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  1. This is quite an amazing story, starting back in 2014. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-4422682/How-went-war-TalkTalk-won.html and finally won a whopping £1,500!! The battle tips later in the article are no less that CAG have been saying for years
  2. I have decided to open a new thread in regards to this company. I purchased a bike from them on the 23rd of August 2015, trading under the name of 'scooter.co.uk'. I had searched for complaints etc. using the aforementioned name and nothing came up so I proceeded to purchase one. Having a fair bit of experience with Chinese branded bikes after living in China for nearly a decade, my logic was that while there are many poor quality bikes around in China there are also some good ones and if these are being imported and used on British highways, they must meet certain standards. I cannot believe that they are being allowed to trade after the heavy volume of complaints and being featured on BBC watchdog. I believe that this name changing serves a purpose , I believe that purpose is to make it much harder for someone to find complaints raised and discussed on the internet. The first problem I have encountered was with the delivery. I ordered on a Sunday using the additional service provided 'next working day delivery'. The way that the FAQ describes how deliveries working, in my opinion, is extremely misleading. As far as I am concerned, putting the fact they can offer 'next working day delivery and Saturday delivery' at the end of this information leads an individual to believe that this is separate from the preceding info. I just bought a computer from an online retailer who word things in this way. I ordered on Sunday evening and received it the next working day, Monday. Why would I assume this would be any different. I have argued this with Directbikes, I felt they were extremely aggressive and tetchy in the tone of the emails and said that 'next working day delivery' means if you order on a Sunday, because they don't pick and process on a non working day means delivery is Tuesday. Then they told me they refused to discuss the matter with me any further. I put the payment into dispute with Visa. After the bike was delivered I began finding various problems with it. Attempts at contacting Directbikes seemed to fall on deaf ears and I felt like those I spoke to on the phone were simply there to deflect me. No one called me back and I received no email. I decided to contact Visa again and report the additional problems with the purchase which I will now bullet: The headlamp and rear tail lamp don't function The foot well panels are not well fitted to the rest of the frame and cannot be tightened, the screws just turn around - I consider them a hazard if you were to ride (from experience in China very A-Typical of an extremely poor bike) The safety covers which surround the battery terminals don't fit and are too small as well as the housing cover not securing down firmly - Again dangerous in my opinion The fly screen will not fit to the bike using the provided fittings - botching a fit would again be very dangerous if it came off when moving The certificate of conformity has not been printed properly, you can see the marks where it seems to have jammed in a printer and some of the information is unreadable - The DVLA stated in a call I made that if that is the case the documents would be returned and not registered, deeming the bike unroadworthy There was a grey area in regards to a question requirement on the V55/4 form which asks for the CO2 (combined figure) - The CoC contains no information, the DVLA stated I may be required to provide it and take the bike to a testing center to get the reading - How am I supposed to get the bike there? Why isn't it provided on the CoC and why am I paying hundreds to have it done? I found a silver decal later on when moving the metal crate away, upon opening it out it said 'directbikes' - From their website photos I now see it is the decal which is supposed to be in the front of the bike This I haven't reported to Visa or DB yet as I found this as I am preparing the bike for return but the seat doesn't lock down easily and feels like it could easily break off the hinge when open The side stand sensor which immobilises the engine start button is temperamental, sometimes you cannot start the bike without putting the stand up and down a few times. I don't trust that packing in whilst riding or being out and getting stuck somewhere There is some mileage on the clock which means it has been run before registration too, never mind not new if they plate the bike, it is not new if there are miles on the clock when sold So all in all not a happy bunny. After giving these details to Visa and elevating the dispute I decided I would send one last email to directbikes and assure myself I had given them every opportunity to deal with the problem. The following day I received an email back, after I had started the dispute with Visa. Directbikes told me they were sorry, informed me that all my statements are incorrect about legislation and that even though I had been a very naughty boy and gone over their 48 hour window to report problems, 'as a matter of goodfaith' would accept a return and ask the courier to collect. I told them that is wrong and I am only interested in following the laws, not their seemingly self serving 'ad-hoc' rules. I would accept the return under the conditions the bike was faulty and cannot be put on the road. I