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  1. Hello All, I'm posting this as a form of warning or advice, but in turn hope to glean some extra information based on CAGers' own experiences of either this abysmal company, or other car hire company 'bashing head against the wall' experiences. Apologies in advance for the essay. Sixt, it seems, will live and die by their "Terms and Conditions" contract, which, not unlike many other global and arrogant companies, seek to impose very harsh terms on their consumer; terms which would, in a court of Law, fall foul of the Unfair Contract Terms Act (UCTA), or the EU Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (CPUTR). Having looked around extensively online for a car rental deal for a holiday in Holland and Germany this summer, I finally decided on a deal from Sixt Rental. They offered the car class I wanted, and the best cashback rate through Quidco. So, doing what I always do after researching on my MacBook, I used a Windows session on the same machine and browsed to their site via Quidco, in order to guarantee that the tracking worked and my cashback registered. So far it has tracked but not been paid, but that is not the reason for my issue. The car was booked in mid-June, for a rental starting in early-September, this giving Sixt nearly three months to 'prepare' my rental car for my arrival. Now, when booking the car online at sixt.com, Sixt has a section on the form that specifically asks where you intend to drive it. So, I answered "Netherlands and Germany", because I was staying with friends near Utrecht, then moving on to Bremen, then Berlin, then Cologne, and back near Utrecht before coming home. I arrived at the desk in Schiphol and (fully expecting to be shafted) I actually got the car I booked, plus some extra loading included (sat nav and bluetooth) so I was very pleased. The assistant did try the obligatory up-sell of a higher class of vehicle, but at £10 a day for 17 days hire, and having already spent around £650 hiring the car it was too much for my budget, so I politely declined. The only issue to arise was the fact I didn't have the card with me that I had used to pay for the car some three months prior, which the assistant was most annoyed with. The truth is, I had lost/misplaced it (not reported at that point in time), but she said she could apply the 'damage deposit' to it still, as an unattended sale. Here's the important bit. Looking at Sixt.com's own web site detailing "driving in Germany" it states that many major cities in Germany now require an emissions sticker to be displayed, but they reassure their customer by providing the warranty: "... when you rent a car with Sixt this is no concern as our vehicles are kept up-to-date and carry the necessary sticker." Off I went to collect the car, and walking through the parking lot I could see all kinds of cars in the Sixt area, with registrations from all over Europe. My car was there, bearing a Dutch registration, immaculate and nearly brand new. I was still pleased. In all honesty, although I now recall reading about the emissions sticker whilst doing my car rental research, like all of the other information I'd absorbed from Sixt and other sites, the issue of the "Grüne Plakette" was completely forgotten as three months had passed, but in my mind the reassurance that everything would be ok with the car, because somewhere on their site, Sixt had assured the world in general that was the case. I got to Berlin about five days into my holiday (13th September) and parked on the roadside in the hotel's allotted on-street parking bay, and within an hour I noticed the car had a piece of paper jammed under the wiper blade. The last thing I expected was any kind of fine, as I'd displayed the permit the hotel had given me. My German friends who were with us in Berlin read the notice and were convinced there was some sort of error. The car had been fined €80 for not displaying the required emissions sticker. There was no option to pay it there and then, but reference to the fact the authorities would write to the registered keeper to demand payment. My friends have the green sticker on their car, as every German gets one (they cost €6, are valid for the life of the car, and are issued on production of the car's registration documents, or can be obtained online for €15 - 14 day wait - again by submitting the car's registration documents). My friends couldn't believe that if the car wasn't somehow exempt, that Sixt would not have included the sticker at the time they bought it, considering the minimal cost, and that their cars would inevitably be used all over Europe. I was of course in agreement, and then the memory of the reassurance on their web site came back to me. Immediately I wrote to Sixt's customer services telling them what had happened, and