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  1. Received an email from a friend of mine, as follows:- “Well....what do you think about this...in the post was a letter from Scottish Power. They inform me I have an outstanding credit with them (£13.83) which they have now paid into my bank.....I closed my Scottish Power account in October 2013 !! ....”
  2. I have just moved house and let Scottish Power know as we have been customers for 13 years paying a direct debit monthly and never defaulting. Yesterday I had a text from the bank and looking at my accounts they have taken £1,452 out without any prior communication. When I rang them they said it was arrears which I did not have any idea about. I can't understand why I have not been contacted about this as it was so much as I would have paid more each month. I went to the bank and they have refunded me but obviously I have to sort it out. Surely more communication should have been given, they e-mailed me when they needed meter readings. Can anyone please comment on this. Thanks for any input.
  3. Hi trying to deal with getting a default removed . I sent a letter to Scottish Power after weeks of corresponding they sent me a template letter, unsigned with the incorrect spelling of my name on. I am then able to request the default to be removed? If so, is there a template letter which I can send back to them to get them to make it so? Thanks all - this is a great forum btw! James
  4. 3 weeks ago, I received an email from Scottish power, telling me my bill is now ready and due for payment, now I knew its not due until 18 May, and have not entered any meter readings So I went online to check my bills, only to find the following message, account status CLOSED Seems Scottish power closed my account on 19 March 2016, and they have given me no reason for this, which I find baffling, and they have finalized my account with an estimated reading, which isn't to far of the correct reading I have been emailing them for the last few days, to try to get an answer, and the obvious question I have, if my account is closed, am I still a Scottish power customer Now when it comes to payments, I make payments every 4 weeks by online banking, and my payment is between £75-85; as for meter readings I enter my readings on a quarterly basis so my account is up to date, and I don't get any nasty surprises like a big bill Now they keep on pestering me to take out a direct debit, but I don't trust them with direct debits, so refuse to take one out
  5. Apparently I've died! Today I have received a letter from my energy supplier which is addressed to the Executor of the late (ME) We are very sorry to hear about the recent passing of the Late ........................ At Scottish Power we are committed to providing the help and support which is most appropriate to the needs of the customer. Blah, blash, blah Should you wish to speak to Philips & Cohen Associates (UK( Ltd in the meantime about the account(s), please call them on xxxxxxxxxx I have spoken with a female at SP who refused to accept me recording the call and advised she did not agree with the call being used in any legal matters so I asked to speak to a manager. She said managers do not deal with these calls. She could not offer any explanation as to where the letter had come from and I gave her 5 days to investigate before I refer it to my legal advisors. She made no offer of apology which I felt was very insensitive but didn't expect one from such an unprofessional organisation. I will be moving energy suppliers imminently. I then called Philips & Cohen and spoke to a lovely lady who couldn't apologise enough and recognised the distress this has caused me. She has taken details and advised that the correspondence they have received from SP even has an incorrect date of birth. She is referring the case back to SP with strong complaint. SP have called me since to ask me to send them a copy of todays correspondence as they have no record of it on their system! I don't feel I should have the inconvenience of doing this but hope to be guided by someone here, if possible? Now, some of you may be aware that I have recently been widowed and also lost my sister so just to clarify, their matters regarding utility companies are all settled and closed and the date of births have no resemblance to either of my relatives. The account number on todays letter refers to electricity at my address. I cannot convey the distress this has caused me today and thankfully I am due to see my bereavement counsellor tomorrow. How should I proceed with this matter?
