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Found 19 results

  1. I've been asked by a neighbour to see if I can find any contact details for a mortgate broker called Key Consultants, who I'm told provided advice and / or an intruduction prior to her obtaining a secured loan and PPI from a company called National Home Loans. She's been advised she may be able to claim PPI compensation, however the mortgage company has rejected her initial approach and stated that a 3rd party provided advice upon which her application was based. I've serched for 'Key Consultants' online and on the companies house website, and come up with a large number of possibles, but nothing conclusive. Can anyone point me in the right direction ? Many thanks in advance.
  2. Government publishes key licensing changes to further protect tenants READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-publishes-key-licensing-changes-to-further-protect-tenants
  3. Woman leaves abusive note on Ambulance. "A woman has been arrested on suspicion of public order offences after an angry message was left for paramedics attending a 999 call in Stoke-on-Trent yesterday afternoon (18th February)." http://www.itv.com/news/central/2018-02-19/woman-arrested-after-abusive-note-left-on-ambulance/
  4. Hi there, I have not been here for a while but would much appreciate if anyone has an answer to my question? One of my colleague is renting a flat from a private landlord through landlord's own estate agency. The landlord requested a copy of his flat key... Question: Is it normal that landlord would ask a copy of the key?? My colleague would not be in favour of given any copy of any key as he is worried about it. My colleague asked his landlord before moving in the flat, that he does not want anyone to walk into the flat without anyone being at home.... He lived in the flat for a few years... Many thanks, dd
  5. Hello, I'm looking for some advice. At the end of May this year I purchased a used VW Golf GTD from a main VW dealer in West London. The car was six months old and sold to me as a former demonstrator. I paid £22K for the car. At the point of purchase the dealer informed me that he was waiting on the spare key and I drove away with only one key. Seeing as this was a VW dealership, I felt I could trust that said key would be sent to me. After numerous emails between myself and the representative at the dealership, he finally informed me at the beginning of August that the key had arrived, yet needed to be coded to the car. This would require me to return the car for a morning. I live fifty miles away (a trip via the dredded M25) This is easily an hour and a half trip, each way. I challenged him on why it needed coding if it was the spare key, it should already be coded. He simply ignored me and advised me to bring my car in. Due to injury requiring hospitalisation, I was unable to do anything during July and August. I am now picking up where this left off. I contacted the dealership today to find out that the representative that sold me the car has since left the company. I spoke with the used car sales manger who simply told me that the car HAD to be bought to their dealership to have the work done. I have suggested that I take it to my local VW dealership but he refused claiming that they had issues in the past when dealing with dealerships not in their franchise group. As a 'gesture of good will' he has offered to have my car collected and driven to them to have the coding done. Then the car dropped back off to me, with some fuel added. I have no signed documentation from the purchase day stating that the spare key was missing and was 'to follow'. I only have the email chain from the dealer, confirming that he is obtaining the key for me. My wife is my only witness to the transaction and arrangement over the spare key. What are my options please?
  6. Hi to everyone on the forum. If anyone could offer any guidance with this problem I would be grateful. Traded in my car and purchased an Audi A4 from SSc Huddersfield on 17.01.16. Informed by the salesman that the car came with a spare key. Agreed at time of purchase that I would call by at a later date with the spare key of my trade in vehicle and I could collect the spare key of my new car. Stated on the sales invoice "spare key to be exchanged for p/x spare key". I received a txt on 03.02.16 asking to contact the sales guy regarding the spare keys. I phoned the guy and it was agreed I would call in their showroom on the following Saturday. Went to the dealers on the Saturday and handed over the spare key to my old car only to be told the key for new car was locked in a desk drawer and the person with the drawer key had gone home but not to worry we will post your key out Monday recorded delivery and that I would have Tuesday. I got home from work on the Tuesday evening and nothing had been delivered, I phoned the car dealership to speak with the salesperson only to be told he was busy and would call me after 18.00. No phone call received. I phoned again Wednesday and got hold of the salesperson I had been dealing with from the start, he told me that his assistant had been trying to phone me to confirm my address details so the key could be posted to me but she couldn't contact me . I told him I had not had any missed calls or voicemails, his reply was "oh I need to speak with my assistant, your key will be posted out tomorrow (11.02.16) and you will have it Friday. here we are today and no key has been delivered, I have emailed the dealers for the courier details and tracking number but have not received any reply yet. My problem is that to replace the spare key it costs around £250 to replace then the car needs taking into Audi and all keys need recoding, so not cheap. What steps would the people on this forum recommend taking next?
  7. Hi all, Yesterday a breakdown firm helped me with a flat tyre (the tyre iron failed, so I couldn't do it myself). They sorted it out, but unfortunately the driver did not return my wheel lock key, and I was in a rush so I forgot to ask before I drove off. Now I'm stuck with the space-saver for now. The breakdown firm say they've asked the driver, and that he definitely doesn't have my key. This happened on the M4, so I'm crossing my fingers that the thing is lying on the hard shoulder where it presumably fell off the wheel nut when I drove away, but if not I'm going to have to pay to have four wheel lock nuts drilled out, and a replacement set. Are the breakdown company to blame for not returning my key, or am I to blame for not asking for it back? It was done through my insurance, if that makes any difference. Thanks for any advice.