that there must have been some sort of administrative error as the car wasn't showing the sticker their web site stated it would, nor was it included in the car (after making a thorough search of the car, all it had been supplied with in terms of 'legal' stuff was a parking timer disk and a European Traffic Accident Report Form). Sixt didn't respond for 4 days, by which time the car had been given a second fine, but in the ensuing conversation, the person replying appeared to be apologising that I should have been reminded of the need for the sticker by the person who gave me the keys, and then stated that because it was a Dutch car, it didn't need one. I reminded them that they asked me specifically where I was taking the car, and as I'd said Germany, I'd expect the car to be adequately licenced for the purpose. Their response was to send me the link to the TÜV site to apply for the sticker (fat lot of use that was as I didn't have the registration documents anyway) and said it's the 'driver's responsibility'. I felt particularly miffed that I'd been badly let down, given the claims on their web site. In a later exchange of emails, Sixt 'customer services' even tried to claim that the car's registration documents are supplied 'for this purpose' - an incredible lie! Knowing how car hire firms love to whack fines and extra charges onto the card you used for the 'security deposit', plus their opportunistic additional fee for the pleasure, I formally reported my card lost. This worked, because Sixt were unable to whallop my card for their fees as I predicted they would try. I received two emailed invoices from Sixt 16 days after the fines were issued to the car, one for each fine notification, which appear to have been processed on the same day. They have 'grassed me up' to the German authorities (who incidentally still haven't contacted me almost three weeks later) in which they say that they are charging me €24 for each of my "parking violations". Naturally, I have disputed that I am at fault at all, on the basis that: - I hired the car from their web site, where it claimed "... when you rent a car with Sixt this is no concern as our vehicles are kept up-to-date and carry the necessary sticker." - I could not have obtained a sticker without the registration document, which to my knowledge is never supplied with a rental car. In any case, it was disproportional to expect me to lose half a day of my holiday to obtain a sticker valid for the life of the car, when I was only hiring it for 17 days. - I informed them on their web site where they specifically asked me where I intended to drive the car and were told "Germany", and the assumption is that they would supply a car fit for that purpose (or tell me otherwise). Of course, they are now throwing in the extra 'hidden text' that 'of course' the reference to the stickers is ONLY for cars hired for pickup in Berlin (what?!) and that I hired my car in Holland, so got a Dutch car (this is despite there clearly being German cars available for re-hire at the airport as there were dozens there, at or above the class I'd hired). However, their golden 'get out' is that they are saying my claim against them is irrelevant because I've agreed to their Terms and Conditions, they think it's cast-iron that I have agreed to pay ALL fines, HOWEVER they are incurred. This presumably extends to the case that they may have not insured or taxed a vehicle correctly, or failed on some other construction and use matter. They think (or are arrogating) their T&Cs transcend common law. I've pointed out to them that under contract law they are liable for any of my losses arising from a breach of theirs, irrespective of what their T&Cs say, and that I am firmly of the opinion that they are in breach, given the circumstances, but they arrogantly and swiftly always revert the onus to pay back on me, as "it's in the Terms and Conditions". So, the matter is still 'pending', and I will update this thread with developments and any outcome. If I am sent demands by the German authorities, I will have little choice but to pay, although I WILL make a claim against Sixt to recover them, and similarly as I've told Sixt that the only way they will ever get a penny off me is if I am ordered to by a court, then I will be mounting a defence against any such claim. If anyone has any experience of making a claim under the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) then I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to read my novel! GRMC
