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  1. Hi, I run a small retail operation, bricks and locks building..., I am disputing the bill Britisg Gas have sent me, they said it's a smart meter and up to date, it still doesn;t seem right.. One of the last letters have threatened with bailiff or coming in to change the meter, how heavy are they on this stuff? Need I worry till I can try sort it out with them? How long do they normally take to take action?
  2. Hi, some weeks ago a letter from Eon reached my address addressed to a person who does not live there and liver lived there in the last 5 years, and wasn't the person who lived here before we moved in. Thank you for switching to EON, please send us your meter reading so we can complete the switch. Thinking nothing of it, I binned the letter. After that more letters from eon arrived, addressed to the occupier. Most I binned some I opened. They seemed very genuine, in the line of You won 1 million pounds please send us your personal details and some money so we can complete the transaction. More recently they were actual bills, reminding me to send my meter reading to my supplier which is not EON. It didn't work online. I tried it by phone and it didn't work. I called them on there service phone and the lady accepted my meter reading. A week later and I still didn't get a bill. Checked online and my meter reading wasn't there. Now I sent an e-mail to my supplier who confirmed that EON had falsely grabbed my account and switched it to them. (They still had all the data like meter point number and meter serial number because they were the supplier years ago before we switched to the new supplier). I checked the old bills, and the previous account number was different to the account number used for the new bills. I called EON and was put on hold most of the time for more than 10 minutes. Once I talked to someone, but I remember only because I didn't input the account number as asked. As soon as I gave him the account number I was put on hold. A mail from my current supplier confirmed they are working on the issue to solve it and it can take 6 months. Now letters from EON contain the bill for some time (£37), a threat of debt collectors, and threats of court orders, magistrates, warrants, etc. I'm afraid one morning a whole terror group of the police will smash in windows and doors, killing my orchid, only to have a look at my meter. When I checked the Internet, I found this practice of threatening The Occupier by utility companies is going on at least since 2004. Is there any party or MP or court or judge willing to put a stop to this fraudulent behaviour? Put the CEO and her whole board of directors into prison and throw away the key, something along this line. We had a similar issue with British Gas. After moving in to a new property, someone knocked, asked for the meter reading, and a week later I got a letter from British gas congratulating me to switch to them. Somehow I got the matter resolved in a very short time, probably involving trading standards, or calling BG and pulling the guy through the phone line. Can't remember. But this seems to me endemic considering all the links found here and other forums, and the Internet at large. Another question: If I go to court to stop the harassment by EON, how much would I need to pay to a lawyer?
  3. Check your tariff and compare. Forthcoming price increases by Npower, Scottish Power, EDF....BGas holding prices for now.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38931218
  4. Hi folks, looking for any advice/info. Apologies in advance - this is all a bit long winded !! We switched suppliers from BG last year. Supplied meter readings when we did etc. We were paying BG by monthly direct debit. We switched November last year and the supplies were swooped around the 18th and 20 th Dec last year. (we were getting gas and electricity from them). Earlier this year I got a mail from BG saying we owed them £430. Next day another email saying we owe £260. Later that day another saying £589. I contacted them via email/message and asked what was going on and asked if they could explain how we could owe so much when we are paying with a monthly direct debit. When I submitted the query I also supplied more meter readings as the website asked. First reply gave me dates they stopped supplying gas/electricity and asked me to confirm meter readings. Same email said that they would re-issue a final bill. Replied to this and explained I gave readings when I made the enquiry as requested. Next email apologised for the delay, said a final bill had been issued but that the meter readings didn't match up correctly They also said something about sending the readings to the new supplier. To be honest it wasnt clear at all what they were saying. I replied and asked for clarification. (Never got a reply to this) The same day I get a mail from my bank saying I was going to go overdrawn. When I checked it turns out BG were trying to take money using the direct debit setup. They had already taken 2 payments (around £60 and around £150) and now they were trying to take a further £330. These were all taken in separate payments. I contacted the bank and stopped the final £330 one and contacted replied to the BG email again. Couple of days went by and still no replies - so I started another complaint explaining the whole chain of events and suggested they were in breach of the DD guarantee because they had not notified me of the change in payment amount. I further complained that I thought it was out of order for them to let the account get so far out of whack re payments and that they should have advised me sooner and adjusted the monthly payments accordingly. They say they did advise me of the DD amount so because they sent me a bill via email. They also sent me a breakdown of units used and payments made. They also said that this left a further outstanding £36 or so but they would waive this and the account was now at 0.00 This of course didn't take into account the fact that I had stopped the £330 payment. (Which