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Found 19 results

  1. Hi, I have a friend (no really) who has debt problems which are being added to I believe by the charges levied on her account. She had a basic account with no overdraft facility although she did keep going overdrawn and hence accrued charges, these have snowballed as happens and resulted in the account being closed. The thing is she is on benefits which the bank are obviously aware of and as soon as the benefits are credited they have been swallowed by charges adding to the debt problems she has. I have tried finding posts on here but dont seem to be finding what I need so can anyone point me in the direction of reclaiming charges under hardship rules if this is possible. would it be prudent to send an SAR or is this likely to be a dead duck ? I am in the process of collecting all the info that I can. Cheers
  2. Can someone help please? I'm trying to reclaim unfair credit card charges from 1/8/2004 - 1/2/2006. No joy writing direct complained to FSA and no joy again. FSA say (i) it's outside the 6 year rule and (ii) that I should have complained when I got the statements. I said that (i) I was relying on s.32 of the Limitation Act because I didn't know about it and (ii) they were unfair. FSA guy didn't know what this was and maintained what he previously said. Now thinking about court action. I found the FSA a bit lacking in knowledge unfortunately. Any advice please?
  3. I have two CoOp credit card debts, of £2,700 and £9,000 respectively. Although I'm not convinced that they hold enforceable CCAs or were defaulted correctly I did agree with them in 2010 to pay £1/month into each account in return for an interest freeze. In 2013 the CoOp told me the debts had been assigned to Cabot but that payments should continue to be made to Fredrickson, who manage them). I've maintained these monthly payments by SO throughout. At the beginning of the month I received a letter relating to each account from Debt Managers (Services) Ltd claiming that they were now managing the accounts on behalf of Cabot and that I should pay the SOs to them instead of to Fredrickson. I've heard nothing from Cabot or Fredrickson. Debt Managers have phoned several times but I've refused to go through their security checks and told them to supply some evidence of the transfer. I notice, also, that in both cases the last digit of the quoted credit card account number is incorrect and the reference numbers don't match Cabot's, although the debt totals seem OK. Should I do any more? Anyone any experience of them? I don't want to waste time and money making a CCA claim without good reason.
  4. Hi, I've decided to switch from my current (Atlantic) gas+electric supplier to COOP using moneysavingexpert. I have received letter month later from COOP to provide meter readings. I did that and noticed I was charged direct debit from them but also was charged by Atlantic. I have called Atlantic to ask why they charging me as COOP is my new provider. They said that they don't know nothing about any switch and that they are current supplier and advised to call COOP. I have called COOP and after long conversation I was told that this is correct. That there was some mistake and they charged me 49 pounds for services they do not provide. I have asked to cancel my account and refund money and confirm everything by email. I have received email saying all that. Today 10 days from speaking to COOP I have noticed that I was charged another 49 pounds for services they do not provide. I'm not rich person and every pound counts for me and here they taking 49 quid for nothing. I have planned my week spendings and now I have 49 pounds less . I did not received refund yet as COOP said it will take 10-14 days! How they can take money off me for nothing and refund it in 10-14 days! I need them now Please advise what to do. Thank you.
  5. Date of claim: 27 May 2015 What is the claim for – Claimants claim is for sum of 51xx being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under an agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 between the defendant and Coop under account ref xxxx/xxxxxx and assigned to the claimant on 08/01/2013 notice of which has been given to the defendant. The defendant failed to make contractual repayment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been issued which has not been complied with. What is the value of the claim? £6k + Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan account When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Before 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser (via solicitor) Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes, don't remember receiving NOA but would assume this has been sent Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Yes, dated 28 April 2009 Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Not that I am aware of Why did you cease payments? Advised by Citizens advice, made an offer to pay non priority debts in Dec 2007 the offer was rejected by original claimant and no further payments made as I had priority debts to pay What was the date of your last payment? Some time before Dec 2007 (at least 6 months before) Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? As above really, the account had gone into arrears and despite making offers to pay it was rejected Did you communicate any financial problems to the original credito r and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes, via CAB in Dec 2007 Acknowledgement of service was submitted on 02/06/2015 and I will send CPR 31.14 request today (see my next post below) I wrote to Claimant on 16 April 2015 as letter arrived out of the blue using statute barred template, they responded on 24 April. 'Our clients position is that the limitation period runs from the date original creditor became entitled to demand payment. The account fell into default on 03 July 2009, therefore it is not statute barred and remains payable' I have (as above) default notice issued via original creditor dated 28 April 2009 (with a date of 12 May 2009 arrears to be cleared) this letter makes mention of 'termination' which I would understand would be from 12 May 2009 but may this not be the case. Is it the claimants argument that the date they mention above would be default notice + say 28/30 days then termination date plus 28/30 days? That is the only way I can get the dates to tally? I have also letters from CAB showing an offer to pay arrears was made in Dec 2007 would argue that my account was probably in default at this time but I only have the above at the moment. as I understand it this is going to hinge over a 4 month period (if the 2009 dates are used) but it seems this is statute barred, what are others thoughts. This would be the basis of any defence which I hope to make. Regards
  6. THE CO-OPERATIVE BANK PLC ran an "Identification: Generic Check" on Experian. Do they do this for all transferred Britannia accounts or should I be concerned? I have not applied for any products from them. The only Co-op product I have is an old Britannia Building Society savings account with a very small balance that was transferred to them during the merger and I haven't even updated the passbook for a couple of years as it's only a few pence interest.
