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Found 16 results

  1. Hello everyone yesterday out of stupidity and mostly boredom if i'm completely honest I attempted to shoplift a pair of £15 headphones from Tkmaxx, this is my first time ever shoplifting. Once being caught I was asked to come back into the store halfway down the street, upon entering some little room in side the shop I was searched and my bag and proof of my age, i showed him my provisional , being a bit nervous and realized how silly it was of me to do this I said to the man sorry etc and for wasting his time. Until he goes on to tell me i'm going to be getting a fine from the so called "RLP" and would have to pay 'debt' for losses , administrative costs ,investigation costs and time wasting which I believe is an absolute joke, especially after doing a bit of research these fines can be up to £190! The headphones were returned to the shop in pristine condition, i'm not bothered if they get the police involved all they will do is give me a caution for such a petty mistake. Does the RLP have any sort of legal right, or are they just preying on the vulnerable to make a profit, as I am certainly not going to pay that fine, is there any way I can get around it or send them a letter back to end this. Although this happened just yesterday I will keep everyone updated when I get the letter from the RLP Thanks for reading
  2. I have been with metro bank for a while now. Apart from printing cards and cheque books in store (Branch). They are not really any different from other banks. they charge the same and will not listen to any complaints you have etc. they will even deny fraudulent transactions on your account without a good excuse. I will be terminating my account with them soon.
  3. Jeremy Corbyn Ok, ok, calm down, I've got an even funnier one: Shadow Cabinet That really is gut busting stuff
  4. Hi Need some advice i bought my car from a dealer Car Time in Bury Audi A3 S Line 2011 final price once paid will be £15,250, I have had this car back on numerous occasions not for mechanicial faults but for small defects 1. back window wiper washer blocked twice (2 Seperate Trips) this was fixed quickly without any issues as i only had the car a week 2. Interior Mirror came off with slight movement 3. Cambelt Changed due to squeek with car when engine was cold 4. Diesel Filter light kept coming on (now been fixed) 5. Arm Rest Latch Broken - Refuse to Fix Under Warranty 6. Two Bald front tyres when we bought the car said would change them stupid me forgot to check when we took the car they hadnt done it 7. We wanted to collect the car next day said unable to as it would need MOT and Servicing this had also not been carried out. What annoys me about this dealer is when we purchased the car they was quick enough at forcing the extra warranty on us at a price of £500 for 2 years warranty, 2 years mot and 2 years service so obviously we took it out due to the problems we had with our last Volkswagen Golf. Love the Audi but im dissapointed at the company who sold it us due to the above problems i can clearly say i will not be buying from them again The arm rest is my biggest concern i lifted the latch to place my sunglasses back into the arm rest and the latch which locks the arm rest came off in my hand, this had not been misused in any way whats so ever when i asked them to fix it under the warranty they claimed they won't cover it and i would have to pay £166 for a complete new arm rest and claims it was stated in the book i was given which again i was not given at the point of passing the credit check they have now sent me a book in the post and made me chuckle as from what ive read its a complete waste of time Do i have anywhere to stand here as this company has been full of promises and delivered nothing the after sales support is shocking Managers promise to call you back but pass aftersales there dirty work to tell you this aint covered this was a week after they left me complaining seems a few people are having these issues ive only had the car 9 months and treat it with alot of respect as its expensive the arm rest was not mistreaten and therefore shouldnt be coming out of my pocket now i know why the book was not shown to me at the point of a passed credit check as the fool more than likely knew id refuse to take it out really not happy
  5. I swear by GOD SAKE I Vodafone Customer Service is HORRIBLE (well, some of you would probably know that) But I can't still believe I waited for 1hr 48 min and got nothing at the end after a failed chat conversation with an RETENTION Agent that seemed to be a comedian, even using LOL in front of my face. I do honestly need some serious advice on this as I am planning to take this to even the last consequences. I can't believe they hire this people and then they just said they are having a friendly approach :!::!: Please help me and advise me how could I counter attack and what could I say in tomorrow conversation...