was showing in the payment breakdown) I replied to this and said that their suggestion that I was told about the change in DD amount was not valid since I had no less than 3 bills from them before the monies were taken. I then received another 2 after that. How was I ever going to know which was the "real" bill !? I've now had a couple of mails telling me they are looking into it and some follow ups saying the person dealing with the case is out of office currently and other such wibble. Also they have tried to ring me a couple of times but I really don't want to discuss this over the phone with them. At the same time I also have another dept from BG harassing me (via email AND telephone) because I have cancelled the DD and they say that I owe around £330. Both of these seem to ring when im not in and refuse to speak to my partner ! I'm not trying to get out of paying what I owe but at the same time them taking that cash w/o warning has screwed me up a bit. (Though fortunately the bank didn't charge for this). And i'm less than content with phone calls from 2 different depts. and general poor handling of this whole situation. Anyone offer any advice or anything for all of this ? Thanks in advance
  5. This situation now is so ridiculous it is beyond frustration. I initiated the switch process to leave Scottish Power back in February. This was objected to. Contacted them to find out why and was advised that incorrect MPAN had been applied for. Supplied with MPAN. Contacted new supplier with MPAN. Was the same one they had applied for. Switch re-initiated. Objected to again. Phoned Scottish Power to discover reason for this second objection. Again informed it was because of incorrect MPAN. Was now advised that supply had a dual MPAN and that first number advised was in fact the secondary number and that a different primary number had to be applied for. Back to new supplier with this info. After some discussion, questioning and investigation, new supplier advised they were unable to take over the supply unless the second MPAN was de-energised and unregistered and / or the meter changed. Back to SP with this information and a request for them to perform said actions. After some long discussion which centered mostly around trying to convince them that I do not have electric heating an appointment was made to have the meter changed. Told a letter would be sent out to confirm. No letter was received so called SP the day before scheduled appointment to confirm. Rep was unable to access this information nor able to confirm or deny appointment. Next day no one arrive to perform meter change. Called SP again to complain and ask why. Rep was unable to answer this question or access the relevant information. Was put on hold several time while he made enquires with other people and departments. The last time I was put on hold I was left there for approx 1 1/2 hours before being disconnected. Both emailed and called to voice my complaint and displeasure at the situation. Receive irrelevant email replies addressed to someone else. The account is registered in my name only and no one is registered on it, had made contact on my behalf or should be affiliated in anyway with it. Also received and email addressed to both myself and this other person asking that we ignore the previous message and requesting we provide a letter of authority to allow details to be disclosed to this other name person. Each of these messages bearing this name were questioned and explanation sought as to who this person was and why they were being linked to my account. No answer received, only replies that bore no resemblance to the questions asked or the points raised. Various other emails sent and calls made trying to find a resolve, each time in vain and usually with Scottish Power referring to the electric heating in the property. The electric heating I do not have. There seems to be some sort of inability or unwillingness for them to accept the fact I do have electric powered heating as most of their correspondence includes some sort of reference to it and the cycle begins again when I explain that this is not the case. Having received yet another email stating that there is a dual MPAN because of the fact the property had electric heating I sent an email reply and telephoned them. After spending a good few minutes explaining the situation and making it abundantly clear that I do have electric heating the rep put me on hold. On picking up the call again the rep began to explain that the meter could be changed but that I would be making a mistake as the cost of my electricity would increase, especially that of my heating. Not believing I was hearing I stopped him and asked him to explain his statement given that I had not ten minutes previously finished telling him that my heating was not electric powered. "Oh, I missed that" came the response. At this point I was put on hold again as he went to seek advice. Returned to the call and advised that someone else would look into this and call me later. After agreeing a suitable time the call back was confirmed by the agent. No call received. Sent yet another email complaining of the situation. Surprised to receive a call from a complain resolution rep. Short lived was this surprise as, Deja vu, she started to comment on the supply and the electric heating. Again I had to state and explain this was not the case. This was met with great resistment and I was even asked whether I was sure as I had to have electric heating. She at this point advised that more investigation would have to be done but the she was finished at three o'clock and would not be returning until the following week. Told me she would send me an email from her direct address and asked that I send photographs of my electric meter to aid resolve the situation. Never received her mail. Have sent yet another email of complaint You can see why it is now beyond frustrating. Have passed some of this onto OFGEM. All I want them to do is change the meter to allow me switch supplier. Any suggestion how I can get them to do this ?
