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  1. Hello everyone I'm using my phone to post this so I'll keep it short foe now and update it in more detail when I can get on a computer. A couple of days a go I received a claim form from the courts. It says: Claimant = Debt Managers (services) LTD. Solicitors = Restons Solicitors Limited. Particulars of claim: The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant (s) under a contract between the Defendant (s) and NEXT Directory dated on or about Aug 23 2008 and assigned to the claimant on Jun 09 2016. PARTICULARS a/c no - ******* DATE: 19/04/2018 ITEM: Default Balance VALUE: 182.53 Post Refrl NIL TOTAL: 182.53 after all the legal costs and court fees it works out they want about £250. I really can't remember this debt and have even looked back through old emails...etc. It's also quite low value so I would have just paid it if i was aware that I owed it. I just don't want to pay something i don't owe. from reading around it seems my next steps should be to respond to the claim form online and then use the templates on this forum to send a CCA to Debt Managers (services) LTD and a CPR 31:14 to Restons Solicitors Limited. Is this correct? Also has anyone else had any experience with these people ? Thank for any help given
  2. Name of the Claimant ? Debt Managers Services (Solihull) Date of issue – 04 October 2017 What is the claim for – 1.The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and Next Directory dated on or about Jul XX 2010 and assigned to the Claimant on July XX 2016 Particulars a/c no - XXXXXXXXX Date Item Value XX/09/2017 default balance £1250 (this figure is rounded up) Post Refrl Cr NIL What is the value of the claim? - £1250 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? – Catalogue (Next Directory) When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? – 2010, however I need to check that as I believe we had an account before 2007. But to keep things simple let’s use the 2010 as the date. Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. – Debt Managers Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? - Not sure we did receive a letter stating that debt had been purchased by debt managers through the post last month Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? - We don't believe so as we had moved abroad, and we had all mail forwarded. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? - We don't think so Why did you cease payments? – September 2012 What was the date of your last payment? - September 2012 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? - No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan - No Hi Got another claim issued from Rectums, this time for an Next online account. So far so good with my previous dealings with them, I've heard nothing back since submitting my defence to the court. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?479648-Arrows-Restons-Claimform-OHs-old-cat-debt I assume the approach is the same, Defend All on the MCOL website, CCA to DMS and CPR to Rectums? The only real difference between this and my previous dealings with Rectums is this CCA will probably be after 2007, so I need to quiz the partner when it was actually setup as it is their account not mine (could have sworn we had the account before 2007). Claim Details
  3. Anyone like to express a view on password managers - what is best/easiest/best value etc etc etc. Ta
  4. I have two CoOp credit card debts, of £2,700 and £9,000 respectively. Although I'm not convinced that they hold enforceable CCAs or were defaulted correctly I did agree with them in 2010 to pay £1/month into each account in return for an interest freeze. In 2013 the CoOp told me the debts had been assigned to Cabot but that payments should continue to be made to Fredrickson, who manage them). I've maintained these monthly payments by SO throughout. At the beginning of the month I received a letter relating to each account from Debt Managers (Services) Ltd claiming that they were now managing the accounts on behalf of Cabot and that I should pay the SOs to them instead of to Fredrickson. I've heard nothing from Cabot or Fredrickson. Debt Managers have phoned several times but I've refused to go through their security checks and told them to supply some evidence of the transfer. I notice, also, that in both cases the last digit of the quoted credit card account number is incorrect and the reference numbers don't match Cabot's, although the debt totals seem OK. Should I do any more? Anyone any experience of them? I don't want to waste time and money making a CCA claim without good reason.
