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  1. just wondering if anyone can tell me what the position is RE liability when there are 2 names on the council tax bill. I only just discovered council tax has been unpaid for the whole year. The bills have been shall we say intercepted before I ever saw them. Likewise any letters from baliffs (the company is one i've had dealings with before - and I don't like them - the seem very underhand.. I digress). So, having finally been made aware of this i'm looking to pay the bill by end of next week. (I contacted the councill last friday about it and got them to send me a bill). However, there have already been visits from the aforementioned baliffs. Just wonder what position is if they come back and try to seize goods and such. And also what the position is regarding fees they might chage for doing so (or any fees they deem to be payable because they have been already). Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  2. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-names-and-shames-37-national-minimum-wage-offenders Offenders include H&M and Welcome Break "A further 37 employers who failed to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage have been named today (15 January 2015) by Business Minister Jo Swinson. Between them they owe workers a total of over £177,000 in arrears and have been charged financial penalties totalling over £51,000. The government has already named 55 employers since the new naming regime came into force in October 2013. They had total arrears of over £139,000 and total penalties of over £60,000. Due to the importance the government places on compliance and enforcement, HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) National Minimum Wage enforcement budget will be increased by a further £3 million in financial year 2015 to 2016 – taking the total to £12.2 million. The extra money will go towards increasing the number of HMRC compliance officers to identify businesses that exploit their workers by paying them below the National Minimum Wage" Business Minister Jo Swinson said: "Paying less than the minimum wage is illegal, immoral and completely unacceptable. If employers break this law they need to know that we will take tough action by naming, shaming and fining them as well as helping workers recover the hundreds of thousands of pounds in pay owed to them. We are also looking at what more we can do to make sure workers are paid fairly in the first place. As well as being publicly named and shamed, employers that fail to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage face penalties of up to £20,000. We are legislating through the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill so that this penalty can be applied to each underpaid worker rather than per employer"
  3. Supermarket giant Tesco has named the 43 stores it is closing across the country, a move that will see 2,000 staff lose their jobs. The company is currently informing staff at the affected stores. The Express and Home Plus stores will close on 15 March with the Tesco Metros and Superstores on the list closing on 4 April. Tesco warned earlier this month that 43 stores would be shut as part of plans to cut costs. Tesco chief executive Dave Lewis said the decision to close the stores was "exceptionally difficult". "Our priority is to explain what this announcement means for our colleagues and, wherever possible, offer them alternative roles with Tesco," he added. Superstore closures include those in Doncaster and Chatham, while the DIY and homeware Homeplus closures include stores in Edinburgh and Southampton. In total, 18 Express, 12 Metro, seven superstores and six Homeplus stores are shutting their doors. Troubled Tesco 43 unprofitable stores to be closed £250m of cost cuts planned 49 planned new stores to be cancelled 0.3% fall in like-for-like store sales over the six-week Christmas period Source: TescoPA The move follows two successive years of falling sales and profits, and a shock accounting scandal, which saw the chain overstate its profits by some £263m. Mr Lewis, who joined the retail giant from consumer goods firm Unilever just five months ago, has pledged to slash costs and sell assets to fund lower prices and mend Tesco's finances. Retail union Usdaw said the store closures were "devastating news" for the 2,000 staff involved. "Our priority is to maximise employment within Tesco, seek redeployment opportunities for members, where possible, and to keep job losses to a minimum," said Pauline Foulkes from the union. Tesco's announcement marks a stark contrast to Tuesday's update from Waitrose that detailed plans to create 2,000 jobs in new shops and by expanding existing sites. The retailer is opening 14 new shops from spring this year, seven of them smaller convenience outlets. However, of the so-called "big four" supermarkets, which includes Tesco as well as Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Asda, most are shelving expansion plans or even closing stores. In November, Sainsbury's said it was scrapping plans for new stores, while Morrissons plans to close 10 loss-making stores this year. Tesco store closures Tesco Express stores: Bearwood Belvedere Church Street Ballymena Heaton Chapel Heybridge Essex Houghton Regis Liverpool Kensington Longbridge Road Barking Northfield Birmingham Raymouth Lane Worksop Sheffield Manor South Tottenham High Road Tredegar Troon Walsall Wood Wealdstone Whitley Bay York Road Hartlepool Tesco Metro stores: Bicester Bootle Caerphilly Crossgates Devizes Grangemouth Mexborough Morecambe Ormskirk Runcorn Smethwick Woodseats Tesco Superstores: Bedlington Chatham Connswater Cregagh Road Doncaster Kirkcaldy Wrexham Doods Lane Tesco Homeplus: Bristol Cribbs Chelmsford Chester Edinburgh Southampton Staines
