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  1. I started working for the local authority under a year ago, my employment record is excellent, no absence or lateness and great feedback in first 6 months, signed off. There is 5 of us in our department, 3 males 1 other female. The female is married to one of the males. I have had nothing but grief and complaints from this female work colleague in the same position as myself. I have told my manager at every monthly meeting she is difficult to get along with, my manager said "We, had a discussion whether bringing another female into the team would change the group dynamics". This female has been the only female for over 7 years. I have been very enthusiastic and work hard but she is lazy and I believe she thinks I may be showing her up. I was signed off in November after 6 months and had a tidy up of the office and data. This female reported me in December for not reporting an incident, (there was nothing to report). I have been under investigation for the past 4 months, today I received a letter telling me another allegation has been raised in the course of the investigation and it will be going to a disciplinary panel. No mention of the 2 original allegations as they have not been able to prove any wrong doing on my part. My manager keeps changing the points of the investigation. First it was failing to report, second it was person may have suffered injury, then it was not written in the log properly. No the new allegation is falsifying a critical document. What can I do, I have the union backing me but I am still worried as it seems they are determind to get me out of the company. The female colleague that has made complaints about me, her husband trained me and is an asset as he performs a lot on computer repairs for my manager for free. I believe this has turned into a witch hunt, what can I do to stop myself losing my job?. I have done no wrong.
  2. Hi guys, havnt posted on here for a long time but i am so angry about the way i was treated in my previous job i really need some advice: background in Feb i started a temp role in a call centre. the role was until the end of june but the company took on employees who had performed well etc. Because of this i worked 6 ten hour days for over 3 months with the hope of obtaining a full time job. the company also employed young adults aged 16 and 17. Having worked with young people before, i enjoyed sitting next to them and discussing their plans for the future etc. the company also employs staff aged 18 - 65, there is only a small percentage of under 18 staff. I was called into my managers office who informed me that she was concerned that i was being inappropriate with my comments to the young adults especially girls. when i asked for a further explanation, i was informed that she overheard me asking one of them what they had for dinner the night before. My manager stated that she considered this comment asking them out on a date. I explained that i believed that it was a harmless question which i asked all colleagues when i saw them. i also explained that i had worked with and mentored young people before in my previous role and i was simply making conversation with my colleagues. my manager did not believe me, informed me that i was a "grown man and i shouldnt be talking to young girls" This comment caused me a great deal of distress and anxiety as i could not believe someone in a management position could jump to a conclusion without obtaining all the facts. i felt that my reputation had been damaged by her comments. I was frequently ostracised and forced to sit on my own for weeks as well as being ignored and subjected to bullying my team leaders. this caused me to go to the doctors as i was starting to develop symptoms of depression. several of my coworkers would still talk to me and come to me for advice with personal issues. i tried once more to speak to my manager and discuss that treatment i had recieved. I was told would have to make up the time if i wished to ave a meeting with her. during this time another male worker who is the same age as me (30) began a relationship with a 17 year old girl who was also in care. the male cowokers ex wife was also a team leader in the call centre and would frequently arrange the seating plan so he would be sat next to young girls. nothing was done and no actio was taken agianst the male coworker. The coworkers ex wife would freqently speak to me about her ex husband and how she still loves him etc i would offer advise and we became close. We would leave notes on each other desk which we found funny. i found another job and handed my notice in. on the morning of the beggining of my last shift i recieved a phone call from work to say i am not requred to come in this week as i had sexually harrased a "senior member of staff" (co workers ex wife) i was told that the note i had left her was sexual harrasment and would