  6. As a verbal contract (which starts on the 30th June) was entered into according to Scottish Power CS when the MD was caught on the phone a few weeks ago Are there any options on how to cancel? I've asked for a copy of the Sales Call which requires a £10 cheque
  7. Scottish Power is the most complained about energy supplier in Britain, the latest figures from Citizens Advice reveal. The national charity and consumer advocate has released its latest quarterly complaints league table, which reveals: There were 1,163 complaints about Scottish Power per 100,000 customers in the last quarter of 2014: the latest period for which data is available. This is the highest number of complaints ever recorded about one energy firm. Complaints about Scottish Power increased 588% throughout 2014. The new figures also show that SSE retained top spot as the least complained about company. In the last quarter, the number of complaints about SSE, British Gas, EDF Energy and npower decreased. Npower has made improvements, but is still performing poorly relative to most other firms, with more than five times as many complaints as the next worst company. Complaints about Scottish Power are due to its new billing system, which meant some people didn’t receive a bill and others struggled to have their problems resolved. Scottish Power was banned from selling energy for 12 days in March 2015 after failing to meet Ofgem targets for resolving customer complaints. The investigation behind the ban found that the firm had not made necessary customer service improvements to respond to complaints. Citizens Advice has worked with Scottish Power to help resolve the problems its customers are experiencing. As a result it has now taken steps to deal with its backlog of complaints. These include hiring new customer service staff, extending call centre hours, and setting up a special phone line for vulnerable customers. Tips for energy customers Complain to your energy supplier as soon as you experience a problem. If you have not received a bill but are expecting one, try to put money aside so you are able to pay when you do eventually get the bill. Energy companies are only allowed to back bill for energy you used in the last 12 months, anything older than that should be written-off where the supplier is at fault. Ask for some sort of compensation for the time you spent on trying to sort out problems and the financial impact of late billing for example reduce the balance of the bill and cover the cost of phone calls. Npower customers who have received a late bill can contact the supplier on 0800 9759065 Scottish Power has increased the opening hours of its call centre to 10pm to help deal with customer queries. Suppliers must take into account ability to pay when setting debt repayment levels. You can get advice from the Citizens Advice energy consumer line on 03454 04 05 06. If you are struggling to resolve your complaint you can raise it with the energy ombudsman on 0330 440 1624.
  8. Hi all, I've been told this is the very best place to come for sound advice, so here goes - it's a long convoluted story but I'll keep it as short as I can. I live in a one bed flat that occupies the front half of a three story town house. Last year, unbeknown to me, Scottish Power messed up billing on my account for electric (something to do with them changing their computer system to a new one). Then out of the blue I received a bill for £1100 - on top of what i had already paid / been paying. I questioned it (obviously!) They said the figure was correct and based on actual readings. I continued to question it and raised an official complaint. I have no TV and use my washing machine once every 2 weeks. I have a desktop pc that is on all day and a fridge freezer. That's pretty much it apart from small items like LED desktop lamp, phone chargers etc. So there's NO WAY I could be using the amount of electric they claimed I was using. So while this complaint was being processed by Scottish Power (A whole other nightmare!) I continued to pay £100 a month off the debt they said I owed. As obviously I would be using SOME electricity, just not the amount they claim. Few weeks back, out of the blue, a debt recovery agent turns up at my front door, threatens me with all kinds legal fees, court costs etc if i don't sign his paperwork and agree to having a prepayment meters fitted. Feeling intimidated, I signed his paperwork. This morning an electrician from Scottish Power turns up to fit my prepaid electric meter. He takes one look at my meter and says, "Can't change your meter, there's a problem". Well the problem, according to the electrician is that my meter has other stuff wired into it, which he guesses to be, the communal power for the entire building, hall way landing lights on every floor, fire alarm, AND another flat - again guessing it to be the little bedsit behind my flat, but on the same floor. So my questions are: Has a crime been committed? Where do i stand legally? What action should i take? (Can't afford lawyer - I'm on benefits) What should i do about this money Scottish power still insists i owe them? This whole situation has been massively stressful. I've actually developed Alopecia which I directly attribute to the stress of the alleged debt and the excruciating frustration of trying get coherent answers from Scottish Power. I don't need to tear my hair out, it's falling out all by itself! All suggestions welcome and greatly appreciated.
  9. Simple really, Ombudesman has made adjudication in my favout and part of that is for Scottish Power to cough up £100 and an apology within 28 days. they have failed to do so so I am now wondering about my next step, go back to Ombudsman for determination (equivalent of court order) or go after them myself. awaiting copy of credit file from 1 of the CRA's nothing on the others though but they were threatening to report a debt. It stems from them getting their customer files confused and sending bills to wrong house so for the DAY I was their customer I havent had a bill buy they wanted hundreds for fuel supplied to another address that i have no relationship with. Anyone had a similar problem with emphasis on the ignoring ombusdman bit?
