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Found 21 results

  1. Hi all , it is my first time ever discovering forums like these in my life. I'm Matt I'm a 26 year old male and to cut a long sob story short i have been ignoring various debts for years as they always used to get passed from pillar to post so i'm not entirely sure which company owns which debt etc. Following a bereavement in 2012 my life spiraled downwards into chaos , i drank a lot of alcohol every day for a long time i lost my home ,my job , my friends and just about everything you can imagine. I used various payday loans to pay for my drinking once i had lost my job and i tried to take my own life in 2015 because of my debts. I am still involved in mental health services i was diagnosed with Psychosis last year (2018) , i had a terrible time getting abuse 24 hours a day from voices in my head often keeping me awake for 4-5 days in a row. I am enjoying a January voice free, i don't take any medication anymore , it's taken a long time to sit here and have the confidence to post here. I received a letter today from a company called BW Legal which made me think it's about time i start working on a solution. I was hoping for some advice, help with anything you can while i have motivation to try and solve a very big problem i have and this is my debts. I have followed instructions from the site and i have obtained my credit report, to my suprise my debts are nearly £5000 less than i had anticipated bringing my total debt ( on my noddle report ) to £3745. I am currently receiving ESA ( Employment and Support Allowance ) so i do not have a big income to pay a lot of money a month. I did read about the statue barred sticky thread, i do believe some of my debts are older than 6 years old but i am unsure when the date starts from, also my memory is not very good about the past 6 years because i was drinking heavily. It is also the reason i am hesitant about contacting any of the companies for my account information. I do have letters somewhere dated in the past 3 months which i will try and upload. I have 2 CCJ's i believe one is from Capital 1 credit card for around £500 and a parking fine of around £200. Thanks in advance for any help i might get, i have been signposted for stepchange by my mental health worker , but i was worried i might mess up any chance of Statue barring any debts that might be eligible. I have downloaded a PDF from noddle with all my report on if anyone would like to see it. Lowell £ 499 Lantern £ 262 Active Securities LTD £ 442 Capquest Investments LTD £ 1,288 Lowell £ 780 Lowell £ 217 Barclays Bank Plc £ 62 Ee Limited £ 152 Thanks again
  2. Hi, I am looking for some advice regarding a debt account from lowell which they have just closed (due to my health taking a turn for the worse) they obtained a CCJ against me on this account about a year ago. i am paying this off at £1 per month, the CCJ has been active since jan 2017. They have only just closed the account down due to me submitting doctors letters etc to backup my health issues. do i contact Lowell? i am a bit reluctant to after what i have heard about them. do i stop paying it? do i need to wait a bit longer for account to get processed? can i apply for the CCJ to be removed or at least have its status changed. i just feel if i do nothing then nothing will happen. Thanks for any help i receive.
  3. Ok heres the deal. I signed up for a 3 month virgin active membership back around july, after one months use I wanted to cancel, they wouldnt agree and the idiot manager would not even agree to simply talk with me. I didn't use the gym in the last two months but they don't care and the contract doesn't of course. Arc debt collection has been dealing with me, I owed around £170 or something in total ive already paid £90 worth, maybe that was the wrong decision but I do not want to pay them the remainder. I've set loads of dates to pay and many I have not paid and we just rearrange one guy called saying the solicitors will get involved and court action if I do not pay, I do not want to pay them and i did not pay a payment recently. No doubt they will call me saying solicitor or court action will be taken. What should I do??? I know I should have came to this forum earlier. I do not want to pay these morons or go to court and be forced to pay this little amount and travel there since its out of london etc. ????