not be required to work and therefore loose a weeks pay. I asked to speak to the head of HR and explained the following on the phone: the senior member of staff had left similar notes for me which i found amusing. she had added me on facebook shortly after i put the first note on her desk several weeks previous the head of HR had repeatedly stated "senior member of staff" which implied that if this had happened to a tem, no action would have been taken she was aware of the grooming of a 17 year old girl in care by the ex husband of the complainant and no action was taken i had been victimised and made to feel like a sexual predator despite no evidence, complainants of investigation the head of HR raised her voice on the phone and stated "Its none of your business" which i replied she was aware of the grooming and she should have been ashamed of herself. i ended the call. I then sent and email to her outlining all of the above. 2 hours later, i received an email stating i would be paid for the rest of the week. I considered this the end of the matter but i am concerned that if i have to use this company for a reference, they will include the false allegations. I am considering 2 options at the moment: 1) do nothing unless they provide and inaccurate reference to any potential future employers. 2) sent a letter to the CEO with copies of all emails and notes explaining the situation and asking him to investigate the grooming and not to put anything detrimental on any reference. I really cant get ovet the way i was treated there, the coworker has been given a full time job and effectively a license to groom who he wants (he never goes for women his own age) i beleive they paid me for my last week without me attending as a form of hush money??? i have been made to feel like a criminal for an allegation that could have been proven false if a proper investigation was held. I do not want any form of compensation and i know an apology will never happen, i am trying to cover my ass and hopefully make life very uncomfortable for the managers and senior staff who chose to make my life hell. I am now in a better job with more money and less hours. i make more money than the seniors staff in the call centre. im really after some advice on what other would do in my situation??? sorry for the rushed post, now off to start my shift in a lovely country school where they do things properly!! regards
  3. Hi Everyone, OH made two protected disclosures re poor care to the line manager about 1 month apart. Nothing was done no one followed the whistleblowing policy..in effect ignored. a couple of months later an incident flared up, an argument over a break. 3 weeks later OH was requested to have a meeting under the minor breach policy..no agenda given and no notice of the meeting in fact, straight after a 12 hour shift. At the meeting OH asked what is the meeting about? The sister said your conduct, wife said I'm the injured party..sister said..you might lose your job wife asked why what have I done..sister said I am going to write this you will answer questions and we will both sign it..wife said no sorry..you are part of my problem and this is not fair.. requested another manager lead the meeting then walked out. Wife then called HR who sent her back to the sister, she then went to the matron who again sent her back to the sister..wife came home and sent a senior HR manager all the paperwork i.e. copies of complaints she sent re bullying, the disclosures and a chronology. Later that day and after HR had all the documents the sister again called wife saying you must have the meeting with me and again this is serious you might lose your job. It looks on the face of it that the matron did not pass the whistle blowing to HR, decided she needed to get wife fired, we found out later they were all conspiring to this end. Wife had a meeting with her union but no help. A meeting took place with a senior HR manager, wife took a colleague for support, not an official meeting as such just to give her sick note, colleague told HR that the people involved in the incident had been bullying wife..again HR said this is serious..took no notes then produced 4 pages later..again, the manager never mentioned what the minor breach was about.. The HR then said there will be an investigation under WB & BH policies, this will take 3 to 4 months, wife could stay at home on sick with pay, then come back to work etc..( re affirm the contract..too late for a claim). We then wrote saying the situation was untenable as gossip had spread all around the wards, wife resigned due to inaction and breach of contract etc.. We then filed a claim with the ET..Detriment following whistleblowing, breach of trust and confidence.. There has been a huge cover up and still is..also the HR were helping to sack wife.. So far two case management meetings, and hearing set for next year. Anyone care to comment would be appreciated.. Nev.