  2. This situation now is so ridiculous it is beyond frustration. I initiated the switch process to leave Scottish Power back in February. This was objected to. Contacted them to find out why and was advised that incorrect MPAN had been applied for. Supplied with MPAN. Contacted new supplier with MPAN. Was the same one they had applied for. Switch re-initiated. Objected to again. Phoned Scottish Power to discover reason for this second objection. Again informed it was because of incorrect MPAN. Was now advised that supply had a dual MPAN and that first number advised was in fact the secondary number and that a different primary number had to be applied for. Back to new supplier with this info. After some discussion, questioning and investigation, new supplier advised they were unable to take over the supply unless the second MPAN was de-energised and unregistered and / or the meter changed. Back to SP with this information and a request for them to perform said actions. After some long discussion which centered mostly around trying to convince them that I do not have electric heating an appointment was made to have the meter changed. Told a letter would be sent out to confirm. No letter was received so called SP the day before scheduled appointment to confirm. Rep was unable to access this information nor able to confirm or deny appointment. Next day no one arrive to perform meter change. Called SP again to complain and ask why. Rep was unable to answer this question or access the relevant information. Was put on hold several time while he made enquires with other people and departments. The last time I was put on hold I was left there for approx 1 1/2 hours before being disconnected. Both emailed and called to voice my complaint and displeasure at the situation. Receive irrelevant email replies addressed to someone else. The account is registered in my name only and no one is registered on it, had made contact on my behalf or should be affiliated in anyway with it. Also received and email addressed to both myself and this other person asking that we ignore the previous message and requesting we provide a letter of authority to allow details to be disclosed to this other name person. Each of these messages bearing this name were questioned and explanation sought as to who this person was and why they were being linked to my account. No answer received, only replies that bore no resemblance to the questions asked or the points raised. Various other emails sent and calls made trying to find a resolve, each time in vain and usually with Scottish Power referring to the electric heating in the property. The electric heating I do not have. There seems to be some sort of inability or unwillingness for them to accept the fact I do have electric powered heating as most of their correspondence includes some sort of reference to it and the cycle begins again when I explain that this is not the case. Having received yet another email stating that there is a dual MPAN because of the fact the property had electric heating I sent an email reply and telephoned them. After spending a good few minutes explaining the situation and making it abundantly clear that I do have electric heating the rep put me on hold. On picking up the call again the rep began to explain that the meter could be changed but that I would be making a mistake as the cost of my electricity would increase, especially that of my heating. Not believing I was hearing I stopped him and asked him to explain his statement given that I had not ten minutes previously finished telling him that my heating was not electric powered. "Oh, I missed that" came the response. At this point I was put on hold again as he went to seek advice. Returned to the call and advised that someone else would look into this and call me later. After agreeing a suitable time the call back was confirmed by the agent. No call received. Sent yet another email complaining of the situation. Surprised to receive a call from a complain resolution rep. Short lived was this surprise as, Deja vu, she started to comment on the supply and the electric heating. Again I had to state and explain this was not the case. This was met with great resistment and I was even asked whether I was sure as I had to have electric heating. She at this point advised that more investigation would have to be done but the she was finished at three o'clock and would not be returning until the following week. Told me she would send me an email from her direct address and asked that I send photographs of my electric meter to aid resolve the situation. Never received her mail. Have sent yet another email of complaint You can see why it is now beyond frustrating. Have passed some of this onto OFGEM. All I want them to do is change the meter to allow me switch supplier. Any suggestion how I can get them to do this ?
  3. Hi all, Is there any truth in the rumour (English law) that a court won't convict on the evidence of a sole witness ? Also, is there any truth in the rumour that witnesses must be independent - i.e. ruling out 3 close members of a family effectively being 3 witnesses rather than 1 ? Mike.
