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  1. Hi All. I am having a real headache at the moment with homeinsure.co.uk / Thames bank insurance. Background: I split up from my ex-wife some time ago, but as we own a property together (wholly on my name) and no one else lives at the property, i still left some of my contents there as it is the safest place for them. This included some photography equipment, cycles etc. Additionally, all the bills etc on the property are on my name as i deal with anything official in relation to the property. The building is insured via a block management policy. History: Back in 2016 i took out a policy with homeinsure.co.uk (Thames bank insurance (HI)), as it happened to be the cheapest via confused.com The policy cost in the region of £185 for contents only. At the time, i was not advised that the policy would automatically be renewed. At the point of renewal in 2017, HI sent me an email, which ended up in junk mail with the policy renewal details, additionally if i recall no credit agreement details were sent. Unfortunately, i missed the window to cancel the policy by a few days. The policy cost had increased, even though no claims had been made. Unfortunately, due to serious health issues i wasn't able to argue the point, so left the policy standing. I am sure I did however request the policy not be renewed again. This policy cost was around £255 (37.8% increase). Current - The issue Fast forward to 2018, i no longer use the email address they email on as it is full of junk mail. I only found out the policy had renewed after receiving a credit alert of a new finance agreement, after some investigation i found out it was with creation on behalf of HI. The new policy was around £310. I contacted HI 3 days past the 14 day cooling off period. I spoke to a really arrogant team leader who refused to cancel unless i paid the cancellation fees plus additional charges. I said i would discuss with my ex and call back. Again, i had not agreed to a renewal or a new credit agreement. I then received an email on 31st December stating my insurance would be cancelled with no reasons given. I called back again on 07/01/2019 to find out how much the cancellation would actually cost. I was advised this would be £105 (premiums + cancellation fee). I was then dragged into a call with the same supervisor as previous which dragged on for 50 minutes. During the call I mentioned I do not live at the property yet have belongings there and the insurance and every other bill is on my name. The supervisor then mentioned we would not be insured in the event of a claim. I stated she was on the policy documents as well. The supervisor then mentioned my ex would need to be on the deeds. Every time I came to a decision she would try to confuse the matter further - almost just to antagonise me. Two options where on the table: Pay £35 and change the policy into my ex's name only. Pay £105 and cancel the policy. After consideration, the customer service, HI's annoying staff , we decided to pay the £105 and cancel as a new policy elsewhere would have cost around £80, and at least I would not have to deal with their antagonistic supervisor again. The supervisor then demanded I pay the balance immediately. To which I refused and wanted a breakdown. A few days later I receive an email saying I owe them £170. Had we been made aware of this we would not have cancelled and just let the policy run on. So my questions are: They quoted me £105 to leave. Was that binding? I was never advised that I would not be covered if I did not live at the property, and having my ex's name on the policy wouldn’t change anything. Which means I was not actually covered since the inception of the policy. Do I have a right to claim the policy back? - I have requested the call recordings from the inception of the policy. And of the last conversation I had with them - not heard anything back. How long do they have to provide me with the call recordings - I want them for my complaint to the FCA. They added a £10 'set up fee', and the cost of £45 for emergency cover in the £170 Any other advise would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. The company we all can not forget, for their poor quality customer service and who cares attitude which landed yes BUST I had a letter in december from them at my new address, the property was built in 2013 so would of been impossible for them to obtain from me. I checked all of my credit files and no searches, Direct Auto finance claim they got it from equifax... so I ask equifax they say no they have not. Direct Auto finance claims that they have the right to trace my address for legitimate business reasons, and they also have to right to still keep 12 years after the end of my agreement all of my data, drivers license, passport, bank statements etc. ICO says not but 3 month backlog, has anyone else had a letter from them? I have also seeked to reclaim gap using the Plevin case as an example, as they failed to advice what commisions were been paid normal brick wall response from them. Now my agreement was late 2005 so not sure if ombudsman or fca with it but they dont seem to like giving deadlock letters etc. Any advice, also if you have recieved this letter about data SAR them it will cost them todo also.
