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  1. Hi all. Right so I had a Vanquis credit card, it defaulted in 2015 with about 3k owing. Ive had various letters about it from Cabot (whom the debt was assigned to at some point) and Dydens. In 2016 I recived a latter from Drydens, threatening legal action and also making lots of inaccurate statements about the CPR and legal process, etc...I replied to Drydens asking for the usual stuff, letter of assignment etc, they replied saying they were halting any legal action. In 2017 I received a letter from cabot again saying no legal action would be taken. Then last week I received a letter from Mortimer Clarke saying that they were now the solicitor AND also including form N434 - Change Of Legal Representative but on this form it staytes Claimant = cabot, Defendant = Me, Claim Number is blank. The actual letter claims judgment was made against me on .... (yes that what it says, there is a blank space !). I have not received any letters about this claim, I suspect there is no claim, I phoned Mortimer Clark who said the claim was performed by previous solicitors Drydens and that they didnt have the claim number..hhhmmm Ive phoned cabot who know nothing about this so it look very like;ly there is no claim. Im surprised though that MC are prepared to lie in this manner, it appears to be it could have serious repercussions. An obvious give away is the form N434 they sent me, this is required to be sent to all the parties and the court, are they seriously saying they sent this to the court without a claim number !!???, as I found out this couldnt be a admin oversight as they dont actually know the claim number. Any thoughts on what next ?. I intend to phone Drydens to hear what they have to say. Phone Northampton Court, not sure if they can help with a claim number but Ill double check there hasnt been claim. Write complaint to Mortimer Clark, why are they misleading me, is this fraudulent ?, they are after all trying to pressure me to pay what hasnt been adjudicated on yet. Follow up this complaint to SRA Andy
  2. Hi, I'm in a legal dispute with my wedding photographer/videographer and issued a court claim against him over a month ago claiming a specific settlement amount. He didn't deliver on his promise re: services, and we ended up with sub-standard wedding photos and terrible low-quality unedited footage as our wedding video (complete with raw sound from the day e.g. people walking around, chattering etc.) He then completely stopped communicating with us. After issuing the claim via MoneyClaim Online (to his business address), he sent an envelope back to the court with a note saying 'Gone away'. The court sent this back to me along with the claim form without any further instruction. I know he is actively operating at that address, and 'Gone away' doesn't mean the address is invalid, so don't know why they've sent it back to me. What should I do? Should I issue a warrant via MoneyClaim Online, or is there a better way? I'm so frustrated. I cannot let him get away with this, and am furious that he's simply brushing it off! Thanks.
  3. Hi everyone, wanting some advice for my sister. In January 2016 my sister bought 2 matching sofas from the Range online website. Everything was ok with the sofas until December 2016 when her husband pushed the sofa to make room for there Christmas tree. He noticed one of the sofas arms very loose, he had a look and notice a bolt had come away from the wood frame. She rang the Range and they said they would send someone from Homeserve to have a look at the sofa. A couple of weeks ago the guy turned up and promptly told her he was independent and didn't work for the Range or for my sister. I was at her house and also heard him say this. She explained that her husband had noticed the arm loose when he tried to push the sofa a few inches to make way for the Xmas tree. He examined the sofa and told her the range would be in touch, and left. On the 18th January my sister got a letter from the Range saying it's not a manufacturing fault that the sofa is damaged. It goes on to say the damaged was caused by the sofa been dragged across a carpeted floor. This isn't the case as my sister never used the word " dragged" ........ She has rang the Range and complained and as a gesture of good will they offered to collect the damaged sofa and give her a refund, only problem been is she bought 2 sofas so she is going to be left with one odd sofa. Does she have any rights as we both think this is out of order. The sofa should not be broken after 11 months of use, there is only my sister and her hubby using the sofa( children grown up and live away) Any advice would be most welcome, thanks
  4. Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to get some advice please. Late 2011/ early 2012 (sorry I can't remember the exact date) I took a loan out through Providemt for about 300. I paid weekly to the lady collector who arranged the loan and then a new collector started working for them and I continued to pay him weekly (for about 4 weeks) until late mid 2012 when I was moving to a different county. At this point I paid my balance to the collector in cash as was the arrangement and moved away. Over the past few years I would occasionally get a 'debt' letter from Lowells which I queried with them the first time then ignored as I believed it to be just an error. However this morning out of the blue I received a claim form from moneyclaim.giv.uk asking for 464.94 plus 85.00 fees. They haven't put the original date of the loan in the particulars just a date 29/08/2014 which is when they say they took on this 'debt'. I really don't know what to do. I don't see why I should pay twice but as it was five years ago I don't have the provident payment book to prove the collector took the cash. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi, I'm looking for general advice and a heads up on what the outcome might be of my issues with nPower, based on the experience of people who know better! I've lived in my current (rented) property for almost 4 years in that time I've lived with 5 different flatmates; flatmate A from August 2013 to March 2014; flatmate B from March 2014 to September 2014; flatmate C from September 2014 to March 2015; flatmate D from March 2015 to February 2016 and flatmate E has been with me since February (2016). The gas/electric bills have always been in my flatmate's name and we'd been with nPower for both gas and electricity up 'til March 2015 when we tried to switch. The electricity switch went fine, but we were told that nPower were objecting to the gas account move. I phoned nPower and asked what was going on, knowing that flatmate D had submitted a final meter reading before moving out. nPower told me that they did not supply gas to the property and could not find any gas account linked to my address. They recommended I phoned the National Grid to find out who was supplying me, which I did and they too said it seemed that nobody was supplying me (which was odd because I was getting gas). I checked again with nPower who insisted it was not them and was unable to make any progress. We received no gas bills up until October 2015, when I received 13 months' worth of estimated gas bills from nPower, totalling more than £500, along with a letter 'welcoming' me to nPower. This was all in my name, for the first time, when I logged into the account online, there was a new account for me, as well as the old account which would have been in flatmate D's name both attributed to me. I made an initial payment of £155.32, knowing that we were liable for some of the money and set about speaking to nPower to clarify what was going on and to get accurate bills. Within a month of this, nPower has passed my details on Richburns debt collection agency who sent me a letter stating their intention to seek a warrant to enter my property. At this stage, I'd logged an official complaint to nPower and understood that my account was on hold and as such, the collections process should have been paused. I sent Richburns a letter stating this and highlighting the customer service and billing issues it was well publicised that nPower were guilty of, they replied to tell me that they'd passed the matter back to nPower. Following this, I received a letter from nPower again threatening to seek a warrant and also to place a default on my credit record. At this point (25/01/16) I phoned the customer service team who assured me there was a hold on the account and no further bills would be issued until we understood what was going on and that the threats would not be carried out as there was a complaint logged. After this I received a bill and I made a second phone call, seeking an update (01/02/16), where I was told that there was indeed a hold (until 31/05/16) and the bill shouldn't have been issued, as the matter had been passed to the 'specialist' billing team who could generate an accurate bill. I was told that everything would be investigated and I'd receive an email to confirm everything, and to disregard the bill. No such email materialised and the bill wasn't reversed, as promised. I heard nothing and chased with another phone call on 05/02/16 when I was told that the complaint had been closed on 25/01/16. At this point I discovered nPower had raised 3 different complaint numbers and muddled everything up - the one complaint was closed , that all issues were all consolidated into one. After being given the correct complaint number, I was asked why I was disputing the bill. Prior to this call I'd done some reading and come across the backbilling policy that nPower were signed up to and knew that some of the bill should not have been chased I raised this, and explained that I was seeking an accurate bill as opposed to ridiculous estimates (we had given a meter reading to bring everything up to date 02/02/16). The guy on the phone said as far as he could see, I'd been contacted to say everything had been investigated. This had not happened; no letter, no emails, no missed calls. He went on to say there was an accurate bill which had been recently generated, which I logged into my online account and saw, but I'd had no email to alert me to it before this phone call. At this point the bill had ballooned to £625 with costs from debt collection visits and calls. I again raised the fact that it was not accurate as they needed to remove the 'backbilled' amount and he said they'd investigate to write off that one month. I told him that I wanted to go away and check that this latest bill was indeed accurate, given that I'd only just seen it and that I wanted the charges removed because they should never have passed the account to collections, which he did actually do after the call; crediting that £57.50 to the account. He said he'd get the backbilling team to investigate the outstanding amount and come back to me with an up-to-date bill. During this phone call I said I'd be seeking compensation given their failing to bill me for over a yea r and then seeking 13 months' of bills in one go, as well as their abysmal customer service given that Id had to do so much chasing and been kept so misinformed. The guy said he'd note that I was seeking compensation but warned that I couldn't claim for phone calls/time; just the backbilling and the customer service. He asked if I had an amount in mind and I said I'd wait to see what they offered. I heard nothing from nPower for the next two weeks and having given the compensation some real thought, I sent an email to nPower informing them that I was seeking £400 compensation. The email was as follows: To whom it may concern, On Friday 5th February, having spent 40 