  6. All we would like to say is that we will NEVER be purchasing another item of any description from Harvey's again. The reason is quite simple. We ordered a sofa on the 22nd June 2014 and we are still awaiting delivery of it, 1 week short of 4mths!! We ordered an extra piece to it and were told it would take 3mths to make/deliver which we were prepared to put up with. At the time of purchase, we stated we wanted it all delivered together. Quite a simple request, or so we thought. We were initially given a delivery date of 22nd Sep, which then changed to 25th Sep, then Oct 8th, then 16th Oct. Each time we have been contacted by phone, the agent on the phone has stated that one piece is available, to which we had to point out that we want both pieces delivered together. 'No problem' we were told. We were contacted last week and informed that the extra piece we ordered was in the UK, but at a different depot. It would be shipped to the correct depot and we would have our sofa at last. Today, we have been contacted yet again, and yet again told that the one piece is available for delivery...AAAAGHHHH!!! The agent then stated that they knew the other piece was in the UK but couldn't locate where!! To make my jaw drop even further, they said the agent who called us the week prior should not have told us both pieces were available! We asked to speak to a supervisor, who duly apologised and stated they could quite clearly see it on the screen that we wanted both pieces delivered TOGETHER, not separately! She also told us it will now take a further 48hrs to get a response from the manufacturers of the extra piece (I'm assuming to find out where exactly in the UK they sent it to). We find it hard to believe in this modern era of technology that a piece of furniture, being made specifically for a customer, can go missing without any form of traceability. What is even more frustrating is how specific notes on YOUR system can be repeatedly missed/ignored regarding having both pieces delivered together. I notice that your company is a full member of the TFO (The Furniture Ombudsman)so with this in mind, we will be contacting them to advise of the above situation. We have had to endure 4mths of sitting on garden furniture whilst still awaiting delivery of our sofa. I have known houses to be built in less time. We will also be sharing our experience via social media so that other people who may be thinking about buying furniture can see what may await them! Latest update as of 19/10/2014 – No call-back after the stated ‘48hrs to get a response’ so once again called Customer Service. Ended up speaking to the ‘senior Team Leader’, guy called Prab. He told us both pieces were in the Warrington distribution warehouse but we’d have to wait another week until they were ‘in the area’…I said Harveys should be getting a local courier to deliver it asap given the time we’ve waited and the messing about. He said he would have to contact our local store where we purchased it from to try and arrange something. Prab called us back 10mins later and stated that he had spoken to our local store, guy called Steve and that the next phone call we’d receive would be off Steve in the morning. As you have probably guessed already, morning came and whent, no phone call. Went into the store at 2.30pm, asked who Steve was and turned out it was the guy we originally dealt with 4mths ago. When I told him about the conversation I’d had with ‘Prab’, Steve looked puzzled and stated that at no point during the day previous did Prab or anyone for that matter contact him about our situation, so I had to go through the whole scenario again with him. He proceeded to try and contact local couriers, one of whom was going to charge us £120 and then we’d be reimbursed by Harveys, but was getting no luck. At this point I stated I had to leave but I would expect Steve to call us with some news. Yes, you’ve guessed already…NO CALL BACK!! It gets even better….we have today waked into the store, sought out Steve and asked if he’d got any news for us. To both our shock, amazement and disgust, he said ‘’just remind me again’’….I had to remind him that I’d spent the good part of 45mins with him the day before!! It just about summed up our overall experience with Harveys! 4 months waiting for a sofa, numerous lies and false promises of ‘call backs’ etc etc…and Harveys cannot even go out of their way to pay a local courier to deliver our well overdue sofa!! They still expect us to go out of our way to accommodate them!! DISGUSTED and if not received by Tuesday, will be cancelling in total. Mr&Mrs Very Annoyed
  7. Hi everyone! I would appreciate any thoughts on the following situation-thanks! My Uncle took out a credit card in the mid 70's. He wrote to the bank in 2008 requesting all of his PPI pmts back plus statutory interest. In the reply he received, the bank blamed him for not raising the issue of the PPI with them sooner, stating that he could have cancelled at any time. Essentially, they claimed they had done nothing wrong but could not provide any p/work to support their assertions that he was provided with the PPI policy, T&C's etc... It is worth pointing out also, that a couple of years previous to that my Uncle had requested a copy of his credit agreement, which they could not provide, and as a result they discharged the debt!lol Helpfully, they did advise him in their letter that PPI had been added in 1977, which, as they had no agreement makes you wonder how they knew that??? So, they bleated on about him not having a case, but as a gesture of goodwill they would refund, without any admission of liability, the PPI pmts made for the previous 6yrs, which amounted to just over £700. Comical! He wrote back and told them to shove it basically. They did not respond to his letter, and he has been beset by ill-health so the matter has gone unresolved. He wants to sort it out now, but doesn't want to go to the Ombudsman. His wife is a meticulous