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Found 4 results

  1. Hi Guys, I was doing a favour for a friend by copying all his photos etc from a Micro SD Card to an External HD. Unfortunately I dropped it and didn't reallise until it had been walked on many times. Although it is still in tact, I can see a few scratches on the copper connections. I have put it in a new SD Card Adapter, and put it in my Laptop, but nothing comes up. I will be in a bit of bother if I can't rescue his files, as there are a lot of important things on it. Am I doomed, or is there hope? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi Everyone! First time poster here looking for some help dealing with Kapama in regards to a micro credit loan, from some general reading I see there is plenty familiarity with them here so I'll get straight to it. I took out a loan with mini credit in 2012 for £100 and they're now trying to play their old trick of adding many charges on so I apparently owe them £1056.00. I don't believe that these charges are enforceable and I point blank refuse to pay them but they're charming debt manager refuses to back down on the issue. I've offered them the original loan sum, one months interest and the default charge (which from reading around the forums is all I have to pay them). After them messing me around for a couple of months they've finally agreed to post me a copy of their companies complaints policy so I can lodge an official complaint with them which I can then take to the FOS when they still refuse to take the charges off. What I would like some help with is what I can write in my initial complaint letter to Kapama in order to have the charges removed. What are the grounds I can do this under? If anyone could help me I'd be really grateful as I would love to stick two fingers up to them. I should say I am prepared to go to court if necessary, and I've seen a few comments on this forum about the judge removing the charges in the court, but will a judge actually do this? Or would a judge force me to pay the whole amount?
  3. I was left with no option by my bank RBS but to submit a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman in my dispute with them. The dispute relates to Personal Guarantees for my former business which ceased trading last year and is now formally dissolved. The Adjudicator is claiming they can't consider the case as I am neither a 'consumer' as the finance is considered to have been 'acting for purposes within my trade, business, craft or profession.' nor a 'micro enterprise' as the business 'isn't capable of being represented and it can't raise a complaint'. They've used a court case BlueFin v Ombudsman to support their position with regards to my not being a consumer. So, despite having been a victim of extremely poor practice by RBS I am caught out by this Catch 22. Anyone had a similar experience or can provide any pointers on how I could challenge their response?
  4. As a verbal contract (which starts on the 30th June) was entered into according to Scottish Power CS when the MD was caught on the phone a few weeks ago Are there any options on how to cancel? I've asked for a copy of the Sales Call which requires a £10 cheque
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