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Found 7 results

  1. Hello, I'm new here so not sure if I'm doing this right! We recently took our 7 year old house Rabbit to the vets as we thought she had gone blind in one eye. They did a quick eye test, confirmed that she had in her right eye, and prescribed antibiotics for an ulcer in the same eye. I went home that night (Friday), went to put the drops in and realised they said ear drops. They were already closed, I called in the morning and the Receptionist said they are ear drops for humans but eye drops for animals so they are fine. I went to put them in straight away, 5 minutes later they phone back questioning if I've used them the vet tells me they are wrong, she needed 0.5% and was prescribed 5%. I was told to wash her eye out, and come back to pick up the new drops "at no charge as a gesture of goodwill". Since having the drops, she stopped eating, drinking and going to the toilet. I took her to another vet (for an additional £60) on the Tuesday, who said she needed painkillers because her eye was swollen and her gut wasn't working, and that antibiotics should never be prescribed without a full body check (Which she did not receive at the original appointment). On the Friday, I took her back to the other vet (Another £60) because she still wasn't eating and dropped from 2.4kg to 1.9kg in a week. Luckily, she's made a recovery but that's just the back story. I emailed the original vet the day the wrong drops fiasco happened, complaining that she had been given a 450% overdose and that I wanted an explanation as to how it happened and how 2 separate professionals informed me the drops were ok before I used them. The manager called me, and said that although it was their mistake that she had been given the wrong drops and they were sorry, it's ok because it was a benign mistake. I then took my complaint further as no one was accepting that it could of been a real issue, to the complaints department, who wrote me a letter saying that they spoke to a Rabbit expert, and the drops were fine anyway so it didn't matter that the mistake was made. My opinion is, they were very lucky that these particular drops did not affect her, but they could of. No one checked them at the time, and if I hadn't of noticed the label I would of used them twice a day as instructed. For a Rabbit who has already gone blind and is vulnerable, it is undue stress. If it was a painkiller she had been administered at a 450% overdose, she probably would of passed away. All I really want is my original £57 back that I paid for her first appointment and eye drops, because I think they have been careless and negligent towards her well being. Does anyone have any advice?
  2. Thank you to all at bridgehouse mansfield who today helped with the passing of a loved one got us in without an appointment had someone with him constantly put him on oxygen to help him breathe Thank you for how kind all your staff were simba/aslan ???? - adopted 2005 - feb 2016
  3. Hi all. Last Friday we became aware of our kitten having an abscess located above his anus. When we took him to our regular vet he drained the abscess and flushed it before leaving it open / supplying a cone. The vet told us not to let the cat lick the abscess and gave us painkillers to give with food once a day. Last night we observed blood on the floor where our kitten was sitting. On inspection it looked like the abscess had torn down to/ onto the anus. Concerned, we called the emergency vet for advice and were told to bring him in. We did so despite the quoted call-out fee of £170.00. Upon arrival and examination the emergency Vet offered to stitch up the abscess there and then or for us to wait a few hours until the next day then have the same surgery performed. We asked what the emergency vet what she would recommend and was told it would be best to leave him with them overnight so they could go forwards with stitching up Kalli's anus/ abscess plus issuing stronger painkillers. My mother paid a deposit of £250.00 up front as requested then paid a further amount to bring the total to just over £500.00. This morning we contacted our regular vet who expressed dissatisfaction with the treatment given by the emergency vet, stating they shouldn't have stitched up the wound. They said this, explaining, that there is a high chance they will need to undo the work done to Kalli by the emergency vet as this had a good chance of making his injury worse with time and expressing the opinion that over-phone advice was the only thing that should have been provided with the reason being that it would only be a cause for concern had the cat been female. Kalli is a male sphynx. Our kitten is not insured, which means whatever costs are incurred are our own faults for not being prepared - I am aware. I am willing to pay the consultation fee that was required by bringing the cat in and even for the extra painkillers - however, being charged for a surgery/ treatment that was entirely unnecessary feels wrong. We plan to ask our regular vet to put the professional opinion he gave us in writing however I'm really lost about how we can proceed after that. Does anyone have any experience in this? Please help!