  8. last week my husband lost his one and only key so phoned mobile locksmith,they wanted 25 pounds to get the code and 40 pounds for the key.he paid 25 pounds by debit card they cut the key and he expected them to come round with it.but they are to busy and turns out they are 30 miles away but cover our location.so my husband paid 40 pounds on his debit card and they posted him the key,but it dosnt fit.theyhave told him the locks must have been changed but its a 2 owner car and hes spoke to the last owner and he never changed the locks. hes also been told to file the key as it might be to sharp as the lock could be worn as its a 12 year old car but he dosnt feel confident doing that. the company don't seam to want to come out so what can we do? ask for a refund under the sale of goods act/distance selling regs?can we do a charge back on a debit card?
  9. My wife's car key fob fell apert and now a messge on the dash come up saying "electronic anti-theft device fault" and the car wont start. The dealership who sold us the car failed to supply the spare key and now, before they will evn bother to find it amongst their stash of unlabbed keys want us to get the car towed 80 miles so they can reset the engine management unit and supply a new key. Now, the reset and new key are covered under warranty but not the tow. As the car cant start how the hell are we supposed to get the car to the dealership? More local franchise holder will obviously tow and fix but wnat paying, why cant Peugeot be less parochial, or is it a lack of understanding/communication? shoud I get the car taken to local dealer and bill the one we bought the car from?
  10. Help needed CAggers! I've got a situation on my hand that I need some advice with - I'm a tenant and have been for a few years under a periodic tenancy or month to month. I receive housing allowance and have paid that to the landlord in excess for the years that I've been in residency. The landlord is saying that I owe arrears however, based on the lease we signed when I moved in, the rent I pay the landlord is far in excess to the lease. The landlord wants to serve me notice to say that I am arrears (a section 8) but he claims he wants my employers to pay the arrears as my housing allowance is given to me by them. I find this proposed action a bit of a threat, considering my lease is not signed by my employers but by me! I have already written a LBA but he just keeps harping onthat my housing allowance increase is a rent increase! What do I do now? Serve a claim for my money? All attempts at negotiating has failed.
  11. I have been using a courtesy car for the last 3 weeks while repairs were being made to my own car. Yesterday, the last day of having the courtesy car, when I removed the key from the ignition, half of the key fell off onto the road! I had noticed while using the car that the key was slightly bendy, but not at a conscious level where I thought to report it to the garage. It never crossed my mind that the key might actually snap in two! Today, the garage have phoned and said that I need to pay them £185 for a new key. They said I must have forced the key and broke it. I absolutely did not force the key and I do not see that it should be my full responsibility to pay for a key that must have been damaged in the first place. When I was given the courtesy car, I looked at the car for damage and signed a disclaimer, but I never thought to study the key! Please let me know if I am liable for this or where I stand. I was wondering whether to ask the garage for something in writing, including evidence that the key was not faulty before giving it to me. Please help! Thanks.
  12. I'm just after some advice and opinions please? I took out my car insurance policy with auto-direct on 21st May 2013. As part of my insurance, I also had key cover. This stated that if I lost any keys attached to the key fob that they supply, I can make a claim on costs incurred as a result of replacing them. On the 29th May 2013 I had the misfortune of losing my car keys. At this point, I had not received my key fob so reluctantly paid the £170 it cost me to get somebody out to cut a new set of car keys. As of today, I have still not received my key fob. Maybe its just me but I'm slightly miffed that my key cover was paid for and commenced on 21st May but I am unable to claim due to lack of key fob. I rang auto-direct today to have a grumble and they have passed me onto Axa who provide the key cover as they say it is their responsibility to send out the fob. I guess I'm just asking if you feel I have a right to complain and chase some form of compensation or should I just accept Axa will dig their heels in? Many thanks in advance.
  13. Hi i'm after a bit of advise, i bought my car on the 17/06/11 from a Citroen dealer near where i live, i haven't had to have any work done to the car since i bought it, until recently i needed new brake pads. I took it to the garage to fix and the lock nut that the dealer gave me doesn't fit my car. When i brought the car the dealer gave me the lock nut and i never thought to check to see if it actually fit the car. Have i got any rights to ask the garage to fix this situation. I'm going to give them a call today i just wondered if anyone would share their thoughst about this Thanks
  14. Hi all. Wondered if anyone could help. I have key cover through Hastings. It's the one with the key fob that you attach to your keys. Anyway, my car is a renault which has a card not a key. Well the card has split in two I've managed to put it back together but have to hold it together whilst pushing it in the slot, it won't last much longer, now I wondered if it had to be at the point that it won't start the car to be able to make a claim. It will no longer lock the car, but does start with some fiddling. I know how insurance company's make make every excuse in the book rather than pay so any info before I give them a call would be great. Thank in advance.
  15. I was forced to take out Key Man insurance by Lombard Group for 2 business loans which have now been paid off. The loans were for equipment used to carry out surveys. I am the director of the limited company (just myself & wife as company secretary). Has this been mis-sold & is this something I should look at reclaiming? Works out at around £1500. Many thanks for any help or advice.
  16. a member of staff is a key holder here in my office - he has not returned the key to the premises - what can i do apart from change the locks
  17. Just to show the folly of using a claims company, Key Financial Claims charge 33.9% of successful claims and a fee of £295 + vat if you withdraw. These fees are at rip-off rates. It cost them no more to claim back £10,000 than it does £100 but they take on hell of a lot more of 'your' compensation. If you think you have been missold ppi, then claim it back yourself for the price of a couple of stamps and keep 'all' the money repaid.
  18. Am new to the Forum, so hope i have posted in the right place:?: Have a 'key' pre payment meter for my electricity, as i have an 'outstanding' balance with them, and just wondering if anyone knows the day they take the 'debt' off the meter, and if the debt can be taken off the emergency credit? Thanks for any advice
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