minutes on hold, I spent 20 minutes speaking to Sam, one of you customer service advisors, seeking an update on billing issues with my gas account (ref. XYZ). Sam assured me that he'd add a 'miscellaneous credit' to my account to reimburse me for fees relating to debt collection agencies - who should never have been approached. This has now happened. He also said he'd pass my account onto the back-billing team to remove a bill from September 2014, which was only actually billed in October 2015, and that I'd receive a new bill taking this into account. I am still awaiting any update on this, some 15 days later. I also made Sam aware that I would be seeking compensation for the total lack of customer service I'd received and for the fact that I'd been billed 13 months' worth of bills in October 2015, having received nothing for over a year and despite me trying to make payments. Sam asked if I had a figure in mind and I said I would wait to hear from you. Having heard nothing, and having spent time over the past two weeks reflecting on the impact of this saga on me, I am now writing to inform you that I seek £400 total in compensation, for the reasons outlined below. I expect a prompt response outlining what is going on with my account and when and how I should expect to receive compensation from you. Yours faithfully, MY NAME 1. Billing delays Your website states: We will provide compensation to any customer who we incorrectly back billed from July 2010 to 31st December 2015, to a value not less than £100 per customer We will provide compensation to any customer currently affected by late invoice for 12 months or more as at 31st December 2015, to a value not less than £100 per customer I received 13 months' of bills (from September 2014 to October 2015) and an immediate demand for payment in October 2015 having received no bills, and even being told Npower didn't supply my gas, throughout that period. Given that I meet both your criteria for redress, I am seeking compensation from Npower for billing delays. TOTAL SOUGHT FOR BILLING DELAYS: £100 2. General customer service My issue was not resolved within 10 working days as per your complaints policy [here I included a link to their complaints policy page] to-date it has actually taken more than 90 days since first contact and I have not been informed of progress throughout; rather I’ve sent 2 letters, countless emails and made 3 phone calls (spending more than an hour on hold) to chase updates and unfulfilled promises Such chaos has there been around my account, that even when I've tried to make payments in the past year, I was told I was not on your system and had no gas account with you; I was not receiving bills and it was impossible to make any payment given there being no account according to your team You state [here I included a link to their page which details what they're doing as of the latest December 2015 issue] We will identify and repay any customer who we incorrectly back billed from July 2010 to 31st December 2015 and yet I had to point this issue out to you; you did not identify any issues with my account until I raised the back-bill in my phone call with Sam on 05/02/2016 - in fact you were still seeking payment for the out-of-date bill at that point, contravening the Energy UK guidelines which you signed up to You raised multiple complaints (X, Y and Z) and made no contact to let me know anything had been resolved (even if it your ‘resolution’ was just consolidating two complaints into one), leading to total confusion and delaying communication with customer services about my issues A pitiful level of care and attention has been given to my communications as is evident in your reply dated 20/01/2016 , when the copying and pasting of my email was blatant (you failed to replace ‘my’ with ‘your’) and you mis-spelled basic information such as the address [i copied and highlighted the errors here] All of the above suggests my issues have been handled with nowhere near the level of care and importance they should have been, especially given your repeated promises to the Ombudsman that you will handle and resolve complaints more effectively. TOTAL SOUGHT FOR ABYSMAL CUSTOMER SERVICE: £150 3. Inconvenience and stress Such was the stress of this episode, and particularly the threat of entry to my property from Richburns (acting on Npower’s behalf) to seek a disputed debt, I spent several months taking high value items including a MacBook computer and family heirlooms including jewellery to work everyday to avoid them being taken away in my absence I have experienced serious anxiety, triggering asthma which I have not suffered from since childhood, which has massively impacted by wellbeing and quality of day-to-day life TOTAL SOUGHT FOR INCONVENIENCE AND STRESS: £50 4. Failure to uphold the Data Protection Act and unnecessarily passing my details into Richburns Debt Collection agency The Data Protection Act of 1998 states that: Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date In passing inaccurate data on me on to Richburns and wrongly seeking payment for a disputed debt, I believe you contravened this act and risked damage to my reputation I am aware that following intervention by The Guardian's Consumer Champions, [here I inserted a link to a Guardian Consumer Champion's article] you previously awarded £100 in compensation to a customer who wrongfully received a visit from a debt collection agency acting on your instruction and I expect the same in this instance TOTAL SOUGHT FOR MISHANDLING OF DATA: £100 TOTAL SOUGHT FOR ALL OF THE ABOVE: £400.