  4. Trying to get a bit of advice for my step daughter, as with most teen tenants they can be a bit noisy at times and she had some justified complaints made against her, she has listened and turned things around and now has stopped the noise however the complaints keep on coming, the last one came today in writing stating on the 1st of December there was people urinating on cars in the communal car park and that she was verbally abusive towards another tenant, My step daughter was not at her flat all day having stayed over a friends the night before and I myself picked her up at around 5pm I had with me her mother, sister and brothers in the car, and we didn't leave her flat until around 10pm (helping her with a bit of decorating) she has spoken to Gwalia housing about the issue but the person basically got very abrupt and said I don't believe a word you say I believe the complainant (she had the phone on loud speaker so I could here), she informed them she had family members over on the evening in question and he in a round about way blamed them (us) for urinating on the cars in the car park! She told them she was not there during the day and he tried to say it was her friends then, she has asked for in depth information (time's etc) as the allegation was false but he said he was not at liberty to disclose the information, she has had a spare key disappear which she has reported to Gwalia and offer to pay for her locks changing over 2 weeks ago which they agreed to do but as of yet have not done so, so even when she is out her flat is not technically secure so if someone lets them self in and makes a racket would she still be responsible for the complaint as Gwalia says she would be? This is a worry now as she had a warning letter last month and could now loose the flat, as I stated yes she was noisy at first but has now turned things around and is just trying to get on with her life but the officer at Gwalia seems to not want to help and is just interested in getting her out.
  5. My friend and I were traveling to Crete Rethymon on the 21st of June 2015 with Jet2 from Glasgow airport. We were meant to return with them on the 28th of June 2015 to Glasgow airport. We bought 4 miniature bottles of vodka at duty free. When we were on our flight, my friend opened one of the miniature, one of the cabin crew said that we were not allowed to consume it on the flight. We apologised and handed the miniatures to the cabin crew to be locked away until we departed our flight. We were then asked if we would like drinks from the trolly, we ordered food and some alcoholic beverages. Another air stewardess came over to us with a bad attitude and handed us a rather threatening letter. She asked for our passport details. We then asked why we were asked for our details as we did not want to be put on some sort of data base. The air stewardess began to raise her voice, threatening us, that if we did not hand over our details she was going to get the pilot and that the police would be waiting for as when we land. We did not refuse to give our details, we simply asked what they were going to be used for. My friend asked her to lower her voice as it was drawing attention to us. We gave our details to another air stewardess who apologised for her colleagues behaviour, she also told us that we would be able to fly with Jet2 on our return flight and not to worry. (I have a voice recording of this conversation). Half way through our holiday on the 24th of June 2015, we received a phone call informing us that we were being refused to flu home with Jet2 due to a report which had been filed by cabin crew that we continued to drink our own alcohol and displayed aggressive behaviour. These allegations are untrue and frankly quite frightening that Jet2 staff can make up such lies leaving their customers stranded in a foreign country. I have sent numerous emails to Jet2 asking for the situation to be fully investigated and I have sent the voice recording as evidence that no aggressive behaviour was displayed by my friend and I. Jet2 just said that it has been fully investigated which we know that it has not. We feel that our voice has not been heard. We had to cut our holiday short by returning home on 27th June 2015 with EasyJet flying from Heraklion airport to Edinburgh which caused us further expense. We paid approx £400 for alternative flight, thats not including the expensive phone bill of £50 for phoning Jet2, bus and taxi expenses to travel to the airport, or having to cut our holiday short which also ruined our holiday. Lastly we both experienced much stress in regards to how we would get home. This has put me off flying again, as it appears that customers do not have any rights, and how easy it is for staff to make up lies leaving passengers in foreign countries. (I have a copy of all email correspondence, voice recording aboard the flight with a member of cabin crew, we also have a photo of the threatening letter which we received on board. Help would be much appreciated as we are looking for compensation, an apology, and for cabin crew to be dealt with appropriately in order for this to not happen to anyone else.
