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  1. Hi all, Not sure if this is meant to be on the online retailers as it was bought from Microsoft online but the online area seem to be more for eBay and Paypal issues. The issue at hand is this: Early 2016 I purchased a Surface Pro 4 specced fairly high (i7/256gb ssd/16gb ram). On the whole, it's been ok - there have been the various bugs that MS have been fairly quick to resolve and overall what I wanted has been ticked - a tablet style laptop without all the restriction of performance. Fast forward to December 2017 and the screen startedto play up. At this point I will say the laptop is in near new condition. It's always been in a case when "parked" and when used, it's on a desk at work in a non food/drink environment so not much to go wrong. And despite it being a tablet, I rarely actually use the touch screen functionality. Issue with the screen is crazy flickering/shaking. I ignored it initially thinking it was software related but having done a full reinstall and drivers etc, it was still happening. 2 days ago, it got worse...to the point that it became unusable. So I looked on the forums etc and to my suprise, it's become so well known, there is a dedicated website - no other than flickergate.com Every single example on there is the same as mine and they claim around 1600+ customers have signed to say they suffer from it too. The general consensus is it happens generally after the 12 month warranty MS supplies and is most likley heat related. Sure enough mine has started to warm up a fair bit - especially the screen. As this is a sealed unit, not much can be done to keep the fans clean apart from a blast of air but I suspect this is not the issue as the fans rarely kick in when the screen starts to flicker. So why am I here? Well it turned out I had purchased extended cover on this and so it will most likely be a swap out and everyones happy....or are they. a large number of people have stated the replacement units are also doing this - some immediately and some after a while. With the cover running out at the end of Feb, that does not leave me with confidence. So given: 1. This is a known issue though MS refuse to accept this 2. A replacement in my case will be given but will most likely have the same issue either soon or later on in it's life 3. There is no current fix as this is hardware related and most likely to do with the design What are the options? Surface Pro's are not cheap and this was a £1500 unit + the cover at £150 - Am I looking at potential hell should the replacement die after March when the warranty ends? PS: This was paid on credit card. Appreciate there is the consumer rights especially as this was purchased after the consumer rights act was launched but surely this can't be the only way? I'm not sure what I am asking for really - just advice on what one should do if the problem at hand has no fix and so this could be a vicious circle until warranty ends at which point I have a £1500 brick Is there an option in law in the case of the above 3 points to not get a replacement but get a pay out instead? Obviously not the £1500 ... Thanks all
  2. The following LGO decision (which was only released this week) is a vitally important one as it deals with a number of misconceptions and inaccurate advice regarding bailiff enforcement. For instance, this decision addresses the following misconceptions:
  3. My request is a simple one, I want one or two set of Blank Used Empty Original HP Cartridge for Refill Purposes. Model is 953 or 953 XL Printer Model is Officejet Pro 8715 Any one any idea of how I can source these, please let me know. It has to be Originals. Thanks all.
  4. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobisystems.editor.office_registered
  5. Hi CAG, There is a known hardware fault amongst Apple and the Apple community in relation to my Apple MacBook Pro model (Mid 2010) whereby a hardware panic during the dynamic graphics card switching causes the MacBook to crash. I got in touch with Apple Support who advised that my MacBook is now considered as "Vintage" and so replacement parts are no longer manufactured, nor am I able to send it to Apple for repair. This fault has been reported to Apple many times from other owners, but I have never received contact from Apple to recall my laptop or advise me that there is a certain time period to receive a repair until it is deemed "Vintage". I am now left with a faulty laptop that constantly crashes, unfit for purpose and looses my work if I haven't pressed save before the laptop decides to crash. So, the only option for me now is to replace the laptop. During my call with Apple Support I asked if they are able to replace the laptop or even discount a new laptop to offset my faulty one. They advised that I need to visit an Apple Store and raise it with them there. I do not have any stores close to me, so before I decide to make the journey to one, would anyone able to offer advice as to where I stand with a replacement be it at a discount?
  6. Does anyone know of any genuine employment lawyers that will do a FREE assessment for no win no fee. All the websites offering this always want an assessment fee which totally goes against the principle of no win no fee! I do however need help as I have a five day final hearing coming up in February.
