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  1. Hi All I am in the process of buying two mobility Scooters via the internet I have paid for them and one has been delivered to me Friday. The one that was delivered on Friday is not fit for purpose as it is a fold up electric one that is dangerous for me to use as it is to flimsy. The problem I got is I fell off it the first time I tried it out and made very small scratch marks on the side of it and I mean very small but noticeable. The question I would like to be answered is is it the case of the company can refuse to take it back or offer me something back! Richie
  2. It's in good condition and has a nearly new battery but I feel like I've had my money's worth from it so would prefer to give it away. Anyone know a charity who would take it? It's in Dorset.
  3. i payed 3,500£ for a mobility scooter,last november i payed 90£for a service, the next day it ran awry and i nearly ended under a bus . they then send out another engineer and he said it was motor problems but would not have one in stock for at least a month so i waited,now it out of warrenty they want 480£ for the motor and 99£ to fit it because it out of warrenty i only use it to go to the shops about a mile once a week i think it is just over a year old with only twelve months warrenty
  4. Hi, Unsure if this is the correct area? Need some help / advice please. A relative has been involved in a accident where a car has gone into the back of his scooter at an island. The driver admitted causing the accident (noted by a passing officer) so my uncle has perused a claim against the drivers insurance company axa (uncle ins, is 3rd Party) Axa, have sent out their guy to view the bike, and has confirmed that the bike is a write-off.. (Garage purchased bike from has provided a report which details over £3k of damage - bike is worth £2400 at today price on auto trader) Now despite any correspondence from Axa, my Uncle has now received a cheque "without prejudice"for £1,495. He rang (yep i told him to email/write) and was informed that this value was less the scrap amount, of which uncle will have to scrap the bike. The bike had passed service/mot two days before the accident with glowing colours & was in excellent condition (2015). Should we send the cheque back to axa with copies of the garage reports & proofs of similar scooters from auto trader? (If so is there a template letter) Or is the offer fair? I'm not that clued up on the world of insurance. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  5. I am looking for some advice re mobility scooter. I brought a new scooter from Care_Co http://www.careco.co.uk/cl-ms/mobility-scooters.htm in June i went out approx 4 times on this until early September because i had to wait until some of my garden had been concreted over to accommodate scooter. On approx by 10th trio it stared to break down, it went okay the stooped etc and twice crossing the road. I contacted the supplier and i have been met with indifference, it took almost 5 weeks before an engineer called which was today. There is a fault with the scooter. I have asked for a full refund as i have no confidence in the scooter or the company even if it was repaired. I understand that under the Consumers Act a company has tooter at least attempt at repair or replacement unless it would cause significant inconvenience. I have explained that has well as a physical disability i also have Bipolar disorder and anxiety which for me means that i will not feel safe on this scooter if repaired and would not feel comfortable going out alone on it which negates the reason i brought it for. I have found the company so difficult in that its been impossible to speak to a manager, i have made 5 attempts in the last 10 days to speak to a manager and i get fobbed of, 4 times via phone, once via email and no one gets back to me. Today when the engineers left i rang the company again and said i wanted a refund again i could not speak to a manager, then in minutes i got a call from the engineers company (who had told me they were separate from care co and would take a couple of days for the report to go through) to say that a part has been ordered i went through it all again. I feel they are pushing a repair on me and giving me no option as no one will communicate with me, any ideas on what i can do next and what are my rights. Many thanks for any advice and for reading