  5. Hi I apologise in advance if I do anything wrong. I have never posted or written a post before. On the 13th April 2016 shopping with my children, I used a Natwest Cash machine to withdraw money. I checked the receipt as I was paid a redundancy payment and was due to pay the majority for a deposit on a new property I was in the process of purchasing. I had been very careful not to spend much money as the deposit was due on the Friday. I was horrified when I looked at the receipt, the balance available was almost £6000 lower than it should of been. I immediately returned home and called the bank. I discussed my query with a Customer Service Advisor then onto the Fraud Department, Online Bankng and Complaints. I spent over two hours passed around. The fraud team told me a refund would be in my bank within 5 days, Online Banking Fraud team informed me that they had identified that someone had been trying to log into my account from an unknown device several times over the previous 48 hours and also confirmed that my money would be refunded as it was clear I was a victim of fraud. After speaking the various departments over the phone I still felt really concerned and distressed as I didn't feel confident that my money would be refunded in time to pay the deposit and this would result in losing a house I had my heart set on. The information from all the Natwest Staff was inconsistent and now I realise it was also inaccurate. I decided to go into my local Branch and speak to the Manager as I had been advised that the bank should of refunded the £6000 immediately whilst they investigate. I sat with the Branch Manger and explained my situation, The Branch Manager seemed very understanding spent over an hour ringing various departments, looking at my account and trying to find out why the bank had told me a refund would take 5 days and not an immediate refund. I was so upset and distressed as I had taken redundancy from my previous employer and this was to secure the purchase of my first home for my family and I felt that this was not going to be refunded in time and not one of the advisors seemed to care. The Branch Manager had experienced poor customer service herself from the various departments. Eventually the Branch Manager informed me that I had not been refunded as the transactions were still pending and that these had to clear before a refund could be issued. The manager did inform me that the transactions were to a company abroad and it was evident that I had been a victim of fraud. The Manager offered to put a temporary credit in my account but could not cover the full amount for the deposit. I was given a letter from the Branch Manager sympathising with my situation, confirming that I had been a victim of fraud and CLEARLY stating that £6000 would be refunded into my account in 5 days time. I declined the offer of a temp credit and I advised that I would request an extension for my deposit as I could use the letter to prove that I would have the money in 5 days and that I had been a victim of fraud. I went to the solicitor and provided the letter as proof and an extension was agreed among the parties involved as my Solicitor had confirmed that he had seen an official letter. I waited the 5 days and checked my account and no refund, I left it till the following day and rang the bank to query why the money was not in my bank. I spoke to a rude, arrogant man who abruptly stated 'your not having a refund' I was mortified and just assumed he had made a mistake. He told me the bank had made a decision not to refund, a letter was in the post and that my account was going to be closed. I was so upset and informed him that the Branch Manager had confirmed the refund, the advisors I had spoken to has also told me a refund would be paid in 5 days. The advisors words to me where 'the letter means nothing you may as well put it in the bin' He went on to tell me that a Branch Manager has no authority to make this decision and only the fraud team could make these decisions. I was under the assumption that a Branch Manager was a person of authority and was someone who could deal with issues such as mine. I told him that the letter was an official letter and that my Solicitor had accepted it as evidence for an extension on the sale of my new home. 'put it in the bin' I had worked myself into such a state crying and totally powerless. I couldn't believe it. From there on I have contacted the complaints team, made a formal complaint, a spokesman said wrote an article about my situation and also contacted the bank on my behalf but still no refund. I have complained to the CEO and the Executive Team Manger responded and advised one of his team would be looking into my case. I rang the Exec Manager and discussed my issue. He appeared to be really sympathetic and genuinely sounded as if he knew it was the Banks mistake. I felt optimistic but within a few days I received a final response letter from the exec team identical to the response from the Complaints team and advising that the decision would not be overturned and they agreed with the Complaint Handler. I had sent a response picking out all the mistakes they had made. They had identified transactions made several months prior that appeared to be a similar merchant. The amount was completely different and nowhere near the large amounts that had been made during this fraud. I had been in hospital with Sepsis for 10 weeks throughout Novemeber and all through Christimas and it was not until I returned home I recognised unauthorised transactions on my account. I queried these but did not request a refund as I had concerns that a 17 year old male I had fostered for a year may have been involved. I could not prove this so felt very restricted to confronting him. I also did not want to involve the Police as it might have had nothing to do