  7. Hi I'm currently in a back and forth with AppleCare regarding my Macbook Pro, which I purchased in from Apple's online store in 2012. I also purchased AppleCare for £279, which is due to expire in November. At that point, I'll have had the machine for three years. I've had three repairs on the machine so far. I've had the screen replaced twice, within a couple of weeks of one another, and then the bottom case replaced (a screw hadn't been tightened properly and came loose, scratching the bottom case in transit). I've been offered a fourth repair, after which Apple said they would seek to replace my laptop if the problem persisted. Given that I keep having issues with the screen, I requested a replacement rather than a fourth repair. My argument is that in the three years I've had the laptop, it has rarely worked the way I would've expected. After doing some reading on Apple's own website about consumer law/SOGA, I decided to pursue that route instead, and request a replacement. Apple obliged, and have arranged an independent, Apple certified technician to have a look at the machine and decide whether the fault was caused by misuse. From Apple.com Since I've had three repairs, does this not mean that I have the right to withdraw from the contract? I don't want a full refund, though. I just want a replacement laptop. I now want to know whether it will be feasible, if the results come back in my favour, for Apple to replace my MacBook rather than repair it again. I've had to go back and forth to the Apple store multiple times with this laptop, and as a result have spent almost a month without a machine, so I don't think it's unfair for me to say enough is enough. Where do I stand legally in this matter? Any input or advice is appreciated. Kind regards
  8. For a very long time I have raised concerns on here about inaccurate information regarding the enforcement of Magistrate Court fines. The reason for my concern is because, unlike any other debts, (penalty charge notices, liability orders etc) the enforcement officer has the right under the warrant to 'force entry'. Yesterday, the Parliamentray Under-Secretary of State for Justice; Shaliest Vara, clarified the position regarding enforcement agents fees....the 'pro rata' distribution of payments.... and most importantly, how courts deal with direct payments (after a warrant has been past to the enforcement agency. A copy of his statement features in my second post. By way of background, the following is a copy of a post that I made earlier this month: In the past couple of weeks I have received reports of six cases where a locksmith had been used to enforce a debt for magistrate court fines after a debtor had relied upon misinformation on the internet and believed that paying the amount only of the court fine (minus bailiff fees) to the court (as opposed to the enforcement company) would mean that the warrant had been satisfied. In four cases, payment had been made to the court on receipt of the Notice of Enforcement (when bailiff fees of just £75 had been added). In the remaining two cases, payment had been made following an enforcement agent agent visit (fee of £235 had been applied) In each case, the person had relied upon the following statements featured on social media sites (with close links to the Freeman on the Land movement). The warrant for court fines only enables the enforcement of the "Sum Adjudged". Section 76 of the Magistrates courts Act 1980. Pay the fine online. That extinguishes the power to control of goods. The warrant only gives a power to take control of goods for the "sum adjudged". In each debtors case, after making payment to the Magistrates Court they had received notification from the court that their payment had been forwarded to the enforcement company so that the company could properly deduct their Compliance fee of £75 and apportion the balance on a pro rata basis in line with legislation. By following the inaccurate advice, each debtor had incurred substantial additional fees. In four cases, an enforcement fee of £235 had been added and in each case locksmith fee had also been applied.
  9. So... Lets see where to start. Back in March I purchased a Surface Pro 3 Keyboard, Knowing that i was going to purchase a SP3 at somepoint in April. That I did. It remained in storage for a while until I purchased a SP3 and decided to use them together. When i started using it, I noticed a rather severe battery drain that would kill the battery life of my SP3 when attached. When not attached, it was fine. Lasting almost 8 hours with one use. So I returned it back to Curry's while I was home in Portsmouth for a quick holiday. They said to me that they would take it away and that I would need to talk direct to Microsoft about getting a replacement. I was told the existing one was going to be recycled / destroyed. So going along with this (Microsoft did this before a long time ago), I left it for a little while then on the 14th May, I contacted Microsoft to be told that I had been informed incorrectly and that I would need to get it back from Currys. I was also told it would fall under standard warranty and that it would need to returned direct to them for exchange. I wasnt impressed as it was clear that Currys had lied to me and by this point I Realised I was £109 down and also without a working keyboard. This is when I finally decided to email into CEO Sebastian James after getting nowhere with trying to track down my keyboard (Apparently Microsoft hadnt received the original back) Yesterday, I got a less than impressive response after fighting it out over the weekend. Well.... Lets say I was fuming after receiving this. So I kicked off on Twitter today. And Oh BOY! It got a result. I finally managed to persuade them to look into it again today and they eventually folded. They gave me a voucher for £109 that was used in store to buy a brand new Type Cover 3. Needs to say, it shouldnt get this far in the first place, but Im glad its finally resolved. Ive just picked it up and works a treat! For reference, if anyone does have any issues; You can contact; And also on twitter.