  10. My husband was pressurised by Scottish Power about 5 years ago to switch to them, promising us a better deal. This was totally against my better judgement!!! However, in July 2013, we heard about Economy 10 and, as SSE was offering a good deal, we switched back to them. We heard nothing more from Scottish Power until December 2014 when a demand came for £56.99. My husband disputed it, having heard nothing from them for 17 months but they persisted and continued to harass him, threatening legal action. In desperation, my husband agreed to pay £12.99 and then £4 per month until it was cleared. Unfortunately, my husband died on 11th June 2015, and so I contacted Scottish Power to inform them of this and of the fact that he left no money. They said that I would have to pay the rest of the amount and that, if I didn't, they would harass me until the 'debt' was paid. Can they do this? I was under the impression that, when a person dies, any creditors cannot claim the money from the spouse. It's not the amount, which I could pay, but the principle of the issue and their attitude that it's alright to harass anybody to get their way. Please can anyone help me on this problem:|
  11. Dear All, I am extremely unhappy with the way that Scottish Power have dealt with a complaint I had. My father lived in Scotland and my brother and I live 360 miles away in England. To cut a long story short, in 2012 my late father notified them that his meter was not working correctly from October 2012 to date, they were sending bills to him with the same meter numbers on . In September 2014, my father died and Scottish Power had still not changed the meter even though it was still showing the same readings as in 2012. My brother and I were left his property as part of the estate and I (and the solicitors in Scotland) have attempted to get them to change the meter since September 2014. We found a buyer for the flat and they wanted to move in on 10th July 2015 but obviously we had to declare the meter wasn't working so they threatened to pull out of the sale. Luckily, at the 11th hour, Scottish Power did change the meter on the afternoon of 9th July as I threatened to sue them because the Purchaser threatened to pull out and the house sale may have fallen through. This meant that all the paperwork didn't get done in time and we finally sold the property on 24th July 2015 to the same person. The bills have now been sorted out and luckily my dad did keep making payments to Scottish Power until he died as he was afraid that he would end up with a large bill once the meter issue had been sorted out and I now have to pay them £12.09 to finish everything off. As you can imagine, this was extremely stressful for my late father who was very ill during this whole period, fighting cancer and going through radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He involved the Citizen's Advice throughout the whole time but nothing was ever resolved. I then took up the fight after he died because I knew it needed sorted before we sold the property. My dad did not let the situation go, but didn't get anywhere and I have now spent hours trying to sort it out even though I lived 350 miles away from the property . I feel that we deserve some sort of compensation but don't know where to start. I know that my solicitor in Scotland has written and called them on numerous occasions up to the date they changed the meter and I was constantly calling and emailing them to try and resolve everything so the sale went through. Does anyone think that it is cheeky to look for some sort of compensation? I spent at least 2 hours on the phone to them, then phone calls to my solicitor in Scotland, plus the bill I will receive for the solicitors letters that were sent to them? I wouldn't even know where to start in calculating such a thing? Any advice from anyone would be appreciated as the last 3 years have been very difficult dealing with this and the loss of a parent? Many thanks for reading. Worstutility
  12. Evening All, Does anyone know how the energy companies are supposed to inform you your tariff/deal is coming to an end?? Mine (Scottish Power) came to an end October 31st 2014 but i didn't receive any letter/email 42-49 day prior to this date informing me it was ending. I received (via SP online portal) an annual statement on 4th November and included in this was one line stating 'you may want to think about changing' Then on the 2nd December i received an email (again via the Scottish Power portal) that my tariff had changed!! I know its March now but i didn't read the Statements at the time but if there had been an email telling me that my tariff was ending then i would have changed straight away! I'm now stuck on Standard online tariff paying through the nose and because i didn't notice until now and i'm in debt as i haven't paid enough on my direct debit each month so if i want to change then i've got to pay up £200!! I phoned SP and got fobbed off by telling me a load of bull which was total lies, so much so that the woman i spoke to hung up on me as she knew she was lying!! unbelievable!!!