  6. Hi, I have had a problem switching from British Gas to PfP energy. I submitted meter readings to PfP in June. I wrote them down on a piece of paper and saved it, then submitted them on their website. I received confirmation that I was on supply. I forgot about it until I received a final bill from British Gas about a week ago. I checked their final readings against the ones on my online PfP account and they matched, so stupidly assumed all was ok. I paid my final BG bill today. However, I then decided to send a second reading to PfP and found the new reading was less than the reading on my PfP account. I checked against my records and they don't agree. I am 100% certain I did not enter the numbers incorrectly last month -- I am on a dual meter and the last 3 digits of both numbers are wrong -- so I believe PfP have started their supply on BG's estimated final reading; indeed I noticed my final BG bill was an estimated reading. I know I should have checked more thoroughly before paying the final bill, especially considering previous experience of British Gas. I'm pretty certain I did not type 6 digits wrong -- maybe 1, but not 6! So I am certain it is their mistake. I now have to correct PfP, which I'm sure will be fine because the lower initial readings are in their interest. But how do I make BG give me a correct bill and get a refund for the difference? Any advice appreciated.
  7. Hi All, We are moving home at the end of next week and have begun the process of transferring utilities etc.. We have been customers of NPower for some 8 years and have always had a credit meter for both gas & electric which have been paid via monthly DD. Today we phoned NPower to notify them that we were moving and that we wished to remain customers of theirs. The property we have purchased is already supplied by NPower and presently has credit meters fitted so we expected no issues. NPower ran a credit check and have informed us that our only options are: a) Have prepayment meters fitted. b) Place a security deposit of £200 per fuel to be held for 12mths and continue to pay by direct debit. Admittedly our credit files are not squeaky clean (though clean enough to obtain a mortgage) but we do not see why after 8 years of customer loyalty we should have to either have prepayment meters fitted or pay a substantial security deposit. Although we could switch providers, we are concerned that the whole industry credit checks and we would essentially find ourselves in the same position. We are concerned that time is ticking fast as we are due to move into our new home next Friday, so we may not have time to sort prior to our move date, which raises another question.... This may sound stupid but we are first time buyers so please bear with us... the property we are moving into has working electricity and gas obviously not looking to defraud but is it the case that electricity/gas cannot be used until a provider is sorted? Any help/advice is greatly received.
  8. My fixed term energy contract ends later this month & I have initiated a switch. The existing supplier has not supplied a bill in the 11 months I have been with them but it is a relatively simple fixed rate tariff & so I am confident that my own spreadsheet calculates what I owe. In fact I calculate that I am currently slightly in credit but by switchover date I will owe about £10. Coincidentally my DD for £60 will probably go out the day before the switch - so they will then owe me £50. Unfortunately the company seems to have a terrible reputation for getting round to refunding credits. It seems their computers systems are in a mess. I have considered cancelling the final DD and settling the outstanding £10 separately - but I understand that this might give them grounds to halt the switch (if they notice in time). So I am considering speaking to them before the switch and making it clear that I am only authorising them to take such an amount as is necessary to clear the account. If they then take £60 & don't refund the over-payment promptly would I then by justified in claiming that the final £60 was not taken in accordance with my instructions & re-claiming it via the DD guarantee?