with him. I explained this to the Complaints Handler and also informed her that I had not asked for the previous 'fraud concerns' to be refunded. I had queried it as fraud but when the transaction details were provided I left it as that. This had no similarities to the transactions made on this occasion the current fraud was £6000 over 24 hour period. The complaint team response clearly states that 'I had been either involved in authorising the transactions or had been careless with my details' They refused to provide any evidence or details of how they made this decision and told me they were not required to as it was part of the NatWest fraud , security AND INVESTIGATION procedures which they did not have to disclose. As explained their decision was clearly due to other transactions on my account, not identical and in the complaint response the information was incorrect. It was evident that this was what the handler had based her assumption on. The letter then stated that the Branch Manager had acted in good faith when writing the letter and this was written based on information I had provided. I almost choked. Are you being serious. If I went into a branch and told the Manager I had just won a million would she write a letter and confirm this information? NO. The Branch Manager is paid to make responsible and accurate decisions and as a senior member of staff are we really supposed to believe they would provide confirmation of a refund simply because a customer says so. The complaint letter provided no evidence to back up this statement but is clearly stating that I am lying and the Managers word is what they accept as true. There was no other information in the complaint response and the points I had made in my complaint had not been addressed such as the FCA principles and the lending standards board guidelines they had failed to adhere to. All Ignored and the excuse they provided for not being able to provide any factual evidence or hard copies of anything related was due to the fraud and security processes they could not breech this and these processes could not be discussed with customers. I feel I have exhausted all avenues with the Bank and the Bank has won. They are just refusing with no proof, not even a reason but I feel powerless. I contacted the FSA who advised that the bank had not followed various principles and guidelines and that I should take this to the Ombudsman. I am aware that the Ombudsman is a length process and from the information I have read on your site and several others the ombudsman seem to side with the Banks and are not required to follow the FSA guidelines. I had considered just going to the Small Claims Court. To be honest it is not as important to me now, I have lost the house I had been in the process of purchasing and as the Branch Managers Letter appeared sincere and I trusted the Banks Branch Manager I went ahead with land searches and now solicitors fees I have paid and all for nothing. I am angry upset and feeling really low at the moment. I have lost money and the house and feel devastated that over half of the money I received as redundancy has just been stolen and there is nothing I can do, Its heart breaking. If anyone has any advice or ideas that they think may help I would be very grateful as at the moment I have given up.
  6. This company has been contacting me recently since they have acquired one of my debts from Lowell -Newday Ltd, who in turn bought the debt from Mothercare CArds. THe amount is £310.76 They have called, texted and sent letters. I have not answered their calls, replied to their text messages or letters by post. However, about four weeks ago they had sent a letter stating that they will settle for a payment of £124.30 and the debt marked as "partially satisfied" in my credit file. I realise that I have to tackle this at some point, because I did, after all, use my MOthercare CArd. But should I accept this offer? Or do they have any tricks up their sleeve with which theyre luring me into their offer? I understand that the partially satisfied note will show for 6 years but will they chase me for the remaining amount after I've accepted their settlement? Please advise? Thank you, in advance!
  7. I received a letter at my house from DMS that was addressed to my birth name. I have never used my birth name in my life, growing up I used my Mother's maiden name so I was a bit surprised about receiving it. Anyway, I contacted DMS and they said the debt was sold to them by Arrow Global, who were instructed by Orange. Apparently, it's a £380 defaulted Orange contract. I contacted DMS (wrote to them/emailed and phoned) and told them I know nothing about the debt. They came back with a statement, that had my birth name on and my address that I lived at with my family. Turns out my Mum had opened an Orange account using my birth name. I contacted DMS and was completely open about it, explained the situation. They told me that I had to file a fraud report with the police, which I did. My Mum wrote a letter stating that she had taken it out when she was desperate and that I had no knowledge of her opening the account. She offered to pay the whole amount immediately, when they take the default off my account and add it to hers. Well, I followed the whole process, then after 6 weeks Arrow Global refused to investigate as it's a "family matter". Fast forward to today. I receive another letter from DMS with my ACTUAL name on it. It looks like they have transferred the debt from my birth name to my actual name. Help please. What should I do? I have JUST applied for a mortgage. I should add that this debt only appears on one CRA file, and the mortgage broker helped me find a lender who doesn't use that CRA. It also appears on credit report as my birth name. Can they just change the name of the account like that? I'm so angry.