wanted to know beforehand to arrange pickup and that I would not be responsible for ensuring ALL of the packaging was put back on given the day of delivery it was raining and all the cardboard got soaked. Given they quote 'delivered to the roadside' any and all deliveries are at the whim of British weather. I am a consumer in a residential address, not a company with a warehouse. As far as I am concerned 'as a matter of goodfaith' suggests they are doing ME a favour and they did nothing wrong. Means the bike is being returned on their terms, not mine and not the reasons I want to return it. I have declined to return it without them confirming the reasons I am doing so. I feel that they are attempting to manipulate me by getting me to return it by another method. While you are expected to give a seller the chance to put things right I do not believe I am supposed allow someone to take advantage. I have told them that the Visa dispute will remain in place because of this and that I will not communicate directly with them any longer, they will have to go through the correct channels and do it through Visa from now on because I do not trust them. That lack of trust is based on the weight of evidence built on the internet and appearance on BBC Watchdog and they way my own experience has gone . They told me 'we are the number one bike seller in the UK confirmed by the DVLA and there are bound to be, wait for it 'A FEW' negative reviews. :mad2: I think I have done everything right so far. My next step on Monday will be to report the matter with trading standards now because I refuse to be manipulated into playing by rules which do not appear to follow the legislation which exists. If anyone else has any comments or suggestions beyond that which I have already taken, please feel free to let me know. Mainly I wanted to ensure that anyone else considering a purchase finds it easier to spot the posts. In the meantime of all this going on I have purchased a more expensive bike from a local reputable dealer which is currently being plated and checked for me to pickup this afternoon. I wish I had just spent a bit more in the first place now to be honest. I do have one question, in regards to storage of their property. How long am I expected to keep it under my responsibility. I would love to have the courier take it but I trust directbikes about as far as I could throw the bike I bought. I am waiting to speak to Visa to see what they advise but I am unwilling to allow return if I am then essentially saying they did nothing wrong.
  3. Hi Everyone! First time poster here looking for some help dealing with Kapama in regards to a micro credit loan, from some general reading I see there is plenty familiarity with them here so I'll get straight to it. I took out a loan with mini credit in 2012 for £100 and they're now trying to play their old trick of adding many charges on so I apparently owe them £1056.00. I don't believe that these charges are enforceable and I point blank refuse to pay them but they're charming debt manager refuses to back down on the issue. I've offered them the original loan sum, one months interest and the default charge (which from reading around the forums is all I have to pay them). After them messing me around for a couple of months they've finally agreed to post me a copy of their companies complaints policy so I can lodge an official complaint with them which I can then take to the FOS when they still refuse to take the charges off. What I would like some help with is what I can write in my initial complaint letter to Kapama in order to have the charges removed. What are the grounds I can do this under? If anyone could help me I'd be really grateful as I would love to stick two fingers up to them. I should say I am prepared to go to court if necessary, and I've seen a few comments on this forum about the judge removing the charges in the court, but will a judge actually do this? Or would a judge force me to pay the whole amount?
  4. To summarise, stay away from them, absolute rubbish customer service. Usual story - current supplier's plan coming to an end, comparison sites show Sainsbury's as cheapest option so despite previous run ins with British Gas I sign up. Order is confirmed, all details correct, they will contact me for meter readings in due course. Didn't hear another word until a neighbour brings round a letter addressed to me at her address about the direct debit. After first accusing me of putting in the wrong address, they eventually concede that it was their error but say it doesn't matter because no harm was done. My supplier hasn't been changed so they offer to honour the price I was quoted if I still want to transfer. They have taken the first direct debit payment but promise to put it back in my account immediately. Then 5 days later they change their minds and say they haven't taken it only to back track again when I get stroppy. Refund is allegedly on it's way with a gesture of goodwill (they offered a bouquet but that would play havoc with my hay fever so I'm having the cash instead) but for some reason I have now opted to take my business elsewhere. Neighbour is not so happy - they're still trying to change her supplier back but she's not holding it against me. I hope she gets more than a bouquet, but I've given her the forum details just in case. I knew going back to British Gas was a bad idea, but did it anyway. It's a bit like running out of wine so having a whisky even though you know it will give you one hell of a hangover in the morning.