  9. decided to transfer our telephone and broadband from sky to bt this could not be completed by bt until mon 4th january 2016.bt failed to honour this date and failed to get us switched on until the 8th of january 2016. we made numerous phone calls to bt then they sent a engineer around unanounced to check the line. he was amazed and could not explain how this happened as all itjust a supplier transfer.from sky to bt everything was working with sky then it was not with bt.confusing i agree we got a bill on the 4th of jan16 billing us for the next month in advance.so we have paid for services we have not had.i contacted bt showed very little intrest in our dire situation.formally then submitted a complaint.only response we had was to aknowledge the complaint .someone would contact us within 7 days 14 days later heard nothing.a horror story from the start.any ideas what to do on this one how to aproach bt .not happy at all
  10. Moved to a new build a couple of weeks ago, Took a number of calls to get the NPower billing set up for Electricity (as apparently their systems were offline at 7:30PM on a Friday ). but all is done now. Living in a 1 bed new build flat, that they estimated as around £24 a month. I've given two readings and used about £5 in a week or two. Their website estimates my usage to be around £100+ a month. Then they set up a direct debit for £52 a month. Called them again (I have a recording), and the lady said it was an estimate (!?). I told her I have a call recording of the man that set up the account saying it would be £24, then she verified it should be £24, and changed the DD for me. I asked her why it would have been set to £52, and she said it must have been a typo. Seems like they're being intentionally crafty here. My question here, is that now everything seems to be set up, and sorted, should I just stick with them, or should I expect problems with them down the line? There are many threads about them here.
  11. Switched my joint current account from Nationwide to the Co op in November 2014, switch completion date was about 14th November. I had written a cheque a few days before to pay my credit card bill using my Nationwide cheque book as I had yet to receive my Co op bank cheque book and posted this to the credit card company. The switch completed on the due date and I received a letter from Co operative bank confirming this. On 9th December 2014 I looked online at my credit card account and was horrified to see that my payment had been reversed, because the cheque I had written had been dishonoured and a £13 late patment fee had been charged. I have pursued a complaint with the Co op bank who dishonoured my cheque and they have issued thier final response which confirms that the cheque was dishonoured due to a bank error, they have offered an insulting £100 in compensation and provided me with a "To whom it may concern" letter for me to use in correcting any damage done to my financial reputation with my credit card company and the credit referance agencies. I thought that under the current account switch guarantee the "new bank" was supposed to put right ant damage caused due to it's error. Seems like the Co op bank sees things differently. My choice now is either proceed to the Financial Ombudsman or make an appointment with a solicitor to sue them. What is the best course of action ?
  12. Hi All, First post on the forum, I am having a problem with Vodafone since porting my number across. Like many others by the seems of it I have no mobile data. I can call and text but no data. I have spoken to Vodafone customer services numerous time on this issue and the call has allegedly been escalated to the network team. This call has been with this team for about 10 days and I cannot get an answer as to what is happening. So far I have been through the internet settings with every customer service person on every call. I have had the texts sent to me to do the Telco equivalent of have you tried turning it off an on again. They have blamed the SIM card and have had a new SIM sent. Another half a day without a phone at all while switch took place. Then I was told the call has been escalated to the network team and I will get a txt in a couple of days to let me know what is happening. This was about 10 days ago and nothing has happened since. I have spoken to customers services again today and there is still no update and I was told there is no SLA to fix this issue and to wait a few more days. I did not realise how much I rely on the mobile data for little things when out and about. I am now very frustrated as I have a smart phone which I can't use as such when away from wifi. I cannot wait 6 weeks or more like other users who have posted here and I am still paying for a service I am not getting. To rub salt into the wound I get a text from Vodafone stating you have unlimited uk data for 2 more months. So enjoy watching movies or listening to music. Would have been nice to use some of it. What sort of action can I take with Vodafone? e.g. Do I have grounds to terminate the contract and return the phone as they are not supplying the service I have signed up for. Any advise or possible routes other that customer service to get the issue solved. Thanks Matthew