​ The week after this, I logged into my online account and saw lots of 'transfers' and 'reversed bills' applied, making my balance £0. I submitted a meter reading and it became approx. £19. As expected, nPower failed to reply to my email within the 7 working days they state they will. I received a voicemail from a different customer service team member on 01/03/16 asking me to call back, which I did today, speaking to someone who had no idea what was going on. He informed me that the backbilling team had sent the query back to them because they weren't sure which account the questions were around; but I only have one (gas) account with nPower! He agreed this was odd but explained that they wanted to just credit the account with £60 to save the backbilling team investigating, but hadn't done so yet because of the 'goodwill gesture' of £400 that I was seeking. He explained he could do the £60 reversal for the backbilling and give me a goodwill gesture of £30, to which my response was 'Are you joking?!'. He claimed it was a reasonable amount. I told him that the nPower website states that in response to the latest (December 2015) issues with the Ombudsman, any customer still affected by backbilling would receive no less than £100 in compensation, and he told me he wasn't aware of it but could offer £40 to make it £100. I told him this would not do, because the backbilling is seperate to the compensation; as I understand it they CANNOT charge me for that month that they billed me for some 13 months later. Any compensation I seek should be seperate to this. I also highlighted the issues I'd experienced (he hadn't read the LONG email i sent) and explained why I was seeking £400; it not being some random amount I'd plucked out of thin air. He said he'd log that I wouldn't accept the £40 and that now the matter would be passed on to Stage 2 for the complaint to be reviewed and I stressed that they need to look at my email again. As I understand it, the bill is going back to the backilling team to figure out what needs to be written off and I have to wait to hear regarding my complaint. I also asked him why my account went back to £0 and he said it was because they'd credited payments from old accounts to the new account so it was up to date. I presume he refers to payments flatmate C and/or D made before they stopped billing us. Is it not ridiculous that they've just figured out we might not even owe them anything!? I'm still not clear whether we do or don't, because billing is still on hold given the lock from the complaint. I'm utterly exhausted with all this. All I want is some fair compensation, and the mess to be resolved so that I can switch suppliers. As I understand it, there's every chance that Stage 2 will involve another laughable offer and then it'll likely go to deadlock and I'll need to complain to the Ombudsman. I guess I'm looking for advice - have I done everything I need to? What else can I do at this point? Also should I expect to have to go to the Ombudsman? Any help very much appreciated. Thank you!
  6. The horrible truth, the whole horrible truth and nothing but the whole horrible truth:- http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/5049010.article?utm_source=dispatch&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GAZ260515
  7. Hi, i have had mortgage arrears for a number of years never been able to control them(approx 6k). due to an upturn in trade earlier this year i managed to get them down to £234 then a catastrophic business deal dumped me straight back sq one unable to pay the mortgage again i rang them and told them i would not be able to pay the up coming payment. i was advised that if i cleared the arrears before the next due payment i would be entitled to a review of my account to see if i could get the payments down to an affordable level. i did this only to be told that it wasn't true the nice lady from complaints took £100 off the arrears and put £200 into my private account, she said they should of said "i pay off all the arrears and one full months mortgage payment then i could have the review". she made sure i had no savings and no way of paying the extra i then received a letter saying my agreement for reduced payments was at an end and i needed to make another which i did . i knew this was my busiest time of year and went hell for leather to meet the all the arrears and one months payment option by the skin of my teeth i succeeded. previously i have had arrangements go wrong because i paid on card and they say this takes 3 days at this time i was told that if i paid cash into a halifax branch it would show immediately. ( which is what i did ) they now say cash payments don't show for 24 hrs!! in the sure knowledge i had covered all the bases i rang them i seem to have rattled the cage i don't think they expected me to meet there criteria and don't want to give the review i so desperately need my payments have jumped from £695(interest only which they have taken away as an option) to £1380 a month and simply can not afford it. i dont want to go into arrears again i need some advice what do i do next i have to phone them tomorrow but can already see where this is going any ideas how i should approach the matter.
  8. Taking someone to court at the moment, and the Defendant has very clearly lied in their statement of truth about three things. By very clearly I mean I can actually prove it very, very easily. For example, the Defendant says that they have carried out action that should limit their liability when no action has been carried out and the wrongdoing is continuing. They state the wrongdoing finished within 2 hours of them receiving a Letter Before Claim. Another example being that I have made no attempt at mediation and have merely threatened them, when I have made three written offers of mediation, all of which they signed for by recorded delivery but failed to respond to. The question is, how do I notify the court about this? It turns out I could have done so when I sent out the allocation questionnaire, but that was yesterday! I only found this out today. How else can I approach it?
