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Found 14 results

  1. I have been with vodafone for years so would like to think I'm a valued customer. I've never had problems up until now. I switched in september from a 2 year contract to a sim only contract. In my bundle i was meant to have 20GB of data. In my old 2 year contract i had 12GB of data. Anyway whats happened is that when they have changed my tariff, one half of vodafone system says i am entitled to 20GB of data, yet the other half of there system has been changed to reflect. So whats been happening is that every bit of data that i go over 12GB is being charged for. So last month i questioned it with vodafone, and they raised a bill query to cancel £71 worth of charges. But this hasn't taken into account the remainder of the charges I've incurred for the remainder of the month. Anyway long story short again, i used 16GB of data, My contract allowance is 20GB and they have billed me 4GB over the 12GB. The first bill amendment was for £71, but they then started to say that this was final and that the final bill was £46. When i questioned what it comprised of they went a head and confirmed it was for £20 of data. I asked how i can be charged for data when its in my bundle. The advisors each time agreed. But the bill still stood as they refused to do another bill recalculation. Anyway i asked to have my contract terminated due to the hassle and then i was happy to take out another contract which should have been clean without any glitches. They told me for this i would be charged. I suggested a data test drive in order to give vodafone time to sort the problem. This was refused at first. I phone up to pay for the £26.50 which is what the bill was. after they reluctantly took the payment. the following day i received a text threatening/blackmailing me to hand over money or the remainder of the bill or i shall be cut off. I then phoned them again asking why i received this. they apologised. They said it wouldn't happen. The advisor then said that he would apply a data test drive to my account, which he had done. But also told me that there was still a picture message outstanding on my account for £0.45. I agreed to pay this. I checked my online banking today and they have taken the remaining balance of the account being £19 ish. So basically after the advisor agreed an amount he then proceeded to falsely enter an angered amount and charge my card. I spent 3 hours on the phone today complaining going around in circles. Ive had enough now. Ive spent in total 10 hours plus on the phone trying to sort this problem out. And I'm just getting passed from person to person. To make things worse, I'm being charge again for this billing period until the data test drive went live. And they have had the cheek to add a late payment charge onto my account. Which now they have agreed to wipe. They have also agreed to refund the £19 into my account but will take several days. There quick enough to falsely steel it. So my question to the forum. Where can i go from here? I don't want to be having to go through this hassle every month for the remaining 9 months of my contract. Do i have ground to have my contract terminated due to a failure on vodafones behalf. Cos they are adamant that i will be charged and i have to pay the charges. Ive phoned Natwest fraud department up, and basically they have said that if i don't have it in writing what the charge was going to be for which i do, then they have nothing to act upon to carry out a visa charge back, even though its on my bill, and i recorded todays phone conversation for proof. Also ombusman want 8 weeks and this has now been 4 weeks, and they say it could take a further 8 weeks again so 12 weeks all in total. I feel its every week I'm having to spend hours on the phone to vodafone At one point they had great customer service and had no problems recommending them, even got my wife onto them Im stuck guys and need help. They have proven they can't fix the problem, now i want out help
  2. I've only been with BT since the 26th June and they have literally made a mess of absolutely everything! First their system failed to process my original online order. This only came to light when my equipment didn't arrive and phone to inquire. As a result my order was delayed by 2 days. They re-processed my order incorrectly, completely different package than I had ordered. Not sure why but I received the equipment three times!! They changed my phone number (which I've had for 23 years) despite me asking them not to, they promised to reinstate it. This promised on the 26th and I was told it would take 24 hours. Till this day it's not be reinstated! Each time I call them they say it will be done within 3 days, it never does. My BT Sport doesn't work, I was told their is an issue with my TV account and it will get fixed and someone contact me. They never have, I have spent so much time chasing up the phone number issue I have no energy to also chase this up! When they re-processed my, because they ballsed up the original, they picked a completely different package to the one I asked for so now I am being charged for phone calls i make despite me choosing to have Unlimited Anytime Calls. I'm also now ineligible for the Sainsbury's gift card as I didn't place my order online! Yes I did, but they had to re-process it so it's down as not being order online. Again I can't even be bothered to kick up a fuss as I just want them to return my number and charge me correctly. What makes this whole thing even worse is their appalling customer service. I understand things go wrong but at least make an effort to deal with the issues! On numerous occasions I have been promised a call back and nothing! :-x Any advice on how to escalate a complaint? To be honest I'm not after any compensation or reimbursement, I just want the services I signed up to and am paying for! Is that too much to ask from BT?