  5. Hello All, Im just writing for a bit of advice if possible.. I'm 19 years old almost 20, and i work as a locksmith in a technical department also doing ordering and stock control, lately ive been gambling quite a lot, for the past 3 months and got myself in a bit of a bad way really, 3 months ago i upgraded my bank to a classic one, which allows me to deposit for gambling websites online, and the first month, i bet all my money away within a matter of days, I get payed on the 28th of each month and the money (£860) was probably gone in the best part of 3 days, only had money left for lunch, then next month i got payed and did the same, only i got a £470 overdraft and went all the way into that, i had another month doing exactly the same, and obviously just passing a new month ive only recently been payed, which barely got me out my overdraft, i then suddenly got hit by unauthorised overdraft fees which suprises me as i never went into unauthorised overdraft, and all sorts of bills, including money i owed, but i wasnt to fussed as i won £520 on 888casino, and i said to myself thats it, it will put me back from the start and i will identify myself as a problem gambler on any form of gambling website im registered too. then i noticed i cant actually withdraw the money as all of a sudden they are asking me for ID, 'ok no problem' i thought.. But the proccess has dragged over the course of 5 days already, and they are now asking me for a copy of the back of my bank card as proof because the name i registered with doesn't match (which it don't as it was just a junk account untill i received a promotional e-mail and decided to play), i have now e-mailed them the back of the bank card, a nd i am yet to recieve a reply, but i cant help but worry after all the reports of bad service and 'refusal to payout' from Cassava Enterprises, it is litrally all i am reading about them. Not only that, you wouldnt think such a large company would be so hidden, they dont have a phone number in their signature in e-mails, they only have their phone numbers in a very select few places on a google search, and they dont even include their last names in e-mails. I just want the money in my account to be honest and the gambling to be over and done with, i did never in a million years think that a genuine casino company that owns atleast 100 (most of the popular) poker/casino/bingo websites could still be going while its doing this to customers, ive seen plenty of people posting of money being disallowed very very large sum's. I work 5 days a week, and this is really affecting me at work, im incredibly depressed as i havent even got money for lunch, its my mum and dad's wedding at the end of this month (23rd) and i dont have any idea how im going to pay for drinks, i've deactivated my facebook account and have had my phone turned off and havent been speaking to anyone at home, sure losing on gambling puts me on a low, but a gambling company doing this to its customers is just ridiculous, Its my fault for gambling in the first place but i have never felt so low in my life. If they refuse to pay out due to the name on the bank card being different to the one on my account, is there any legal action i can seek possibly, would i stand a chance and if so where could i start?
  6. Had a letter earlier this week from: Absolute Locate Dear Mr x We require your assistance to verify information on behalf of a client. This is part of an investigation we are currently conducting Please contact ect ect No, I have not responded, and don't intend too. Letter states this registered office is for a Nat Bourner Huddersfeild HD2 1GN CCL 579084 DPLN ZA019311 Having done some homework and looking on this group, they are not who they say they are First off, the CCL 579084 is incorrect, Consumer credit number 579084 is for a Natalie Alice Bunyer not Nat Bourner as stated in this letter (She has married, but not changed the name) She also resides in Surrey not Huddersfeild this information is therefore falsely registered and constitutes either fraud and or deception. these people are in fact: Global Debt Recovery Limited Milbourne House 66-70 Coombe Rd New Malden, Greater London KT3 4QW I am assuming that their client will be: FV-1 INC of 25 CABOT SQUARE, CANARY WHARF, LONDON E14 4QA if you take a look here at: mylawer co uk - restriction of debt collectors They have already broken the following guidelines 1 Those contacting debtors not making clear who they are, who they work for, what their role is, what the purpose of the contact is 2 Not informing the debtor when their case has been passed on to a different debt collector 3 Passing on debtor details to debt management companies without the debtors informed prior consent i.e FV-1 INC will have passed any alleged debt onto Absolute Locate, who in turn will then pass that onto Global Debt Recovery Limited and all without my informed prior consent, add to that Absolute Locate is just a dummy office which IMO amounts to deception. Adding to this, they would’ve already broken the Data Protection Act by passing my details on. I will post more when I receive their first letter. But as you can see from my tone, I am not going to be messed with by idiots, I will be going straight for the jugular Ps. If (big IF) there is a debt, if would’ve to be more than 8 years old or more, so Statue Barred.