  9. I am normally quite clued up on this but need advice or a letter head. In a nutshell, small debt £375 off my credit file, noticed when RN did a credit check on me. The default date on the credit report was 15.10.07. So it dropped off on 15.10.13. I got a letter earlier this year 1.2.14 saying I owed this money annd to pay, usual rubbish, checked experian it was off my credit file etc. I wrote them a letter explaining SB limitations act, 6 years etc all the usual, stop contacting me or you will be liable for my £25 admin fee. Received a letter today, really funny really, They are claiming the last payment was 7/5/09 (lies) They then said they enclose a statement to "proove this" They then attached a statement of me using the card 9/2/07. That was the last transaction, payment or using it...No payment on 7/5/9 at all. They also and I quote "last payment made to the original lender on 24 March 2005 and another statement to show you last used the card during January 2007" Ok, so if my last payment was REALLY 24/5/05 , do you really think the credit card company would let me use it nearly THREE years without payment.?? Basically imnot happy on three points A) it is 100% SB, luckily I kept a print off of the credit report from 2013 showing the original default date of 15.10.07 B) The sheer lie of saying I made a payment in 2009, then saying they have attached proof and attached no proof whatsoever, all they did was attach an old statement from 2005 and 2007 C) Also the fact saying i last paid to the "original" lender in 2005 but carried on using the card till january 2007 haha as if... Arent they breaking the law by lying, lying and well lying again, am I in my rights to charge this £25 adminfee. This card was used by my ex partner and apparantly as she did it all on line she didnt need to know my PIN. Dirty little rat used in the night when I was asleep. I have no other debt, my credit score is good (968) Please can someone advise me of my next step?? Thank you
  10. I run a small business that prints a free local newspaper which is funded by advertising. We were using a freelance salesperson to sell the advertising for us and they were paid commission only. We have now found out that the salesperson was quoting grossly inflated reader numbers to advertisers in order to get them to sign up for advertising. Basically, misleading them, or deceiving them into parting with their money. We recently parted company with this salesperson acrimoniously as there was a grievance, and now they are informing the advertisers that the figures they quoted to them were wrong and that we told them to quote them. Understandably, we now have lots of angry advertisers demanding refunds that we cannot afford to pay. Some are threatening court action. Basically, we are going to lose the business because of the unprofessional, spiteful actions of one individual who was saying whatever he wanted to ensure he made maximum commission. I'm guessing we could be looking at a Misrepresentation of Goods case, but we don't have the funds to pay out, nor can we afford to defend it in the courts. We cannot sue the salesperson as they have no money and no assets. I'm devastated as I was just trying to run an honest and respectable small business and now this malicious individual has come along and potentially destroyed it. If anyone has any advice, I would be extremely grateful.
  11. Sent a complaint to FOS re mis-sold PPI, after claim was rejected by LTSB, in August last year. As I hadn't heard anything I rang FOS today and was told that LTSB are denying that I had PPI on my card. This is despite the fact that they sent a rejection letter. The agent I spoke to said that the complaint had been passed to a specialist investigation team for further action. Before I got the rejection letter, which took 8 months from the initial complaint, I received 2 letters from different departments denying I had PPI. I have all my statements and transaction history provided as a result of a SAR. Do you think that if I send statements to FOS they will expedite their investigation? suvin
  12. I currently owe Council tax debt (it's actually five smaller sets of debt, so I get fve of each letter.) the council passed this on to Equita, who almost immediately started with a threatening letter. I phoned them and spoke to someone in order to negotiate an arrangement to pay. I offered £100 a month, which they refused and said they needed £250 a month (unsupportable) but I said I'd pay £100 a month anyway at the end of the month which was payday, at which point was told "that'll be taken into account." next thing I know, I get a standard form letter from "The Bailiff manager" (again, five copies for each of the five seperate instances) saying that they were going to send someone round that weekend. I was in the house all day both weekends, and no, nobody so much as called or knocked on the door, no letters, no nothing (cant say anything about the week as I would have been at work.) Now, I made that first payment last week (I paid them, although from reading this, I should have sent it directly to the council instead?) phoned up, they took the payment (oddly, as 40,40,20, not sure why) and runf off, no other communication, no other discussion. This weeked I came home to find another five letters, which claimed that "Despite repeated communications and numerous bailiff visits..." (what, all two letters and no visits whatsoever?) i still hadnt paid them or contacted them with an arrangement to pay they were going to send the bailiff round to remove goods. 1) Not going to let them in even if they do turn up. 2) I don't actually own enough goods to cover the debt, even at new sale prices, so no point. Don't think they understand that. 3) They seem to be lying in their letters about things they've done. None of these letters are signed with a name, just "Bailiff manager." It seems my good-faith attempt to pay and deal with this is being blandly ignored, and they're trying to push the process along by saying things that haven't happened (and I can't prove a negative, so proving they haven't been doing as they say they have is harder than them proving they have.) So, my question is, how do I handle them from here out?