  6. Hello all, Long time lurker, first time poster. The wisdom and knowledge of this forum has gave me the confidence to ignore all previous calls/threats but this latest letter is something new, that I haven't seen listed before, so feeling a little anxious. ARC have taken over my QQ account after QQ failed to accept my monthly standing order payments and insisted on a DD only (we all know why). I have since moved to another bank and get my wages paid into that new account. The old account still exists. I received this letter this morning. ARC have been phoning me 3-4 times a day but I have blacklisted all their numbers and it goes straight to voicemail. Any advice welcome. I have not sent the 3 letters, choosing to ignore all correspondence instead. Thankyou Kev
  7. Buy as You View rejects television allegations ONE of Wales' best-known companies has defended itself in advance of a TV programme going out tonight that makes serious allegations about its sales practices. The Consumers' Association has launched an investigation into Llantrisant-based Buy as You View after the HTV current affairs series Wales This Week passed over a dossier of material it gathered for tonight's programme. One of the firm's former salesmen appears describing techniques he claims the company expects its sales staff to use, and which some customers complain about. The programme also questions the firm's practice of "rolling together" a number of purchases bought at different times into one debt. Buy as You View, founded in the 1970s, last night hit back at the allegations made in Wales This Week. The firm, which has more than 40,000 customers across South Wales buying household goods by feeding a meter attached to their TVs, is one of the major supporters of charitable causes in the area. The children's charity Valleys Kids is supported by the firm, as are many health and education projects. This year the company gave more than £400,000 to good causes, making it one of the most generous in Wales. Buy as You View is also backed by some big names. Former Rhondda MP Allan Rogers is a director of the company and the firm has long supported some of the biggest stars in Welsh rugby, including Neil Jenkins. Rupert Moon, the former Wales and Llanelli star, is a part-time community affairs consultant for the company. He's also a presenter of the popular BBC Wales consumer programme X-Ray. Wales This Week says it followed up complaints from customers who contacted HTV's The Ferret programme. It claims the company's salesmen don't explain their high prices and interest charges properly. They also say they are pressured into buying goods they don't want. The team has also talked to former salesmen who allege they left the company because they couldn't stand the pressure they were under to achieve financial targets. The programme also examines the company's accounts. It is one of the most profitable in Wales, making founders Bernard Jones and Gerald Coleman multi-millionaires. This year the prestigious Sunday Times Rich List estimated the two men were each worth £35m, making them the joint 19th richest men in Wales. A spokesman for the Consumers' Association confirmed that an investigation had been launched into the company's sales techniques. Buy as You View spokesman Terry Bunnett said, "As a company which has been in business for over 30 years, we are surprised and disappointed by the fact that Wales This Week is seeing fit to run a programme on the basis of allegations from a very small number of customers who have not previously raised these issues with our customer service department and upon quite incredible and sickening allegations on the part of an ex-employee who has not been identified to us. "We are appalled by the suggestion made by the ex-employee regarding the treatment of our customers. We are extremely proud of our customers, many of whom have been with us for almost 30 years. "Customers who view the programme will be equally appalled and angered by the false accusation being made by this ex-sales employee, as these customers will know that we operate only the very highest standards of customer service for which we as a company are known in our industry. "You may be interested to know that 70% of our business comes in via the telephone from existing customers and customer referrals. "Clearly, we make no excuse for the fact that we are a retail sales organisation, where a healthy atmosphere of competition exists within our sales force, which currently comprises some 350 personnel within a total staff of some 700." The programme goes out at 11pm tonight on ITV1 Wales ========================================= Article source: walesonline.co.uk Dated: Exactly ten years ago today. Since reading this forum section I see BAYV has more serious allegations than 10 years ago.