  6. I have decided to open a new thread in regards to this company. I purchased a bike from them on the 23rd of August 2015, trading under the name of 'scooter.co.uk'. I had searched for complaints etc. using the aforementioned name and nothing came up so I proceeded to purchase one. Having a fair bit of experience with Chinese branded bikes after living in China for nearly a decade, my logic was that while there are many poor quality bikes around in China there are also some good ones and if these are being imported and used on British highways, they must meet certain standards. I cannot believe that they are being allowed to trade after the heavy volume of complaints and being featured on BBC watchdog. I believe that this name changing serves a purpose , I believe that purpose is to make it much harder for someone to find complaints raised and discussed on the internet. The first problem I have encountered was with the delivery. I ordered on a Sunday using the additional service provided 'next working day delivery'. The way that the FAQ describes how deliveries working, in my opinion, is extremely misleading. As far as I am concerned, putting the fact they can offer 'next working day delivery and Saturday delivery' at the end of this information leads an individual to believe that this is separate from the preceding info. I just bought a computer from an online retailer who word things in this way. I ordered on Sunday evening and received it the next working day, Monday. Why would I assume this would be any different. I have argued this with Directbikes, I felt they were extremely aggressive and tetchy in the tone of the emails and said that 'next working day delivery' means if you order on a Sunday, because they don't pick and process on a non working day means delivery is Tuesday. Then they told me they refused to discuss the matter with me any further. I put the payment into dispute with Visa. After the bike was delivered I began finding various problems with it. Attempts at contacting Directbikes seemed to fall on deaf ears and I felt like those I spoke to on the phone were simply there to deflect me. No one called me back and I received no email. I decided to contact Visa again and report the additional problems with the purchase which I will now bullet: The headlamp and rear tail lamp don't function The foot well panels are not well fitted to the rest of the frame and cannot be tightened, the screws just turn around - I consider them a hazard if you were to ride (from experience in China very A-Typical of an extremely poor bike) The safety covers which surround the battery terminals don't fit and are too small as well as the housing cover not securing down firmly - Again dangerous in my opinion The fly screen will not fit to the bike using the provided fittings - botching a fit would again be very dangerous if it came off when moving The certificate of conformity has not been printed properly, you can see the marks where it seems to have jammed in a printer and some of the information is unreadable - The DVLA stated in a call I made that if that is the case the documents would be returned and not registered, deeming the bike unroadworthy There was a grey area in regards to a question requirement on the V55/4 form which asks for the CO2 (combined figure) - The CoC contains no information, the DVLA stated I may be required to provide it and take the bike to a testing center to get the reading - How am I supposed to get the bike there? Why isn't it provided on the CoC and why am I paying hundreds to have it done? I found a silver decal later on when moving the metal crate away, upon opening it out it said 'directbikes' - From their website photos I now see it is the decal which is supposed to be in the front of the bike This I haven't reported to Visa or DB yet as I found this as I am preparing the bike for return but the seat doesn't lock down easily and feels like it could easily break off the hinge when open The side stand sensor which immobilises the engine start button is temperamental, sometimes you cannot start the bike without putting the stand up and down a few times. I don't trust that packing in whilst riding or being out and getting stuck somewhere There is some mileage on the clock which means it has been run before registration too, never mind not new if they plate the bike, it is not new if there are miles on the clock when sold So all in all not a happy bunny. After giving these details to Visa and elevating the dispute I decided I would send one last email to directbikes and assure myself I had given them every opportunity to deal with the problem. The following day I received an email back, after I had started the dispute with Visa. Directbikes told me they were sorry, informed me that all my statements are incorrect about legislation and that even though I had been a very naughty boy and gone over their 48 hour window to report problems, 'as a matter of goodfaith' would accept a return and ask the courier to collect. I told them that is wrong and I am only interested in following the laws, not their seemingly self serving 'ad-hoc' rules. I would accept the return under the