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  1. Hi My husband and I have both had contracts with vodafone for many years. When it came time for me to upgrade 2 years ago, vodafone offered a discounted deal if I took my phone as a second phone on my husbands account. This was a decent deal so my contract ended and his had both our phones. Two pay monthly contracts. Fast forward 2 years and my husbands contract for his phone ended and he upgraded to a new contract with vodafone. April this year the second phone contract ended (my phone). I waited a few months to decide what I was going to do as I will still happy with the handset. I then decided to take a new phone contract out in August in my own name with vodafone. I called them to advise I wanted to keep my old number. I explained the situation that my old phone was a 2nd phone on my husbands account. No problem they said. Here is a PAC code... Ever since then it has been a nightmare. Apparently what should have happened was that my old number should have been converted to pay as you go to allow me to keep the number and port to my new phone. Instead for over 3 weeks nothing happened Then, after countless phonecalls and different pieces of advice we were told that it would be sorted... Again, nothing. Then my husband discovers he cannot make any calls. Lo and behold they had switched his number to pay as you go instead of mine. Commencement of another endless number of calls. My husband spent HOURS at his work phoning vodafone because they would not talk to me as the 2nd phone (my number) was on his account. Having said that, some of them spoke to me so not a hard and fast rule clearly. I then spent HOURS and HOURS and HOURS and DAYS and MORE DAYS on the phone to many many different departments and indeed countries. Several times I was assured it wolud be sorted. Indeed, the last person even got their manager to apparently sprint down to the floor below to speak with a superuser who was going to wave his magic wand. And still nothing. I was assured phone calls back. Nothing. Still nothing. S o, my husband, who needs his phone for work, is still on a Pay As You Go. My old number is still active so we are STILL paying this contract even though it should have ended in August. My new phone I am paying for but has a new number. It is also not receiving calls. I only receive the odd call and the remainder of the time when people try to call me it goes straight to answer phone. I can be holding the handset when someone calls and it doesnt even ring. Someone told me my old number had now been lost then someone else told me that wasnt right. I was told my husband was no longer PAYG and was back on contract the I was told this wasnt right. Seriously, are they actually just taking the absolute...... ? I cannot bring myself to waste another entire DAY to explain the situation again only for nothing to happen again. I need vodafone to cancel my old contract and reimburse my money (or to my husband as was on his account) I need them to reactivate his contract and cancel his Pay as You Go as this phone should never have been touched. I need them to transfer my old number to my new phone. I need them to find out and fix my phone so it receives all calls. The internet is also much slower than my old iphone 5 (this is an iphone 6) I need all monies reimbursed that are owed to us. This has been ongoing since August 21st with no resolution and not a single call back from anyone who said they would. PLEASE HELP!!!!
  2. Dear all, Please find my account details below. Cancellation and porting date: 29/12/2015 Having spent over 150 pounds a month for years with Vodafone I was unable to upgrade at a better rate than that offered online for new customers so decided to move my service to O2. I spoke to a customer service agent to cancel and port my number on 29/12/2015. I was told that I would not incur any penalties but would have the pay line rental for the 1 notice month period. Was given a PAC code and moved my service to O2 on the same day. I have been up and running with O2 but for some reason all my incoming calls are going straight to Vodafone voice mail. I have been in touch with both O2 and Vodafone at length with this issue and the problem is still not resolved, instead being told that Vodafone is not at fault and that they are no longer my service provider. Having further investigate into this matter I can see that Vodafone have been having issues with porting for some time now due to a new system they have installed and have even been investigated by Ofcom. Furthermore EU regulations require that phone numbers be ported within one working day, and that customers do not lose their service for longer than that and it has been over 2 months! I rely on my mobile number for business and have missed out of business opportunities, employment opportunity and almost missed my flight due to this issue. As you can see I have also copied the Ombudsman services into this matter and will be passing this email to Ofcom as this issue just does not seem to get resolved. Last week on the 11th of March they sent me a text that they will refund me something not sure what and also I got a cancellation of direct debit email and I finally started to receive calls and messages after 2 months. I was happy and hopefull only to find out today 15th of March that they haven't cancelled my account, that the porting is still not done and they sent me a new bill for 66£ due by the 24th of March. I spent in total in excess of 50 hours with them on the phone, their web chat where they sent you doesn't work and I email them and I ask for them to respond in writing as they lied to me via phone numerous times since December and they refuse to email. I asked to set up a meeting to show them my contract with O2 since 29th of December and explain face to face what they are doing wrong I was refused. All the store managers are telling me to call Vodafone customer service which is sending me in circles to speak with O2 and O2 is telling me the porting is done correctly. I believe O2 because since the 11th of March both my outgoing and incoming calls are O2 and I have a written contract with O2 since 29th December 2015. I think is just a way Vodafone keeps you hostage in a contract and untill they decide to resolve the issue they drain you and charge you. For 3 months I am paying 2 bills, 2 contracts on the same number Vodafone and O2. Why Vodafone is not letting me go I don't know!?