  8. Dear Sirs, I have bought on Beging of year By TK MAxx few items and one was store reduced price, I Paid for all my purchases and after that was ask to follow security guard. I have been Accused of Changing Labels on 20 Jan By TK MAxx and have been forced to sign form that I will never visit any TK Maxx store . Actually I have not did what I was accused, I have been lead to Security room when Security Guards Said That they have CCTV record ,and if not sign form will call police, They refused to Show me CCTV record and said Company called RLP will provide all evidence. Since then I have received 5 Letters from RLP threatening me With Civil Court and Unreasonal demand for 147.50 for loses and administration and Security people time The goods they claim for change label was taken back as they say for "EVIDENCE" and I was refunded. RLP are demand money quote Protocol for pre action Civil Procedure 1998 Act Portocol But When I ask them in compliance with Same protocol to clearly to Explain case and provide all evidence what they will relay in court they said that they have Eye witness Which statement had not been sent in Demanded by Me 21 Days and No CCTV record. All letters are without name and different signatures. I demanded also to Disclose name of persons writing letters to be able to check with RLP management if Such person exist Any this my demand was not respected As well. AND replied they that due to fail to comply with Protocol case is closed and I deny Any liability to RLP and their client Previous letter they said that will reduce amount to GBP 95.00. Last Letter they said due to lack of defense if not replay in 14 days they will contact and will pass my Debt to Debt collectors company. They Said Quote Whilst there is no legal obligation to consider mitigating circumstances in civil proceedings our client operates civil recovery within a set of core principles which initialy agreed with ACPO and have been developed further since then to ensure further protection of those who may be considered vulnerable. If we do not hear from You within next 14 days , with reasonable settlement proposal, or with any information relevant to this matter, it will either be discussed or passed to specialist company which recovers debts and undisputed claim for damages Unquote MY QUESTION 1.What to reply to them? 2.Is It legal without provided any evidence to pass Personal Data to Debt Collector? 3.Is it Legal to Send letter without Name and only Signature? 4.If they fail to provide evidence in 21 Day after my demand is it legal to pass this to civil court 5.In which case is possible some one to pass personal data to Debt Collector company 6.Can I claim bulling against RLP and to whom 7.Can you give me all legal act what are in violation by RLP 8.How legally can stop them from sending bulling messages If You have ssen some letter before from RLP does it have some names or only sigantures Thanks
  9. Hi, I was just hoping for a little advice. I have been sent letters from CRS in regards to smoking and damages to 2 rooms during a stay I booked on behalf of my Boyfriend and his mates, demanding £430 for damages/compensation. I have spoken to all members of the party and they catagorically deny it, I trust them completely, and so I replied to the letters confirming I won't be paying and requesting proof. They have since sent a response containing some non-desript photos of generic damage, they aren't dated etc and theres no way of showing they are from the specific rooms they're referring to, as well as the "incident logs" stating the night porter visited the room in regards to a fire alarm fault. They have also included an "invoice" but all the claims are for "compensation of cost" not cost. I sought legal advice and was told that the "evidence they have sent" is purposefully limited and wouldnt stand up in court, and advised to reply reiterating my denial of the incident and advising them I will bnot respond to further correspondence unless the law requires me to. However Im concerned. so I have a few questions I want to ask before I send a response, if anyone canhelp me out that would be really great! 1. I was not present during this stay, originally the 2 claims were sent to my address in my boyfriend and one of his mates names, however the claims have been moved into my name as CRS state that the designated person of each rooms have "refused to resolve the issue". They have not refused to resolve the issue, they both phoned, stated they denied the allegations and refused to pay without proof, at which point CRS advised them they will not discuss the matter further with them and would only speak to myself. When my boyfriend requested the claims to be moved into his name so he could deal with it as I was not present, they refused. If this went to court, where do we stand in being able to move the claims out of my name and into my boyfriend and/or his mate, as they would like it to be? 2. The "report log" is not dated or signed. It states that the night porter attended the room against which they have made smoking claims, due to a fire alarm fault. Refitted the alarm and then left. It states the next morning, he found Ash on the window sill and the smell of smoke. CRS advised us it was another customer who had reported the smell. Also, if the party had been smoking prior to the porter arrival while the fire alarm was disengaged, he would have smelt very strong smoke at that time. He confirms he refitted the fire alarm himself, so they wont have been able to smoke after he left. Would this be sufficient flaw in evidence to dispute this claim should it go to court? 