  8. NatWest Bank has announced that it is to lose up to 361 branch managers as part of a programme of cut-backs. But 116 new - more senior roles - are to be created, leaving a net loss of 245 jobs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27911215
  9. Hi All I recently followed advice on here and sent CCA requests to all Creditors on my DMP with Stepchange. I need some advice, Next have sent the attached reply. The debt is currently being dealt with by Debt Managers Ltd. (apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place) What do I do next? Many thanks
  10. alalia

    Practice managers

    Hiya, I was just wondering. when you make a complaint to a GP surgeries practice manager, do they have the right to tell you who to take it higher to, but then send your emails off and open a case up with YOUR complaint themselves? Is this a breach of confidentiality? Surely it is up to the complainant if they actually want to take the complaint higher. I hope that made sense lol.
  11. Hi guys, I am a new member so please bare with me ! I have an issue with the above company. They have written to me asking to confirm who I am stating they are acting on behalf of their client (they are not stating who their client is at this stage) and if I don't they will consider me to be the person they are looking for. I know that this particular letter is a phishing one so I haven't answered it by either mail or phone. I have had numerous texts and attempted phone calls which I have ignored ( how have they got my mobile number !?!!?!). I have today received a letter from them stating "doorstep agent visit" fro a company called Call Serve and are now stating who their client is :- Arrow Global - Sainsburys Bank PLC quoting a password and different ref numbers. What I am asking :- 1/ do they actually send a collector and if so is there a way to stop them ? 2/ I may or may not owe a debt to Sainsburys ( bad divorce some years ago can't remember what or who was a debtor) I do remember sending recorded delivery letters to all of the debtors asking for a copy of the original agreement ( don't recall Sainsburys replying) 3/ I definitely have never had any sort if loan or other borrowing from either Arrow Global or Debt Managers so how do I stop them pursuing me ? Many thanks in anticipation of a reply
  12. Oh here we go again....... ...I have an old debt with Lloyds tsb going back to 2009 which at the time I was desperately trying to sort out a pay arrangement with them and was ignored and passed on to the first debt collector and the fun (stress) began. Back then I sent a cca request and had no response, it then got passed onto the next DC who I also cca and so on. It's been quite for a few years (admittedly I have moved and accidentally forgot to tell them....oops) with no letters suddenly out of the blue I get a nice call, letter and text from Debt Managment Services Ltd saying that Capquest have referred the debt to them. I have checked Equifax and my original debt with Lloyds says "settled" and a default against crapquest. My question is do I have to do the cca all over again? If so can someone please point me in the direction of the template as I haven't been on here for so long I've forgotten where it all is.
  13. OH been on a payment plan with a Barclays loan since 2007....£1 per month ..Because we changed the payment date to reflect on wages going in bank we have had nothing but phone calles and letter . .saying we having broken the agreement.. ( If they look proper they can see £1 a month is still being paid). .Got russel/Aitkens sending letters now Considering court action.. .Does anyone know the Email addresses for these companys ? Im gonna figging blast them
  14. Hello all, haven't posted for a while Just wanted to know if anyone knows why this company is still attempting to collect monies after their licence has apparently been revoked, they are based in Rotherham and Edinburgh, they have been hassling a friend of mine
  15. hello. I wonder if anyone can give me any advice, I have returned from a short break in dorset today to find several telephone messages and 2 letters from Debt manager services ltd, sometime ago I took out a mobile phone contract with o2, when the phone arrived I had several problems with it, it went back to be repaired, the same problem happened with the phone, in the end I rang o2, told them i would be returning the phone and wanted to cancel the contract, they said I had 6 months to run on the contract and said I had to buy out the rest of the contract to cancel. I returned the phone and cancelled the DD. I havent heard anything apart from about a month ago when Lowell contacted me, Said i owed 230.00, I ignored the letter. so today I have received several telephone messages, (how did they get my ex-directory home number) and what should I do? Any help would be appreciated. Sss
  16. My wife has recently started to get correspondance from these stating that she owes xxx amount for an account with Next Directory. She has never had a Next Directory or an account with them. She has contacted Debt Managers Sevices on two occasions explaining this and both times they stated they would remove her from their database and she would receive no more correspondance. Guess what, the letters keep on coming, the latest from their court dept., threatening court action. Yeah right. What should she do next: ignore them, which I'm inclined not to as this will obviously affect her credit rating and also mine by association. write to them asking for proof of account i.e. signed agreement which they will obviously be unable to provide. Contact Next Directory. We are now at a loss as to what action action to take as these numpties won't take no for an answer. regards Ken
  17. Hi all, Looking for a little clarification on the best course of action to resolve a matter with debt managers ltd. received a letter dated 6th november 2012 addressed to me reads as follows Now to explain, I am in the process of resolving a couple of outstanding debts with two different creditors. I am looking to clear my debts, but want to make sure i only pay people who are entitled to the money. I responded via email with 5 days later they replied with reading over it again I realise I acted a little in haste with my reply and had not actually been accused of owing anything (although I have no doubt that is their intended end result!) I'm thinking of replying with something along the lines of- Thank you for your reply, However I refer to my previous correspondence requesting evidence of liability, which you have as yet failed to do. If you are unable to provide this evidence then I feel this matter is closed and as such request no further contact from yourselves. What do you think? do debt managers ltd work with/for certain companies? thanks in advance for any responses, it's greatly appreciated.
