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Found 11 results

  1. Hi all , it is my first time ever discovering forums like these in my life. I'm Matt I'm a 26 year old male and to cut a long sob story short i have been ignoring various debts for years as they always used to get passed from pillar to post so i'm not entirely sure which company owns which debt etc. Following a bereavement in 2012 my life spiraled downwards into chaos , i drank a lot of alcohol every day for a long time i lost my home ,my job , my friends and just about everything you can imagine. I used various payday loans to pay for my drinking once i had lost my job and i tried to take my own life in 2015 because of my debts. I am still involved in mental health services i was diagnosed with Psychosis last year (2018) , i had a terrible time getting abuse 24 hours a day from voices in my head often keeping me awake for 4-5 days in a row. I am enjoying a January voice free, i don't take any medication anymore , it's taken a long time to sit here and have the confidence to post here. I received a letter today from a company called BW Legal which made me think it's about time i start working on a solution. I was hoping for some advice, help with anything you can while i have motivation to try and solve a very big problem i have and this is my debts. I have followed instructions from the site and i have obtained my credit report, to my suprise my debts are nearly £5000 less than i had anticipated bringing my total debt ( on my noddle report ) to £3745. I am currently receiving ESA ( Employment and Support Allowance ) so i do not have a big income to pay a lot of money a month. I did read about the statue barred sticky thread, i do believe some of my debts are older than 6 years old but i am unsure when the date starts from, also my memory is not very good about the past 6 years because i was drinking heavily. It is also the reason i am hesitant about contacting any of the companies for my account information. I do have letters somewhere dated in the past 3 months which i will try and upload. I have 2 CCJ's i believe one is from Capital 1 credit card for around £500 and a parking fine of around £200. Thanks in advance for any help i might get, i have been signposted for stepchange by my mental health worker , but i was worried i might mess up any chance of Statue barring any debts that might be eligible. I have downloaded a PDF from noddle with all my report on if anyone would like to see it. Lowell £ 499 Lantern £ 262 Active Securities LTD £ 442 Capquest Investments LTD £ 1,288 Lowell £ 780 Lowell £ 217 Barclays Bank Plc £ 62 Ee Limited £ 152 Thanks again
  2. Hello everybody first post on the forum I would like to know if its now time to give up and accept the CCJ Looking for some advice on how to proceed with a county court claim that has been issued against me. The case is now in the final stages with witness statements already been exchanged and the court date set for the 8th February. here is what has happened so far - Claimant - Merligen investments limited Claimant solicitors - Moriarty Law Amount claim - £281.28 Original creditor - Morse's club loans Issue Date: 26/07/2017 Particulars of Claim: 1.The claimants claim is for the balance due under an agreement (debt) with Morses club limited dated 02/06/2011 under which the defendant agreed to repay monthly installments but has failed to do so and which debt was assigned to the claimant on the 17/03/2014 and notice of which was given to the defendant on 17/03/2014 and which debt is now due and payable. 2.and the claimant claims the sum of £191.00. The claimant also claims interest thereon pursuant to S.69 county court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8.00% per annum amounting to £15.28 _____________ CCA and CPR 31.14 requests sent 03/08/2017 _____________ letter received from Moriarty law acknowledging the requests but no documents - 08/08/17 ______________ 28/08/17 Defence filed with the court. ______________ 15/09/17 acknowledge of defence - Claimant proceeding with the claim ______________ 28/09/17 Directions questionnaire sent to court and claimants solicitors, agreed to mediation _______________ 08/08/17 - Call from mediation told was unsuitable since i have received no documents _______________ 08/11/17 - Date set for the 8th February, witness statements to be sent to the court and claimants solicitors no later then 21 days before the hearing. _______________ 16/01/18 - Sent my witness statement all be it very basic with the letters i have sent and stating i have not received any documents. _______________ 18/01/18 - Received the witness statement from claimants solicitors Contained the following documents - CCA which is signed but with no date (Not sure if the undated cca makes any difference) Statement of account Notice of assignment 3 letters they have sent to me in 2014, 2016, 2017 _______________ Please go easy on me this is the first CCJ i have ever tried to defend, not sure if i have missed anything out. I know the claim is not for an awful lot of money but even that amount i will struggle to find. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading
  3. Ive received a county court claim from merligen investments for 330.00 plus interest and costs i have never dealt with them or had any Letters from them. ?? payment demands or default notices!!! Close inspection of Credit File seems it may be in connection with a shopacheck account but cant be certain. (Read a post sonewhere on here that was merlingen/shopacheck) Shopacheck account as far as i believe opened 24th December 2012 330.00 paid in full acc balance 0.00 updated 19/10/2013, old address placed on the record. looks good to me same as C-File. so checked merligen out, DCA who BUYS DEBT merlingen account opened 27/12/2012 balance on account 330.00 updated 21/4/2014 address on the record is my new address. The money claim online papers state; Balance due in full under agreement Defendant had an agreement to make monthly payments for acc xxxxxx4411 but failed to do so interest 26.40 court fee 3 LR 50.00 TL 441.40 huh what and who the hell are they??? anyone dealt with them? ????? so do i raise a dispute on Credit File and defend the claim on the basis "have not a clue who they are" dispute alledged balance. "I DO NOT OWE IT"
  4. Hi all, I would be very grateful for any help with this. I have been sent a Judgment for claimant form today (it went to my mothers house-this is an address i have never lived at) detailing that CAPQUEST INVESTMENTS LIMITED have issued a CCJ against me for £299.99 with costs added so i must pay the claimant £386.99. This was issued at Northhampton county court. I am unsure who i owed the money to originally as i got into financial difficulty as a student and accumulated many debts along the way. Most of my debt goes back approx ten years but i may have accumulated something between then and now. I am unsure where to go from here, can i get the ccj set aside based on the fact that the CCJ was issued to me at my mothers address? How do i find out who is making the claim (as in which company) so that i can determine if the debt is statue barred? Someone please help me i am panicking!! Thanks everyone
  5. Hi I had a small debt with a door step shark(Morses) which after the agent stopped collecting ended up going to a DCA. This morning a letter from Moriarty Law came informing they intend to take court action... After I stopped laughing I did a little digging and have found the following... The address of this law firm 15 Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EF is a virtual office.. . Bit more digging revels that the name of the firms director is also the same as Merligen Investments Ltd. So in other words it's not a real law firm but a in house dept using a Virtual office to look like a real law firm...... Now I seen a some bits about this in the papers of late the biggest been Wonga who had to pay customers compo and stop using the pratice... Does this mean that this investment firm have broke the law/ need reporting or what? Never had dealings with this firm or come across them before so before I make them a final payment offer I just wondered if I have ammo to twist their arms into taking a low offer.
  6. I need to make a quick decision about this one guys. Basically, I was about to file for bankruptcy as it seems the best option for my situation (renting, safe bank account with under £1000 in, total bank account/card debts of £20K, self-employed but minimal trade until I change career). I had considered an IVA through Payplan but would have ended up paying back 40% or so of the total while I still receive some benefits such as HB, TC and CTC. So, everything was set, I have basic stock left which wouldn't be easy for an OR to sell off...but then I realised that my mother had made around 5 investments for me when I was young, from which the interest was going into her bank account monthly. These investments do total £20K, and thought it best that she close them in case the OR discovers them and puts the blame on me. However, cheques came in my name. What do I do? As the interest was passing to her did they legally become her money? My accounts do actually show I owe her several thousand from loans, but cashing them in then transferring to her looks pretty sneaky no matter what reason. What's the best option for me now, scrap bankruptcy? All replies and opinions on this are hugely important to me right now.
  7. Hi... Thanks for taking the time to read. I will try and keep it brief and straight to the point. I entered into a finance agreement on 21/11/2007 with Clode Retail Finance, now V12 Finance, (dabs: computer I think) for £1013. I kept up repayments of £26 a month until July 2009. Checking my noddle credit report it shows that on 26/03/2010 the account was ended and settled. This was after more than 6 months of non payment and it is now showing as DA (debt assigned) on the March 2010 entry. I assumed at the time it had been defaulted. I have received countless letters over the past 3 years from numerous DCA's. One in particular I remember was PDP Management Services Ltd. I ignored them all and haven't received anything from any company in the past year. I checked my Noddle report today and I now see a default has been registered on 11/03/2013 for £875 (the closing balance was £805) by Merligen Investments. I have had no letters or contact from them at all. I am 90% certain that letters in he past from other companies mentioned it had defaulted in 2010. Can they do this? Is there anyway I can get this default removed or at least dated back to 2010? Also... this only appears on my noddle(callcredit) report. There is no record of any of it on my equifax report and only a settled in 2010 with V12 Finance on my experian report.