  3. Hello group, I have had a letter from debt and revenue services saying they will visit my property ( i'm not unduly concerned as I dont live there ) However this is for a supposed debt of an auto renewal house insurance of £50 which they have now pushed up to over a £100 with their terms and conditions : I had previously told Admiral last year that I did not wish for them to continue after 12 months and cancelled my DD so they couldn't take it ( they tried) and I insured with another company. My question is ...does this situation go on and on ? are these idle threats? does Admiral seriously take people to court for this and win ? what is is the law on auto renewal? and should I just ignore this or write to admiral CEO ? Thank you very much for your advice and help ? Gem x
  4. Hi all, some advice required please. i used a ppi claim company to make various claims a couple of years ago, with some positive results,(apart from their charges). i had a couple of cars through YCC pre 2005 and ended december 2007. i claimed against YCC in 2011 but resulting in a letter from the claim company about 3yrs later saying the ombudsman rejected the claim as it was pre feb 2005. would it take that long firstly, and would it be worth making a claim against Direct auto finance??? Or have i been fobbed off by that claim company because they couldnt be bothered? thanks in advance also when i say the company couldnt be bothered, i was being flippant. as ive looked online many times (probably badly) and a lot of people had no joy or no reply from them. i certainly never seen any successful claims being mentioned.
  5. Hi everyone - haven't been on this forum for ages which is probably a good thing as it means I have no problems that need solving, but need to use all your brilliant advice again. Got a letter from Direct Auto Finance saying I could claim for PPI, they sent a form and also asked for copy of my agreement (which I did have, think was from 2012) filled it all in as we were conned, I remember the sales guy saying we had to take out PPI otherwise we could not get the car without it even though it was over the amount we could afford and kindly left the room for us to "talk about it". Had no option so signed on the dotted line. The total amount of PPI on our finance agreement was £1018.97. Got the letter with breakdown from them today and they have agreed a final settlement of £219.75. What I would like to know is does this amount sound fair or should I appeal. The only reason I don't want them to get away with it as looking back the salesman had no right to say we could not get the car without it. My brother has bought me a ticket to go to New Zealand over Easter to see my nephew so would be brilliant to have some extra money to spoil him. I have attached a copy of the breakdown. PPI.pdf
  6. UGH! This is a long one, so please bear with me :/ Last year, I had precious little faith in the DVLA's new auto renew direct debit for car taxing, so I set up a new one. As you may have guessed, they wound up double dipping and took months to stop. This year, because I was still leery, I emailed them back in March before my MOT to ask if I would need to manually set up a new direct debit. The response came back as follows: It may help if I explain that periodic scans are conducted on the MOT databases at time of renewal. Provided there is a valid MOT in place by the last scan date of 01/04/2017, the Direct Debit will automatically renew for a further 6 or 12 month period. A new payment schedule will be issued to the preferred communication method chosen when the Direct Debit was initially set up. The first payment will be taken within 14 days of the renewal date. My MOT was in place the week before the 1 April (the DVLA database confirms this, so it's not a problem with that) and I thought all was well, last week I received a penalty notice demanding £80 by 2 July or run the risk of having my car impounded and crushed. I called on Saturday and spoke with Olive in Team 31, who didn't know why it hadn't auto-renewed, but graciously agreed it should have and that I should use that email as evidence in a written appeal. Given that the penalty notice itself said I had until 2 July, I wasn't panicking or anything, and thought I could respond to the penalty notice in writing on Monday - until I went to do my grocery shopping today and they'd clamped my car! Now the contracting company is demanding £100 not to crush it. I'm sorry, but this remains, as far as I'm concerned, the DVLA's fault, not mine. I'd even *checked* with them, and have it in writing complete with a case reference number. I couldn't contact anyone helpful today - the clamping company gave zero hoots when I rang them, and I couldn't call the DVLA as they're shut on Sundays. I cannot lay my hands on my V5 certificate so couldn't even tax it online. I can't get to work in the morning (the trains are particularly difficult as I'm on Southern - a whole other consumer action story! - and struggle with the very long walk to and from the station near my office as I've got osteoarthritis and sometimes need to use a cane) and will be on the phone with the DVLA first thing, obviously, but the idea of paying either of these penalties is infuriating me. OH and to top it off, the spot the car is parked in is fine for parking on a Sunday, but on Monday it's a residents' only, and it'll be a straight shoot out to see if the DVLA's flunkies tow it before the council does, despite the fact I obviously cannot move it right now myself. Any suggestions?!
  7. Hello, I had a 10 month policy with Elephant that ran out at the end of december, as I am not originally from the UK I wasn't aware that auto-renewal is even a thing. I did not receive any calls/letters from Elephant about a new policy. I received one letter at the end on January with my 1 years NCB with a £133 bill for my new policy that was already cancelled. Is there any way to clear my history of a cancelled policy? Thanks.