  3. Well folks, back in October 2014, I was seeking a good new computer and at PC World in Plymouth I came across am Asus All-in-One ET2020 PC for just over £300. I purchased the new computer after thinking about it for a few days, also decided to take the care plan at £4 per month believing that it would give me all round protection should anything happen. on the 17th February 2015, the worst did happen when the PC developed a fault with the TV tuner card. I duly took it back armed with my care plan agreement and all receipts to the PC World Plymouth store I was greeted by an awful Knowhow assistant who kept insisting that it had to go back to Asus and that it would take 28 days. I told him that my care plan guaranteed me a repair or replacement within 14 days, that is what I have been paying for each month. I had to get the assistant manager involved, who quite frankly was not much more help, but he did agree to send it to their own repair centre in Newark, and he assured me that it would be repaired within 14 days, probably coming back a lot sooner. He also stated that I would be able to track its progress all the way, this was not the case. Now the care plan also provides a like for like loan pc, but they did not have any at the store. I needed my computer for work and without it I would be loosing £80 per day in income, I agreed that they could provide a loan pc delivered to me the next day. Well that did happen on the 18th February 2015, but the loan was a useless antiquated laptop. I could not use this for my work so found myself loosing even more income, and I was not happy. Saturday 20th February 2015, I found out upon calling Knowhow that the PC was being sent back to me, not repaired as the repair centre in Newark said it had to go to Asus. My argument is why o why was I paying £4 per month for an useless care plan. I complained to the store manager at PC World Plymouth to after much argument agreed to refund me my money paid for the PC but not for the care plan. At this time the useless loan laptop was returned to them. on the 22nd February 2015 Knowkow delivered the PC back to me, yes the PC that the store manager refunded on just two days before. By this time I was preparing a court claim against PC World for my lost income, cost of calls and full reimbursement of the care plan. I sent their head office an email on the 22nd February 2015 stating that I would be withholding the PC they mistakenly delivered back to me in lieu of my claim against them, and offered then a settlement where the damages claimed would cover the cost of the PC, with the known fault at a reduced cost. on the 27th February 2015 I got a phone call from the assistant manager of PC World Plymouth accusing me of theft and deception, far from the truth, so to protect myself duly delivered the PC mistakenly delivered to me, into his arms, realty felt like ramming it down his throat. So you see dear British people, not only do they take your money for a care plan they had no intention to honour, they then go and blame the customer for their own mistakes and then threaten the customers saying that the customer has broken the law. I leave it for you to draw your own conclusions on this one, but please, please, stay well clear of PC World, Currys, Carphone Warehouse, Knowhow and any other company associated with them. You have been warned.
  4. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me what wording I should use to apply on a County Court Order to make an striking out order absolute. The Claim was Struck out by the Judge and gave the Claimants the right to apply to get it set aside within 7 days. The Claimants who happen to be a firm of solicitors did not apply to get it set aside and are now a long time outside the 7 days. Yet they are still chasing me for the debt and saying they will get the order set aside if I do not pay. Would anyone be able to tell me how I can go back to the Courts and now get the order made absolute. I have the Order I am just not sure on the wording I would have to use. Thank you so very very much for all your kind help.
