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Found 14 results

  1. Up to 10,000 Axa pet insurance customers are being moved to NCI Insurance as Axa leaves the market to concentrate on "key products" – motor, home and travel cover. By August 30 2015, all customers will be shifted on to NCI's insurance books. NCI told MoneySavingExpert that it would provide "similar levels of cover" to Axa, and will "continue to insure any medical conditions identified while customers were with Axa under the terms and conditions of the new policy." But a number of customers who have already been moved to NCI say they are facing huge price hikes, particularly for cover for pre-existing medical conditions. Many insurers will refuse to cover animals with pre-existing medical conditions, however, pet owners who want the most comprehensive type of pet insurance will need to opt for "lifetime" cover. Insurers will set a high maximum amount per year – say, £10,000 – but you will still have to renew the policy each year, and some insurers can refuse to renew it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/pet/11598970/AXA-pet-insurance-customers-face-price-hike-of-up-to-2000.html
  2. Hi all. My father had a cardiac operation and was under the impression that axa ppp healthcare would be paying for it as he had a policy with them. After the operation axa ppp healthcare turned around to say that it would not be covered as my father went in to the doctors once (around 4 years before) because he complained of chest discomfort due to some gas. This turned out to be utter nonsense and non related and we thought the claim would be upheld. Axa then turned around and said he would now not be covered as he may have been diabetic. We wrote to axa regarding this and they said they would refund the premium, needless to say we were not happy. We then went to the financial ombudsman for an impartial view. The FOS said we had been mis-sold the policy and had my father have known he would not have been covered he would not have had taken out the policy in the first place. The adjudicator then said that in her opinion axa should refund the premium + 8% interest due to a missell occurring. We are thinking of going to court with this, I have looked around online and axa seem to have a habbit of finding ways not to pay out, with alot of people complaining of the same thing happening to them. We have a evidence on a cd whereby 2 of the employees of axa are laughing at my fathers condition saying "thank god theres a chance he may be diabetic otherwise we might have to pay" needless to say I was not happy after hearing this. I think if all the genuine people axa healthcare have refused cover got together and took them to court we would have a good chance of winning due to the way they conduct business, a quick google search of axa healthcare reviews shows all reason this company needs to be taken to court. I'm certainly not one to back down from this, just because I believe axa healthcare has refused genuine people such as my father after taking their premiums, and if they complain axa healthcare just refund the premium, but as majority will not they will not even get this back. I genuinely believe had I not looked into this, my father would be screwed over by axa ppp which is unfair. Edit: the amount of the operation from a bill we recieved from the nhs was £4500 ish and I don't think this covers the doctors fee's either. 1. My question is can a company such as axa ppp healthcare mis-sell a insurance policy then when it comes to pay out, turn around and refund the premium even if they mis-sold it in the first place? 2. What would be the next route, i.e. We have been to the ombudsman, where do we go next i.e. Small claims court? Thank you for reading.
  3. Hi All, Unfortunately my fiancee lost has her engagement ring. It was lost sometime during a 48 hour time window. During this time she was only out of the house for 3 hours. The insurance company told me during my initial phone call that it was insured as my policy covers individual items up to the value of £12,000. After a more detailed discussion with my fiancee they have decided to reject the claim as they say there is a possibility that it was not lost within the property but outside. In my opinion its far more likely it was lost inside the property as she was only outside for a minimal period of time. Thoughts anyone? Neil
  4. Hi folks hope you can help me here, something got highlighted on my wife's bank statement as we were checking through all direct debit payments, there was a payment for £49.00 to AXA, we didnt know what this was so we phoned them to find out it was for home insurance cover! The story goes, August 2011 we took out home insurance over the internet, my email at the time was a sky.com one as we had sky broadband, in October 2011 we changed broadband provider to BT so the sky email address was now obsolete. August 2012 Axa said they sent an email for auto renewal and as we didnt reply (cause we didnt get email) they renewed our policy, they done the same again in August 2013. At no stage at all did we receive any notification regarding the renewals of this policy and had in fact took insurance out in 2012 with Tesco, 2013 Churchill. So, Axa have taken payments totalling £730.00 from my wife's account (I know she should have checked, but she didnt). Axa have told us we cannot get this money back because we should have notified them about the change of our email, I have no recollection of me being advised that this was down to me to do and as I said since 2011 they have not phoned us or sent any letters to us about the renewal and are refusing us point blank a refund of the money they took. What do you think I should do? :mad2:
  5. Hi I am hoping for some much-needed advice! Last December our beloved cat suddenly became breathless. The vet diagnosed heart failure which he tried to treat with surgery and medications. Sadly after 2 days we had to have her put to sleep. I have RSPCA Gold Pet-insurance, underwritten at the time by AXA. I contacted them for a claim form which arrived and I completed it. As agreed I paid the Vet directly the £75 policy excess and left them with the claim-form for them to finalise and send to RSPCA Insurance. The total bill came to around £1000 I think. I heard nothing more until 2 weeks ago when I received a letter from a Debt Collection agency on behalf of the Vet! (Also, the bill now appears to have increased to £1200). I ignored the Debt Collector and contacted RSPCA, who said they had never received the claim-form from the Vet. The Vet said they sent the claim, and maybe it was lost in the post. I requested a new form and filled it all in again and sent it off to the Vet for them to complete again. After a few days I checked the RSPCA had received it, which they had. Yesterday I came home to a message on my answer-machine from RSPCA saying they had decided not to pay the claim and they would write to me with their "reasons". Back to square one. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just a claim for a car or something, but it is so upsetting because I still haven't really got over the loss of my cat so I know I am not thinking as clearly. Before I go off like a rocket, can anyone please offer me any advice on the best way to go about sorting this mess out? Thanks in advance, Jules x
  6. Hi All First post here, happy new year to you all I am writing on behalf of my wife who has been suffering from Graves disease (a thyroid condition) and thyroid eye disease for approx 18 months. She has needed regular (ranging from weekly to bi monthly depending on severity of the condition) consultations with her consultants throughout that period. Recently we received a letter from AXA PPP stating that from the 5th Jan 2014 they would no longer be covering any claims made on these conditions as they now consider her illness to be chronic rather than active. All of her consultants disagree with this assessment of her condition, she is definitely in the active phase and they have all written letters to AXA PPP confirming this. However PPP are not interested in the doctor's opinion. They have stated to me that they consider a condition to be chronic if it has required a certain number of consultations or gone on for a certain length, regardless of the illness itself. This just does not seem right to me and would appear to be a purely financial decision on their part that they have paid out too much already. My wife has had this insurance for many years and has paid them thousands of pounds in the process. I will be appealing against their decision and would also consider going to the ombudsman to get them to reverse their refusal to cover her illness. The doctor's (all highly regarded in their field) have stated that her active phase has gone on longer than the average, but that the average is just that, and as many people have a longer period of active phase as have a shorter one. Does anybody here have any experience in this kind of appeal against an insurer? Is there anything particular i should be looking to do? has anyone had any luck with a similar type of claim or are we fighting a pointless battle? Any help would be most gratefully received. Many thanks Dan
  7. I'm just after some advice and opinions please? I took out my car insurance policy with auto-direct on 21st May 2013. As part of my insurance, I also had key cover. This stated that if I lost any keys attached to the key fob that they supply, I can make a claim on costs incurred as a result of replacing them. On the 29th May 2013 I had the misfortune of losing my car keys. At this point, I had not received my key fob so reluctantly paid the £170 it cost me to get somebody out to cut a new set of car keys. As of today, I have still not received my key fob. Maybe its just me but I'm slightly miffed that my key cover was paid for and commenced on 21st May but I am unable to claim due to lack of key fob. I rang auto-direct today to have a grumble and they have passed me onto Axa who provide the key cover as they say it is their responsibility to send out the fob. I guess I'm just asking if you feel I have a right to complain and chase some form of compensation or should I just accept Axa will dig their heels in? Many thanks in advance.