record keeper and has the cheque stubs going all the way back to when the account was opened proving that payments were made. He feels that the bank has acted dishonestly and that their conduct in trying to deprive him of the monies he is genuinely owed could amount to fraud. Any thoughts? They have admitted in writing that PPI was added in 1977, they have no p/work, their arguments were utterly spurious&he never requested nor was eligible for the insurance cover for a variety of reasons. Their offer in no way reflects what he is owed, they didn't even offer 8% interest! He wants all the PPI going back to 1977, statutory interest and compound interest. He also thinks that contacting the CEO would be the best way to proceed given that the PPI dept. attempted to screw him over. In view of recent headlines regarding banks not paying customers what they are owed, he believes that providing the CEO with a copy of the letter he received and the calculation of what he is actually owed will hopefully focus his mind, particularly if he threatens to send a copy of the file to the FCA. I look forward to your comments and thanks in advance! Regards, Figgydoody.
  8. A woman goes into Discount Fishing Supplies to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday.. She doesn't know which one to get, so she just picks one and goes over to the counter. The salesman is standing there, wearing dark shades. She says, "Excuse me. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?" He says, "Madam, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound it makes." She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway. He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-lb...Test line. It's a good all around combination, and it's actually on sale this week for $44." She says, "That's amazing that you can tell all that, just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!" As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor. "Oh, that sounds like a Visa card," he says. As the lady bends down to pick up the card, she accidentally farts.. At first she's really embarrassed, but then realises there is no way the blind salesman would tell exactly who had farted. The man rings up the sale and says, "That'll be $58.50 please." The woman is totally confused by this and asks, "Didn't you tell me it was on sale for $44. How did you get $58.50?" "The Duck Caller is $11, and the Fish Bait is $3.50:razz:
  9. Had court fine while back never paid it all, paid small amounts coming out of jsa. now recently got a letter from marston saying i have to pay £155 in full i managed to pay £55 so the balance is now £100. i asked them can i clear the 100 next Friday when my wife gets paid. their response was this.(below) I am not happy because i won't be able to afford the charges they now add to the balance is there anything i can do. i have showed am willing to pay and the balance would be cleared next Friday. letter was dated 8th april dont i have so many days breathing space or something Thank you for your recent letter You will appreciate we are instructed to enforce warrants immediately and in full. We regret we are unable to enter into long-term payment arrangements and therefore the offer you have made and the time you require is not acceptable. An enforcement agent will now attend your premises to execute the warrant and verify your circumstances. This will incur additional charges and your goods may be at risk if the information you have supplied is inaccurate or payment is not made.
  10. Having spent 3 days trying to access customer services via their BTChat I gave up. Spoke to customer services - got a Sales idiot who assured me they could provide me with BT Infinity at my new address because I was such a valued customer - even though she did not know the postcode that I was moving to - lies and more lies. Spoke to another customer services lady and eventually managed to give notice to terminate my services. Received confirmatory email with details (Order Number: HMNIAZZ05500357406) of what would be charged by way of early termination charges. My BT services cease on 18th October and lo and behold I now receive another bill with yet another cycle of advance line rental and no mention of it being a "Final Bill". Contacted BT Customer services and spoke to highly unhelpful and ignorant woman who tried to impress upon me the fact that the billing cycle is automatic and "no human involvement" is required. Maybe that was why she was so bored...... Outcome - BT may or may not refund the advance line rental charges that they should not be charging (assuming that is that there is actually some form of communication between customer services and billing) OR they just might go on billing me until I die. For 18 months I have had to put up with a package that I can only "upsize" and not "downsize" so effectively they have had 18months worth of payment from me for something I am not able to use. I have had extremely slow internet speeds - pages taking up to 2-3 minutes to load. I have had service outages for which I have still had to pay for the service I was not receiving when they could not be bothered to send a technician to keep an appointment to fix my service. And they wonder why I don't want their crappy service any more!!!! My advice - "Don't touch BT with a barge pole" - they could not give a toss about their customers and their customer service staff - well let's put it this way "It is nice to be paid for a job that you DON'T do"
  11. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47433[/ATTACH] I was at the bar the other night and overheard three very hefty women talking at the bar. Their accent appeared to be Scottish, so I approached and asked, "Hello, are you three lassies from Scotland ?" One of them angrily screeched, "It's Wales, Wales you bloody idiot!" So I apologized and replied, "I am so sorry. Are you three whales from Scotland ?" And that's the last thing I remember.