  5. Hi All, I received a letter from the above with the following wording: "Dear xxx We require your assistance to verify information on behalf of a client. This is part of an investigation we are currently conducting. In order to progress our enquiry we would greatly appreciate it if you could contact os on FREEPHONE 0800 xxx xxxx, or alternatively contact us via our website. Yours sincerely, Mr. Thomas Investigations Manager Absolute Locate" Obviously I will not be contacting them; I have no debts 'in play'; anything I had SB by now, but who are these people, and what would be the appropriate action at this point, in your experience? Is contacting someone and asking them to verify information about a debt a legal practise even? Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide, AG
  6. In a nutshell:- Sent package worth £400 with myHermes. Insured it to max (£250) and paid extra for 'signature required' Customer contacts me to say package hasn't turned up, I contact myHermes who say it was left in a shed, customer replies that they do not have a shed. I lodge a claim through their customer service who offer £263 compensation, despite me proving it was worth much more. I could understand that in the case of breakage etc but seeing as I paid extra for them to require a signature and they just ignored that is there any way I could get full value back? Thanks
  7. I am in the same boat as many others, i had a foxy account from around 2009 and in 2011 i opened a wink account, i had no idea they were the same company and after a while i closed the wink account and told the CM it was because i was trying to save money, she told me all of your other accounts with us will be closed. ..great i thought as this was the only one, my foxy account remained open and i have regularly deposited and even updated my details, i have never withdrawn though as i have never won anything substantial until this week when i won £300 i withdrew and yesterday i received this email Dear Leanne, This is Danyelle from the Security Department at Cassava Enterprises (Gibraltar) Ltd. Cassava Enterprises manages security services for ‘Foxy Bingo’. I am contacting you with regards to your ‘Foxy Bingo’ account with the username [edited]. Kindly note that your documents have been received. However, during a routine review it has been brought to our attention that our records indicate that you had previously requested to be excluded from a website that operated by Cassava Enterprises Ltd. Kindly note that once as such a request has been made, all related accounts on gaming sites licensed and regulated to offer online gaming services under the laws of Gibraltar through Cassava Enterprises (Gibraltar) must also be disabled. in accordance of our Responsible Gaming Policy, your new account has also been closed. As such, you are respectfully asked to refrain from registering further accounts with sites owned and/or operated by Cassava Enterprises (Gibraltar) Ltd. Any new accounts registered shall be immediately closed upon detection and any successful deposits or accumulated winnings shall not be paid. Thank you for your time and understanding. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you well for the future. Kind Regards, Danyelle Security Department Cassava Enterprises (Gibraltar) Ltd. it wasnt a new account it was an old account i have for a very long time, they have let me deposit hundreds over the years and no one ever said to me they were linked with any accounts on other sites! I wont take this laying down.. .has anyone successfully received a deposit after getting this email?
  8. Hi I was wondering about Absolute Locate. I have just rec'd letter addressed to son (Okay I have got his permission to open his mail!!) from Absolute Locate. Same thing verify information, investigation currently conducting etc etc. My son had two a/c that were being pursed one by Lowell & Red and the other by MacKenzie Hall & Clarity. These were the only two debts he had. I know 100% that he has not racked up any more debt as he is in Asia! I contacted both sets of these companies way back in 2013 and told them in no distinct terms that he has never lived at this address it was for mailing purposes only and I was sick of their letters so DO NOT contact me again. I was assured that they would take me off their mailing lists and sorry for trouble etc. I even threatened to sue for harassment if they contacted me again. If Absolute & Global Debt are related does this mean that one of the Companies I spoke to have sold the debt on or is there still a relationship between Absolute Locate and say for instance MacKenzie Hall or any of the others chasing these old debts? Thanks
  9. Had a letter earlier this week from: Absolute Locate Dear Mr x We require your assistance to verify information on behalf of a client. This is part of an investigation we are currently conducting Please contact ect ect No, I have not responded, and don't intend too. Letter states this registered office is for a Nat Bourner Huddersfeild HD2 1GN CCL 579084 DPLN ZA019311 Having done some homework and looking on this group, they are not who they say they are First off, the CCL 579084 is incorrect, Consumer credit number 579084 is for a Natalie Alice Bunyer not Nat Bourner as stated in this letter (She has married, but not changed the name) She also resides in Surrey not Huddersfeild this information is therefore falsely registered and constitutes either fraud and or deception. these people are in fact: Global Debt Recovery Limited Milbourne House 66-70 Coombe Rd New Malden, Greater London KT3 4QW I am assuming that their client will be: FV-1 INC of 25 CABOT SQUARE, CANARY WHARF, LONDON E14 4QA if you take a look here at: mylawer co uk - restriction of debt collectors They have already broken the following guidelines 1 Those contacting debtors not making clear who they are, who they work for, what their role is, what the purpose of the contact is 2 Not informing the debtor when their case has been passed on to a different debt collector 3 Passing on debtor details to debt management companies without the debtors informed prior consent i.e FV-1 INC will have passed any alleged debt onto Absolute Locate, who in turn will then pass that onto Global Debt Recovery Limited and all without my informed prior consent, add to that Absolute Locate is just a dummy office which IMO amounts to deception. Adding to this, they would’ve already broken the Data Protection Act by passing my details on. I will post more when I receive their first letter. But as you can see from my tone, I am not going to be messed with by idiots, I will be going straight for the jugular Ps. If (big IF) there is a debt, if would’ve to be more than 8 years old or more, so Statue Barred.