  10. Hi all I am just looking for a bit of advice if anybody can help please. I purchased a £148 Stunt Scooter for my son from Pro-line Skates Online towards the end of November this year (2014) just a few weeks ago basically. When the scooter arrived we noticed the 'Grip-tape' was faulty. As I was going into town I thought I would pop into the store for them to replace the grip-tape. I was told that as I bought the scooter online they could not help me (even though it's the same business!) and I would need to go through the website to fix the problem. I did and I was sent a generic grip-tape which I cut to size. Sadly, this was not the end of the problems for this scooter. Nearly two weeks ago the scooter started to make horrible sounding clicking noises when the handlebar was turned. I made sure the bolts were tight etc, but the problem persisted. I emailed Pro-line skates and didn't receive a response. I emailed again, and again no response. I thought give and take for the holidays. I then finally received a response (Today) and was told to take it to their shop, another 10 mile round journey. I emailed back and said what happened the first time and I wasn't going to go back to the shop again to be told the same thing. Rather than saying the shop was wrong for turning me away they told me I never visited the shop and called me a liar! I figured that was a bit extreme as all I wanted was for them to pick the scooter up and repair it, at their expense for a change. Due to their stinking attitude I had a change of heart and decided I now wanted a full refund instead and they could stick their repairs somewhere else! I was not so politely told that in no way was I ever going to get any refund and "Legally" I have no right to a refund but "MUST" accept a repair. Maybe they are right, I don't know - but I do know I am extremely angry about this. I would have been happy for a repair but being called a liar really wound me up. Sorry if I've gone on a bit. Can anybody advise whether I must accept a repair, again at my cost travelling, or would I be entitled to a refund? Thanks for reading and any help. Clare
  11. My Mother-in-law sent for a "free sample" of the above tooth whitening product, in response to a pop-up ad. on the internet. Two packages were delivered to her home, before Christmas, as she was leaving to spend the holiday period with our family. She returned home, yesterday, and on checking her Barclaycard statement, she finds multiple amounts (five in total, ranging from £0.82 to £62.27) have been charged to her account. My Mother-in-law has, unwittingly signed up for a subscription to make monthly purchases of a useless product, at a cost of more than £120.00 per month. The small print on the confirmation e-mail she was sent, says she can return the product, at her own cost, but will only be given a partial refund, and only if she does so within fifteen days. She has contacted Barclaycard, who will block any future demands from this American company, but is there any way that she can get her £127.00 back?
  12. Hello, I have recently finished working a job, the job was at an academy and was term time only and therefore pro rata pay. The working weeks were 39weeks a year. My pay was for 39 weeks a year plus holiday entitlement of 5.67 weeks a year. So i got paid for 44.67 / 52 weeks a year. The full time pay was £13650 and pro rata'd to 11.725.77 a year. They divided that payment into 12 installments which made it £977.15 a month. I worked from 1st September until the 31st October This was 8 working weeks and 1 week which was half term. I was paid two installments of £977.15 = £1954.30 Due to the way the pay is worked out it means that if you worked there for a year some months you would get paid when you hadn't actually worked and this would all balance out over a year, however due to the fact that I left early I think i might be entitled to some extra pay as I won't benefit from that. So if I get paid for 44.67 weeks a year at £11725.77 and I worked there for 9 weeks, means if 11725.77 / 44.67 = 262.49.. I worked for 9 weeks which is 2362.47. Or excluding the half term I actually worked for 8 full works which would be 2099.92. Either figure is less than the £1954 i was paid. Is there a way of working this out any better? Because the pro rata pay is evened out over 12 months and that means that you are getting paid sometimes when you are not working I feel I have missed out on some money. Any advice would be great, this may not be a huge figure but it currently is to us. Thank you
  13. Hi,I wonder if anyone could advise me please? On Thursday, I purchased a MacBook Pro from PC World. I inspected the display models, and saw one I liked. It was £100 more for the retina display model, and didn't really feel it was worth paying the extra, so paid £899 for the non retina display model. When I took it home, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but for some reason, I didn't like it as much. I passed by another PC world branch on Saturday, and decided to pop in. The retina model, is considerably thinner than my version, and also, my version is a 2012, the retina is 2014, now I feel that I purchased the machine. based on the display model. I asked in that store if I could exchange it, and pay the extra, but was told NO as I'd used it. Do you think I have grounds for exchange, as I feel, the display model was not indicitive of what I was actually buying? Many thanks in advance. PLK
  14. Having a chat with an old friend last night and I was talking to him about this website. During that conversation a question arose which had me completely lost as I believed that if you were of low means, legal aid was available. However he informed me that that isn't entirely true. It seems that he is in an awful pickle of not being able to fund specialist legal advice and that legal aid is no longer available. I find this hard to believe but he may be right, I don't know. His problems are of a very complex nature regarding various benefits that he is and has claimed for in the past. There is no criminality involved, he simply does not understand the technical issues involved as well as having to prepare and submit two written submissions to the MOJ (Tribunal Service). If he is right, how on earth does he obtain good quality free legal advice and representation? He has tried all of the usual outlets, CAB, DIAL etc, but all have said that it is far too complicated for their volunteer staff to deal with - he needs a specialist solicitor. He has also contacted the Legal Aid Commission and was given a few names of solicitors but none of them will consider it Pro Bono. He lives in the South East area of England.
  15. I have ( unfortuneately ) a Trade Pro account. I have had this account for approx. 4 years. The total owed is approx. £1700. I have missed a few payments in the past and this is probably the reason why it is so high but have been keeping up the payments recently. Yesterday I received a letter from Trade Pro ( on headed paper) saying that my debt had been sold to MKDP LLP and that all details have been transfered to them. MKDP LLP has appointed Compello Operations Ltd. as their servicing agent to manage the account on their behalf. With effect of the date of the receipt of this notice all payments should be made to MKDP LLP. Compello Operations Ltd. will contact you to arrange payment of the balance. Are Trade Pro allowed to do this ? Should I get in touch with Trade Pro instead ? These payments are really crippling me at the moment ( self employed, doesn't need explaining really !! ) and this millstone around my neck is something I really could do without . I must have paid this debt off five times over by now and it isn't going down !! Anybody got any advice please Phil
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