  12. WE have fully comprehensive car insurance with HD. We were hit by another driver last week damaging the back of our car. We phoned HD that night and they dutifully arranged to have our car picked up and a courtesy car dropped to us 5 days later. We have a Honda Civic SE Ctdi 2.3 5 door and we have THREE children.... they have given us a pathetic Peugeot 103 which only seats FOUR!!! Our car will take at least 10 days to repair so how do we transport our children around??? Nationwide are a joke. They claim that the ONLY car they have to use as courtesy cars are these!! Hastings Direct told my husband today that this is not their problem. I do believe that our policy states that the engine size should match on a courtesy car?? Hastings Direct + Nationwide Car = HEADACHE!
  13. Been PAYE for the last 50 years now I have finally retired and receive a small private pension and state pension which are fixed amounts the wonderful HMRC insist I go onto Self Assessment and to add insult to injury because they made an error last year they want me to pay £249 in underpaid tax for the year 2011/12.I have advised them that my middle names are Starbuck-Google-Arcadia and I want to negotiate a write off for the £249,to date no reply FS
  14. First Christmas Joke Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. 'In honor of this holy season' Saint Peter said, 'You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.' The Englishman fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. 'It's a candle', he said. 'You may pass through the pearly gates' Saint Peter said. The Scotsman reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, 'They're bells.' Saint Peter said 'You may pass through the pearly gates'. The Irishman started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's panties. St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, 'And just what do those symbolize?' Paddy replied, 'These are Carols.' And So The Christmas Season Begins......
  15. Orderd my ususal online shopping last night as usual totalling £125.39 with a delivery slot of 1-3pm I waited and waited, no shopping arrived so I rang the store and they said "your payment was not authorised by your bank" ummm dont think I would do a shop without any money in my bank so I rang the bank who kindly told me.......YES ASDA did take the money for my shopping the total of £125.39 at 8.02am today and gave me the authorisation number of the transaction. The guy even said there is nothing on my account whatsoever that would stop a payment going out. Went on my online banking account and YES ASDA has taken the money out of my account!!!! Armed with this info I rang Asda home shopping who basically just didnt want to know!!, asked why hasnt anyone rang me from the asda to tell me there was a query with my shopping order (VERY BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE), Got a reply "Oh really". Asked to speak to a manager to wherre as my money gone to be told, (after 5 minutes on hold) Manager has gone on lunch and will call you back on his return.......STILL WAITING. I have spent most of the day ringing ASDA but to no avail as cant get through as they say on their AUTO " We have a high number of calls but will answer as soon as a customer service rep becomes available" ... I wonder why, I wonder why I just want my bloody money back as Natwest told me ASDA have taken it out of my account even checked this info twice, also can see online. So ASDA give me my money, YOU CAN KEEP YOU SHOPPING AS I WILL NOT BE SHOPPING WITH THESE JOKERS AGAIN as no one will take ownership of this shambolic error Yet ASDA policy is taking care of the customer!!! YEAH RIGHT NEXT MOVE PLEASE ANYONE
  16. This is bad taste, but Radio Ulster were spoofed into reading out a joke. http://panicdots.com/2012/10/bbc-radio-ulster-read-out-jimmy-savile-joke-live-on-air-by-mistake/
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