  4. Hi, i took out an mbna card in around 2002 (unsure of exact year) i was made redundant and ran up debts, on returning to employment i started to pay them off for many years, however the interest rates kept going up and eventually (aug 2012) i just stopped paying completely, initially i intended to enter into a debt arrangement scheme but mental health issues and anxiety/stress meant i just started to ignore it! I have ignored this situation for almost 5 years Recently found out that after 5 years its unenforceable. ive been praying that it would get to that point to relieve this stress Balance is sitting at around £8.5k I have always had PPI on this card I phoned broadies on receipt of the letter to request a CCA which they said they'd send. I have not received anything, does anyone have any advice, ive no idea what to do next? im scared they dont send any on for because it was done via phone, should i email them? just checked and my first month of not paying was august 2012, last recorded payment was july 2012
  5. Hi I have a long running problem with a local limited company. His latest attempt to get out of it is to resign as sole director and let the company get struck off, its now showing proposal to strike off! He has over £3000 of my money and the asset how do I deal with this, can I still take the company to court? I was hoping the fact he isn't winding the company up "properly" and taken all the assets and capital out of the company would mean he is guilty of wrongful trading and that I could go after him personally? Or am I best trying to get the faulty goods back and cutting my losses? Urgent advice please!
  6. Hi, I have been working through sorting out my credit file and I have come across a default posted by Active Securities. Now, I didn't even know who this was so googled it and it appears it is 247moneybox. The default was posted in November 2011. I have only recently been checking my credit report - to be honest I was too fearful of how terrible it would be. I have checked through all my emails from around the time of the default and letters that I have kept related to my debts but I have not found anything at all that tells me of a default nor of this being reported to the cras. I did however pay the debt off when they eventually agreed to a repayment plan. Although this was a very painful process and they were absolutely appalling at replying to my emails. I am thinking of challenging the said default and wondered if anyone else has been successful in doing so.
  7. Hi I would really appreciate some help and advice. In early March this year I enquiried via the website about joining Virgin active gym for me and my husband. I work for a large bank so could take advantage of corporate rates if I was able to prove my employment via bank slip etc. someone called me and gave me the price and asked me if I would like to go ahead, I said I would and gave him my bank details etc he then said I would have to go into my local gym to complete the paperwork etc. I then got some calls from the local gym pressurising me to go in and sign the paperwork, I had just had a baby and I couldn't agree a time for me and my husband to get in together. They insisted it had to be within the next few days so they could get their commission. I wasn't able to make it in to sign and didn't hear anything else from them at all. Roll on two months or so later, I checked my bank account and they had taken two DDs for £105 each. I called up the bank and got this refunded via the DD scheme. Thought it had all gone away, I didn't notify them that I was cancelling the DD. a few days ago, I received a letter from ARC Europe stating that I owe 236.80 and after that my gym membership will continue. So just to clarify, I have never signed anything, I have not received any paperwork at all and have not provided any proof of my employment status. I haven't even set foot through the gym doors and I am still breaking a sweat!! Can they have me for a verbal contract? What do I do now? Many thanks for any help in advance, Sarah
  8. As a verbal contract (which starts on the 30th June) was entered into according to Scottish Power CS when the MD was caught on the phone a few weeks ago Are there any options on how to cancel? I've asked for a copy of the Sales Call which requires a £10 cheque
  9. Been dealing with a few folk who have had door step visits from MoorCrap recently. all the debts are pretty hefty amounts, ie over £3000.
  10. Hi all, I joined Virgin Active gym few months back, and after 2 months of joining I left because I ended up not going because of loss of interest and the price, so I cancelled the DD (the contract was for 6 months), and like a week later I received a letter from them demanding the money, and they sent me a few text messages too. After a few more weeks I received a letter from ARC demanding me to pay £210, they keep calling me constantly, sometimes like 10 calls; one after the other, which I ignored. After couple more weeks ARC sent another letter threatening court actions if the outstanding balance was not paid. 2 weeks later (today) I received a letter from Major Law solicitors threatening court actions as well, they have said I should contact ARC to repaid the debt. I have have had no contact with Virgin, Arc or Major sols yet, meaning I haven't spoken to them. Can they actual take me to court? I don't really care about credit ratings. I am 20, living with my parents, can they get the bailiffs involved? Thanks very much. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  11. Need some clarification folks... I have to cancel my Virgin Active gym membership as im moving home and home to them falls outside of a 15 mile radius from the nearest club to them. They have told me that i must provide proof to them, in which I have none at present and wont do for the foreseeable future. Also ive missed the cut off date to cancel for the end of this month... Even though its only a day late so i now have to another 30 days :/ (Wasnt aware of the "Cut off date" and also doesnt say anything in the T&Cs) Do i have to show proof if i don't have it? ( I would want to transfer my membership but cant because of living quite far away from their nearest club.)
