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Found 3 results

  1. Hello all. I am on Primus broadband (20 gb per month) and for July and August have suddenly been landed with an excess broadband usage charge of£23.33 for July and £33.33 for August, which is payable at the end of the month. That much has not been used by the family - we use mainly for email/skype/whatsapp and will stream around 2.5/3hrs standard video per week. No p2p software, illegal downloads, no dodgy software installed - we have an eight year old son who does not have a computer in his room and his usage whenever he goes online is monitered. I have called primus and they insist that it must have been our fault and usage as they cannot tell what has been used or not - however, I am annoyed as I know that our usage has not changed. Primus are a pain to get through to - I had a problem where I kept losing my internet connection for about a week for no apparent reason and they could not come up with a solution and had to wait on the phone for at least 20 minutes each time. Any advice on this would be gratefully received! Regards, Rob
  2. I have a phone line and calls from this Carrier Pre-Select (but thankfully no broadband). It was first class for 4+ years under original Primus Telecoms but in Nov 2010 was taken over by NewCall Telecoms and has gone severely downhill. (aside) This was the company that was touted by the Daily Heil in 2011 for bringing its call centre back from Mumbai to Burnley because they could employ people there more cheaply, on minimum pay rates, than the Indian staff. As far as I am concerned no 'contract' exists as it was a continuation of a service I first subscribed to in 2006 with Primus. However, within the past week I have been unable to make any outgoing calls. Dialling out brings the standard BT response " sorry, your call has not been accepted" This is actually being increasingly widely reported across UK in other consumer forums. Added to that, all their service and business lines are NEVER answered. (Dial-in is cut off after 1hour 30 mins waiting) Many have tried, no success yet reported. Their 'on-line chat' permanently reports the office is closed. Their web pages are still up, but you can't get a 'human' response to anything. All emails are only given an auto-response. (now I know what you are thinking, 'cos I'm thinking it too) So now the legal bit: I have instructed my credit card provider to suspend all further recurring transactions as it was being paid by CC continuous payment authority. My thought is that should NewCall reinstate and make good their service I will resort to payment upon billing (or e-billing) Ought I to officially inform them, given that they now appear to be completely incommunicado, of my actions in suspending their auto payment method, to avoid future repercussions? (prepare for more posters on this company)
  3. I have signed my elderly parents to their BB and home phone deal. I have been trying for 2 days to get through to them but no answer. Total waiting time now nearly 4 hours!!! Consumer Direct say nothing I can do. I've sent them email after email. They take a week to reply. I have un-answered questions - what should I do? STAY AWAY FROM PRIMUS THEY ARE TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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