  7. Hello Coop Energy sent us a statement for electricty in April 2013 for £213 and did not send us another statement until August 2014 for £1,490. They didnt contact us and I dont always check the online account until a few months ago. After speaking with them on the phone they admitted: they dont supply Economy 10 meters and have been charging what we thought was the cheap night rate at the expensive Economy 7 rate since July 2012 - they also didnt advise us of this, apart from the terms and conditions and they never changed the fixed April 2014 tarrif. Do we have any redress? Cheers
  8. Hi, Ive got a case similar to the thread relating to' Civil Enforcement LTD now have court docs'. I'm was wondering if anyone would be able to help me through the process. I'm trying to get through pranksters guide etc. I'm wondering how I go about getting the info about who is the landowner etc?? Thanks
  9. Had an email today from the Coop (I am a member) telling me "Today is the day we launch our new collaborative website ‘Let’s Talk’. So please give us your ideas and together we can deliver the products and services you need, champion the things you care about and support you and your local community" Perhaps their 'relationship' with Civil Enforcement Limited (CEL) might be something you want to 'talk' to them about? type: "co-opletstalk.co.uk/championing-a-better-way/"
  10. Coop bank holding funds on my account, not releasing my money done almost everything, provided them documents etc. Bank replies back saying documents not exceptable. So angry at the bank its like day light robbery, have also contacted the fos (financial ombudsman service) anyone here can help? Advice me what can i do extra for my money to be released. Thanks
  11. Hi, We took a coop loan out around 2006.. . In full time employment with 6 months full pay sickness benefit available.. ..took a loan out and was told ppi was a condition of the loan. Forgot all about it... . Until we received a letter and a questionnaire from coop bank today, explaining we may have been miss advised and there were some weaknesses in the selling of ppi at this time. They have enclosed a questionnaire to complete And return which asks about employment etc. Should we try to get a refund using this questionnaire and in response to this letter or is this a ruse from coop, in an attempt to preempt any action from us? Any advice would be gratefully received and sign post to correct threads etc
  12. Hi Guys, Mid May I sent a reclaim charges letter and spreadsheet to Coop Bank claiming CC charges to the amount of £2605 levied on the account over 13 years. Today I received a reply and cheque from Coop for £794 as their final response. They claim that to go back more that six years is against the Limitations Act 1980 and any charges incurred prior to May 2007 are outside of the six year rule and therefore statute barred. Is this the case or are the Coop telling me a load of bxxxxxks and should I just accept their cheque and shut up or persue the other £1800 pounds. Looking forward to your replies.
  13. lutin

    tsb and coop

    I wondered if anyone would be able to clarify. I have a TSB account and CC debt.Will the Coop be able to take money from my Coop account to cover debts with TSB? Thanks Lutin:?:
  14. Anyone any experience of challenging an increase in interest rates on their Coop credit card? I received a letter notifying me of a 1% increase effective 60 days from the letter as a result of a review of my account. This is the first time in the 30+ years I have held the card I have received such notification and I have never received notification that the interest rate was to be reduced as the result of such a review! I suspect that the review process is a one-way street and would like to challenge it, probably directly through the County Court as an unfair practice under COBS. I will first contact Jon Bowen (Head of Customer Services, ex head of Sales) for an explanation of the EXACT review process and elements they considered as a part of the review but do not expect a timely or useful response. In the letter they provide a broken link to the UK Cards Association fact sheet on re-pricing (I eventually found the doc myself) but that does not throw any useful light on the topic other than the issuing bank has the right to review and alter the interest rate to reflect risk and they can decide what elements to review. If I do not know EXACTLY what elements have led to this increase how can I possibly change my spending/payment behavior to not only ensure there are no further increases but to reduce the current level? By not making this data available to me they are denying me the opportunity to reduce my CC interest rates and using opacity to gouge another 1% out of me! PS I am a member of the Cooperative movement but that obviously makes no difference; we are all treated equally (sometimes badly) , members or not....