  18. Any help with my situation is greatly appreciated. This is quite stressful as you can imagine. I do not owe any money to anyone and my credit reference is clean as I just checked on noddle. 14 Dec 2012 I receive the following letter from Debt Managers LTD: 27 Dec 2012 I receive another letter from them titled 'Doorstep Agent Visit'. It said the Account is due to 'Arrow - Shop Direct (Carval). Q. Should I send letter 1 or letter 2 for the next step? Letter 2 was compiled from a template on another site. Letter1 Letter2 Thank you
  19. This week I received a letter from Debt Managers Ltd at my dads house saying the following: Dear Miss XXXX XXXXXX Our ref: Re: Miss XXXX XXXXXX We are attempting to contact the above named person and our client's recent investigations have resulted in your details being obtained from a credit reference agency. Your address has been provided by them due to a link with the data our client holds, as a possible new address for the person we are wishing to contact. To verify that you are the person we are wishing to contact, or if you believe you are not the subject, please contact us urgently on 0843 2168300 so that our records can be updated appropriately. If we do not receive a response to this letter within 7 days, we will assume the link is correct and further communication will be made. Yours Sincerely, Debt Management LTD This is worrying the hell out of me, as in the summer of this year I was contacted by Wescot Credit Services at my dads address about a Kays Catalogue debt I had paid off through them in 2009 (the debt originated in 2007), saying it was still outstanding. I disputed the debt, and after a month of trying to find proof I did pay it, I called them back only to be told the debt had been withdrawn from them. So I'm thinking this is to do with the same thing, though it doesn't say ANYTHING about what this supposed debt is. I understand I should send them a letter asking for proof and not to call them, but I'm worried someone will turn up at my dads house, and he is 75 and not very well. If it's about the Kays account try as I might I can't find proof I paid it as letter from 2009 are long gone due to moving.
  20. Hi letter from DML threatening doorstep agent visit. I have a letter to stop that BUT they are saying account due to Arrow- Shop Direct (Carval) and I have no idea who on earth they are!! Best way to deal with this one? and any one know who Arrow - shop direct (carval) are?? thanks!
  21. I am receiving automated calls from Debt Managers at random times during the day. The machine voice anounces 'This is a call from Debt Managers for XXXXXX XXXXXX' at which point I just hang up. They ask for a name I have not used since I remarried 11 years ago. What concerns me is that the automated call just plays when the call is answered so it could be anyone that receives their message. Is this legal?