  8. Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but with all the recent publicity about reclaiming PPI, can I ask if anyone has actually had a repayment from Yes Car Credit? Briefly, I had 2 accounts with them, one in 2001 and another in 2003. I had PPI on both, and was told I had to have this to ensure I got the loan. It would never have paid out as I was working on a Zero Hours Contract, or an 'as and when required' contract as it was them. The first agreement was settled when I took the second one out. Both accounts where settled in full with not one late payment. I still have the agreement from the second deal, and all my bank statements showing all the payments. I reckon I'm talking about £3-4k in PPI paid. Do I have a chance of getting any of this back? Thanks.
  9. Hi all I was testing some apps for my daughter to check car history and whilst testing, I used my own car details and have found out my car hasn't been taxed since december. I bought the car in Dec 2015 and set the DD up. I have email confirmation and paid each month without fail up to Nov 2016 No details changed during that first 12 months and having checked, the DD is still set up in my bank but no payments made since Nov 2016. I want to pay my tax from today but am being g asked for a v11 reminder number which don't have. Does anyone have any advise where I stand please?
  10. Please could you help i have been pursuing a claim for mis sold PPI against YES car credit/DAFS for a number of years, i bought the car in 2001, I'm not covered by either FOS or associated bodies. I have got to the stage whereby i have advised them i will be continuing my fight through the courts, on Saturday i received letter From Irwin Mitchell stating amonghts other things. I quote " It is our clients primary contention that any claim brought in respect of the agreement will fail as it will have been brought outside the statutory time limits for starting court proceedings. The agreement was entered into by you on 20th November 2001, almost 16 years ago, and therefore, according to the limitation periods set out in the Limitation act 1980, any claim arising out of this agreement is now out of time. There is other gumpth with, that I'm not to concerned about and this will be their scaremongering in an attempt to put me off. Would just like to understand a bit more about Limitation act 1980, I've had a look through, to which it states "6 years", however my complaint is not against the Loan per say, it focussed around the mis selling of PPI. I would be grateful if you could give me a direction i can take with this, as do not want the bastards to get away with it any longer. Once I'm successful, would be more than happy to share my finding on your site, as I'm aware I'm one of thousands in the the same boat with DAFS crooks. I believe they scan your site looking for such information in getting themselves ahead against claimants like myself.
  11. hi its my first time on here was wondering if anyone can help as my husband and i bought a car and part exchanged a car aswell with yes car credit auto direct finance back in 2005 we paid them off in full around 2006 we got made to take ppi out amongst other things cant find a address or tele no to start a claim would be very grateful for any advice and who i can speak etc many thanks
  12. Hi, I have seen a few threads on topic but couldn't find one where the OP had any success in it. My wife and I have been david lloyd members since 2012 and renewed every year. Always paid for a year in advance. This year, i want to renew but wife wants to stop the membership. So when my wife called to confirm her cancellation a week before it was due to end, she was told that to check her contract that she needs to give 3 months notice. We were never told about auto renewal or that 3 months are required to give notice. As we are paying in advance, membership should end at the end of the term if we don't renew. They asked us to check the contract, but we did not get any on renewal. I think we only got one in 2012 which I cannot find anymore. What is the best way forward? Many Thanks for your help. Sunny
  13. Hi sorry that it's another Harlands related thread. I've just been reading through a lot of them and it's got me worried about ending the contract. So I'm tied into a minimum contract of 6 months and I don't wish my payments and my membership to continue after the minimum 6 month period. My minimum 6 month period ends on 17th January 2016. I've just sent them this email: To whom it may concern, My name is Jonny Jones I am contracted to a minimum period of six months payment of £90.00 to Harlands Group for membership to London Fight Factory, my reference number to quote is: 33048214 / JW. I would like to make it known that I do not wish my contract to automatically renew after the end of the minimum period on 17th January 2016. I wish my membership to be cancelled once the minimum period is over and for no further payments to be made. Therefore I expect that January 17th 2016 is the last time any money is to be taken out of my account from this group and I will be cancelling my DD with my bank as soon as I see this payment has been taken. Please give confirmation that you have received this email and that 17th January 2016 will be my final payment. Kind Regards Jonny Will this be enough to end things with them and make sure that I don't pay any more after the 17th January payment has been taken? Thanks in advance, you're giving great advice to lots of people Jonny