  8. Hi... Thanks for taking the time to read. I will try and keep it brief and straight to the point. I entered into a finance agreement on 21/11/2007 with Clode Retail Finance, now V12 Finance, (dabs: computer I think) for £1013. I kept up repayments of £26 a month until March 2009. Checking my noddle credit report it shows that on 26/03/2010 the account was ended and settled. This was after more than 6 months of non payment and it is now showing as DA (debt assigned) on the March 2010 entry. I assumed at the time it had been defaulted. I have received countless letters over the past 3 years from numerous DCA's. One in particular I remember was PDP Management Services Ltd. I ignored them all and haven't received anything from any company in the past year. I checked my Noddle report today and I now see a default has been registered on 11/03/2013 for £875 (the closing balance was £805) by Merligen Investments. I have had no letters or contact from them at all. I'm convinced that letters in the past from other companies mentioned it had defaulted in 2010. I need to either get the default date moved to the date the account was closed (which I assumed this was the date they had defaulted it... seems they haven't by DA on credit file). Or... get in touch with them and come to an agreement to pay the default and ask them to remove it from my file as it was issued 3 years after the account was 6 months in arrears and had been closed (ico guide says: "Accounts should normally be filed as being in default where those payments due have not been received for six months.") Also, I haven't received any correspondence from this Merligen DCA to inform me it will be defaulted. Any ideas what my best cause of action would be to get this sorted? Thanks Also... this only appears on my noddle(callcredit) report. There is no record of any of it on my equifax report and only a settled in 2010 with V12 Finance on my experian report. Update: Emailed Merligen 15/05/13 basically asking them to amend the date to the original default date (if it was defaulted in 2010) or to completely remove the default as it was registered 3 years after (stating ICO good practice for filing defaults 3-6 months)... Also mentioned haven't received no default notice or warning from them. I will update thread on any replies...
  9. I am posting on behalf of a friend who suffers severe depression and cannot cope with this issue. I am very behind on things and can't remember the best course of action so would be grateful for advice. Friend has a CCJ form from MBNA/Varde/H L Legal at Northampton. The date of issue was 30th November 2012 - my friend was a little in denial so only spoke to me last night. We believe that this MBNA credit card should be subject to a PPI claim - again my friend has not got onto this - and I remember the rubbish advice I got from CAB, not CAG, when I got a CCJ and spent years fighting to get it removed even though it was paid! So, can you please advise me how my friend must now proceed and how long do they have to reply? I have some but not all paperwork here and have no idea if they got a notice of assignment from MBNA. Sorry this is scrappy but all positive advice greatfully received.
  10. Hi all, I could do with a bit of help/advise. Nearly 4 years ago, my wife and I bought a house. Ever since we moved in, we have been inundated with letters from various debt collection agencies, all addressed to the previous owner. We have sent all back and explained the situation to visitors etc. Recently whilst on holiday, we received two cards through our door from a company call "Proteus Dispatch". I thought it was suspicious and managed to find out from this site, that it was in fact a company called Varde Investments (some kind of debt collector?). We tried calling the mobile number on the cards, but could not get through to either. A fortnight ago, we had another visit from Proteus. Luckily this time I was home. I explained to the gentleman the situation and even offered him some ID. He said that our address would be removed from their records. Today, we had ANOTHER visit from Proteus. This time, my wife phoned the number on the card. The man on the other end of the phone was very rude and said that he had spoken to our neighbours, who had told him that we were the people he was looking for. I later phoned him and he told me the same thing. I suggested that he contacted the Land registry and also checked the electoral roll. I have been trying to find a contact number or address for Varde or Proteus so i could complain, but have not had any luck. Does anyone know how to contact these people, or do you think my complaints might fall on death ears?
  11. I am researching the methods that Lloyds have used to sell investments to their customers. I believe that there may be reasons for concern. If Lloyds, or their acquisitions, Halifax and Bank Of Scotland have sold you an investment prior to April 2010, please reply to this thread so we can discuss and I can give you further information. We may be able to help each other - and others.
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