  13. I have just avoided a bankruptcy petition, but have been charged huge costs. I paid the debt. I was not served the SD by hand or the BP by hand and the process server applied to the court to have them served. I know it is probably too late to do anything, but when I read the process servers statements of truth, they were full of lies. I assume that this is fraud but is there any point in complaining about it now. And if this happens to anybody in future, what action should they take
  14. hi guys - just need to run this past folk who are more knowledgeable I am thinking of starting a PPI claim against A&L, just need to know if it's worth it? I have a copy of my original credit credit agreement from when I took out the loan in 1998 which outlines payments, duaration, interest, PPI payments etc. Everything was fine until I was made redundant in 2001, after which time it was passed to a DCA. Subsequently dealt with DCA and paid off arrears, but during this time I was sent a letter by A&L in which they state they were cancelling the protection due to the arrears on the account questions: is it worth starting a claim from that far back? Do I need to SAR them seeing as I have a copy of the credit agreement? does the fact they cancelled the PPI themselves have an impact on the claim? thanks in advance
  15. Hi everyone, first post so be gentle! Im posting on behalf of my partner, who is potentially facing dismissal. he works as a nurse at a large private nursing home (and has worked there for 10years). Several weeks ago he was suspended from work pending an investigation as serious allegations of abuse had been made at him. At this point no further details were given. he told me that he had no idea what it was about, and as I was aware that situations such as this were fairly common at this home due to misunderstandings, misinterpretation etc.(and they were usually resolved after a couple of weeks) I told him not to worry. However I did advise him to keep a detailed diary and do all correspondence by email where possible etc. He went to an investigation interview, but it was quite vague. Anyway, shortly afterwards the company got in touch to say he needed to attend a disciplinary hearing for alleged gross misconduct (and that the care authority had been informed of the allegations against him). After receiving the evidence against him, we realised that some of my partners colleagues had ganged up to try and force him out. it also became obvious that the company had made a complete hash of the investigation (2 witnesses were making the allegations, but their statements contradicted one another in several places and contain some very odd statements, people not interviewed properly, evidence ignored, anything that backed what my partner had said was suppressed from the head manager of the disciplinary hearing etc.). We also realised that several witness statements were missing and once we received them they completely backed my what my partner had said. Unfotunately the elderley resident that this resolves around is unable to communicate. We began preparing a statement for the disciplinary hearing, and as it seemed pretty clear what outcome the company had hoped for, we had a meeting with a solicitor who advised us to tell the company everything that was wrong in what had happened, as it all seemed very dodgy. I was sure that the company would carry out a further investigation after my partner had forwarded them his statement, as it was so strong and backed by alot of evidence. I was surprised when the company told him that they basically wouldn't investigate anything my partner had informed them of any further. I suggested that he should raise a grievance before the disciplinary reached a decision. An interview was held with a senior manager, who seemed to take what my partner said very seriously. we have now received a response, and basically the company has said that his grievance has no substance (this is despite it being supported by a lot of evidence). I've looked at the response in detail, and it is very vague in places, and I wonder if the company has hired a solicitor to write it (as this company has done in the past when caught in a tricky situation) my partner has appealed this decision, but im fully expecting them to uphold the original decision. my partner has maintained from the beginning that the allegations against him have been made up. So basically i'm after advice on what we should do next? is there anymore we can do? The entire disciplinary is relying on the evidence from these two witnesses, and the company is refusing to acknowledge what they have said happened doesn't make any sense (despite it being written in black and white), and is refusing to question them further on this. It seems like the two of them are just going to get away with doing this, which seems really unfair considering the hell weve been through. If my partner is dismissed he won't be allowed to work in the nursing industry again, and it's all hes qualified for, so this has all been rather stressful... The solicitor advised us to get back in touch with her as soon as the disciplinary panel reached a decision, as she felt that if dismissed, my partner had an extremely strong case of unfair dismissal, so we are just waiting for a decision at the minute from the company.. I have recently heard a rumour (from more than one source) that one of the accusers has done something similar to this in a past job, but got rumbled so quit before being pushed. Is there anything we could do with this information, or is it just best to keep it to ourselves? sorry for the long post, its just been such a nightmare, any advice appreciated
  16. Hi, a few months ago a large van was going to cause a head on collision with me (he was travelling across to the wrong side of the road). I managed to swerve in time but unfortunately hit the wing mirror of a parked car. I stopped and the owner of the parked car came out. There was no damage to my car. The van driver also stopped down the road and came back to see what he had done - he knew he had been the cause. We both asked him for his details which he refused and he fled the scene. We took his reg no, I also took photos of the damage. When the man with the damaged wing mirror made a claim against my insurance company he added other damage which was on his car. I told my insurance company that I had only damaged the wing mirror and they asked if I would be agreeable to paying for a new one. I said yes. Since then they have paid out £1900 to the man whose wing mirror was damaged. My ins co also accepted his claime for other damage without contacting me. I will now lose my no claims bonus when my insurance is due. As the money has been paid out is there anything I can do? I have the photos I took at the scene.