  13. Hi, Really can't seem to get any further with this... In January I started looking round to change my energy supplier, as EDF had nearly doubled my DD just before Christmas. Eventually, I subscribed to the Cheap Energy Club on MSE, which were having an auction in order to get cheaper costs for their members. In February (can't remember the exact date) I completed the online application to change suppliers to Sainsbury's Energy. I received confirmation from Sainsbury on or around 20th February, along with terms and conditions. A couple of days later, I received another letter from Sainsbury, saying that the switch could not go ahead as I owed some money to EDF. After thinking about things for a few days, I decided to stay with EDF as they offered me their Blue Price Promise deal, so I returned a card supplied with the "Welcome to Sainsbury's Energy" pack to cancel the switch. This was posted on 27th February. However, the switch seemingly kept going through, and after phoning Sainsbury's on 19th March, having received another letter saying they were providing my gas from 30th March, I was told that they hadn't received the cancellation notice within the 14 day cooling off period, but it was a couple of days late. After a long and heated discussion, the contract was cancelled, but things still seem to be going (or have gone) ahead. EDF say my electricity account with them will go "live" in a few days but they haven't been able to recover my gas supply from Sainsbury's (this is despite paying a regular DD to EDF and also informing EDF on the 3rd March that the switch had been cancelled by myself, when they immediately sent me new contract details for the new price plan and a DD schedule!). So basically I'd like to know where I can go from here? I seem to be stuck in a limbo of constantly changing suppliers (had an email from EDF just two days ago stating "The withdrawal process has begun for your EDF Energy Electricity account.". Meanwhile, I have just this minute received an email from Cheap Energy Club congratulating me on a completed successful switch! Sorry for the long post...I just wanted to include as much information as possible. Thanks in advance, George.
  14. I’m hoping someone is able to help me. Back in August 2010 I British Gas adviser knocked on my door and offered me savings on both my gas and electric if I was to transfer to them from Scottish power I decided to do so and settled my accounts accordingly, however after a few weeks I then had a Scottish power representative knock on my door asking why I’d left them I explained what happened when the British Gas representative came around he then went on to show my how in fact my bills would actually increase by transferring to British gas at that stage I decided I was going to transfer back to Scottish power, after a few weeks I received a letter to settled my account in October 2010 which made me now a Scottish power customer and owing no money to either company. Now this is where things become difficult. Everything was fine but then at the beginning of November 2010 I received a welcome to British Gas letter I phoned Scottish power to see why British Gas had sent me this letter and they told me British Gas had been in touch saying I’d signed back with them but I hadn't authorised any change to my supplier Scottish Power told me it was too late to stop this change from happening but what they would do was get in touch with British Gas and do another swap back to them, after speaking with Scottish Power I spoke with British Gas telling them I hadn't authorised them to take over my Gas and Electric to which they apologised and said they would investigate and get back to me. I then received a final bill from Scottish Power and I rang them and informed them what had happened and that I was coming back as I hadn't authorised the swap and they agreed to put the final bill onto the new account as I was previously paying by direct debit a nd was going back to them on a direct debit. Going back to British gas I have never heard anything from them regarding this matter and in fact I’d forgotten all about it. The problems now come because I’m after moving my mortgage I thought I’d check my credit files before I did and on it are 3 Defaults 2 from British Gas (Gas and Electric) and 1 from Scottish Power. British Gas are saying they sent me final bills to an incorrect email address and I had assumed the Scottish Power final bill had been put onto my new account as agreed and when I tried to ring them regarding this they said they had no accounts from me owing money that they were all settled, I applied to Experian to get the default removed but have just had an email from Experian saying that Scottish Power had been in touch saying I do owe the money now. Can anyone advise me if I have any rights and if I can get these defaults removed, I don't dispute that this money is owed but I do dispute that with the confusion and circumstances that I failed to make reasonable steps to sort them out. Kind regards
  15. Hey all. The move from Rugby to York is happening and we should be moved within the month. Finding a job here is unlikely and York has so much to offer, so much more job opportunity etc I do have a worry. I did read that once signed to a specific Work Programme provider - it can not be changed. Here I'm with Sarina Russo and there is no Sarina Russo in York. According to this link, the only WP providers in York (north east) are Avanta and Ingeus. So, please dont tell me I will be MADE to commute a 6 hour round journey from York to Rugby because I wouldn't be allowed to change WP providers (or is the information I read about a no-change of providers incorrect?). Many thanks!
