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Found 2 results

  1. Have you ever noticed that there is a distinct colour at the bottom of each toothpaste tube? Do you know the meaning of the colours ? See here
  2. My Mother-in-law sent for a "free sample" of the above tooth whitening product, in response to a pop-up ad. on the internet. Two packages were delivered to her home, before Christmas, as she was leaving to spend the holiday period with our family. She returned home, yesterday, and on checking her Barclaycard statement, she finds multiple amounts (five in total, ranging from £0.82 to £62.27) have been charged to her account. My Mother-in-law has, unwittingly signed up for a subscription to make monthly purchases of a useless product, at a cost of more than £120.00 per month. The small print on the confirmation e-mail she was sent, says she can return the product, at her own cost, but will only be given a partial refund, and only if she does so within fifteen days. She has contacted Barclaycard, who will block any future demands from this American company, but is there any way that she can get her £127.00 back?
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