  12. Hi All First post here, happy new year to you all I am writing on behalf of my wife who has been suffering from Graves disease (a thyroid condition) and thyroid eye disease for approx 18 months. She has needed regular (ranging from weekly to bi monthly depending on severity of the condition) consultations with her consultants throughout that period. Recently we received a letter from AXA PPP stating that from the 5th Jan 2014 they would no longer be covering any claims made on these conditions as they now consider her illness to be chronic rather than active. All of her consultants disagree with this assessment of her condition, she is definitely in the active phase and they have all written letters to AXA PPP confirming this. However PPP are not interested in the doctor's opinion. They have stated to me that they consider a condition to be chronic if it has required a certain number of consultations or gone on for a certain length, regardless of the illness itself. This just does not seem right to me and would appear to be a purely financial decision on their part that they have paid out too much already. My wife has had this insurance for many years and has paid them thousands of pounds in the process. I will be appealing against their decision and would also consider going to the ombudsman to get them to reverse their refusal to cover her illness. The doctor's (all highly regarded in their field) have stated that her active phase has gone on longer than the average, but that the average is just that, and as many people have a longer period of active phase as have a shorter one. Does anybody here have any experience in this kind of appeal against an insurer? Is there anything particular i should be looking to do? has anyone had any luck with a similar type of claim or are we fighting a pointless battle? Any help would be most gratefully received. Many thanks Dan
  13. Okay so here we go ladies and gents. Im tied in for 12 months with Virgin Active In my local area... I love the facilities it has and its a very good front end product, but the administration side of it? Not So Great. My dilemma is this. Virgin are kicking off about me refusing to have a DD set up on my account.They refuse to let me in until i sign a DD mandate form and this has happened about 3 times... However if you see the attached letter, youll see that I owe nothing... Why? I circumvent their requests for DD by paying them in advance for the next month 5 days before its due... (On their advice i might add) I have checked my T&Cs and it doesnt state i am limited to pay via DD for my gym services or contract. Now its gotten to the point where i made payment on the 29th November but they sill took the DD from the current account i have. So much so , Barclays have now put a 13 month ban on Virgin taking or attempting to set up any DD at all. So My question is this, how to do I make Virgin Active understand that A Direct Debit is not the way i want to pay if im not required to by their contract or law?
  14. Hi all, I know this was stupid but 3months ago I took out a payday loan with 247 moneybox / Active Securities. I wasnt able to pay this back due to being ill and not being able to work for 2 weeks. I took out a loan amount of 100.00 plus interest. I have managed to make 2 payments totaling 73-08 They have recently sent me a letter asking me to pay the remaining balance in full of 141.62!!!! I have twice asked them for a breakdown of charges and they have completely ignored me! Surely this cant be right? a loan amount of 100.00 and total debt of 214.70?? Thats double what i took out? Can anyone help please?
  15. Hello everyone I'm new here after discovering this website whilst searching the web about gym memberships. I'm thinking about joining out local Virgin Active in Leeds and could do with some general advice, pitfalls to avoid. I've never used a gym before, I know from reading about them that they can be quite expensive and some members of this forum have been having a few problems. There are probably cheaper options than using the Virgin Active gym but I really like the idea of finishing work at 6am and just chilling out in the spa - I mean running on the treadmill! I was thinking of just turning up one morning and asking about membership prices and taking a look around, would this be advisable? Thanks for taking time to help. Spud
  16. Hi All, newbie here hope you can help. My partner had a debt from Barclaycard which was taken over by HFO in 2008. After some communication and threats of Baillffs from HFO my partner agreed to pay a set amount each month, which she has continued to do so ever since. In the intervening years she has tried to contact them to advise of change of address etc and also to ask for a settlement figure but has been unable to make contact with anyone from the company. During this time she has never received a yearly statement from HFO. We have since heard that HFO are no longer in business but the direct debit that is in place is still being called every month and being paid. Can any of you advise us on what we should do?? should we continue to pay or stop the DD. How can we find if the debt has been discharged etc?? We have checked her Credit report through Experian and they make no mention of the debt. Heres hoping you can help us out with some advice.