  17. I am due to start my hearing, in a few days. I was assaulted by my employers and have had months of intimidation and have found out my witnesses are being threatened too. The police are investigating. I think I now have definitive proof of ex employer's lies, plus proof of extreme criminal intimidation. My question is... do I tell the ET this now? Do I wait until I'm in Court next week? And also, what is likely to happen? What penalties can my ex employer face? Also, last night, I was phoned by their solicitor, saying, basically, if I continued, not only would I have to pay costs, but they'll get to see all my medical records. I actually felt like that was another threat. In what circumstances can they have complete access to medical records? (This is separate post from a previous question I asked months ago and would like it kept separate please.)
  18. BBC Panorama reveals how a company which has been tasked to help long-term disabled unemployed back to work - exploits those people and increases their profits by keeping them out of work by "parking them". Full story Scotland And of course, this is all facilitated by poor monitoring procedures. It's all about the "look-good" factor.
  19. BBC Panorama reveals how a company which has been tasked to help long-term disabled unemployed back to work - exploits those people and increases their profits by keeping them out of work by "parking them". Full story Scotland And of course, this is all facilitated by poor monitoring procedures. It's all about the "look-good" factor.
  20. Hi, I'm a new user to this forum, in fact I have never posted anything before, so please be patient, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Here goes..... I was driving home from my local supermarket which is approx 10 minutes from where I live. I live on a main road, next to a junction. As I was approaching my home I could see a young boy and gentleman walking pass my drive way, so as I always do I indicated left and was stationary outside my home, waiting for them to pass, when I was suddenly hit from behind with force. My family heard the impact so they all came out. The TP driver became very abusive and shouted at me saying that I didn't have my indicator on, even though it was flashing away. Anyway to cut a long story.....we exchanged insurance details, called the police, called the insurance, etc: everything ok.......or so we thought. I forgot to add that the accident had caused a bit of a traffic hold up. When we moved our cars, the traffic started to flow. I didn't think to approach a vehicle and ask them to be a witness, but my son took photo's. We have already received an interim payment, but now 3 months later, the insurance company rang me, and told me that the TP driver has stated that I was reversing out of my drive!!!!!! I can tell you I was not happy.....anyway I was also told that because there were no witnesses, and it's his word against mine and that the claim would be 50/50 liability. I really do not want to accept this......is there anything I can do, as the TP driver is blatantly lying..... I would like to thank you in advance for any help and advice given.
  21. Hi all, As the title says, I was given a promotion to "Supervisor" approx. one month ago at my part time job, accompanied by a raise for which I negotiated with the Assistant Manager. Promotion and raise were given at meeting between Assistant Manager, Head Bartender, Floor Supervisor, and myself, during which I was given new responsibilities including mentoring newer staff, I was asked to come into work earlier, etc. I took the minutes for this meeting. After meeting, Assistant Manager met with each of us individually to negotiate raise with us. He made me an offer, I made a counter-offer, he accepted, we shook hands. I go into work that week as supervisor, everything is right as rain. Fast forward to this week. I need to open the till as I've forgotten to give a customer his change. To do this, I need to make a sale, even though I had been told that supervisors' till keys allowed supervisors to open tills without making a new sale. So I go into the office. General Manager is there and I ask if he can register my key with supervisor privileges. He asked me why I needed them. To open tills, as the previous supervisor was able to, I said. Then he told me I wasn't a supervisor. I said Assistant Manager had promoted me and given me a raise a full month ago. General Manager said he had heard nothing about this and asked me to leave so he could talk to Assistant Manager. Five minutes later Assistant Manager pulls me off the bar and asks for a chat. Says he never had authority to promote staff or give them raises. Effectively, I've just worked for a month on minimum wage thinking I had been promoted and given a raise. I told Assistant Manager and General Manager in clear terms I was upset and did not understand how something like this was allowed to happen - I had explicitly told Assistant Manager during meeting a month ago that I needed a raise to make the hours worth it as I am also a full time Masters student. Surely this situation is illegal. Worse, this is just the latest in a slew of managerial missteps, including failure until November to distribute pay slips, and almost consistent failure to pay correct amount for hours worked - for me and all other staff. All in all, I am a little worried about the shadiness of this place, and, given the behaviour of management, unsure about how productive discussions with them about this would be. What do I do?