  7. Just wondered if anyone had seen provident had now joined the payday loan bandwagon as satsuma they claim to be a new type of loan hahah
  8. Evening all, I'm looking for advise on a statutory demand. Today I have had a letter through the door saying they have tried to serve a sta demand and will return on the 3rd Of October to attempt again, saying if I'm not in (which I won't be because I will be at work) they will post it and class this as served. Now I'm not sure what I should do next. I've not made any payment or acknowledged any debt for nearly 4 years but still quite a way from the 6 year limit. what should I do about the stat demand,
  9. I recently took a shopping trip to USC (aka collapsed Republic, recently bought out by sports direct) on boxing day. I spent roughly £100 on my debit card and bought a number of items. One of which is a Police brand body warmer. I bought it out today to wear it and basically found that two of the buttons were broken and had come off. They are the push in button type similar to here (can't post images need 10 posts just copy and paste please) p.globalsources.com/IMAGES/PDT/B1051895309/Snap-Button-Push-Metal-Snap-Prong-Snap-Spring-Snap-Button-Spring-Fastener.jpg It's clear these were broken before purchase as both ends are stuck together. Anyway, they are refusing to refund me apparently because it's their policy, but agreed to give me a credit note. However, I argued that if they cannot provide me with the product I want / direct replacement that I am entitled to a refund. Basically manager told me where to go and outright refused Am I missing something here? Isn't this against my statutory rights????
  10. I am a first time poster on this site. I did a google search trying to find an answer to an incident that has me ticked off. The incident happened tonight, about an hour ago at a local Convience Store here in Indiana. This site says everyone is friendly, I am wondering how I can come back and find my answer.......HELP! OKay here is my ISSUE! I went to a local C Store to purchase Cigerattes and a snack tonight. I didn't bring my Identification with me. I asked for my Brand of Cigerattes and then the Clerk asked for my ID. I said I have forgotten it but I am 47 and dont look anywhere near my twenties which would cue you to ask for Identification mam. She goes I cant sell to you. So I asked the woman behind me who was also of age to purchase Tobacco to get my Cigerattes for me. The Clerk goes NO, you can't do that! Adding that its against the law to do that. I checked and didn't find anything stated on Indiana's Website saying this was an Illegal Purchase I was trying to do. My check did show a man using a walker who was nearly 60 being refused service when he didn't have his ID on him when purchasing Cigerattes..........that article said using Common Sence is what Clerks are supposed to do. So can anyone help me? I have no idea how to find my answers on here so here is my email address. reneegentry2012atgmaildotcom............I would GREATLY Appreciate an answer, a valid one and please don't respond with making fun or silliness. I did read on Indiana's Site that persons under the age of 18 arent legally allowed to be in establishments where Tobacco Purchases are being done. There were many kids 18 and younger in this C Store. Thank You. IndianaGal
  11. right guys at my wits end here trying to speak to someone in authority is a nightmare. Loan was taken out during my bad patch, was a case of all information taken on phone approved over phone and had to meet agent the next day to sign and have my car checked this was done and paperwork was signed rushed ie sign here here here and here worst thing ever done. I was led to believe loam was 9 months its actually 18 and I was told £16 a week for 9 months not 18. The car has now been involved in an accident while driven by my partner on his own insurance policy and the insurance want the v5 but Hermes won't sent it to me. I have repair the original loan amount £400 and £200 odd interest ams they still want another £900. They want authorization to speak to my partners insurance which I am not prepared to give them. This loan has been miss old and I don't think its acceptable I signed for loan in my own car at the roadside nothing was explained and what was said was rubbish. Help guys there robbing me and if my car gets written off I need the money to buy a new car not pay a disputed debt
  12. I have been receiving letters from RED DCA for a while now, each one stating the same, We "may" you "may". . They seem to think i owe Lowell £310 for a one off bank charge to nationwide building society years ago. I paid off some a while back but cancelled the direct debit as they asked for more and more money i dont have. The original overdraft on the old bank account was something silly like 50p which has now somehow become £310. need some advice how to tell them where to get off. I also moved house recently and they somehow found my new address and started sending me more letters.