  3. I have been a customer of Vodafone for many many years now, last year I decided to move my Vodafone contract number from contract when it came to the end of the contract to Vodafone PAYG, a simple task I thought, oh no, people could phone me and txt me but I couldn't reply, all I could do was use the data allowance, many times I contacted Vodafone and each time I was assured it would be fixed within 24 hours, it never was, so I decided to stop going around in circles and take out a new monthly contract as I had better luck with that. So here I am now with a PAYG that receives but cannot send and a new contract SIM with of course new number which I don't want, so I complete the online form to port the PAYG over to the new contract SIM, again I think this will be simple, many people each day do this, no it fails, the number leaves PAYG and enters some sort of black hole, never reaching the contract, a days go by and still no action, I am still on the new unwanted number, during this time it is my birthday, nobody can call me to wish me happy birthday , I contact customer services via the 'chat' I give up after ages being passed from one call centre person to the next, I get dizzy. A further 2 weeks go by, and still I don't have my old number back, I complete the online form again, this time I get an email saying the old number is no longer active Again I contact Vodafone via 'chat', again I passed around 4 times, before they give up this time and tell me to dial 191 as they have more access to the system than they do, so I do this, 36 minutes I am on the phone, I get passed around a bit, I lost count how many people I spoke to but it was a lot, I am told the 'back office' team messed up with the port and it will have to go back to them to sort out, it coule take 48 hours. I dont hold out much hope. Anybody else had nightmare times porting numbers over with Vodafone
  4. I had requested porting on mon 29th June 2015 and was told it would be done on Tues 30th. On Wed 1st July my o2 sim went dead, and the vodafone temp number stopped working but I could make calls which showed my ported number but could do nothing else. I have spent 3-5 hours a day since trying to sort this out. I have been told so many things are the issue and each time being told it will he solved and been escalated within 24 to 48 hours. I have been told the files weren't transferred from o2 properly, affecting a lot of customers and would need to be extracted individually, that the porting request wasn't done, that it was cancelled, that the account isn't set up properly. I am a surgeon and patients have not been able to contact me. I have been passed from pillar to post and each time with false promises. Agents have been promising to call me back. I sent a complaint email and rather than dealing with it was told to speak to live chat which I have done so many times. I am exhausted with the whole process now.
  5. Hi Everyone, I've been having an ongoing issue with my Vodafone mobile service for over 2 weeks now. Having a quick glance at these forums Vodafone seem to feature quite a bit which doesn't fill me with hope. I originally requested to port my number from Orange to Vodafone pay and go - originally scheduled to go through on the 10th but actually went through on the 11th. On the 11th my old orange sim lost all signal and new vodafone PAYG sim could make and receive calls/texts showing my orange number - so the port did go through. Since that date though I have been unable to use any internet data. I have been on the phone to customer services almost every day since then, being passed from one team to another with nobody having any real idea of what is going on. I've been through APN settings, they've tried pushing through the port again, been told the APN settings need to be reflected on the vodafone system - still no data! The problem seems to be deeper than just no internet, whenever I give the advisor my number I cannot be found on the vodafone system even though I'm currently using their services! Every advisor I speak to tells me to wait another 24-48 hours and promise me that this time my problems will be resolved as they have been escalated to the porting team/fault desk/manager. I must have had about 7 escalations now. Unfortunately they never are fixed and to this date have recieved no call back from customer services at any point! The level of service has been shocking. I am often hung up on as I'm passed between departments every day - nobody taking responsibility or initiative to solve the problem. I never receive my promised callbacks - about 4/5 to date. They seem to deal with faults by sending e-mails instead of physically talking to anyone and I am unable to get through to anyone to make any formal complaint. I have requested my PAC code to leave but am told this is also unavailable to be generated as I'm not in the system. I have now looked into Ofcom regulations for porting and PAC codes. Porting should be fully completed within 2 days and a PAC generated within 2 hours of the customer requesting it. I asked to make a formal complaint today and was told I was unable to do so until the 8 week point and advises I have to wait another 6 weeks to do so. I am not willing to go without data services for this length of time - I feel that 2 weeks is more than an adequate amount of time for Vodafone to have dealt with this issue. I've now been through multiple outlets to try and solve this issue - in store, on the phone, the e-forum and e-mail. No success so far. Any advice on how to take this further and deal with what has been a frankly very disappointing and poor service from a leading mobile provider. Cheers, Cameron