  15. Hello I had credit card debt with Coop. In 2008 I wrote to Coop and advised copy agreement they supplied was unreadable and requested ppi information. I never received reply or any other correspondence. That is until now - as the debt sold to Lowells - and they now require payment. I thought under the Consumer Credit Act that an annual statement should be sent showing the outstanding balance. So is this a breach? - or just a tecnicality. Any advices guys how I should proceed? I still need to get response from Coop about the ppi.
  16. UPHELD My claim for compensation agaimnst the COOP Bank. When I was sacked from my job back in January 2006, I claimed for the insurance money that is supposed to cover my monthly repayments against the policy of my PPI. But it was rejected due to a pre -existing medical condition. I suffer from Parkinson's Disease. I blame the PPI provider for supplying me with a faulty PPI. Because I lost the insurance money that would have covered my monthly repayments on my personal loan, I am therefore claiming compensation against the Coop Bank. The Coop Bank uphold my complaint by stating in their letter dated the 9th of November 2012 "the Bank should stand by terms of the insurance policy in that the PPI policy would have covered my monthly repayments". I need help. I do I go about formulating my insurance claim
  17. Hi, I today received several letters relating to Coop accounts I held in the early 2000s from Equidebt. These accounts defaulted in 2005 and fell off my credit file last year. Equidebt have given me 21 days to respond making an offer of a full lump sum "no matter how small I believe the offer to be" or to pay monthly by DD. If not they will "explore" an application to "try to obtain" a CCJ or doorstep recovery. Should I tell them where to stick it and send a statute barred letter? I have had no correspondence with Coop or anybody else about these accounts since 2005. Has anyone else had experience of dealing with these people?
  18. Hi guys i was the victim of identity theft last year and as a result of this my credit file is horrific there are hundreds of linked addresses. Accounts i know nothing about and loads of searches and my credit score is something like 54 extrememly low. Natwest closed my account last year with no reason whatsoever and since then i have no account anywhere, I applied for the cashminder a couple of weeks ago and recieved a letter today teling me it had been declined. I was told this account was not credit checked so thought hey maybe they can help. I sent additional details relating to the identity theft and also my identification as well as the copy of a password i now have on my credit file which is needed in any genuine application. I have today sent an appeal letter to the coop asking them to reconsider and again have sent more documentation as well as a copy of my drivers license and also a letter from call credit confirming that i am the victim of fraud, Has any of you guys had a refusal for cashminder overturned? I have today signed up for a prepaid mastercard which is not what i wanting but dont seem to have much choice at the moment so im hoping with fingers crossed that coop overturn this decision and open the cashminder account for me, Any help would be greatly appreciated guys thanks.
  19. Hi, I need a solicitor or other help and guidance. In 2004 coop breached my data protection, failed to transfer direct debits to a new account that replaced the one they breached and then caused defaults and never helped sort out the mess they created. in 2006 they breached the data protection on the new account and again in 2008. They caused me huge problems by failing to pay my direct debits which resulted in me having to seek the help of the CCCS to buy time until the mess was sorted out I did not know I would have to wait 5 years until they owned up. In december 2010 they finally admitted that they should have paid the DD and sent me letters to send to my creditors that any missed payments in 2004/5 were their fault not mine. Barclays wrote back and stated the coop letter admitted their liability. However my credit rating has been destroyed and I cannot remortgage. I wrote a four page complaint in december and after a very poor investigation coop have effectively dismissed any responsibility and are trying to retract their liability which i already have in writing. Their final response was filled with inaccuracies, did not provide the information i asked for and misused access to my credit file. They have just replied to say after review their position is unchanged which astounds me considering the evidence i gave them. I want to sue, and I do not have high confidence is FOS what should I do, what can I do? Can coop retract their liability saying they shouldnt have and it was a mistake, which it isnt. Help please
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