  14. Hi there I am not great with wording things so I will try my best here. I took out a car with Yes car credit back in 03/04, I was young and stupid I know. When I purchased the vehicle the salesman told me that in order to purchase the car I had to also take out the PPI otherwise it would be declined, now in 2007 with only 8 months left to pay on the vehicle ( a vehicle I had paid way over the odds for in the first place) I became unemployed and fell behind with payments, a man rang me and said he was coming to collect the vehicle to be sold at auction as I hadn't made in payments in 2 months, no notices were served just a few phones calls from yes car and then a man saying I had to give it back which I found quite intimidating, almost bullying in a way. At the time I did not know my rights my own stupid fault I just thought I had to hand the car back so when this man turned up at my door I did, all I was given was a tiny compliments slip to sign that was it. (I have moved house since and don't have it now) anyway the car was gone and sold at auction, I then began to get debt letters from Direct auto finance saying I still owed a few hundred pounds, demanding payments etc. Then came the PPI scandals and I decided to refuse to pay as I don't believe I owe them anymore having paid thousands already and claim back the PPI. I have tried twice now with the company and both times have been told to get lost and that I signed and accepted to pay so it was tough basically. Then I started getting letters from DLC demanding payment so I complained again saying that I felt intimidated to hand back the vehicle and that in fact I had owned more of it than DAF and I believed the PPI was missold, they responded saying they would investigate and I got the usual response of it wasn't missold etc but they took the other part of my claim seriously and had passed it back to DAF to investigate further. Now all of a sudden DLC have sent me a PPI questionnaire to fill out on behalf of DAF and are also continuing to investigate the claim of how the vehicle was repossessed. I am going to fill out the questionnaire but my question is am I wasting my time again as they stated the last time it was their final response, has anyone ever been successful with these people? Hope this makes sense
  15. Hi guys, I have purchased a 2008 E92 - 325D sport - from a dealer, the car looks and drove perfectly, one issue that came up while on the motorway, it beeped followed by loss of power the amber gear wheel appeared on the dash and on the communication screen came up with "automatic transmission fault" parked on the site of the road, switched on and switched off still the issues was there, on pulling away the car seems stuck in second gear. I took it back to the dealer where I bought it and its under warranty, I haven't heard anything from the dealer yet. the car has 48k miles on the clock, its in really good nick, full service history. as I've just bough the car, less than a week, i'm I in any postion to reject this car if i'm not satisfied/happy with the possible repair? or what should I do if I drive around and say after 2 months or more this issue occurs again, where do I stand legally as a consumer? and what action can I take, the car was 11,000 pounds and bough and I used my savings. look forwar to hear thoughts and views as always cheers
  16. Hi All Need a little bit of assistance with a claim for mis-selling of PPI. This is the first time I have attempted to claim PPI as I think this is the only account I have had PPI on and I didn't think it was possible to claim back from accounts pre-2005. I've read a couple of threads but they seem to be a couple of years old now, so wondering if anything might have changed at all. I purchased a car through YCC/DAF in 2001. The account was settled in 2005. When I was sold the car/finance I was told that taking out the PPI and GAP insurance were mandatory for the credit to be agreed, and I was on a fixed term temporary employment contract at the time so I feel that they were mis-sold. I have none of the paperwork remaining, so do not know account numbers etc Could someone let me know what the first steps are in the process? Is it too late to claim? Do I start with an SAR? Anyone have an up to date address for them? Would I be better off getting a company to do this for me? Any help you can give would really be appreciated. Thanks
  17. I just added a post about a couple from Scun thorpe and notice that automod changed the name, as follows. Scunthorpe Quite funny really !
  18. Hello, first timer here. I'm getting repeated calls from a company called 'Commercial Reduction Services'. Their story is that the govenment has recently passed a law that allows utility companies to auto-renew contracts and put the prices up at the same time. They wanted me to sign an electronic document (an LOA) which would get me out of this. I delete these when they send them. Having been fast-talked by a utility broker when I set up my business I've learnt the hard way not to agree to anything offered by door-to-door or telephone sales people, and the (brief) research I've done talks about power companies dropping auto-renewal last year, and my contract still has 18 months to go anyway. The fact that they keep hassling me makes me suspicious of their motives, but still, there's that nagging worry. Has anyone else been contacted by these people? They can't really be determined do-gooders, surely? Cheers Mark
  19. I have a motorbike which has been insured by Bennets since 2009 however due to lack of use last year I decided to wrap it up and leave it in the garage (not ridden since last summer) So when my new policy came through at the end of August I sent the certificate back with a covering note explaining I didn't wish to take out the policy as I understood that was what was required. At the end of Nov I noticed Bennetts were still taking money from my account so I stopped the d/d, it wasn't a huge amount £21 a month, since I stopped the d/d they have been chasing me for the money and now are threatening to pass the matter on to a debt collection agency. When I noticed the d/d was still going out I sent a letter asking what they were doing, I have had no reply to that but today have spoken to them and they claim they have no record of that letter or the return of the cert. I realise I may have little recourse as I have chosen not to find alternative insurance and just moth ball the bike but feel that I am not in the wrong and if anything they owe me money as I feel I did what was required. I am more than happy to stand my ground and fight them but would welcome any advice.