  16. Hi all, Need some advice please. I have just switched my bank account from HSBC to Halifax using the 7 day bank account switch which is backed by the government. On the final day of the switch my car insurance went out of my old hsbc account and not the Halifax account like it should have. After taking to halifax and elephant i was told that if it wasnt taken when it should have been then they will just replay and do it 7 days later. I didn't think nothing more of it, account moved and Hsbc closed. I got a letter on 24th March from hsbc £68.68 had been taken out of the account and that it needed paying. So on the 26th March i rang them up, paid it and was told my account would now be closed. I got a statement today out of the blue showing that hsbc have added £25.10 in charges to the account, so i rang them explained everything and they have point blank refused to close the account and will not remove the Charge that they have put on. Can anyone advise me on what the best course of action would be please,
  17. Hi guys, I have a big problem with my Halifax mortgage. Today I should be able to switch my mortgage online, so I went to:- https://secure.mortgages.halifax.co.uk/mortgage/mortgage_switch.asp but when I tried, I got a message stating:- After contacting various mortgage servicing/products transfer teams, they checked and confirmed that none of the mentioned issues applied to me and could not tell me why I could not move forward. I was passed onto various different people in many departments and I got the same answer that they don't know. Their final answer was that this is an online issue, therefore I need to speak to the online team or the other option. So I rang the online team and all they said that if I could login online then it's not their problem and only the mortgage team can look into it. I'm going insane here as I'm being just fobbed off and have spent hours on the phone. Halifax don't have any online support for those who simply want a non-advised switch to a different product and are forcing me to go down the advised route, which I don't want to. Is there a chief executive number that I could call directly and see if I can get anywhere? :???: Regards
  18. Hi, I'm hoping one of the clever people here knows of a way around the system, or using the system, that helps me become the main claimant on an ESA claim. 5 years ago, me and my wife signed up for ESA. They asked who will be the main claimant, we asked what difference it made, they said none at all except the tax code may determine how much we get (income based or contribution based I guess). My wife was earning about £3,000 a year more than me, so they said they'd put her down for that reason. But it doesn't really make much difference. Well for 2 years it didn't. We had no hassles, we just provided sick notes in my wifes name, and we were good. Then the ATOS stuff started to happen. Assessments where score my wife zero, go to court, claim is decided in our favour and we're awarded 25 points. This happens twice, each time with a 9-13 month wait for the court to decide. This stresses my wife out, and instead of getting better, she is now worse. Along with a leg surgery that went wrong leaving her with osteo arthritis, she now has anxiety and depression far worse than she had just a couple of years ago when she was getting better. Obviously, I want to help my wife, so I want to become the main claimant so the stress of the interviews is on me. I was told during this time that we can do this, but not during a period of review. So we'd need to wait for an ATOS result to be cleared by court. This was about 12 months ago. We were happy with that, we sent sick notes, we waited for the results in the post. They finally came. As mentioned, we passed it again. Great, we can switch over. I asked about it (with my wife there in the room, because they wont speak to me unless she is) and I got told about data protection and how they can't alter her claim. Despite us both being there. Gutted does not begin to describe it. Well now I'm at a point where I can return to work 1 day a week, possibly two. There's tons of jobs around here for 6-10 hours work per week. (usually two half days) and they're perfect for me, because my doctor said to only work as few hours as possible (I suffer migraines that are sudden and cause black outs, although I start screaming in pain and rambling. I dont know I'm doing it. I have about 30 minutes of warning before they come. They keep me down for about 2 days afterwards) I need the job to be flexible, so I can have a day off and replace it with a day later in the week if the need arises. I have found jobs that are willing to do this. In fact, I got one. So off I go to the job centre. ask to do permitted work. "Thats great. Where will your wife be working?" it's not her, it's me "Oh, well you cant do it then. You need to be the main claimant" So that's where we are now. After a big argument with them. I'm ready to do some work, to help get me back to work full time, but I'm not allowed to do it. MY wife likely wont be ready for work for a long time, her therapist just put her on an 18 month course of counselling, and despite it clearly being best for us, and the government to let me become the main claimant and start working towards taking us off benefits... we're not allowed. If we did sign off, and make a new claim, we'd lose the additional support component of £60+ a fortnight. I'd be making about that in my job, so there's no benefit to it. I was told the support component can take up to 12 month to claim now, cause ATOS are backlogged in our area. I spoke to the job centre about this, they did a better off report, and because I'd only be earning £60 a fortnight at the job I was offered, they would be against us signing off, and me signing on a new claim. Even mentioning that it could possibly cause issues with the process. Is anyone here smarter than the people in the office? do they know a way around this? some help I can get if I get a job, that wont cause our benefit to be cancelled (which it will at the moment, apparently) PLEASE HELP
  19. I am trying to switch energy surpliers from EDF to OVO. On a number of occations OVO have emailed me saying that EDF say I cant switch because there is an objection, EDF sent me a letter stating that I cant switch because i owe £1,246.00. I phoned them up and asked how did I owe this money, when I have been on a pre payment meter for the past 4 years of living in this house, before that i was living in america. They told me there was nothing outstanding on my account and that they have lifted the objection. This was done on Monday, Yesterday, OVO sends me an email saying that they still have an objection. What can I do and Who can i complain too, I think EDF are just stone-walling the move and its just sour grapes with me wanting to switch. I thought the government had made it easier to switch.