  17. Hi all, I’m hoping someone here could give me a little advice on the below. In summary, I signed a 12 month membership contract with Esporta (which was subsequently bought out by Virgin Active). This contract had a 3 months cancellation notice period. I went into the gym a week ago to enquire how to cancel (this is after the original 12 months) and they advised to fill out a form and that my gym membership would be cancelled on the last day of the month and that no further monies would be taken. I completed the form, wrote the date they advised (30th April) as the last date of membership and the receptionist signed the form as well. I've just received an e-mail advising me that I need to give 3 months notice. Am I entitled (by law) to demand they stick with the date they have signed on? Does this signed form now override the original contract? Any advice you could give will be greatly appreciated, even if it’s not what I want to hear Many thanks, Pete
  18. Hello All, I need some advice and I thought I would share my experience so others do no have to go through what I have had to deal with. My current Gas/Electric is with Scottish Power and I am on the Platinum package which gives boiler care / cover with Scottish Power for "free". I had always been with British Gas boiler care, so I decided to cancel as I was getting a service with Scottish Power - big mistake! I had a boiler breakdown so I telephoned Scottish Power. Scottish Power advised they would call me back for an appointment on the same day - no phone call. I telephoned Scottish Power for a update several times but was told I would get a phone call back. The evening of the following day, I get a phone call to book a appointment - earliest 2 day's later. The engineer arrived from The Active Group (www,active-ukgroup.com) - when you visit the website it comes up as Active Agent. The engineer gave a time to visit of 13:00-15:00 and arrived at 18:30. He was present for 15 minutes and said everything was ok. The next morning my family awoke to freezing cold again and no hot water - the boiler was not working. I telephoned Scottish Power and had the same fiasco again with the appointment. I telephoned Scottish Power several times throughout the day and was promised the engineer would arrive in the afternoon. I waited till late afternoon and gave a phone call to Scottish Power as the engineer had not attended - I was told the engineer went to the wrong address! Now the appointment was set to the following morning - no time given. The following day, I made several phone calls to Scottish Power in the morning to chase up the engineer visit. Several times Scottish Power had advised that they were unable to get through on the phone to The Active Group / Active Agent. The engineer eventually attended near lunch time. The engineer advised that there was dust in the boiler (which he cleaned) and advised there was an issue with the flame injector - but carried out no work on it. The boiler was up and running. 30 minutes later the boiler broke down again, with the Flame Injector sign being displayed on the screen of the boiler. I telephoned Scottish Power again and was advised that the engineer would visit again the following day. The engineer came the following day (as I was now "priority"), and advised I needed a Gas Valve (to do with the flame injector). The engineer advised they carry no parts - great! I asked when the part would arrive - the engineer was unsure. I got a phone call the next day again from The Active Group / Active Agent that the part would arrive the next day. The following day, the engineer came again and now fixed the boiler. The Active Group / Active Agent also do not provide a copy of the work carried out. I made sure that I was given a copy of it, by photocopying it. The engineer also broke a filling loop (this is on their work sheet, which I got photocopied). I have been asking Scottish Power to get their amateur sub contractor out to come and fix it - still waiting its been 10 days - chased up again. I have also submitted a complaint to Scottish Power approx 2 weeks ago - I am still waiting for a response. The advice I need is: 1) are Scottish Power / the Active Group / Agent liable to fix the part they broke - especially when I have written proof that they broke it? 2) If I do no hear back from my complaint, can I submit it to the energy Ombudsman, after the relevant timescales have passed? In total, I was without heating/hot water for 10 days. I had small infants in the house and it was freezing cold. The sub contractor (Active Group / Agent) seem to amateur at their own profession. I have never had this kind of service from British Gas before. I would advise to stay clear of Scottish Power Boiler care and their amateur sub contractor. As a consequence I may now also move my gas/electric and I have now signed up with British Gas again.
  19. Hi guys. A quick bit of advice needed. I've put in two separate PPI claims to my bank, HSBC. One is for PPI on a loan I took out some years ago. The other is for PPI on my HSBC Visa card which I've had for a number of years. On both I have used the correct paperwork, had an acknowledgment and a promise to be back in touch/reach a decision within whatever the legal timeframe is. Today I have had a call from a HSBC bod asking me to clarify some points regarding 'the claim'. Now I don't really doubt he was from HSBC as a couple of light security questions were asked which confirmed both our identities. But I do wonder if I should be discussing the issue with someone from the bank over the telephone as it's obviously in their interest to trip me up and not payout. It wasn't convenient to speak at the time and he's calling again tomorrow. Your thoughts? Am I just being a little paranoid? And on the subject of paranoia, was he really from HSBC?