3. The second claim for damages, in the incident report it states that the porter let someone else into this room without the occupants permission. He says its reasonable as they gave the right name and room. They were members of the same party and they took the matress of the bed as a prank. the night porter escorted the real occupants to the room adn asked they replace the matress and then left. He says he saw damage later the next day that he "hadnt noticed". Would this be sufficient flaw in evidence to dispute this claim should it go to court? 4. Is "compensation of cost" actually legally binding claim invoicing? I was under the impression they can only claim for actual losses, I notice their careful in their wording...if it was the actual cost, surely they'd put "Cost" without the compensation. I also know that CRS receive a commision on the claim, which isnt invoiced, so this must have been built into the "compensation"... 5. Have requested full and satisfactory evidence from both CRS (who provided no specific and vague information "for my reference only") and Traveloge (who refused directly to me and advised CRS they'd only provide in court"). Given their refusal to provide satisfactory evidence to resolve the matter outside of court, if this went to court, would this be sufficient reason for them beging denied the right to reclaim legal cost should they win? 6. Anyone aware of any of these cases actually going to court??? I've found lots of people getting the letters but no-one seems to have ever been taken to court! At the end of the day, the party didnt cause these damages so I will only pay if they can provide absolute proof or I am ordered to by a court. Im disgusted by the attitude of CRS, they're so rude and agressive, story changes every few days, and Travelodge are just as bad, they've even ignored my written request for all data on myself and the bookings in question and told me they wont discuss the matter further with me! Im not gonna respond to any more of CRSs letters, and Im pretty confident that should it go to court, they wont win, everythings so "sketchy", but I would like my mind putting at ease a little!!!! Cheers m'dears
  10. Hi, Over a year ago now my teaching career was brought to an abrupt Holt as what I can only say, an ex partner, and her gang of friends decided to target me as I was moving away for a new teaching job I had worked hard to gain. As I returned from my first week away I was confronted by my ex, of which I told her I was calling the police, she then hit my, so I called the police. I just reported the incident then thought that is then end, later I was visited by the police; she reported me for assault and it was then apparent that her and her male friend had alleged I had beaten her and she had actually marked bruised herself. Two weeks later I was suspended from my new job by the principal, then on returning back home was arrested on suspicion of rape of my ex girl friend, and sexually touching of a 15 year old, of whom I was not even in the same vicinity of at the time of the allegations. During the police interviews I gave a full and honest explanation of what had happened as my solicitor explained "No Comment" is more applicable if I had done something wrong. My new employer suspended me whilst I was on bail and when the cases were dropped they let me return to work but under intense supervision which is understandable but upsetting. I lasted a week and then resigned. I still had the matter of the original assault she had made up, of which I went to court and was found "NOT GUILTY" even though she had witness statements and pictures of bruises her stories did not match up. Almost just after I had won my case it was then made apparent that the boss at the job I resigned from, whether it was out of anger because they had paid me fully for 6 month or just out of procedure, referred me to the ISA to try and bar me from working with kids and vulnerable adults. After all the information had been passed over from the Police and place of work and careful deliberation they found no problem with me working with any groups and DID NOT bar me. The education board then contacted me saying the case is dropped with no action taken. I then got a job working in computers, of which is my primary career aim, teaching was always my fall back job. They did not ask for a CRB. The job is going really well now, I am over the worst, have a new start but wish to climb the ladder and apply for bigger jobs and other companies - no work with children or vulnerable groups. My question is, if I get asked for an enhanced CRB, although, due to my own peace of mind, have chosen never to work with children or vulnerable groups, what do I do about explaining these arrests. Reading what I have already entered above it looks quite clear, "I was arrested due to malicious allegations of which I protested my innocence through out and gave a full and honest explanation to, the sexual offences were dropped and I won my case of common assault as I was completely innocent. Afterwards all information was passed to the ISA of whom decided to still allow me to working with children and vulnerable adults without restriction." I know this is a pretty difficult thing to post on here but I am a hard working, law abiding citizen who is working very hard at this career and want to be completely ready for this situation if it arises. I have a clean criminal record by the way, anyone could be arrested in my experience if somebody makes up a story.
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