  13. I have a phone line and calls from this Carrier Pre-Select (but thankfully no broadband). It was first class for 4+ years under original Primus Telecoms but in Nov 2010 was taken over by NewCall Telecoms and has gone severely downhill. (aside) This was the company that was touted by the Daily Heil in 2011 for bringing its call centre back from Mumbai to Burnley because they could employ people there more cheaply, on minimum pay rates, than the Indian staff. As far as I am concerned no 'contract' exists as it was a continuation of a service I first subscribed to in 2006 with Primus. However, within the past week I have been unable to make any outgoing calls. Dialling out brings the standard BT response " sorry, your call has not been accepted" This is actually being increasingly widely reported across UK in other consumer forums. Added to that, all their service and business lines are NEVER answered. (Dial-in is cut off after 1hour 30 mins waiting) Many have tried, no success yet reported. Their 'on-line chat' permanently reports the office is closed. Their web pages are still up, but you can't get a 'human' response to anything. All emails are only given an auto-response. (now I know what you are thinking, 'cos I'm thinking it too) So now the legal bit: I have instructed my credit card provider to suspend all further recurring transactions as it was being paid by CC continuous payment authority. My thought is that should NewCall reinstate and make good their service I will resort to payment upon billing (or e-billing) Ought I to officially inform them, given that they now appear to be completely incommunicado, of my actions in suspending their auto payment method, to avoid future repercussions? (prepare for more posters on this company)
  14. Evening all. Been reading a lot of stuff (mostly bad, tbh) about the above mentioned company. Had a letter from them on saturday morning regarding an old debt of mine. The letter was addressed to me, they were asking if I was the addressee, and if I was, to contact them, and if I wasn't, did I know where I could be found. I fed the letter through my shredder........... Let's start at the beginning. In early 2008, we took a loan of 10k out, stupidly with Welscum Finance, which as most of you prolly know, was flushed down the tubes by the high up shirts within the parent company, another dodgy lot by the name of Cattles Group. Now due to marriage breakdown, the debt didn't get paid. I've heard nothing for the last 5 years, but now it would appear that because Cattles has gone down the bog, they've sold on some of their debts to this rather notorious bunch, or at least the administrators of Welscum have. Now I'm no fool, and there is absolutely no way I would even think about phoning these people, even before I'd looked on here. Obviously the debt is NOT Statute Barred as of yet, I believe it will be as of April 2014. I'm very tempted just to sit back and see what happens, whether they know I am who they think I am. I'm guessing that they will have bought the debt for next to nothing as it's nearly SB, and therefore very unlikely to ever be paid. If I ignore the letters, are they likely to get more threatening?? It's up to them to prove the debt exists, right, not up to me to prove it doesn't?? Rather then ignoring their current letters, is it worth firing off a "prove it, fools" letter to them?? We do know that Welscum were particularly poor at keeping paperwork, it was well documented some time ago that they lost a lot of customer information. Obviously, for the moment I'm gonna continue using them as shredder food, (or possibly kindling for Sunday's bonfire) and there is NO way I'm gonna phone them. I understand that MH are a really nasty lot, and we've already had a fight with another DCA that were particularly nasty, so I'm no stranger to fighting with these low-lives. What's the worst these people can do?? Are they likely to push me into bankruptcy?? (Saves me the trouble of doing it, saves me the money and wipes off the other 23k we owe for a mortgage shortfall, so what's known as a win-win situation, I guess.......) Anyway, I've finished rambling now, so thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing your replies and thoughts on these idiots.
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