  13. Hi I am having some problems with scottish power i switched suppliers the final account/bill i got from them they were asking for £400 I was paying by DD they asked for a meter reading i gave it and if i was using to much they adjusted my payments i do not understand how they say i owe them this amount i phone them they just keep repeating the same without explaining and won,t answer my e-mails. now getting threatening letters saying they are going to send DCA and contact credit ref and get me blacklisted if i don,t pay Has anyone else had this problem ? am i going to have to pay this even though i don,t think i,am in debt to them thanks
  14. In 2011 I had a visit at my door from a Scottish Power, canvassing for new customers. I reluctantly gave them information as I knew I would cancel within their "cooling off" period, as I was happy with my present supplier plus the fact that I am disabled I didnt want to be stood for a long period at my door. I cancelled the proposed gas/elec supply within the given "cooling-off" period soon after received a bill for £30. A dispute ensued as they said I had cancelled beyond that period, so the charge must stand. I argued and disputed from day one, but they wouldn't accept it. I then informed them they would not be getting any money from me as I had done everything by the book. Early in 2014 I wanted to buy something on credit, a credit check was made and I was refused. I was upset as I have never had bad credit in my life and I am 71 yrs old. I contacted Experian who explained that the £30 with SP was the problem on my credit report.. Experian requested to have it removed from my credit report, SP refused. I have once again attempted to make a purchase for a EE Mobile Dongle to pay by monthly direct debit payments, and same has happened again. What I dont understand is I have already a contract with EE for my mobile phone and also pay other bills on monthly dd, yet I am refused on this occasion. Its really upsetting as I am a disabled pensioner who hasnt owed anyone within my life and I also feel that SP have no right to do this as I was canvassed & pursuaded on my doorstep, which I believe cold calling is against the law. I am still reluctant to pay this £30 as it is NOT for use of any gas or electric! But where do I go from here......PLEASE HELP!
  15. Hello all any advice would be appreciated Had a visit from someone claiming to be from Scottish Power yesterday morning asked to see his badge which he held out still attached to lanyard. I asked to take it for full inspection he refused. Was suspicious as I am not an SP customer but with SSE/Ebico but realise im in a Scottish Power area. I let him look at meter and he then stated it had been tampered with and bypassed. I could not believe what I was hearing. I regularly put money on my key (it was a modern prepayment meter) my usage is fairly light due to my health I have a chronic arthritic condition so mobility is an issue and as a result spend a large amount of time in bed. I do keep a close eye on my power usage as I often have to rely on family to put money on it. I couldn't believe what I was being told and the usage has always appeared correct and stated this to the SP guy. He then produced a pad and started saying I can deal with this right now who is your supplier?. At this point I began to worry I was being spoofed and asked him to leave he replied by calling me a thief accused me of tampering with the meter and began threatening me. I closed and locked my door and immediately called the police NE number two officers came within fifteen minutes and confirmed the meter did appear to have been tampered with. SSE came and changed the meter within an hour and left with the police. here I am about to speak to SSE after doing some research on the issue am worried I will be hit with the blame and bill for this. To clarify its a private let and the owners agent tells me its not the landlords problem and the former tenant abandoned the property owing rent I have been sole occupant for nearly four years. Thanks in advance for any advice Phil
  16. Hello To cut a long story short, i had taken out dual fuel tariff with Scottish Power. When my 1 year contract came to an end they took it on themselves to issue me a new tarif without contacting me, anyway there were no accurate meter reading done by Scottish Power.so i made a complaint regarding the estimated meter readings Scottish Power decided to close the account. Scottish Power finally sent a meter reader to come and take a reading late February 2015, few weeks later i received a electricity bill shy of £800. I have been in touch and Scottish Power keep saying the bill is correct. I truly don't think my energy bill is correct, what are my options? Thanks
  17. so back in august i had an appointment for a meter change,sat in and no one bothered to turn up. called them to be told that someone had cancelled the appointment the day after it was booked even though i had a letter confirming date/time etc dated 4 days after the day i booked the appointment. anyway,they said i'd get £22 cheque because no one turned up...okay great i thought. i was dealing with the CEO's office for something else at the end of september,and i just happened to mention the cheque as it hadn't turned up to be told that the person who said they'd issue it on the phone hadn't bothered. The person from the CEO's office put it through to be sent out at that point. receive a letter on the 16th october saying i'll receive the cheque within 10 working days,nothing had turned up so called them. issued another cheque to me,told to wait 7 days if its not arrived call back. again nothing so phoned back,cheque issued again last monday and was told if it didn't arrive by friday to call,friday comes and nothing to another phonecall. person said oh wait til tuesday,yesterday nothing came. gave them an extra day and nothing arrived so called them to be told the cheque will be issued for the fourth time. im getting sick of this,its been going on since august. its always me chasing it up. where can i go from here? it may only be £22 but thats a lot for me and it was going straight on to the gas considering its getting freezing these days. so frustrated. sorry for going on a bit.
