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Found 6 results

  1. I have just gone over my Equfax file and came across this search 1st Locate (Uk) Ltd in April of this year It is listed as: 1st Locate (Uk) Ltd - Bg T&c Now i know i had issues with British Gas at my last address, that has been sorted now for the last two months as i am in a repayment plan with them. British Gas direct that is That is the only thing i can think of with the Bg T&c at the end of the reference Anybody know of this outfit??
  2. I keep getting phone calls from a company calling thenselves LCS stating that i owe EDF energy £45 from 2011/2012 Im 100% certain i have paid EDF l but cant provide proof as i dont keep receipts for that amount of time so they keep on phoning me demanding payment. I keep telling them im not paying the bill twice, there response is EDF can recall this debt at any time so we will keep phoning you until the debt is paid. The last time they phoned i told them i would only deal with them in writing so they sent me a letter that arived on friday offering a settlement - without prejudice reducing the amount to £35. I have 10 days to reply oras stated in the letter they will instigate formal legal proceedings against me that will incur charges They phoned me again today but i wouldnt go through the identity check so they hung up Should i just pay it again as i cant provide proof that i have already paid this bill or what other options do i have Thanks
  3. My wife and I are mid fifties, currently in social housing, trying to relocate due to health and family reasons. we are unable to move to another social housing property/area other than via a mutual exchange, (which is proving impossible), as "housing associations will only allocate newly vacated properties to working tenants as is now government policy". ( a quote from a housing association employee ). They see people on benefits as unacceptable tenants and "a source of anti-social behaviour". ( another quote from the same housing association employee ). We are unable to rent privately as estate/letting agents will also not accept tenants who are on benefits. (No DSS), probably for the same reasons, though I can't prove it. I'm on benefits due to disability, claiming. ESA and PIP due to physical and mental health issues. Not sure what options are now available.
  4. Hi All, I received a letter from the above with the following wording: "Dear xxx We require your assistance to verify information on behalf of a client. This is part of an investigation we are currently conducting. In order to progress our enquiry we would greatly appreciate it if you could contact os on FREEPHONE 0800 xxx xxxx, or alternatively contact us via our website. Yours sincerely, Mr. Thomas Investigations Manager Absolute Locate" Obviously I will not be contacting them; I have no debts 'in play'; anything I had SB by now, but who are these people, and what would be the appropriate action at this point, in your experience? Is contacting someone and asking them to verify information about a debt a legal practise even? Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide, AG
  5. Hi I was wondering about Absolute Locate. I have just rec'd letter addressed to son (Okay I have got his permission to open his mail!!) from Absolute Locate. Same thing verify information, investigation currently conducting etc etc. My son had two a/c that were being pursed one by Lowell & Red and the other by MacKenzie Hall & Clarity. These were the only two debts he had. I know 100% that he has not racked up any more debt as he is in Asia! I contacted both sets of these companies way back in 2013 and told them in no distinct terms that he has never lived at this address it was for mailing purposes only and I was sick of their letters so DO NOT contact me again. I was assured that they would take me off their mailing lists and sorry for trouble etc. I even threatened to sue for harassment if they contacted me again. If Absolute & Global Debt are related does this mean that one of the Companies I spoke to have sold the debt on or is there still a relationship between Absolute Locate and say for instance MacKenzie Hall or any of the others chasing these old debts? Thanks
  6. Had a letter earlier this week from: Absolute Locate Dear Mr x We require your assistance to verify information on behalf of a client. This is part of an investigation we are currently conducting Please contact ect ect No, I have not responded, and don't intend too. Letter states this registered office is for a Nat Bourner Huddersfeild HD2 1GN CCL 579084 DPLN ZA019311 Having done some homework and looking on this group, they are not who they say they are First off, the CCL 579084 is incorrect, Consumer credit number 579084 is for a Natalie Alice Bunyer not Nat Bourner as stated in this letter (She has married, but not changed the name) She also resides in Surrey not Huddersfeild this information is therefore falsely registered and constitutes either fraud and or deception. these people are in fact: Global Debt Recovery Limited Milbourne House 66-70 Coombe Rd New Malden, Greater London KT3 4QW I am assuming that their client will be: FV-1 INC of 25 CABOT SQUARE, CANARY WHARF, LONDON E14 4QA if you take a look here at: mylawer co uk - restriction of debt collectors They have already broken the following guidelines 1 Those contacting debtors not making clear who they are, who they work for, what their role is, what the purpose of the contact is 2 Not informing the debtor when their case has been passed on to a different debt collector 3 Passing on debtor details to debt management companies without the debtors informed prior consent i.e FV-1 INC will have passed any alleged debt onto Absolute Locate, who in turn will then pass that onto Global Debt Recovery Limited and all without my informed prior consent, add to that Absolute Locate is just a dummy office which IMO amounts to deception. Adding to this, they would’ve already broken the Data Protection Act by passing my details on. I will post more when I receive their first letter. But as you can see from my tone, I am not going to be messed with by idiots, I will be going straight for the jugular Ps. If (big IF) there is a debt, if would’ve to be more than 8 years old or more, so Statue Barred.
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