  4. Good evening. I wonder if anyone can help or advise. My partner's ex husband has asked my partner to sign a "Letter of Authority" from a PPI claims company in order that he can reclaim some PPI "for them both"! Call me sceptical, but how do we know he won't just keep all of the money, as the company in question are dealing with him at his address? I have told her not to sign them for a number of reasons... 1) She has no way to guarantee she will get her share. 2) The PPI claim company takes 33% 3) My brother used a company who only took 25% 4) I think she ought to try and reclaim ALL of her share HERSELF! My brother seems to be of the opinion that if he had tried to reclaim HIS own PPI the banks would have given him the runaround. He was told (by the PPI company) that once a claim is opened they would not be able to help him so it was better to use them as he would have more chance of getting something. Is this true? Any advice appreciated. Thank You,
  5. Hello. I have a long ongoing battle with EE which I have issued a small claims action for. To cut a long story short, I only got a response from them after calls, Emails, letters sent recorded, Email to CEO and finally an LBA. That worked and I got two letters from the correspondence department. The trouble was when I spoke to their head office switchboard the lady I spoke to was quite embarressed as she went through to the department with the two names that were on the letters, but came back and told me that no one of those names worked in that department! I have been searching around and I have come across a couple of other people on other sites say that this is another one of EE ruses - fake people to send out generic letters to make it seem like they are taking an interest in your issue! I was trying to find out if any CAGgers have had experience with this being done by EE as I believe this is reprehensible and hopefully I will mention this during a small claims or mediation hearing (should it get that far - They sent a court bundle on the flimsiest 12 points I had come across - I ripped all their points apart which I was quite proud of!) as I know this sort of behaviour from a company is frowned upon. Companies who offer appalling service need to be taken down a peg or five! Anyway, thank you for reading this. Regards Rob
  6. hi, I am trying to buy a UK domain name. This domain name expired in January 27th 2015. I read that when the name expires, the owner of the name is given a grace period to renew it of 90 days, then after 90 days it 'drops' and then becomes available for anyone to purchase it. It seems to have now gone past the 90 days and the previous owner still has not re-registered it. Is this 90 days correct? When is it likely to become available to be purchased by anyone?
  7. HI, a friend of mine who i have been helping with PPI reclaiming has just recieved a whole host of cheques totaling almost 10k, thats the good news. However one of the reclaims was for a loan she took out with a friend of hers about 15 years ago when they started a small business together. The reclaim has been up held and she has recieved a cheque for around £1600 but it is made out to her and her friend instead of 2 seperate cheques for equal amounts. They ceased their business partnership at least 10 years ago and no longer have a bank account in joint names, so there is no where to pay this cheque into. She has queried this with Lloyds TSB and they say it has to be passed to a supervisor for a decision of whether 2 seperate cheques can be issued and this could take up to 3 months for a decision. Surely this can not be correct ??? surely situations like this must have cropped up before ie couples who are now divorced, couples who had a joint bank account but now have seperate accounts etc etc. Anyone came across this before ??? Thanks.
  8. Don't know if we are allowed to mention names here, but here goes anyway. Interested to know if a letting agent can legally switch energy suppliers on a house up for rent without notifying or seeking authorisation from the Landlord/owner? Discovered that Countrywide 'sold' the contract to E.on, (who incidentally have a whole department dedicated to that company). Countrywide get a fee (although E.on would not say how much this was) and E.on get a new customer (we know how apathetic most people are on changing their suppliers) on any tariff they choose to set. E.on said they took the contract on in good faith (ie. that is on the understanding that the Landlord had agreed). Clearly no checks and balances on E.on's part, but then scruples are always thin on the ground when money is one the table.
  9. Hi Guys This is probably an unusual question. I'm part of a new health group and we are looking for a name for the group. Most members are in favour of "Natural Health & Education Institute" or something with "Institute" or "Foundation" in it. We want to register the organisation, buy the domain and protect the name. Are there any legal implications around using the word "Institute" or "Foundation"? If so, how can we research to find out what words/names cannot be legally used please? Thanking you in anticipation.