  4. Hi, I'm at a loss as what to do now. I'm in rented accommodation with my children, I'm lucky that my landlady is very good, and has no problem with me asking for anything. When we moved in 2 years ago, the whole house had been renovated, and new appliances put in. The problem was, the oven. from the moment I moved in I've had problems with it, since then, we have had 3 call outs due to the same issue (the thermostat ), I've just had enough now, I've contacted the call centre on numerous occasions, I've contacted them via facebook, and even emailed the CEO, and called his secretary,( because she wouldn't allow me to speak to him). They take forever to reply, and when they did they said that as I didn't purchase it, my landlady would have to give permission for me to contact them, So, I got that, they then came back and said, even though my landlady paid for it, she can't authorise me to talk to them as she wasn't the one with the trade card! so I had to ask the builder to authorise me to talk to them. At this point I need to say I was happy to discuss the issue,( as I understand it) and my landlady had more pressing serious issues on her plate. Eventually, Alison, at the call centre decided to send out an engineer. I waited in all day, but no one turned up, I phoned the service company who said it had been cancelled as they needed to buy a part, I was so mad!! no one had bothered to call me, and when I called Alison, after a long conversation, she told me I shouldn't have an attitude with her (I think 3 months of being quite calm isn't bad!!) I explained that as far as I was concerned, someone was coming out to assess the oven, not repair it!! the last thing I want is a repair, especially as the oven has had the same fault 3 times in 2 years! i know that if it happens again, they will wipe their hands of it as its past its 2 year warranty, the oven wasn't fit for purpose even from new. I've waited in again all day today, so I called the CEOs secretary, who 'kindly' told me, that its not my responsibility and I should let my landlady deal with it, oh and also, they were discussing it with me as a 'matter of goodwill'. Eventually the engineer turned up and has just left (5pm), he was very understanding, and agreed that the oven wasn't fit for purpose, I asked him to just assess it and not to fix it, as I believe it'll be a waste of time. can anyone think of where i go now? many thanks
  5. hi this is my first post . I have successfully claim back ppi on an old Barclaycard in May 2015 when I was going through these old statements, I found I had been charged late fees which go beyond the 6 year rule. After doing some research on here I found out about the s32 limitation act 1980. I sent a letter quoting this part of the act and how I felt it applied to me. Barclaycard did reply but didn't acknowledge this act and said the £12 charges reflect their cost and if I want to continue this complaint I should go to financial ombudsman service. However all the charges I have where over £12 but beyond the 6 year cut off. Has anyone successfully claimed late charges beyond 6 years? Any tips on my second letter and how do to calculate compound interest. or has there been any successful court cases that won that I can use in my next letter to them before I go to the small claims court? As going to the small claims court scares me any help will be much appreciated. Thank you janie
  6. hi im going to a tribuneral about my pip,claim and my friend has been looking threw my paper work and he notice this..in the summary justification..of capitas exsamanation.. it states(it appears that myself has some limited funcinol restrictions which occurs more than 50% of the time and will continue for the future)and also in my reconcideration letters there are no signitures on ever of them to say who had reasest me can anyone shed light on this please thankyou
  7. Banging my head on a brick wall here. My ex is self employed. He owns the business, building, land and has around 6 employees. He lives with his partner who only works 2 to 3 days a week. their house is mortgage paid. They have a car each, numerous holidays, all mod cons and can afford expensive concert tickets. He only has my son overnight around 3 nights a month, he has never bought him clothes, paid for school trips etc or even attended a parents evening. As he's told the CSA he pays himself between 0 and £100 a week, he only has to pay me £5 a week.(He does his own accounts). I know he's lieing but the CSA's hands are tied as he's self employed. I was advised by CSA advisors to appeal via the Gov CSA online re: ex living beyond means. There is absolutely nowhere on the site to do this! I rang the advisors back and even they looked online and agreed. I've sent an email to the site to complain about this problem but haven't heard anything back yet. Has anybody got any ideas or advice?