  18. Just letting off steam......... I'm sure I'll get some sense out of it or bugger off to another supplier -----Original Message----- From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To: [email protected] Sent: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:08 Subject: Mr xxxxxxxxxxxx - Account number: 76xxxxxxxxxxx - Formal Complaint Dear Keith Apologies for troubling you with such a seemingly trivial matter but I find putting pen to paper can sometimes relieve the most apoplectic of moments. For background; I have been a customer of Scottish power for a little over a year and, not having found the need to telephone the business prior to today bumbled along without too much fuss. On checking my account last week I noted the credit balance increasing with the rather unseasonable weather conditions we have had the good fortune to experience [in the South East at least] I was somewhat bemused by the options of credit refund preferences but followed the process of entering up to date meter readings and changing preference to refund any credit balance over £5.00 On changing the preference I noted that rather than informing me a refund was being effected I was referred to a new message advising me that the direct debit facility would reduce to £169.00 per month from £219.00 with no refund offered. This seemed [on the face of it] rather sharp practice of the service provider [scottish Power] to retain the benefit of the excess funds on the pretext that they would perhaps be absorbed at a later date should I have the misfortune to require a substantial increase in energy consumption. On telephoning your customer service department this evening and being subjected to an appalling 33 minutes on hold waiting to speak to a human voice I was advised by your agent that Scottish Power only refund credit every 12 months and would not review any refunds until December 2014, this seems contrary to the premis of refunding any credit balance over £5.00 on demand and certainly contrary to the 12 month account opening cycle of Oct '13 to Sept '14 which should have created a credit refund of £635.46 However; after a few minutes of conversation with your agent it was soon apparent that I could indeed have MY money in MY bank account on demand but it would take the business 10 working days to effect........ this too seems appalling slow and lacks any modicum of service. I was further advised that by the act of refunding MY money to ME I would now be required to pay Scottish Power the sum of £269.00 per month for its overestimated and extrapolated increase in consumption over the winter. For your records and as indeed reflected within Scottish Powers billing my 'actual' total consumption for the 13 month period October '13 to November '14 equated to a total of £1842.42, payments to the account for the period total £2628.00 resulting in a current credit balance [to include billing at 14th November 2014] of £785.58. By interpolation of current usage and fixed pricing to September '15 a direct debit of £269.00 per month would provide the result of an overpayment in the sum of £1385.58 at October '15. The basis for this appears to be a somewhat convoluted estimate of consumption for the same period last winter and the debit balance inherently created by the overestimated consumption combined with Scottish Powers 60 day delay in drawing down the first direct debit to the account. Whilst I have no objection to the original direct debit sum of £219.00 per month which will inevitably [again] build toward a credit on the account I do object strongly to any business using false projections of assumed usage in determining what it deems it will take from MY bank account at will. It seems quite extraordinary that after 13 months as a client and having paid a total of 12 monthly direct debits I am now the equivalent of some 5 months consumption in excess credit and yet should I have the audacity to request my money back I would be required to further increase the credit balance for next year and subject myself to the same utter waste of time and resources in asking for my money to be refunded. I have no desire to be nannied by a customer service agent attempting to advise me that it's for my own good to overpay 'just in case' consumption increases. Please ensure that the full credit balance is transferred to my banking account without delay, please also ensure that the direct debit facility is not abused by woeful attempts to justify increasing sums to be drawn down...... £219.00 per month is the agreed maximum sum, quantums drawn down in excess will be regarded as an abuse of my banking account and the facility the direct debit mandate affords the business will be removed. Any attempt to justify its demand should comply with condition 27 of its gas supply license and should certainly address its failure to redress credit balance per our contractual terms. I understand that I do not have the option to address the direct debit sum without either switching tariffs or supplier........ after the car crash of my first experience of Scottish Powers customer service I believe the latter would be the only sensible action should the business be unable or unwilling to adjust the direct debit value to that previously agreed and which is more than adequate to satisfy the account. I trust common sense prevails and your intervention will resolve matters. Regards xxxxxxxx [def not kisses]
  19. I have been a Scottish Power Boiler Care customer since April 2013 but they have yet to organise a service visit which is part of the contract. I have rung the company three times asking for a visit. Twice I received an apology and a promise that a visit would be arranged. On the third occasion I was told that service visits "weren't a priority" and left me with the presumption that I would have to wait for my bolier to actually break down before they would get off their back sides. I e-mailed a formal complaint to their customer service address. Somebody rang my wife to apologise and say the matter would be seen to. Nothing happened, they didn't seem to want to answer their phones, I e-mailed another complaint pointed that by now I should (according to their web site) have a complaint number and services of a dedicated complaint handler. I still have neither. What do you folks think I should do? There's little point in following the SP complaints procedure if they won't adhere to it?
