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Found 4 results

  1. Well done those lads, how ridiculous - A Head Teacher of a Devon School threatened to put any boy who turned up to school in shorts in the recent spell of heatwave weather, into Isolation ! But sarcastically said they could turn up in skirts.. so a group of 5 did. Apparently 50 more of them were frantically trying to borrow skirts from their girlfriends and sisters to wear to school today Read the full story..
  2. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/uk-watchdog-sees-leap-insurance-mis-selling-cases-000836875--sector.html
  3. The Financial Services Authority, is investigating claims by a whistleblower that Britain's £300bn wholesale gas market has been "regularly" manipulated by some of the big power companies, exploiting weaknesses that echo the recent Libor scandal. Separately, the energy regulator Ofgem has been warned by a company responsible for setting so-called benchmark prices, ICIS Heren, that it had seen evidence of suspect trading on 28 September, a key date as it marks the end of the gas financial year and can have an important influence on future prices. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/nov/12/libor-like-manipulation-gas-markets
  4. http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/kfsnsnojidkf/rss2/
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