  4. I need some advice please. I had to cancel the healthy pet club scheme in my vets after a number of problems. I suffered poor service, increase in prices, I was forced to purchase a blood glucose kit costing me £120, they charged me £15 consultation fee when its a free health club check, then they refused me insulin as my cat is a diabetic. I reported the vets to the British Veterinary Association, whom have yet to reply to my complaint back in August. I cancelled at the healthy pets club direct a couple of months ago; why demand money now? Today I got a letter from the vets demanding a payment of £167 as I had cancelled out of contract on the scheme. Upon reading the terms and conditions on their website, it clearly states you can cancel at any time, and doesn't mention about being charged anything!! Also when I canceled with them direct, they never said anything about being charged either!! I thought that the monthly fee of £9.99 was collected by the healthy pet club people not the vets direct? I fail to see why I should pay this because I had been forced to take my cat elsewhere as they had put his health at risk not just once but twice. I also cannot understand how they claim I owe £167 when the monthly fee is £9.99 this does not add up!!?? In a pickle and dont know what to do! All this vets wants off me is money!!
  5. Hi I am hoping for some much-needed advice! Last December our beloved cat suddenly became breathless. The vet diagnosed heart failure which he tried to treat with surgery and medications. Sadly after 2 days we had to have her put to sleep. I have RSPCA Gold Pet-insurance, underwritten at the time by AXA. I contacted them for a claim form which arrived and I completed it. As agreed I paid the Vet directly the £75 policy excess and left them with the claim-form for them to finalise and send to RSPCA Insurance. The total bill came to around £1000 I think. I heard nothing more until 2 weeks ago when I received a letter from a Debt Collection agency on behalf of the Vet! (Also, the bill now appears to have increased to £1200). I ignored the Debt Collector and contacted RSPCA, who said they had never received the claim-form from the Vet. The Vet said they sent the claim, and maybe it was lost in the post. I requested a new form and filled it all in again and sent it off to the Vet for them to complete again. After a few days I checked the RSPCA had received it, which they had. Yesterday I came home to a message on my answer-machine from RSPCA saying they had decided not to pay the claim and they would write to me with their "reasons". Back to square one. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just a claim for a car or something, but it is so upsetting because I still haven't really got over the loss of my cat so I know I am not thinking as clearly. Before I go off like a rocket, can anyone please offer me any advice on the best way to go about sorting this mess out? Thanks in advance, Jules x
  6. Could anyone please tell me which vet(s) in Wirral and North Cheshire have the lowest consultation fees? I am a pensioner on a low income and cannot afford the average £36.00+ consultation fee which is what all the vets I have contacted so far are charging just to see my pet. I'm so worried as my puppy is ill and needs to be seen asap, but I simply do not have the money to pay fees like this on top of the cost of the necessary medications she may need. I cannot get help from the PDSA or the RSPCA as I do not receive any of the qualifying benefits from the DWP. Many thanks to honeybee13 for directing me to this forum.
  7. My wife took our terrier to the vets in July because he had severe vomiting and dehydration. She brought the dog home after a consultation and thought she could treat him herself. On seeing how ill the dog was I took him straight back to the vets and asked them to treat him. Over the following days they diagnosed many different illnesses but on the fourth day they gave him an ultra sound and they conclusively diagnosed gastro- enteritis and said he was basically a very healthy dog. I have raised the standard of treatment and delay in scanning him on several occasion but have got absolutely nowhere and the bill came to over £900 . Since this episode my wife has moved out and taken the dog with her. She refuses to pay the account and has told the vets to send the bill to me. I have tried telling the vets that the bill is not mine but because I signed for the treatment they are going after me. On The consent form, the signature box states:'signature of owner/agent' As the account at the vets has always been in her name and she contends that she is the owner of the dog. Can I suggest that I am not the correct person to pursue for payment. Sorry about the length of this post.
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