  6. I took out my brand new Vodafone contract on 22 November 2014. They ported my number from my old network (3 network) on 2 December. Since they ported my number on 2 December, a month ago now, I have been unable to receive calls or texts. I can make outbound calls and texts which displays as my newly ported number but I cannot receive inbound calls or texts. The number is unobtainable. I first reported this problem on 3 December and was promised a resolution within 48 hours. One month later, I have been promised a 48 hour resolution on 9 separate occasions. The 9th 48 hours has now expired and my phone is still not receiving incoming calls or texts. I have been promised resolutions from their contact centres, including their porting team and technical teams, a sales rep in my local store and by their web chat advisers. I have now been without service for 1 month and there is no sign of any resolution. Each time my 48 hours has expired I call again only to be told their system has been updated to show that the problem has been resolved. This incompetence is truly unacceptable as they only need to dial my number to see that it is still unobtainable and that they have not yet fixed my problem. I simply cannot understand how they would fiddle about a bit, think they have fixed my problem and then not bother to dial my number to test it. Surely that test comes within the first 10 mins of basic technical training. Also, nobody is willing to take ownership of my problem i.e. giving me regular updates despite my constant requests. Equally, their customer service advisers refuse to put me through to the complaints team by telling me that they don’t have a specific complaints team and they all just deal with complaints. So how do I escalate my problem? How do I get someone to take ownership of my problem? If I call again should I believe the 10th promise of a 48 hour resolution?
  7. Like so many others, I am having trouble porting my number to Vodafone. I have moved from Virgin to Vodafone. My Vodafone sim allows me to make calls and use the Internet but I can't receive calls or send/receive texts. I've contacted customer services who have said exactly what other people with the same problem have had said to them i.e. I will put you through to the porting team who confirm that my number is with Vodafone but all of 'the files' associated with my number have not been transferred. They say we will raise this with our 'back office team' who will contact Virgin. My Virgin sim went dead on the last day of my contract but interestingly, it has come back to life and I can now make and receive calls, send and receive texts and use the Internet. Not sure how they're going to bill me for this. I've been using mobiles for 16 years with the same number for the majority of this. I've ported many times before with no problems. As a first-time customer with Vodafone, this is a poor introduction. I would be grateful if Lee from Vodafone could help out.
  8. Hi All, First post on the forum, I am having a problem with Vodafone since porting my number across. Like many others by the seems of it I have no mobile data. I can call and text but no data. I have spoken to Vodafone customer services numerous time on this issue and the call has allegedly been escalated to the network team. This call has been with this team for about 10 days and I cannot get an answer as to what is happening. So far I have been through the internet settings with every customer service person on every call. I have had the texts sent to me to do the Telco equivalent of have you tried turning it off an on again. They have blamed the SIM card and have had a new SIM sent. Another half a day without a phone at all while switch took place. Then I was told the call has been escalated to the network team and I will get a txt in a couple of days to let me know what is happening. This was about 10 days ago and nothing has happened since. I have spoken to customers services again today and there is still no update and I was told there is no SLA to fix this issue and to wait a few more days. I did not realise how much I rely on the mobile data for little things when out and about. I am now very frustrated as I have a smart phone which I can't use as such when away from wifi. I cannot wait 6 weeks or more like other users who have posted here and I am still paying for a service I am not getting. To rub salt into the wound I get a text from Vodafone stating you have unlimited uk data for 2 more months. So enjoy watching movies or listening to music. Would have been nice to use some of it. What sort of action can I take with Vodafone? e.g. Do I have grounds to terminate the contract and return the phone as they are not supplying the service I have signed up for. Any advise or possible routes other that customer service to get the issue solved. Thanks Matthew
  9. Hi All, First post on the forum, but have read many other similar threads now that I have done some searching on the internet - wish we had done so before switching to Vodafone. Brief summary: Vodafone seem to have messed up porting a number and while it can call and text the SIM can't get any mobile data at all. It's been like this for 6 weeks and Vodafone don't seem to be able/willing to do anything about it. Meanwhile they're still taking our money. I've complained in store (more than once waited in the store while staff are on hold to someone else for so long that the store closes and I get kicked out!), I've spoken to them on the phone, and have spent hours on the webchat system, I've even made a complaint directly to the CEO. Every time I complain I'm told just to wait 24/48/72 hours and the mistake will be corrected. It never is. From what I can gather only a handful of people in Vodafone can actually interact with the porting system and they are never customer facing and difficult for even executive level complaints to get in touch with. I'm on here to see if anyone can give advice about what to try next? It seems like options might be: Complain to ombusdsman services - unfortunately they won't take the case on until 8 weeks have passed, so have to wait a little longer before approaching them. Try to tackle Vodafone legally as a breach of contract - they're more than happy to collect the direct debits but are not providing the service we agreed to - perhaps there is an appropriate angle here? Something else? Maybe the better informed users of this forum have good suggestions? Looking forward to getting peoples thoughts - help! Thanks for reading Owen