  22. Hi there, I'm new to this forum and hope somebody can help me. I purchased a leasehold flat in September last year (2012). The company managing the building alleges that they sent their first service charge bill (for period Jan-Jun 2013) on 1 January and then a reminder on 16 January. I am sure that no bill arrived until 5 January because I was redecorating the flat and I checked the post daily in person. After 6 January, tenants moved in and they tell me they forwarded all correspondence to me (no service charge bill was forwarded to me). Among the correspondence forwarded to me by the tenant was a letter from the administrators' solicitor dated 5Feb2013, stating that I am in arrears with service charge for the period 1Jan-30Jun 2013, and that I now must pay an extra £183 (on top of service charges) and that they will take me to court if I don't pay by 19 February. I spoke to their solicitor (who signed the letter) that there was no question about payment (of course I'll pay and promptly). However, I am appalled that they wrote such threatening letter, even though I am sure the bill dated 1 January was not delivered (because I checked the post myself) and I am pretty sure the tenants did not receive the reminder either, for they would have forwarded to me as they forwarded other post. Incidentally, in previous correspondence (last year) with the administrator I had provided him with my main (permanent) address for correspondence, telephone number and email address. Even more appalling in my view is that they are charging an extra £183 (on top of the normal service charge) for "administration and legal" costs (i.e. their solicitor's letter). Please can someone advise me if I am being treated fairly? I feel that if only they had tried to contact me directly by phone or email this would never have happened, as all other bills that arrived in the flat (or were sent to me directly) were paid promptly and I have never been in arrears with any service before. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Since I am dealing with their solicitor I feel the whole thing is terribly heavy-handed and full of jargon. Also, even though I could have paid this last month (if I had received the bill), it would seem that there has hardly been any delay (effectively) since the services are for the period January-June 2013, of which period only one-sixth has passed. Is there an ombudsman that could help me deal with such aggressive tactics and surcharges from property management companies? Thanks in advance.
  23. Received a voice-text last week from these muppets and just received a letter. The only debts that I have outstanding are being paid pro-rata and the rest are unenforceable. And by unenforceable I mean that I have written proof stating that all debt collection activity has been ceased, accounts have been closed and that they are unenforceable. Don't even know who these scumbags are. Any advice? Appart from 'don't contact them'
  24. Hi all, As the title says, I was given a promotion to "Supervisor" approx. one month ago at my part time job, accompanied by a raise for which I negotiated with the Assistant Manager. Promotion and raise were given at meeting between Assistant Manager, Head Bartender, Floor Supervisor, and myself, during which I was given new responsibilities including mentoring newer staff, I was asked to come into work earlier, etc. I took the minutes for this meeting. After meeting, Assistant Manager met with each of us individually to negotiate raise with us. He made me an offer, I made a counter-offer, he accepted, we shook hands. I go into work that week as supervisor, everything is right as rain. Fast forward to this week. I need to open the till as I've forgotten to give a customer his change. To do this, I need to make a sale, even though I had been told that supervisors' till keys allowed supervisors to open tills without making a new sale. So I go into the office. General Manager is there and I ask if he can register my key with supervisor privileges. He asked me why I needed them. To open tills, as the previous supervisor was able to, I said. Then he told me I wasn't a supervisor. I said Assistant Manager had promoted me and given me a raise a full month ago. General Manager said he had heard nothing about this and asked me to leave so he could talk to Assistant Manager. Five minutes later Assistant Manager pulls me off the bar and asks for a chat. Says he never had authority to promote staff or give them raises. Effectively, I've just worked for a month on minimum wage thinking I had been promoted and given a raise. I told Assistant Manager and General Manager in clear terms I was upset and did not understand how something like this was allowed to happen - I had explicitly told Assistant Manager during meeting a month ago that I needed a raise to make the hours worth it as I am also a full time Masters student. Surely this situation is illegal. Worse, this is just the latest in a slew of managerial missteps, including failure until November to distribute pay slips, and almost consistent failure to pay correct amount for hours worked - for me and all other staff. All in all, I am a little worried about the shadiness of this place, and, given the behaviour of management, unsure about how productive discussions with them about this would be. What do I do?
  25. hi , 3 weeks ago i received a letter from red and lowell saying i owed them 399.20 from an o2 debt i am alleged to to have had, i told them i knew nothing about this and to provide me with all the relative documentation in regards to this. today i have received a letter from them saying i still owe this money and a computer print out of something i can not make head or tail of ,there is nothing with my bank details on or anything like an agreement just this print out . i have attached it for it to be viewed. thankyou in advance for anyone who can help in regards to this issue
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