conditions the bike was faulty and cannot be put on the road. I wanted to know beforehand to arrange pickup and that I would not be responsible for ensuring ALL of the packaging was put back on given the day of delivery it was raining and all the cardboard got soaked. Given they quote 'delivered to the roadside' any and all deliveries are at the whim of British weather. I am a consumer in a residential address, not a company with a warehouse. As far as I am concerned 'as a matter of goodfaith' suggests they are doing ME a favour and they did nothing wrong. Means the bike is being returned on their terms, not mine and not the reasons I want to return it. I have declined to return it without them confirming the reasons I am doing so. I feel that they are attempting to manipulate me by getting me to return it by another method. While you are expected to give a seller the chance to put things right I do not believe I am supposed allow someone to take advantage. I have told them that the Visa dispute will remain in place because of this and that I will not communicate directly with them any longer, they will have to go through the correct channels and do it through Visa from now on because I do not trust them. That lack of trust is based on the weight of evidence built on the internet and appearance on BBC Watchdog and they way my own experience has gone . They told me 'we are the number one bike seller in the UK confirmed by the DVLA and there are bound to be, wait for it 'A FEW' negative reviews. :mad2: I think I have done everything right so far. My next step on Monday will be to report the matter with trading standards now because I refuse to be manipulated into playing by rules which do not appear to follow the legislation which exists. If anyone else has any comments or suggestions beyond that which I have already taken, please feel free to let me know. Mainly I wanted to ensure that anyone else considering a purchase finds it easier to spot the posts. In the meantime of all this going on I have purchased a more expensive bike from a local reputable dealer which is currently being plated and checked for me to pickup this afternoon. I wish I had just spent a bit more in the first place now to be honest. I do have one question, in regards to storage of their property. How long am I expected to keep it under my responsibility. I would love to have the courier take it but I trust directbikes about as far as I could throw the bike I bought. I am waiting to speak to Visa to see what they advise but I am unwilling to allow return if I am then essentially saying they did nothing wrong.
  7. Is a mobility scooter an aid/device for the disabled? This is the subject of this thread and how some LA's/HA,s see them as a pain. But legally are they an aid/device and or other ? Please bear in mind that I already know this answer, I am hoping that others will see it differently. So pop quiz time can you answer the following? Please supply links to your answers and an explanation... A, are they an aid? (yes/no/other) B, are they a device for the disabled only? (yes/no/other) C, can a LA/HA ban them from their properties without breaking the law? (yes/no/other) what laws are/not broken))
  8. Hi all I am just looking for a bit of advice if anybody can help please. I purchased a £148 Stunt Scooter for my son from Pro-line Skates Online towards the end of November this year (2014) just a few weeks ago basically. When the scooter arrived we noticed the 'Grip-tape' was faulty. As I was going into town I thought I would pop into the store for them to replace the grip-tape. I was told that as I bought the scooter online they could not help me (even though it's the same business!) and I would need to go through the website to fix the problem. I did and I was sent a generic grip-tape which I cut to size. Sadly, this was not the end of the problems for this scooter. Nearly two weeks ago the scooter started to make horrible sounding clicking noises when the handlebar was turned. I made sure the bolts were tight etc, but the problem persisted. I emailed Pro-line skates and didn't receive a response. I emailed again, and again no response. I thought give and take for the holidays. I then finally received a response (Today) and was told to take it to their shop, another 10 mile round journey. I emailed back and said what happened the first time and I wasn't going to go back to the shop again to be told the same thing. Rather than saying the shop was wrong for turning me away they told me I never visited the shop and called me a liar! I figured that was a bit extreme as all I wanted was for them to pick the scooter up and repair it, at their expense for a change. Due to their stinking attitude I had a change of heart and decided I now wanted a full refund instead and they could stick their repairs somewhere else! I was not so politely told that in no way was I ever going to get any refund and "Legally" I have no right to a refund but "MUST" accept a repair. Maybe they are right, I don't know - but I do know I am extremely angry about this. I would have been happy for a repair but being called a liar really wound me up. Sorry if I've gone on a bit. Can anybody advise whether I must accept a repair, again at my cost travelling, or would I be entitled to a refund? Thanks for reading and any help. Clare