  8. Hi all I have my monthly season ticket from norwood junction to fleet NOT via london. other week i heard someone saying on train that one of the barriers at london waterloo accepts tickets not via london. I used them and i was observed by a RPA of southwest trains walking all through platform 1 till plat form 19 and using barriers there. He confronted me and gave me a receipt which says i will be hearing form SOUTH WEST TRAINS . I have never come across any situation like this before and i literally stood shaking when he was asking me questions I ended up signing the receipt which explains that i walked all the way form platform 1 to platform 19 to use my ticket which is not via london.Receipt also says i tried to skip payment of 1.60 pounds. i was so tensed and i was shaking when he was confrnting,when he asked me to fill in details,i did by mistake enter wrong DOB.I am even worried about that. I was told i will be receiving letter from SW trains within 3 weeks. I am so getting worried and tensed , seeing all these posts. Please someone explain to me about the process. My application for passport is under consideration I dont want get into criminal records.I know i did a mistake stupidly. IS there any way to avoid it to settle out of the court?etc? I am so embarrassed about myself & deeply feeling guilty about what i did for sake of just 1.60 pounds . ONE IMPORTANT THING is why should any barriers accept tickets which are not via london?ITS FAULT in the system. should i meet any solicitor regarding this or should i wait for letter from SW. how much time it will take them to write to me? Please some one HELP... I am SCARED.... I AM REALLY SORRY for wat i DID.... i dont knw what to do now
  9. Sent an informal challenge to council indicating I'd bought a ticket and that the area I was parked in looked like a legitimate area to park in and I was not causing an obstruction. I had to tell 5 other people not to park next to me as I was gathering evidence showing that the floor markings were confusing. My informal challenge was rejected saying that "every bay in this car park is marked by white lines and is numbered using large painted letters". The definition of a parking bay on the Collins online dictionary is "a space in a car park designed to be large enough to park a vehicle in". The space I was parked in was certainly large enough to put 3 small cars, and the floor markings made me think (and many others) that this was a designated space. There were no signs to say otherwise. Residential "bays" on roads are long and thin and not necessarily spaced individually for cars. Do you think I should take this further with an official challenge arguing this point / the lack of signs / or the slightly damaged sign indicating that this is a penalty in the first place? Any help fighting this will be much appreciated. I've never fought these bullies before trying to kick my rice bowl away.
  10. Hey, Sorry, but I am very angry right now. I just tried to talk to someone on the Efax live chat, it is all below. What annoys me so much is that by email they don't help at all, you wait days for a reply, if you try their chat, they are only there to sell, if you try to ask a question about a problem they can't help. I know that companies won't (Not can't) provide chat support - very happy to provide help only if someone wants to signup and pay. The reason I am livid is this has happened a few times, the end of the conversation was my typing that I tried to email - The reply from Travis was obviously automatic and it was closed automatically. First, I would NEVER use Efax now - It was something I was trying for a community group starting in a month, second is that this is the second (Maybe third) time the exact time this has happened, and lastly...how do they expect anyone at all to signup when their support is like this? This is just the live chat, I also have the exact same problems on email - They don't care at all unless you signup. I really need help with this...
  11. Hi, I'm trying to find account no's for accounts that i know had PPI on them but its been more than 6 years since I closed them. Is there any way I can find them as they are not on my credit file anymore.
  12. Hi Could anyone advise me on my situation with studio. I have started a claim and after being sent pages of transactions most of my default charges are over 6 years old, Studio will only pay back up to 6 years. Is this correct please? Thanks very much.
  13. Sadly my mother passed away in December of last year. It was very sudden and very unexpected. For my birthday in the October before, she gave me a Peace lilly, I love plants. After my mother passed, I didnt really take care of my plants very well, especially the peace lilly, in fact I didnt look after anything too well. However, my plants carried on thriving, including my peace lilly and one day noticed that it had a bud struggling up out of the withered looking leaves. So I decided then that I should do something about it and gathered up all my plants, re potted them gave them all a new lease of life, hoping that they would survive. Im happy to say they have, all of them are healthy looking plants now. I was sitting here today, just thinking of my mum as I often do every day. My mum loved butterflies, she often included them in her poetry and had little ornaments and broaches of them around her home. I looked over at the peace lilly and wondered how the new buds were coming along, I noticed that a strange white shape was poking up through the leaves so went to take a closer look. To my surprise the struggling bud that I had first seen had taken on a very strange shape. As I turned the pot round I could see that the flower had taken on the shape of a white butterfly as you can see here; A message from my mother perhaps that she is at peace? who knows, but I have to say that I have found this most comforting. Just thought I would share this with you all and let you make up your own minds. Perhaps some one may know why my lilly has taken on such a strange shape.
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