  8. Hi everyone I'm new to all this and am just starting the road to reclaiming several lots of PPI! My first one is with The Funding Corporation. Unfortunately we are only going by the paper work we have as we can't remember the details. Basically we took out a loan with TFC for £10,000 plus PPI for £2170, plus interest at 6.9 totaling the loan to £14,505 of which £2587 is PPI. Husband had a full time fab job with full sick pay etc etc. He also had life insurance. We would never have knowingly added £2587 to a loan without thinking it was compulsory. It appears to me this is 'front loaded PPI'? is that right? However we have lots of paperwork that makes it look like we knew what we were doing. There is a tick in the PPI box where we have signed. There is a Policy number and agreement. There's also a dodgy looking 'Demands and needs statement' where 'in the event of my death' box is ticked. Bizarre seeing as if anything happened to other half we would be well taken care of. By the looks of it we settled end of June 2006:- balance outstanding £13,501.04 rebate of charges £1,792.77 rebate of insurance premium £50 amount acceptable in settlement £11,658,27 TFC name is all over everything except looks like loan is provided by Capital One and insurance by AXA. My questions are (if you've made it this far and aren't as confused as I am) Do we have a case? Confused by the excel interest thingy, how much interest should I be adding and where? Should I go straight to AXA? Does it matter that we looked like we really wanted this insurance, even though we know it was mis-sold as part of the loan. God only knows how we were so gullible! I am useless with numbers and my husband is far too busy to waste as many hours as I am on this (I'm the one instigating and pushing this). Your thoughts would be amazing and I am totally in awe of those that have made it this far!! I have posted this on another forum, hope that's OK?
  9. Please could you help as I am aware that this type of company has big legal jargon that I could easily trip up on. I have been declined cover as AXA PPP deem my condition to be pre exisiting despite my GP and consultant confirming that it is is not. Furthermore AXA PPP state that previously experienced symptoms are not covered. This effectively means if any ailment symptomatically produced cold-like symptoms for example, (and many do), they can get out of paying on a subsequent claim because you went to the docs for a sore throat! Whilst researching my appeal, I attemped to glean some info from the AXA PPP website as i have never received a hard copy of their terms. Unsurprisingly, there is no information! They just encourage you to buy a policy. There appears to be no guidance on terms, diagnosis and procedure. I called them for website navigation and they couldnt find the info i needed either and redirected me to a completely different page. This feels like a deliberate form of deception. I was told to book the appointment with the consultant before they declined this claim and the consultant performed some treatments at the time. I am now left £900 lost on wasted premium with a hospital bill of £658 and now it IS an existing condition, no one else will cover me! I am about to take this to the FSA but I wondered if there was any help any of you could kindly offer. I am hoping this all makes sense! Thank you
  10. Hi I am hoping someone on here can advise me. We paid AXA commercial insurance for a couple of years for our 1 van business. Also allowed on the policy were our two family cars. In November 2011 - our employee had an accident in our van. The van was very badly damaged and took so long for this to be sorted out with the insurers that our business had to cease trading - which was a very difficult and stressful time for us. Because we had to cease trading AXA cancelled our insurance policy completely even though we were happy to continue paying the premiums for the rest of the year, as both of our family cars needed cover. Axa refused to transfer the policy to a more suitable one instead. At very short notice (2 days) we had to run around finding quotes and obtaining insurance for our family cars. I called AXA and was assured that there was nothing to pay on the policy as it was cancelled. Our AXA sales rep also advised us in an email to cancel our direct debit so ensure no more payments would be taken and that the matter was now being dealt with by the office. We heard nothing until yesterday when my husband received a phone call from a collections company chasing for over 2k that AXA wanted to cover the premiums for the rest of the year because a claim was made on the policy. I have looked through my policy documents and the small print and no where does it state that if the insurer cancel the policy then the full payment will need to be made. It does however say this is the case if we cancel the policy - which we did not. What I find frustrating is that we checked at the time that nothing was owed. No one has contacted us in the meantime. We were happy to continue paying our premiums until the end of the year if they had just provided cover for our 2 private vehicles. Can anyone offer any advise on if they are entitled to the rest of the policy payments considering they cancelled the policy? Thanks in advance. TW
  11. I was wondering if anyone on the forum had an idea of how long it takes for the Financial Services Ombudsman to finalise their reviews. We had our car stolen in February last year. Our Insurer, Swift Cover/AXA said that there wasnt enough theft damage to prove the car was stolen. They sent an email to the Ombudsman to us by mistake where they stated that they thought me and my wife either crashed the car ourselves or gave permission to someone else who we knew to drive and they crashed the car. Our defence to this is simple - we're fully comp, so if we did crash it, we would just pay our excess and get our money, but apparently that doesnt make a difference. So Swift refused to pay out, so we are appealing to the FSO, but so far, its been over a year.Is this normal?? How often to the FSO look at simple facts like - why would we lie, we're fully comp, so if we crashed it, so what, we still get paid. Also, we are being told that if the claim is upheld by the FSO, we are entitled to 0.8% in compensation of the value of the car PER DAY. So far, that would mean £6000 / 0.8% x 365 = £17520. Does this sound right?