  9. Do not trust or deal with DIRECT BIKES operating under Scooter.co.uk. The brand new bike arrived damaged in a rusty crate, unsecured and we were unable to move it, on opening the bike was damaged. We contacted Direct Bikes within 1 business day and they didn't want to know and when we challenged them they said we had to pay for the return of the bike at £85 which we now find out is completely false and they tried to bully us into keeping the bike. It had 1 mile on the bike and yet inside were rusty nails, after just 3 months the clutch went which the garage said was poor workmanship, the free roof box arrived damaged and unable to use. Direct Bikes said their warranty did not cover the free gift - what is the point of a free gift worth £49.99 if they supply it broken, then the rear grab rail shafted off at the bolt. Direct Bikes have been the most appalling and aggressive people to deal with. The Bike (VIPER) has been serviced at 300 km and 1100km, Direct Bikes have done their upmost to deny the rights of the Distant Selling Act and the Sale of Goods Act. This bike is a danger, cheap Chinese rubbish that is rusty from the inside, also Direct Bikes if you challenge them will be aggressive and defiant and deny all your evidence. We have supplied video evidence, photos of the bike with 1 mile on and rust under a sealed dash. This is just typical of an aggressively managed company that has no interest at all in their customers safety or vulnerability on the road. Once they have your money you will struggle if you have any issues. It is a clowns bike and every day we wonder what will drop off. We have had 2 services and spent more than £300 on service and repairs in just 3 months all of which Direct Bikes vehemently and aggressively refuse. Be very careful, Cheap Chinese rubbish.
  10. Hi, Need some advice regarding a mobility scooter that my wife and I bought. It developed some problems and we tried to get the company to rectify them. They refused and during the swapping of emails they tried to bully and intimidate me. I sent them a formal complaint about this and about the refusal to fix the scooter. They totally ignored the formal complaint. I sent a letter before action, which they have also totally ignored. In the letter before action I said that if no response was forthcoming that I would then send them a bill for the cost of the replacement parts needed. I have now sent them a bill for the cost of the parts, which I fully expect them to ignore. Any advice as to what my next step should be? Many thanks
  11. This happened last year, but the insurance dispute it still on going. My mother was stationary, indicating right to turn on to her road, when a teenager on a scooter came out of a side road, and tried to overtake her, but hit the side of her car instead. We have witnesses that confirmed this. The guy came off of the scooter and had injured his leg, I believe he had a fracture. Everyone that came to help noticed he stank of weed. Coincidentally, some blokes that live on the corner of where this happened knew the teenager on the scooter, and apparently the teenager owed them money but done a runner before. The neighbors told us his name, which the teenager actually told us a different name to begin with, but then came clean. After the police and ambulance arrived, they also confirmed had been smoking weed, but said they have no way to prove it. They confirmed to us he had insurance. Initially my mother and him agreed not to go through insurance as the damage to his bike and her car wasn't major and would cost too much on insurance over time. She still called the insurance company to notify them about the accident. A week or two later, she got a call from her insurance company and apparently the teenager was claiming for his bike, and also a few weeks of a hire car from her insurance. She disputed the blame entirely and decided to get her car repaired anyway since the claims already started to go though and she will likely loose her no claims anyway. The insurance company has been pushing for a 50/50 blame for a while, but has now moved to a 70/30 blame after she refused. She is entirely not at fault, how can she push for no blame at all? What happens if she doesn't accept the 70/30 blame?