  10. Hello, I have been suffering since I moved to Vodafone on 5th November, I just ported my number from Three to Vodafone, and its still not ported, spoken to 25 different people almost 30 minutes everyday since then, walked into vodafone store no resolution, infact, the most irritating thing they do a cold transfer, and I have to repeat my self so many times. Also raised an official complaint to Mark to askmark@vodafone....., just get a confirmation with a complaint number 8574855 but no resolution yet, i keep getting emails with a different complaint number 8576541, saying me to verify security checks and need to chat with customer services, when I chat with customer services they say they have no information about the email. I think it was the worst decision of my life to move to Vodafone, my number is not working, loosing business, affecting me mentally, so many people trying to reach me and dont know what else, Will Vodafone compensate? Customer service now says my number is showing as a Vodafone number but is not active on Vodafone(One of the agent also said, its showing up as a Pay Monthly number which is not but a number coming from Three), I have just spent almost 1.5 hour with chat representative and got my call transferred and spoke to 2 agents for 15 minutes, no resolution, 1st one said they only handle pay monthly and second one said systems are down, don't know how a company of such a scale afford have systems down during a weekday! Any suggestions/guidance/similar experiences/someone who can help? Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  11. After several calls to customer services and failed promises by the people on the phone at EE's 'customer services', I finally managed to port my number from Vodafone a couple of days ago. The feeling of success was short-lived once I realised that I couldn't receive calls, or send or receive sms. Deeply regretting moving to EE already. I spent the whole of today either on the phone to EE or waiting for them to call me (on a landline, as my phone is useful for nothing but admiring the pretty coloured squares on the screen) I was fobbed off with excuse after excuse, patronised with "have you tried turning it off and on again", promised call backs that never came, promised solutions that were never delivered, told by one guy that he'd sent a text and i was to wait for that (he was obviously oblivious to my inability to receive said text) told by another that I should probably wait 24 hours and call back again. I was charged 25p for each call to 150 where I spoke to someone, left on hold for at least 15 minutes each time I rang, had the phone put down on me a few times. I am so colossally fed up of having to re-explain my issue each time I ring to someone else that can't be bothered to do anything about it or give me a proper explanation for why nothing is being done!
  12. I switched to a Vodafone monthly plan on my new iPhone 5s and ported my number from Orange about 2 weeks ago. Since then I'm not receiving most calls and messages. I've now spoken to Vodafone about this 5 times! and visited store twice! I'm being told it is a porting problem. I was promised this would be sorted out within 24 hours 2 days ago. I've not even had the courtesy of a call back. When I called them today and spoke to the 'porting team' they say they can't get an update from their 'back room staff'. They seem to be useless and uninterested. I'm starting a new job on Monday and missing important calls. I'm sick to death of Vodafone. But if I get a new provider will it just make the porting problems worse? Any ideas?
  13. Hi all, we have an ongoing issue that is causing us significant stress and if anyone can provide us with either a likely route for resolution and / or compensation, we would greatly appreciate it. Vodafone has lost my wife's number while porting it over from her previous supplier (initially it worked for 2 weeks, before stopping) and she has been un-contactable on it for 5 weeks. As she is pregnant this is an important line of communication with health professionals (amongst many other people) and vodafone’s unresolved error has been causing her further stress. As she is not well, this is particularly unwelcome. Furthermore, when we have pursued this query with vodafone customer services representatives they have: a. Lied, often saying they or their manager will call back that day or soon. This has happened about 5 times with only one returned call. b. Said the problem will be rectified within 5 days (numerous times, at least 3). c. Been rude and hung up on her. d. Refused to give us individual contact details so we can speak with one, informed person and hold them to account. While problems occur, Vodafone has handled this problem in a very poor manner and still no end is in sight, other than promises it will be soon fixed and they will call us back. I hope Vodafone do not treat other customers in this disgusting manner. Any advice on our predicament would be appreciated. Thanks.
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