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Found 6 results

  1. Hi all, My wife has got a Legion Group PCN for parking a courtesy vehicle in the carpark at the hospital where she works without moving her permit from her own vehicle. If this weren't a hire vehicle I'd tell her to ignore, but I'm worried Hertz will hit her with a bill if we don't sort something out. We've looked at the appeals process and I'm unsure whether to complete it, if so, how. It asks for an address, which we'd rather not give, it also asks whether she was Driver or Keeper. Could anyone advise please?
  2. Insurance premiums may be cut by plan to cap cost of courtesy cars Regulator wants to stop insurers from inflating repair and hire costs, which are passed on to at-fault driver after an accident Motorists could see their insurance premiums fall following proposals by the competition watchdog to cap the over-inflated prices insurers charge for courtesy cars. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), which superseded the Competition Commission earlier this year, wants to end the widespread practice that sees the insurer of an innocent driver inflate the costs of car repair and car hire that are then passed on the insurer of the at-fault driver, following a road accident. The practice can add as much as £1,000 on to the cost of a replacement car compared with the price an insurer would have paid if they had taken liability for the cost of the car hire themselves. This extra cost is ultimately passed on to all motorists, not just the at-fault drivers, in their insurance premiums. http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/jun/12/insurance-premiums-cap-cost-courtesy-cars The measures include: a cap on the charges passed to the insurer of an at-fault driver in an accident for the cost of providing a replacement vehicle to the non-fault driver, to more closely reflect the costs incurred and remove significant inefficiencies better information for consumers about their rights following an accident a ban on price parity agreements between price comparison websites (PCWs) and insurers which stop insurers from making their products available to consumers elsewhere more cheaply better information for consumers on the costs and benefits of no-claims bonus protection a recommendation that the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) looks at how insurers inform consumers about other PMI-related add-on products https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cma-sets-out-changes-for-private-motor-insurance
  3. Hi guys, I wonder if anyone can help shed any light on my situation. I took out a vodafone contract via Phones4U in July 2013. In Jan 2014 I was contacted by a vodafone and offered the 4g contract for £42 per month which I accepted. Last week my phone ceased working through normal use. The phone is a Nokia Lumia 925, it is still under 1 year old. I took the phone to a vodafone store who sent it for repair, but told me I would not be eligible for a courtesy handset. I then had to pay £45 for a PAYG phone so that I could continue receiving calls on my contract number. It was my understanding that under the terms of the 4g contract I would be entitled to a courtesy phone. I complained via email to vodafone and an agent called me back to say that since I took out the initial contract with Fones4U I was not entitled to a courtesy phone, but if I had taken the contract with vodafone I would. I raised the point that I was paying the same as other customers and not receiving the same service, the agent agreed. I was offered £15 compensation for the loss in 4g service (the handset I bought being 2g capable only) but I still feel I have been conned somewhere.....
  4. I have been using a courtesy car for the last 3 weeks while repairs were being made to my own car. Yesterday, the last day of having the courtesy car, when I removed the key from the ignition, half of the key fell off onto the road! I had noticed while using the car that the key was slightly bendy, but not at a conscious level where I thought to report it to the garage. It never crossed my mind that the key might actually snap in two! Today, the garage have phoned and said that I need to pay them £185 for a new key. They said I must have forced the key and broke it. I absolutely did not force the key and I do not see that it should be my full responsibility to pay for a key that must have been damaged in the first place. When I was given the courtesy car, I looked at the car for damage and signed a disclaimer, but I never thought to study the key! Please let me know if I am liable for this or where I stand. I was wondering whether to ask the garage for something in writing, including evidence that the key was not faulty before giving it to me. Please help! Thanks.
  5. Just had a call claiming to be from tax credits reminding me to fill in renewals faster than last two years as I was just on the deadline, is this normal?? or was a debt collection trying to get info??? really worried now, call was at 745pm!! Help anyone!! Couldn't get through to tax credits to check sleepless night ahead me thinks!! jackie
  6. WE have fully comprehensive car insurance with HD. We were hit by another driver last week damaging the back of our car. We phoned HD that night and they dutifully arranged to have our car picked up and a courtesy car dropped to us 5 days later. We have a Honda Civic SE Ctdi 2.3 5 door and we have THREE children.... they have given us a pathetic Peugeot 103 which only seats FOUR!!! Our car will take at least 10 days to repair so how do we transport our children around??? Nationwide are a joke. They claim that the ONLY car they have to use as courtesy cars are these!! Hastings Direct told my husband today that this is not their problem. I do believe that our policy states that the engine size should match on a courtesy car?? Hastings Direct + Nationwide Car = HEADACHE!
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