  12. I need advice on this before I go to the Police: 2 years ago my 125cc Scooter 'popped' a valve,I don't know what this means either but it resulted in having an Engine rebuild which cost me £180,I paid this no probs. About a mile up the road the bike konked out,well the engine run ok but there was no drive.my Son came out and pushed the bike to his friends as by then the Garage had closed. After a year of trying to get them to come out and pick it up ? they said they couldn't find the address ? My son took it back to the Garage in his friends van. They repaired it free of charge,a new drive belt,then said they couldn't test it as there was no key,my mistake,so my Wife and Son took the Key down to the Garage,all sorted,after that I heard nothing, after about 6 months I asked the Question"where's my bike" they said all done but there would be an additional charge of £27 for a new lock as they never got the key.I didn't bother to argue the point so said fine when I collect I will settle up. My wife wasn't happy with this so the Bike was left there for about a year,meanwhile I have been declaring it Sorn. The other week I decided to sell it to my nephew very cheap as long as he settles the bill and collects.When he went to collect they told him that they had sold the Bike to make space ??? They said that they had sent letters and tried to contact mr by phone,That was a lie.They sold my bike without my Consent.Can anybody tell me where I stand On this
  13. Hi I bought an electric scooter on a Group on offer, although sceptical, I trusted group on. When it arrived my fears where confirmed and it hasn't got the torque (power) and I wanted to return it. I had the usual perfunctory instant non-help and then no one got back to me. When I approached the company Sto Racing Products, they had the attitude of "what did you expect" and that I had negated their returns policy by even riding it once. I rode it for a 100m and new it was no good. I approached them to complain to no avail and also group on to no avail. I want my money back and I don't even expect to be reposting it, I have threatened to take it further and no response. I have also checked on ebay and all the scooters of that power rating are considered "kids" and this was not the case in the advert. What can I do
  14. Right or wrong? (Forget about the the 'licence excuse') Speaking as an ex-bus driver, I actually know the answer! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/4859900/council-jobsworths.html
  15. Hello! I bought a pulse strider scooter 2/3 months ago, and within 2 weeks the diaphram on the carburetor had broken. I took it to scootlife (a scooter garage in darwen) and the part was replaced (£30 labour + £15 part). It has since broken again with the same fault. I am under the impression that the part (at least!) should be under warranty and that i should not have to pay for the new part, and when giving me a quote for the work the garage did not mention anything to do with warranty. I have since contacted the garage and asked them about it and he has said he will contact the supplier. I think i have lost the invoice for the previous work though i am sure the garage will have it on its books! Does anybody know my legal situation? My converstation with the garage was very strained when mentioning the warranty and i am fairly sure he is going to play hardball over the issue. Its also worth mentioning that i have aksed the bike to be surviced as well as the defect being fixed and he has given me a rough quote of £35 service, £30 labour, £15 part. AND i have since found the part online at two stockists for £9.99. Thanks for reading, hope i have provided enough information. (bike in questions - Pulse Strider 125 - SB125T-23A.)
  16. A few weeks ago my scooter was stolen from outside my house - they cut right through the security chain, busted the ignition, had a jolly and dumped it a few streets away. Police recovered it and my insurance company arranged for their authorised repairer to collect it. I had been told that the only real damage was to the ignition so it should be repaired; however, I have just had a call from the estimator saying the repair will be too expensive for the value of the scooter, so I am now waiting for my insurance to get in touch regarding a pay out. There's a number of issues I am wondering about and I'd really appreciate any advice you can give. 1) I had only owned the scooter for one week when it was taken.This means I was still in the initial period of temporary insurance (1 month) while they sent me a direct debit mandate to sign and return with a copy of my CBT. With the upset of the theft I have not yet sent these; the deadline for them receiving these documents is next week, at which point my insurance would be cancelled instead of continuing for the year. I have currently paid just under £70; the full year cost would be £330. Can I just let this expire rather than shelling out for the remainder of the policy when I effectively have no vehicle to insure at this time? 2) Does anyone have any experience of how long it would normally take to receive a payout? I am currently unemployed and cannot get work until I have transport again - in the last couple of weeks I have actually had to turn down jobs because I simply cannot get to them, and I am reluctant to apply for things as I don't know how long I will be without transport (public transport facilities in my area are extremely limited and not a reliable option - in fact I have been told several times that employers just will not consider me without my own transport because it is so bad!) 3) Given the extremely short time I owned the scooter can I expect to get back what I paid for it (minus the excess) or will it be subject to the insurer's valuation? Thanks for your help.
  17. Normally I love argos but I ordered a scooter months ago and it has still not been delivered I have sinse ordered a scooter online from another company (for about half the price) and am trying to cancel my argos order but I keep getting passed around Can anyone help me? Thanks guys
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