  20. In Feb 2014 I transferred from First Utility to Scottish Power, having been told by "The Big London Energy Switch" that SP could handle readings from my electricity Smart Meter. It quickly became clear that they could not, we switched back to First Utility. Scottish Power had garbled our meter number, claiming we did not have the electricity Smart Meter! They also failed to agree transfer readings, resulting in a 74kWh overcharge where both companies charged for that block of electricity. They know what the correct meter readings were. After numerous complaints, which never get dealt with, a nd my wife spending several hours on the phone over the past four months, I am considering Court action. What is a reasonable amount to expect as compensation for the ongoing delay and incompetence?
  21. I checked by bank account this evening and SP have decided to take over £600. I recently moved house from rented to mortgaged. I transferred my account from the rented property knowing I had £600 winter debt I put up my monthly DD. I have mail redirection from the rented property to come to my new property and therefore can safety say I have received no correspondence to state this will happen. I am now financially insecure for the rest of the month because of this and not very happy. Can SP do this to me without any warning. If they would have sent a letter I would have contacted them to discuss further. Please help!!
  22. I am a victim of Scottish Power since I moved into this property in Dec 2013. First I was stuck with that horrible prepayment meter, which to me is as backwards as can get, as I find it just ridiculous having to run to the shops to buy more electricity, also costing times and times more than it would do with normal meters. after several arguments with Scottish Power, they finally agreed to change my meter to a normal one, charging me £50 for changing it, and telling me that yes, after the swap I would be able to change my supplier as well. The meter was changed at the end of January, and now a month later I am still no closer to changing my supplier, as it turns out Scottish power has changed one of the useless meters to pretty much another useless one.... I have been in contact with a few other suppliers, and they say that this 3 rate meter SP has installed in my property now is pretty old and hardly any companies would supply for these meters these days.. ..So that was my £50 well spent? I feel completely trapped now and don't know what to do ...it is near enough impossible to contact SP, as they have made it impossible for me to have an online account (again - how backwards can one company get), they have ignored every email I have sent to them, they ignored the letter I sent, last month it cost me £20 extra on my phone bill trying to call them, and asking for a callback took me 3 attempts and about 4 days to actually talk to someone last time.. .also every adviser has so far told me a different story so I find it pretty pointless trying to talk to them now as I cant trust what they say anyway. can anyone please help - tell me how do I get rid of Scottish Power? Or have they actually got a legal right to keep people on their supply like this?
  23. Good Evening, I have transferred from Scottish Power to another utility firm and had enougth money in the account to pay the final bills with a large credit to cover this. However, on receiving my final bills, they have added the following Other Charges: "Balance Transfer from Electricity Service" to the value of £59.62 on both Gas and Electricity. The Electricity bill was in credit before and after, so I am not sure what this Other Charge is. I transferred my account before the end date and as stated in my Terms and Conditions I would pay no cancellation fee? Any pointers? Regards
  24. Hi all, I am new to the forum, probably like many people this is because I have an issue that I am struggling to get resolved with the company concerned. We moved house recently and the incumbent energy provider was Scottish Power, we gave them our readings, then moved to British Gas. As this forum is not for specific topics I'll leave it there but all we want is a bill to pay! The company in question seem more interested in sending debt collection agents after us for a wildly inaccurate amount, than providing us with an accurate bill (in fact, any bill at all would be a start... still not had a single bill from them) that we will be more than happy to pay in full. Any pointers on where best to post this would be much appreciated. Yours hopefully, BBRDave
  25. I have been a Scottish power Home Comfort customer for 2 years. I contacted SP this morning to report a fault and an engineer was sent to my property. I had removed the cover from the boiler this morning, following the maintenance instructions in the boiler's manual. But, as I'm not an engineer, I decided to leave it be until the engineer arrived. Upon seeing the cover had been removed the engineer refused to repair the boiler. He advised he could repair it (it is repairable), but would not because I had breached my policy by removing the cover. This means my wife, our 4-day-old daughter, and myself are left with out heat and hot water and a £300 bill from Glowworm to repair the boiler sometime next week. The engineer was rude, abrupt, disinterested, and completely unsympathetic to our problem. Terrible service from SP. I previously had problems with SP. Here's a link to last year's problems: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?290116-Scottish-Power-Home-Comfort-cover-problems/page4 Fellow consumer, AVOID SP at all costs!
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