  20. Hello I need some advice please on the situation I am in. The background is I was a member of Esporta Gym which was taken over by Virgin Active, and even after they took it over I wasn't asked to sign a new contract until after about 5 months when I asked to cancel the tennis part of my membership, and this was last year. In all honesty I didn't pay much attention to the contract because I was running out the door to work and not even sure I got a copy. Anyhow come to this year being self-employed I was tight on money, and a member of my family passed away so I wasn't using the gym for like six weeks so things were tough and I thought i would cancel my membership and maybe re-join later in the year while seeing how things developed at work. So I wrote my letter and cancelled my direct debit at the same time on the 24th May. So on the the 29th June I receive an email as shown below which you can see from my reply I am not happy about as for one month to pass and be threading to pass it to a debt collecting agency is ridiculous, and to tell me my cancellation is on the 6th June when the letter sent was dated the 24th May I just don't understand. You can see from my reply I asked to see a copy of the contract that I had signed. They sent me a threatening email but then fail to bother to even return my email, and then to make matters worse I now have a letter through my door from ARC credit management telling me I owe £238.47. I haven't used any of their services since probably the end of march since I last visited the gym. I hope this isn't the case as this year is proving to be difficult. They haven't responded to my request for a copy of the contract and they have passed this to a credit agency, if there was any thought of re-joining the gym later in the year it has all but disappeared. I understand running a business you have to manage accounts and cash flow, but the way they have gone about this is downright rude in my opinion. Apologies for the outburst, but I am hoping someone can give some advice on the best steps forward. Thanks for your time. Dear As a previous member of esporta I asked to cancel my tennis membership and was asked to sign a new contract, at which point no one explained that I was required to give 3 months notice. I actually wrote the letter to cancel my membership on the 24th May the same day I cancelled the direct debit with my bank, and have not visited the club or used any of you services since that date, so I think you need to review your records and date of cancellation. Please send me a copy of your contract for me to review. I would also like to point out no one has left a message for me on my answerphone, but I am in receipt of your letter dated the 19th June and was due to reply by asking for a copy of the contract. Please forward it to me and I will pay any membership fee's that are legally due. In the meantime I do not appreciate you threatening to pass this over to a debt collection agency in respect of the short time that has passed since I cancelled my membership. You should reconsider these threats when as I have said no one has left a message for me to contact them, I have not visited the club since regarding the arrears, and take into account and consider what image this portrays of the Virgin Active brand. I look forward to receiving a copy of the contract. Regards From: To: CC: Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 17:53:04 +0100 Subject: Outstanding payment £69.49 Dear I am writing to you with regards to an outstanding payment on your membership as I have been unable to make contact with you via telephone. I can see you sent your cancellation in on 6th June and your membership requires you to give 3 full calendar months notice which means your membership is set to cancel on 01.09.12. Our records show that the direct debit for your membership was cancelled on 24th May 2012 which means we are unable to collect June, July and Augusts membership fees. Can you please contact the club as soon as you get this message and arrange to make a payment by card over the phone or by visiting the club. If we have not received payment for the outstanding fees of £69.49 by 5pm tomorrow, the debt will automatically get passed over to ARC - a debt collecting company, and further charges will be applied. You can contact myself or my manager, Lyn Worraker on 01733 892289. Regards, , Members Relations Assistant - Thorpe Wood VIRGIN ACTIVE THORPE WOOD HEALTH AND RACQUETS CLUBS Telephone: 01733 892289
  21. Can I ask a quick question? I took out a loan in 2003 and for one reason or another I stopped paying sometime in 2004. The last time my credit file was updated by the lender was July 2006. No-one has ever chased me for any money and I have had no contact with the lender since 2004 yet my credit file says the loan is still active with red 6's everywhere. Simply put how do I get this removed from my credit file? Bobbyh
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