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  1. I do hope I've posted this in the correct place as I'm new to the forum. Sorry for the long post but can anyone advise me if I have any comeback on the following: I have a domain name which was set up for auto renewal on 03/03/18 (2 years for £38.38). On 24/02/18 I received an email saying the payment had failed. On 25/02/18 I received a further reminder saying the renewal was overdue and I risked a disruption or loss of services. I checked my account and noticed that the credit card details they held were out of date so I updated my credit card details. On 27/02/18 I received another email stating my domain was overdue for renewal and I could always renewal manually, so I contacted 123 reg through their support centre advising them of the situation and stating that I didn’t understand why they hadn’t taken the payment from the new credit card details that I had entered as the domain is set up for automatic renewal. They replied as follows: “I would like to make you aware that the domains are renewed 7 days prior to expiry. The payment was attempted on 2018-02-24, however, it was declined by the bank. The system might try one more time, however, if the domain is not renewed until the 3rd, it would be best for you to manually renew it to avoid any unwanted interruptions.” I replied, advising them that I had taken their advice and manually renewed the payment, to which they replied: “Thank you for the prompt reply. I am happy to inform you that the domain has been renewed and the new expiry date is now 03/03/2020. It was only when I was recently completing my self-assessment form that I checked through my credit card statements and noticed the payment of £38.38 had been taken twice so I contacted 123 reg and asked for a refund of the duplicate payment. Several messages have been passed between us but to cut a long story short they are saying it’s not a duplicate payment but it just means that the domain has been renewed for 4 years because it was under auto renewal and I also renewed manually!! They say that they can’t refund any money because I chose to manually renew the domain name without waiting until 3 March. Also they say that because the invoice is 6 months old they can’t refund any money (my fault I know for not checking my CC statement sooner) . The only way they can issue a refund it for them to release the domain to the open market as Verisign do not allow partial refunds and keeping the domain so I would lose the domain and any money I’ve paid. They state it’s been more than 6 months since the payment was done and the Money Back Guarantee for the .com domains is 5 days including the renewal date and they can’t pass over the registry rules on this. It may just seem like a small amount of money but I’m really angry about this as no way did I intend paying for this domain twice and I was only following their advice by manually renewing so why did they then take the money again. I’ve asked this question but didn’t really get a satisfactory reply to that other than it’s “ the system”. Thanks Maureen
  2. Hi everybody, Does anyone please use Amazon Workmail email services? I use outlook right now with a simple @ hotmail address but I want to use my business name as domain email and so need to purchase an email management provider to do that. I am not a techie person at all and need some help please! I have so far bought my web hosting with 1&1 and my domain name is with hostpapa (who used to be my host for website but I hated working with them so cancelled it.) For that reason I do not wish for my email management to be linked in any way to my hosting providers and have researched Amazon Workmail against Outlook Essentials and G Suite and think I will go with Amazon Workmail instead. How easy is it to set up please? It's also showing in dollars and not pounds on the Amazon Web Services account and support have said that it's a user managed service (I guess like giff gaff?) and so I want to know how easy it will be to install, how to actually install in my outlook web app since I access my emails via hotmail/ outlook internet/ web app and not a desktop app (don't have the storage space for that!). Please can anyone help or advise on this? Also I am about to set up my website (basic) using 1&1 click builder for wordpress, if anyone has experience of that please let me know as I only wish to have a simple website at this point but finding it hard to get started! Many thanks.
  3. hi, I am trying to buy a UK domain name. This domain name expired in January 27th 2015. I read that when the name expires, the owner of the name is given a grace period to renew it of 90 days, then after 90 days it 'drops' and then becomes available for anyone to purchase it. It seems to have now gone past the 90 days and the previous owner still has not re-registered it. Is this 90 days correct? When is it likely to become available to be purchased by anyone?
  4. We know that DCA's use electoral rolls and other info on public domain So can I by the same token post details of DCA director's Such as name, address, dob, FB profile all of which are freely available on the net?
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