  10. Please accept my apologies initially for how angry i am today!. Bought a car from Sheffield Carcraft last year despite very pushy and rude sales as my partner never had credit before she struggled elsewhere. The car was lovely, she enjoyed driving and we were happy. Within 6 months we took the car for its service as it didn't have any history. Thats when the 1st bit of doubt crept in. When my wife went to pick it up, your team had her stood there for 30 minutes plus as they couldn't find the keys, they looked everywhere and couldn't find them. They hen rang the service technician up who said he had mistakenly locked them in his cupboard/drawer and went home. Fair enough mistakes happen. It wasn't until a couple months later that i looked through the service book and noticed that it hadn't been date stamped, signed or filled in. We rang and was told sorry, but we will do this on the next service. We also had to have the car into you as it was struggling to start. Your guys had it in and said they couldn't find the fault, a fault that is still apparent. Fast forward a few months and we thought we would check the service interval, rang up to book it in and booked it in, gave the mileage and also mentioned that it made a strange noise when setting off and was a bit loud over bumps and that was it. Went to pick it up on the day of the service to be told that the Warranty was now invalid because we hadn't kept to the service intervals, not sure how we checked this seen as your engineers didn't write it in but never mind. Conveniently enough though the brakes were 80-90% worn and desperately needed doing and if we paid £70+ they would reinstate it and then do the brakes at our cost. They also said they couldn't diagnose any of our other faults. My Wife said no as she needed to speak to me. I have already emailed your team and the response i got was 'No, if you want it you have to pay for it' Despite me listing the mistakes your engineers have already made. I also wasn't happy with the diagnosis of the engineers regarding the brakes, or the service as a whole so i booked it to have brakes checked at a local garage who stated that 'Yes they are worn, but not needing immediately replacement' However they only looked through the spokes of the alloys. Despite this i still booked it in for new Pads and Discs on the front and to see if the source of my other problems could be located. Now this is why i am angry, 3 weeks or so since the 'Major Service' they had issues removed the locking wheel nuts due to a build up of debris and rust, something they say indicates that they have not been removed for quite a while. They also, almost immediately found the source of the noise over bumps, the spring that fell down in 2 pieces gave it away slightly! The brakes were not in desperate need of replacement but were done, and the other faults they cannot identify as no error codes were coming on, but they have witnessed and are doing more investigation. I am waiting to hear back from Carcraft, although i can pretty much guess their response will be the same as always. Absolutely disgusted with them, and the fact they let my wife drive of in a potentially dangerous car which had 2 child car seats in and are still trying to get me to PAY for them to reactivate a warranty, which as per other issues on here was mis-sold. A detail i wont go into as this is another case i am putting together against them. Please if anyone could advise any further i would be very pleased to hear
  11. So after about 8 hours on the phone to various people and 3 visits to Vodafone shops I have now been told my number cannot be transferred. My old contract with 3 finished and I decided to move to Vodafone PAYG. I transferred my PAC code on 27/02/13 and expected a smooth transfer. How wrong could I be. I was initially informed it would be done within 2 working days. By 04/03/13 it still had'nt been transferred hence me calling Vodafone after 1 hour trying to get through I gave up and decided to go into store where I was told ot would be done within a few days by 08/03/2013 it still wasn't so i decided to visit the Trafford Centre store where I was met with a belligerent man who didn't seem to know what was going on and gave me a new sim and said it would be done my 11/12th of March. Obviously this wasn't done so I went back into store and was promtly told my PAC code had been transferred to an old Vodafone system and their was nothing they could do. I requested their complaints procedure and called them up. After speaking to a lady called Ann on 14/03/13 I was advised I would be required to wait until the PAC code had expired which was the 18/03/2013 and get a new one from my old provider. Lo and behold I called my old provider who are unable to issue a new PAC code as this number has already been lost by Vodafone during the porting process. So after another 2 hours wasted this morning on the phone to Vodafone and 3 . I have now been advised due to Vodafone's complete f**k up I can't have my number ported in and a measly £40 free credit doesn't cut the mustard. I have now been left wondering what is going on and with little hope of this being sorted. Would you suggest accepting the £40 free credit or taking this further via OFCOM/FOS ? They certainly haven't heard the end of this.
