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Found 6 results

  1. Hi Everyone, OH made two protected disclosures re poor care to the line manager about 1 month apart. Nothing was done no one followed the whistleblowing policy..in effect ignored. a couple of months later an incident flared up, an argument over a break. 3 weeks later OH was requested to have a meeting under the minor breach policy..no agenda given and no notice of the meeting in fact, straight after a 12 hour shift. At the meeting OH asked what is the meeting about? The sister said your conduct, wife said I'm the injured party..sister said..you might lose your job wife asked why what have I done..sister said I am going to write this you will answer questions and we will both sign it..wife said no sorry..you are part of my problem and this is not fair.. requested another manager lead the meeting then walked out. Wife then called HR who sent her back to the sister, she then went to the matron who again sent her back to the sister..wife came home and sent a senior HR manager all the paperwork i.e. copies of complaints she sent re bullying, the disclosures and a chronology. Later that day and after HR had all the documents the sister again called wife saying you must have the meeting with me and again this is serious you might lose your job. It looks on the face of it that the matron did not pass the whistle blowing to HR, decided she needed to get wife fired, we found out later they were all conspiring to this end. Wife had a meeting with her union but no help. A meeting took place with a senior HR manager, wife took a colleague for support, not an official meeting as such just to give her sick note, colleague told HR that the people involved in the incident had been bullying wife..again HR said this is serious..took no notes then produced 4 pages later..again, the manager never mentioned what the minor breach was about.. The HR then said there will be an investigation under WB & BH policies, this will take 3 to 4 months, wife could stay at home on sick with pay, then come back to work etc..( re affirm the contract..too late for a claim). We then wrote saying the situation was untenable as gossip had spread all around the wards, wife resigned due to inaction and breach of contract etc.. We then filed a claim with the ET..Detriment following whistleblowing, breach of trust and confidence.. There has been a huge cover up and still is..also the HR were helping to sack wife.. So far two case management meetings, and hearing set for next year. Anyone care to comment would be appreciated.. Nev.
  2. Not sure if this is the right place for this but... https://realfare.wordpress.com/2015/11/26/hsbc-whistleblower-biggest-bank-fraud-in-british-history-carried-out-on-uk-shoppers-and-covered-up/
  3. Council tax debt collecting service could be brought in-house " .... One of my concerns is that the council will get a cash benefit if it rushes to the bailiff stage - how will this be controlled and monitored? As if it isn't, then this will be a backdoor increase in tax - an increase for those already struggling to pay .
  4. The Financial Services Authority, is investigating claims by a whistleblower that Britain's £300bn wholesale gas market has been "regularly" manipulated by some of the big power companies, exploiting weaknesses that echo the recent Libor scandal. Separately, the energy regulator Ofgem has been warned by a company responsible for setting so-called benchmark prices, ICIS Heren, that it had seen evidence of suspect trading on 28 September, a key date as it marks the end of the gas financial year and can have an important influence on future prices. http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/nov/12/libor-like-manipulation-gas-markets
  5. Also says he has written to the FSA. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/saving/article-2240479/Whistleblowers-warn-Nationwide-sales-targets-harm-customers.html
  6. Is it possible to bring a personal injury claim in a whistleblowing case? My health has deteriorated due to the treatment i received following whistleblowing and the subsequent stresses of my ongoing case. Would claim be through the courts and would it be a lengthy process following ET case? Many thanks!
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