  20. I was perusing Tesco Direct the other day and ordered a new TV, I ordered (or so I thought) a 47inch LG 3D TV but today I received a 32” LG 3D TV and a completely different model to what I ordered. I went back and had a look at the listing and found it had been removed, I then checked my order history and found the 32” TV is what I had actually ordered and not the 47” the listing stated. I have a habit of printing off order confirmation sheets and web pages so I had a look, sure enough they both say 47” and are for a completely different model to what I received, my conformation email and dispatch email also state 47” Just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation, I haven’t contacted them yet as I’m at work but I would quite like to receive what I ordered so are they under any obligations to supply what I ordered? It might be a mistake but it seems pretty sneaky and how it was not spotted before it was dispatched is anyone’s guess. It wasn’t ridiculously cheap either, no £49 iPad job lol it was around £170 less than other retailers so I just thought it was reduced.
  21. Hi Guys, can anyone help me? I've recently lost my job. I'm currently on a long fixed rated at 4%,with the Woolwich. The woolwich have a mortgage currently on offer at 2.8% which is exactly the same length as the term left on my original deal. When I asked them if we could just switch the mortgage to the cheaper deal, which we could just about deal with on my partners income, they said they could swap-BUT my existing deal has a £7,000 exit fee, even if switching to one of their OWN mortgages!!! Or they could send some things for me to consider-this basically extended the loan terms or made it interest only. This wouldn't help me out in the short to medium terms!! Where do I stand, can they charge excessive fees for a very simple mortgage switch between the same companies products?? Thanks
  22. Nearly four in five UK tenants have never switched energy suppliers - a move that could save them £190 a year, the energy regulator has said. Ofgem said that 77% of bill payers in rented homes had never switched gas and electricity supplier. If a tenant is directly responsible for paying the bill, then they have the right to switch. If the landlord has a tie-in with a specific supplier, this must be made clear to a tenant. However, if the tenant is responsible for paying the bill then he, or she, has the right to switch at any time without incurring an exit fee. "At a time when nine million British households are renting and budgets are tight, it is important that consumers are clear about where they stand when choosing and switching their energy supplier," said Philip Cullum, Ofgem senior partner. "Our research shows that tenants that have not switched could save an average of around £190 on their annual energy bill." The regulator has put together a guide for tenants on the issue. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24062938
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2195853/New-household-bills-squeeze-EDF-Energy-pulls-cheapest-fixed-price-deal.html
  24. After hearing the same story from 3 former SSE customers recently.I thought it would be a good idea to start this thread as it looks like this was routine practice. It seems SSE advised customers who were looking to switch from them that they would need to pay £200 since this was their balance owing as their Direct Debit payment amounts were set to low by SSE. As some will know SSE were fined £1.25m for their doorstep selling practices see here; As a result OFGEM ordered SSE to compensate those customers affected. SSE claim that they need a few weeks to act on a complaint of miss selling to determine how much the overpayment if any will be. This presumably means checking their charges agains a customers previous /existing one before they were miss sold the SSE package. What many are asking is how can we be sure they will arrive at the right figures given their history ?
  25. http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/kfsnsnojidkf/rss2/
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