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Found 2 results

  1. This happened last year, but the insurance dispute it still on going. My mother was stationary, indicating right to turn on to her road, when a teenager on a scooter came out of a side road, and tried to overtake her, but hit the side of her car instead. We have witnesses that confirmed this. The guy came off of the scooter and had injured his leg, I believe he had a fracture. Everyone that came to help noticed he stank of weed. Coincidentally, some blokes that live on the corner of where this happened knew the teenager on the scooter, and apparently the teenager owed them money but done a runner before. The neighbors told us his name, which the teenager actually told us a different name to begin with, but then came clean. After the police and ambulance arrived, they also confirmed had been smoking weed, but said they have no way to prove it. They confirmed to us he had insurance. Initially my mother and him agreed not to go through insurance as the damage to his bike and her car wasn't major and would cost too much on insurance over time. She still called the insurance company to notify them about the accident. A week or two later, she got a call from her insurance company and apparently the teenager was claiming for his bike, and also a few weeks of a hire car from her insurance. She disputed the blame entirely and decided to get her car repaired anyway since the claims already started to go though and she will likely loose her no claims anyway. The insurance company has been pushing for a 50/50 blame for a while, but has now moved to a 70/30 blame after she refused. She is entirely not at fault, how can she push for no blame at all? What happens if she doesn't accept the 70/30 blame?
  2. H]ello, advice please. I am a courier and was parked on double yellow lines whilst doing a delivery, the local traffic wardens have always said have approx. five mins to get the delivery done. When getting back into my van which is a large transit jumbo so I have to pull myself in and with the hazards on and wearing a high viz some idiot still managed to hit my open door and put a large crease in it. He did get my details and I got his but then started to try and blame me as I should have been looking over my shoulder whilst getting into my vehicle so as to not hit him. This was a busy main road and at least twenty cars had passed me whilst I walked from one end of my van to the drivers door and at least three in the time it takes to throw scanner in seat and get in so I walked away rather then be goaded into an assault charge. What has concerned me is despite the high viz and the fact he could have killed me when I reported the matter to the police as I did not want him to say did not see me as not wearing the correct clothing so wanted them to note what I was wearing they stated as we had exchanged details they did not get involved. I would have thought he would have faced a driving with out due care charge but they did not want to know. Is it true stationary vehicle did not even have keys in ignition the other party is to blame
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