29th November 2014 someone stole the two front seats from my Fiat 595 Abarth and caused some collateral damage to the car. Almost three months later, QuoteMeHappy/Aviva has still not settled the claim. A couple of days after the theft I was given a smelly "courtesy" car. Of course no terms and conditions were presented. No indication of how long I could keep the car etc. The claim ran it's course. QuoteMeHappy/Aviva initially under-valued the car and offered me a cash in lieu settlement. When I contested this and provided evidence that their valuation was wildly inaccurate they decided that they wanted their internal repair service Solus to repair the car rather than offer a cash in lieu which was my preference. Bearing in mind all the negative feedback I had read and heard about Solus I did not want them to go anywhere near my car. A few observations: - Nowhere on QMH/Aviva's website did it indicate, that a QMH customer would have to deal with a third party company (Solus) once a claim had been lodged. I'm sorry but I pay my premium to QMH/Aviva so I expect to deal with them not some amazingly rude third party. - I've been repeately harrassed by Solus. On the first occasion on the 15th of January they told me that they needed the "courtesy" car back within two days on the Saturday 17th – this without any reference to when the claim would be resolved or when I would get my own car back. - Solus made several subsequent calls with the same request. On Jan 28 they called to say that the “total loss had been settled.” Their meessage was left as a voicemail that has been recorded and saved. Clearly a lie. - Solus called again on February 3rd to say that “…everything has been sorted out, you have been paid out and the courtesy car needs to come back to site.” Again the message was left as a voicemail that has been recorded and saved. Another lie? - At some other point around 3 weeks ago they indicated that they would move my car to my preferred repairer but this has still not happened. - At the beginning of February I left the "courtesy" car ready for collection, in the hope that QMH / Aviva would settle the claim, pay me out, deliver my car to my preferred repairer so that It could be repaired whilst I was away on business for two weeks. - This morning the rude people from Solus called again asking for the return of their car and telling me that they would declare the car as stolen to the police. Once again I suggested they get my insurer to contact me about this, then as usual the conversation deteriorated and out of frustration, as on past occasions, I hung up on them. I've just walked out to my office's parking lot and guess what? The courtesy car has disappeared. I strongly suspect that Solus came by, without advising me and took their car back together with my all possessions that were in it. Of course the car was neither valeted nor fueled so I imagine that they will seek payment for that...Fortunately there is CCTV in the parking so we should rapidly have a sense of what went on. Wow! How unscrupulous do you get? - and I'm a client. Can you imagine how they treat third parties? I'm not quite sure how to take this forward. Any suggestions would be welcome. I'm thinking social media, AutoExpress, Financial Conduct Authority, MoneyBox on Radio 4... The only ray of sunshine in this case is someone I met who is assisting me with the claim. She is essentially the Mr. Wolf (from Pulp Fiction) for people having to battle their own or other insurance companies. She is such a star. Further she has no financial vested interests in helping me with my claim. She is just starting out with this new business and would just like me to tell all my friends about her. Where QMH / Aviva make me lose faith in humanity, this lady restores it. In case Aviva read this spare me your standard social media response with link to your website. This requires a more intelligent, substantial, immediate and personal response. You know where to find me, you know my policy number and you know the only reasonable outcome I seek. Does anyone withing QMH / Aviva think of the lifetime value of a customer? Lastly, on Aviva’s correspondence, they present the logo of the Institute of Customer service. This would suggest that they are presenting themselves as members of the ICS. Enquiries made with the ICS reveal that neither Quotemehappy nor Aviva are members. This strikes me as false advertising. Based on my experience so far I can’t think of anyone less qualified to be a member of the ICS. P.
  25. Hi, I know that you can't change supplier if there is an outstanding balance of over £50.00 and it is more than 28 days old. But I am in a huge dispute with Npower and I have been asking them to let me change suppliers and let the ongoing court action decide on how much is outstanding. They have missold their contract to me on two occasions. The first time, when it came to renewing the contract I told them I'll let it go as long as this sort of thing doesn't happen again. But within two months they increased my direct debit again and during the process of complaining about the issue I found out that I was not on a fixed tariff as I had negotiated with their representative. Fortunately I had a recording of that telephone conversation and sent it to the Ombudsman who claimed that it was different to the transcript NPower had given them. I asked for an SAR which matched my recording. But the Ombudsman still ruled in their favour, if that is even believable. They tried to install pre-paid meters by applying for a Warrant of Entry but I argued that this was a contractual dispute and should be dealt with in the County court. The Magistrate agreed with me and threw out their application and the other three applications they made. On the fourth occasion, I gave up and filed my own County court claim against them for mis-selling, harassment and abuse of legal process. This case has now been dragged for nine months without a hearing and all along I keep getting these invoices and added charges that I don't agree with specially that they moved me to their "standard tariff" so I have had no choice to choose a tariff. So I stopped paying them. I have been asking to be allowed to change supplier and let the court decide how much is outstanding to whom. But they won't answer, neither does their legal representative. In fact except for notifications of invoices and meter reading requests, I get nothing from Npower, no matter how many times I write to them and about any subject, not even the legal proceedings. Their Barrister is apparently famous for not writing things down. I am worried that they may cut me off and then I have to settle their ridiculous invoice and chase them for money for the rest of my life. Can some one help. I just want to get away from Npower and their dirty games. Thanks
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