  10. Dear Sirs, I have bought on Beging of year By TK MAxx few items and one was store reduced price, I Paid for all my purchases and after that was ask to follow security guard. I have been Accused of Changing Labels on 20 Jan By TK MAxx and have been forced to sign form that I will never visit any TK Maxx store . Actually I have not did what I was accused, I have been lead to Security room when Security Guards Said That they have CCTV record ,and if not sign form will call police, They refused to Show me CCTV record and said Company called RLP will provide all evidence. Since then I have received 5 Letters from RLP threatening me With Civil Court and Unreasonal demand for 147.50 for loses and administration and Security people time The goods they claim for change label was taken back as they say for "EVIDENCE" and I was refunded. RLP are demand money quote Protocol for pre action Civil Procedure 1998 Act Portocol But When I ask them in compliance with Same protocol to clearly to Explain case and provide all evidence what they will relay in court they said that they have Eye witness Which statement had not been sent in Demanded by Me 21 Days and No CCTV record. All letters are without name and different signatures. I demanded also to Disclose name of persons writing letters to be able to check with RLP management if Such person exist Any this my demand was not respected As well. AND replied they that due to fail to comply with Protocol case is closed and I deny Any liability to RLP and their client Previous letter they said that will reduce amount to GBP 95.00. Last Letter they said due to lack of defense if not replay in 14 days they will contact and will pass my Debt to Debt collectors company. They Said Quote Whilst there is no legal obligation to consider mitigating circumstances in civil proceedings our client operates civil recovery within a set of core principles which initialy agreed with ACPO and have been developed further since then to ensure further protection of those who may be considered vulnerable. If we do not hear from You within next 14 days , with reasonable settlement proposal, or with any information relevant to this matter, it will either be discussed or passed to specialist company which recovers debts and undisputed claim for damages Unquote MY QUESTION 1.What to reply to them? 2.Is It legal without provided any evidence to pass Personal Data to Debt Collector? 3.Is it Legal to Send letter without Name and only Signature? 4.If they fail to provide evidence in 21 Day after my demand is it legal to pass this to civil court 5.In which case is possible some one to pass personal data to Debt Collector company 6.Can I claim bulling against RLP and to whom 7.Can you give me all legal act what are in violation by RLP 8.How legally can stop them from sending bulling messages If You have ssen some letter before from RLP does it have some names or only sigantures Thanks
  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/9994089/DVLA-made-10m-in-a-year-by-selling-on-names-and-addresses.html
  12. Hi, Maybe I am the only one experiencing this but I looked over my credit files after getting an obligatory Ruthbridge/Cabot threat yesterday to discover searches made by organisations who have not left their name. So on my record they show up as "Organisation: Not Reported" I checked this on checkmyfile and also with Experian. I thought companies had to tell the CRA why they were conducting a search and if that is the case, why is the CRA not reporting the name of the organisation making the search? Getting annoying now. Any help appreciated.
  13. Hello, I'm aware that if a landlord has failed to protect a deposit, or failed to provide details, they are liable for certain penalties. Our situation is that: -our deposit is registered as being protected with mydeposits starting August 2010 -since August 2010 the tenancy has been renewed several times -some tenants have been replaced at various times with other tenants since Aug 2010 -when the tenancy was renewed, and some tenants replaced, new tenants were simply told to pay their deposits to outgoing tenants, who signed a letter saying this had been done -we received no updated paperwork from mydeposits (with updated names) when tenants were replaced -we are now about to all move out and end the tenancy (31 Jan) The names on the mydeposits paperwork we have are: -A, listed as lead tenant, who moved out over a year ago -B, who moved out over a year ago -C, myself, still resident and about to leave -D, still resident and about to leave -E, who moved out over a year ago -F, who moved out over a year ago The letting agents are well aware that some of the tenants have changed; we have not kept it secret from them and each time a renewal contract was signed it had the correct names on. My question: do any of the penalties that would apply if the deposit were unprotected apply in this situation? (Obviously we wouldn't just take them to court for the sake of it, but we would be interested in it as a bargaining chip to use if necessary to protect ourselves from spurious deposit deductions). Thanks very much for any help/advice!
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