  22. I SARed HSBC 35 days ago, on Saturday I got a letter saying they couldn't send me the info as I hadn't signed the letter (I had!!!) so I wrote a letter today asking them to scan and email me a copy of my letter as proof and pointing out they had cashed my cheque and they have 5 days left before my LBA. Anyway I am fairly convinced that I paid Cardholder Protection Insurance on this Credit Card but thought I would double check and phoned them. The lady I spoke to says I didn't pay any. She put me on hold and said she had checked with two other departments and I didn't pay it on this card. Now I'm convinced I did but have no statements. I did pay a lot of charges so will be after them for those no matter what but my question is: Do they ever [EDIT] to people about having paid PPI in the first place?
  23. hi, i am currently renting privately, the landlord is taking us to court for rent arrears and tomorrow is the court hearing, however my landlord has produced 2 rent statements to the court but neither of them add up or make sense (my math isnt brilliant but even i can see it doesnt add up right) , i paid my landlord 500 pound cash in to in his bank account on 3rd of december but i have lost the reciept? would the court ask to see his bank statement? to prove i paid this money? the dates he is claiming on the rent the statements do not match my reciepts and do not add up to the rent statements i am currently under the two months rent arrears, my partner was made redundant but has currently got another job and housing had been paying the rent? please help!!!
  24. Hi Hope someone can offer some advice. The father to my children tells the csa he earns 125 a week. He gets away with this as his son who is his accountant fixes his books, therefore the csa follow the tax return that Inland Revenue have accepted, and they say there is nothing they can do. I used to do his books, he earns over 600 a week. He told me before going to CSA he would get son (from previous relationship) to fix books so that he wouldnt have to pay much csa. (his daughter in law works for CSA so knows what he needs to get wages down too) 125 is less than min wage, he works 12hrs a day (earning 100) , he has mortgage of 260 pm and monthly bills that would take him easily up to 500 pm......there fore what money does he have left to feed himself, cloth himself, drink like he does, go out, run car etc etc....not only this he sees his children twice a week(not overnight) and spends money to buy them pointless magazines/trinklets, mcdonaalds, clothes (which they dont need) it equates to about £50 each week.....work this out and its £200 pm....so clearly he must be earning over 125 a week....he just could not survive on 125 a week, its impossible.....how in the hell can inland revenue not see this??? I struggle to feed the children and pay for utility bills, clubs and petrol to run them to these clubs, we are on border line, yet he happily flashes cash on them for rubbish (prob to rub in my face) but then declares barely anything to CSA, and refuses to think he should pay for their actual upkeep which Im doing on miniscule benefits. I cant work because cannot afford child care, and have a child with special needs. how can he think (despite how much he hates me) that it is appropriate to not pay for their upkeep which would actually benefit his children. Even the children know he earns more than 125, theyve worked out he couldnt survive on that! he has even told one child he has plenty of money and earns more than 100 a day! I go out of my way to be amicable with him seeing the children, all he does is be manipulative, play games and try to punish me. He doesnt want to give ME any money, but its not MY money, it is for his children, and thats exactly where Id spend it and he knows it. it would help the children have nicer things like their friends, enable them to use the internet, feed them decent food, pay for clubs that benefits their socialisation and the petrol to get them there and to school. Hes lying to inland revenue to avoid paying tax and avoid an appropriate payment to CSA....they say I should report him to inland revenue, but ive heard theres not much point as they dont investigate it?
  25. Hi, i recently purchased a used car from a private garage in London (Shahid Motors) for £2,900. I still have not received a receipt for the car, even though its been 2 months since I purchased it. There was a delay with payment (due to merchants fault) and I was promised a receipt after payment was cleared. I paid using my debit card so have proof of purchase though. A few days ago, it started to rain and the boot of the car was completely flooded! I took it to the garage, assuming there was a small hole somewhere but was horrified to discover that the car was involved in a accident. If you remove the carpet in the boot, all the parts are loose and clearly damaged. Only the exterior of the car was fixed after the accident.The garage estimated £600 to get it fixed. Before purchasing the car, I was not informed of any accidents or damage to the car. Now that I've informed the Shahid Motors garage owner, he denies not telling me about the accident (he is lying) and said that all his cars have been involved in accidents and it is clearly stated in the receipt. The only problem is that I have not been given a receipt and I was not told beforehand about the accident. Instead I was assured that the car is fine. I have also checked his website, and there is no mention of his cars being involved in accidents. He is refusing to refund me the car or pay for the cost of fixing the boot. The car boot now floods every time that it rains. I literally have to scoop the water out using a bucket. Where do i legally stand? Can I make him legally pay for the damage. If I had known about the accident, I would have never brought this car :[
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