  12. Hi all This is the most difficult thing ive ever written,started claiming child tax credits and working tax credits about 10 yrs ago. about a year after claiming partner started a part time job working 5 hours per week Stupidly took advice from workmates that i didnt need to inform HMRC shortly after this partner got more hrs now working 15hrs week stupidly didnt tell HMRC. Why i listened to these people i dont know As the years rolled on i felt i was on runaway train i wanted to tell HMRC but was afraid of the outcome. I now know i should have informed them straight away but i didnt now my life feels like its come to an end having real dark thoughts as im convinced we are going to jail losing my job losing our house. Cant believe ive been so stupid as im writing this im shaking like a leaf cant eat cant sleep i really do feel my life has come crumbling down.All i want to do is pay the money back somehow but think HMRC will want to convict me because of the 9yrs of deceit.Still cant beleive ive got myself in this situation it really wasnt intentional it just snowballed out of control. Any advice from you kind people would be much appreciated
  13. Hi everyone looking for some advice on this one. Will try to keep brief but is a bit of a story. Early to mid 2010 changed banks and left an overdraught and personal loan with old bank which could not repay. Got the usual letters from the bank then from triton credit services up until late 2010 then all stopped. fast forward to sep 2011 letters arrives in post one for me one for my partner from land registry. It turns out i have a ccj and eversheds are behind it acting for my old bank. Also a charging order is well through its process of being issued. A day later me and missus get letters from ever****s. Well my surname is spelt incorrectly having a letter added to it. This happens fairly regularly for me and other family members and is a right bug bear. I never open this mis spelt mail and return to sender " No such person at this address". So it turns out i have returned several pieces of mail over the previous 6 months and looks like it is letters from ever****s and court documentation regarding the ccj and charging order. I wrote to the court requesting transfer to my local court and miss spelling of my surname. So i end up in local court in december and end up with a charging order. The local solicitor who was there for eversheds assured me outside of court that my home would be safe so i just went through the motions a bit out of my depth realy. Heard nothing since until a week or so ago got letter from eversheds they say they now have from local court "The final charging order absolute" whatever that means. They are asking for my proposals for repayment failure to do so resulting in further enforcement ( I assume order for sale) Can anyone give any sound advice on this ?? Have i done right allowing it to get to this stage ??? Should i have done anything about the miss spelt surname. Any advice on the charging order implications it is a bit confusing, i have read other threads mentioning restrictions and about joint ownership but only one persons debt etc. Any further info needed just ask many thanks folks. Just to clarify the miss spelling of my name bit. Letters from my old bank and triton were spelt correctly. By the looks of it when it has been passed to eversheds they have miss spelt my surname and when they have started the ball rolling with the court the court has been given the miss spelling also by eversheds. It was only when the land registry letter arrived with my name spelt correctly that i got wind of what was going on. Cheers. Anyone able to help please ???
  14. Hi all, this query is out of my comfort zone (I try to help in the bailiff forum) The person who has contacted me has a shop, like most businesses they felt the recession and that led to overdue electricity bills. They phoned Eon way back in February and all they got was someone 'speaking over them' who clearly had no intention of listening or being of any help.(call was recorded) At that time they asked for a repayment plan but got told to write in with their proposals, they did that but again never got a reply but from the date of that letter they have made substantial weekly payments of between £50-£100 a week to reduce the debt and I think they now owe about £1100. Recently I heard about another shopkeeper in exactly the same position who attended the Court and before the matter was heard the application was withdrawn.....two days later he got a letter dated a week before the Court date to tell him a warrant had been granted and they were coming on xx date to disconnect?? I think that says a lot about the arrogance of these people. The bottom line for the person here, is eon have applied for warrant to disconnect the shops supply (lots of fridges and freezers full of stock I am told) despite the payments being made. It is due to be heard on Friday and I have told them to attend that hearing and show the magistrates they are paying and of course a copy of the letter and if necessary let them listen to that awful person from the phone call. Does anyone have further advice please???? WD
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