  20. Hi All Hope you can give me a piece of advice. Took a loan out with Yes Car Credit in Sep 2004 made repayments of over £10k over 3 years got into difficulties. Owe £3904 now. DLC did make me an offer in 2009 to close the account for £904. Hillesden Securities are reporting on my credit file default date 03/09/2008 but I believe I received a default notice in Sep 2007 from DAF. Last payment/contact with Direct Auto Finance 08/05/2008 Could someone tell me when the debt becomes statute barred and when it will drop off my Credit report. I have the ususal problems with my Yes Car Credit CCA, deposit put against insurances, PPI missold, kept in small room with my small children for 4 hours until I signed etc. but I dont think its worth pursuing any of that now I am nearly free. I just want to check when I will be free. This is the only default on my Credit Record. Thanks MrsHippo
  21. Hi all. Iv purchased a 1999 reg land rover freelander off auto trader through a dealership. Thing is I don't know if this is a full on dealership or some other form. I have their name but the car was purchased from a big posh house out in the country with many new 2012/2013/2014 plate audis and bmw's for sale on the estate. iv bought this car after reading the description saying how it has x and y and has mot till October. Good runner etc etc... No mention of any problem. And the dealer said nothing about problems either. Intact he said and I quote "you won't find a freelander of this age as good as this. Iv been using it on weekends to go shooting. But I can't offer warranty on a car this old" Only had the car just over a week and there is some very loud scary noises coming from the back end. Iv asked around on land rover owners clubs and forums and they said it sounds like the rear differential which is an emergency repair and will cost big!! What are my rights to taking this car back? I part x'd my car for this one too
  22. Hello fellow Cags, I have a doubt and I wonder if you could help me. About a month ago I had a problem with my car, the immobilizer didn't let me start the car. I called these people(http://www.av-autolocks.co.uk/contact.php) to see if they could sort me out which they said they would but only next morning. That the job would cost me £140 and that they needed a deposit of £30 straigh away to book the job. Next morning really early i had a text from them saying that it would be impossible as the locksmith had a family emergency and that they just could come the following day. I called them and said that i needed the job done that day and they told me that i could look for someone else and they would refund me the £30, which i did and sort myself out to put the car running again. They told me that the refund should take about 5 days to show up in my account, which it didn't. I called them several times and they always told me they were going to check the transaction and asked always for my card details again. Last week I called them again to say that no refund from them was showing in my account and again they asked for my details over the phone and said it was done and that it would take again another 5 days to show in my statement. Yesterday it was the 5th day and nothing from my refund. So I called again today and when I identified myself they hung up on my and now they don't answer my calls. I would like to know what I can do to have my money back, once they were the ones that could not provide the service and agreed to a refund that is not happening. Sorry for the long text. Thank you for your help.
  23. Niece has been charged £50 admin for cancellation when she refused payment on an auto renew car policy. The 15 days, (while she was out of the country and the car not sorned), she can accept, but what is the validity of a £50 admin fee?
  24. I insured my car with 1st Central Insurance Group knowing they had an auto renewal policy. 6 weeks before the policy ran out I received a quote from another company over £100 cheaper. I checked all the term and conditions for cancelling and followed them to the letter. I then called the company and they confirmed the policy had be cancelled. I have just received 3 emails confirming direct debit payment details, policy document and renewal confirmation. I now find this is common with them They deny all knowledge of cancellation and take an admin fee to rectify it. Take my advice - avoid this tin pot company like the plague!
  25. I took out a loan when strapped for cash - £400 I think it was. Paid it for about 10 months, nearly always late. Then in March I got a letter from them offering to come to a settlement but have heard nothing further and there have been no phone calls or letters telling me to pay up or bring the account up to date. It may seem that they have forgotten about me but I do want to settle with them and should soon be in a position to do so. However in the meantime I am dreading the boys in black coming along at some unearthly hour to tow the vehicle away? The car itself is probably worth £500 and I reckon I still owe them that amount. What puzzles me though is why they were wanting to come to a negotiated settlement? Any advice would be welcome.
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