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Found 10 results

  1. This is why we say 'size doesn't matter' and to take on these companies no matter how big they are and how much above the law they think they are. A man from Ceredigion has successfully sued Apple after his watch broke - forcing the company to change its product description. Gareth Cross, 32, from Aberystwyth, paid £339 last July for his Apple Watch Sport, but spotted a crack in the glass face 10 days later. The technology giant said work to fix the watch was not covered by warranty, despite its official claim it was scratch-resistant. Apple has been asked to comment. Mr Cross took the company to the small claims court in Aberystwyth for breach of the Sale of Goods Act, and has won the case after a six-month fight. More
  2. The Credit Today Awards 2016 was held two days ago and the Best Vulnerable Customer Strategy Award was given to Marston Group. The Credit Today Awards is the largest awards ceremony in the industry. Marston Group received the award for a range of vulnerability initiatives established throughout its business, in support of customers that are potentially in need.
  3. Bus companies are not required by law to force parents with buggies to make way for wheelchair users in designated bays on vehicles, senior judges ruled. Read More Here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-30376446
  4. Thought this may be of interest to others its from the Evening Times Article: http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/driver-wins-landmark-fight-over-bus-lane-fine-132374n.21791364 Colin Mackenzie was issued with the fixed pen­alty ticket in January for driving in a bus lane in Maryhill Road at Bisland Drive. But he argued the sign was misleading - because it showed the bus lane in the wrong part of the road. The 56-year-old, from Bearsden, who took his case to the parking adjudicator, has now received a letter from Glasgow City Council telling him his fine has been withdrawn. Mr Mackenzie's winning fight could set a precedent for other drivers who may have been unfairly punished because of misleading signage. The council has since removed the sign, but Mr Mackenzie urged drivers who have been caught in a city bus lane to challenge the decision. He said: "The council has a policy of zero tolerance towards people who are caught in bus lanes, but that works both ways. "If the signs do not comply then they can't fine people. It's as simple as that. "I hope this case helps other drivers to come forward and not accept a fine from the council. "I think the council should be taking the money they have made from the bus lanes and giving it to a good cause." Mr Mackenzie said he was not against bus lanes - but he had concerns over the way they are policed. The council launched its CCTV crackdown on bus lanes in April last year. Drivers are liable to pay £60 if they are filmed at sites where number plate recognition cameras have been installed. The fine is reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days. CCTV is installed at 11 locations on roads in the city, including North Hanover Street, Hope Street, Glassford Street and Argyle Street. Mr Mackenzie said: "Bus lanes are there for a reason and I support of them. "But it seems like this is a game to the council and a complete racket. "This is a secret tax and the whole system needs to be overhauled." A council spokesman said: "There are a number of signs and road markings clearly indicating this stretch of road is a bus lane. "An additional sign was recently introduced, and subsequently removed because it was not as clear as the rest of the signage and road markings." Figures revealed last week showed motorists in the city are paying £11,000 a day on average in bus lane penalties, more than three times the amount for drivers in Edinburgh and Aberdeen combined. A Freedom Of Information request showed 174,448 penalty notices were issued to motorists caught driving in bus lanes in the city between April 23, 2012, and July 4 this year, an average of 397 per day. As the Evening Times revealed in February, the council made more than £3.8million in fines in the eight months after the camera-backed enforcement was launched. Glassford Street, in the Merchant City, was the most prolific money-generating street after being responsible for £700,000 received after 28,000 drivers were caught.
  5. This is the link to this article: http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/tenant-wins-extra-150-in-deposit-fight-129899n.21525792
  6. Hi All, I have a claim with Welcome finance. The loan was for 36 monthly payments of £120 back in 2004. It has been agreed and it just needs signing off. They will not tell me how much I can expect. Any ideas? Cheers Lee
  7. 4.25 Even with states with no final results in,Obama surpassed the 270 votes needed to get 275 with Romney at 203. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20233064
  8. The system must be in overload! I made a telephone inquiry today about the status of my claim, ( my appeal was upheld on 02/08/12) I was told that the DWP had not received the appeal notification yet, which was not much of a surprise TBH, the advice given was to phone again next week and if the paperwork had still not been received, the DWP would arrange to have JCP copy my notification and fax it through, the admin officer then said that once they had received the paperwork, the claim would be sorted chronologically and the waiting list was approx seven weeks for arrears to be paid. Cold comfort after being on the assessment rate for over a year.
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