  12. Hi All, I was advised by Northern Rock to take out a mortgage paysafe plan in 1988. The plan was with the Provincial Insurance Co who were taken over by UAP in 1994 and they were taken over by AXA in 1997. I have asked AXA for contact details in order to submit a claim and they advise i contact the Provincial Insurance Co??????..... .....i would if they were still around!!!!! Has anyone got contact details for AXA please or am i better off claiming against Northern Rock (Virgin). Thank you. Wilfy
  13. Hi Through my mothers AXA Sun Life funeral insurance we got a payout almost for years ago. The money was paid directly to the funeral home and i am the Personal Representative for the estate. There were insufficient assets at the time to cover all the debts and i had to take a personal loan to cover everything which i am still paying. We did everything right, supplied the deth certificate on which they based the payout. It was their error in overpaying us and if she had died 12 hours later the amount would have been correct. They sent all previous letters addressed to my mother which were not opened. Finally i recieved a county court claim in my name (when they realised their error!!). They want £1702.80 + £254.04 in interest. I cannot afford a solicitor and cannot get legal aid. I do not have the money to pay this and cannot journey to court in Liverpool as I have just had my third child (6 months old). What can I do??
  14. How do all, hope I can get some advice on this one. On buying our first house in September 2011, my partner and I took up buildings and contents insurance with Axa. On 2nd January this year, we were hit by 90mph winds and all of the ridging tiles and a number of roof tiles were blown off. The ridging tiles plummeted off the roof, tearing off a section of guttering and landing in my conservatory, bursting two of the roof panes in there. Not the best start to the year. I got in touch with Axa an hour or so after the damage and their adviser was pretty helpful, they broke the claim down into two parts, dealing with the house roof and the conservatory roof separately. The company dealing with the conservatory roof, Solarglass, were pretty efficient and sent someone round to assess the damage and arrange replacement parts. The insurance company are paying for the repair. Unfortunately, the parts can't be fitted until the roof is fixed, in case further damage is done while the roof is fixed. The fixing of the house roof is causing us serious headaches. The surveyor, from a company called Building Valuation Solutions, couldn't make it out until a week after the damage was caused, which was understandable, given that they must have been dealing with a few similar claims. The earliest we could get a roofer out to give a quote for the job was over a week as well. So the surveyor came out, looked at the damage, took a couple of photos and agreed the claim within about five minutes of turning up. He calculated the cost of repair as about £670 and had been instructed by Axa to sort a cash settlement, minus our excess. So we were issued £570 by Axa. The day after the surveyor came out, we had 3 contractors round to give us quotes, the average quote for repair was £980, with very little difference between all three. This has left us with a bit of a problem, the money that Axa have issued us is £300 short of what we need to do the work. We're of limited means, given that we're not long in to a new house, so not in a position just pay the extra to get the work done and fight them for recompense. We went back to Axa to let them know the situation, they told us to get back in touch with BVS about the survey. BVS however don't answer the phone. After calling back Axa, they agreed to contact BVS and passed us on an email address for them. Numerous unanswered phonecalls and three emails later, and now 3 weeks after the damage was caused, still no response from BVS. Meantime, we've had continued poor weather, which is causing further damage to the roof and inside the house. Any advice/suggestions. I pay my insurance so that I don't have to sit in a house without a roof, and my excess is only £100, so I don't think I should be picking up the extra £300 to get the work done. Still, it's extremely difficult to get it resolved when we cant get any response from the surveyors and Axa are only willing to refer us back to them. Any advice welcome. Gav
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