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  1. Hello all, Today, I walked out to my car sitting outside my address, to find this rather unwelcoming sticker slapped on my window. Before any questions are asked, I have absolutely no idea what/where/how this 'warrant' has landed on my lap... but I have recently moved address. I immediately rang the quoted number for equita, and spoke to two very unhelpful ladies. I explained (honestly) to the operator that I have no idea why this sticker has been stuck on my window. I asked for a full explanation of what the debt is, how it was obtained and more importantly how much. The operator asked me to confirm my address, to which I obliged, however.. inevitably this address did not match the one on their system. In fact, the address they hold on the system is 5 years old!!! The operator explained the reason for debt, stating; You stopped in a bus bay - £188 You parked in a residential area without displaying a permit - £188 Now, this is the bit I need some advice on; I explained to the operator that I have not received ANY letters/PCNs or enforcement documentation to my address or previous address about the debt in question. I explained that I am not disputing the debt, however I am not willing to pay them until I have seen official documentation from the source (council) including dates/pictures etc. For all I know, I could be paying a rogue. The operators response to my points above where that they cannot send out any documentation to my new address, and that I should contact the mobile telephone number on this sticker... (presumably the bailiff) to arrange payment. I proceed to call the number (albeit very hesitantly) but ofcourse... no answer. As I have said above, I am not looking to 'dodge' this unpaid PCN if it is indeed legit, however i'm not going to pay someone on the end of random mobile number £366 without knowing its legitimacy. Any advice going forward please guys?
  2. I am a vulnerable person having suffered a violent attack for which I am receiving counselling for and has left me with anxiety problems, at the time this led to me leaving work which in turn led to me running up rental arrears and a possesion order granted ( I moved out before the date ). The vast majority have been paid off and I am now in a new place, at the time of the hearing I offered through his solicitor to pay £200 per month which was accepted via the solicitor in writing and I have kept paying to this arrangement. I have today been informed that a letter has arrived to my old address ( even though my old LL has my new address ) for which I have not been in for over 5 years to say a baliff ( High Court Sheriffs Office ) will arrive after the 11th - I know the person in there now luckily! I have a few questions on this: - Am I right in saying that if my friend ( who lives in my old place ) states I am not there then I will have to be re-notified at my new addy? - which gives me some time to sort something ( as they will not know I know ) - Is there a court route I can go through? - Is this allowed when I have a written agreement on repayments? - The original order is for 2 of us and the action just lists me ( not sure if it makes a difference?) - Why would he put the wrong addy on? - I am not sure if it makes a difference but it was seen at Eastbourne County Court on September 11th and the paperwork from Bailiff states it was seen at Manchester County Court on September 11th What information would my friend need to provide to show I do not live there anymore? The total remaining on the form is £2600 ( which is after the £200 per month payments I have made ) I obviously have medical/counselling/doctors notes I can provide that support my anxiety and people turning up to the house will obviously set this off
  3. very long story which I will add later today, if possible, but your question of {did you make offers to the creditor before ccj } made me think because I made the offer which they refused,and yet when we went to court they accepted the exact amount! http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?398804-Help-with-a-judgement-and-visit-from-HCEO-**Partial-Refund-Obtained** but I am not a business, just a pensioner who has now fees which like yours, didn't apply , I have now paid all but 200 which they say I still owe, did it cost you much and how did you go about taking them to court, As I am new on here I dont know how far I can go asking personal questions , but I know ,{ I am not being arrogant} that the original debt was just so flawed , and I cant seem to find out how to go about proving it, I am not disputing the money owed on the debt , but the lies which were behind it, and it need not have gone this far paying all the HCEO fees, As I said I dont know how far to go on here, with company names etc, I would like to copy and paste the costs etc , but is this allowed, because then I can explain a bit more in detail what happened? Long story , had delivery of oil which I HAD NOT ordered which was £739 , it was signed for by my partner who just thought I had ordered it, I asked them to come take back on same day, they refused and said I had signed up to their top up service, which I had not, as always paid for my oil when I had saved enough money, I couldnt afford to pay all that at once and save weekly for my oil as well, I made them 2 offers, which they refused, next thing I knew was an HCEO was at my door, with a writ I explained I didnt know anything about the court proceedings, and was just waiting for the claimant to get back to me again to see if we could come to an agreement, they had gone to the High Court which was around 200 miles form me, I had to ask him for it to be set aside, he did an inventory and went away. The original court case was 27 1 2011 and I wasn't aware until 7th june 2011 . , The reason for me posting is the fees are very high, having read some of the comments on here, are not right, and they are still chasing me for more, and keep stating about 2004 regulations . I have got an email with court papers and fees, and also a breakdown of fees, which are a joke, even more of a joke is the fact that my monthly payment which I have paid to the court is the exact amount I offered the claimant and was refused out of court on a debt and judgement of 795 with the court costs, I have now paid 65 payments of 35 .00 and DARE NOT cancel it as they told me in an email they will enforce again, For the last 3 weeks I have nearly drove myself crazy trying to find out what I can do to claim these fees back, I dont have a problem about paying the oil debt, but I do have a problem with their under hand way they have gone about it and now I am owing money to my friends who have been helping me pay this, I would be really grateful for any advice, thank you x
  4. I have a qestion one of my friends have recieved a letter stating Baliffs will attend in 14 days to remove property for a very old debt from HSBC which was sold on to PRA Group Ltd. After checking her credit file a CCJ was issued against her for her debt by PRA Group Ltd in Oct 2016. The thing is the debt was Statute Barred when the CCJ was issued so surely it is not enforcible, any suggestions on how to proceed would be greatfully received.
  5. I wonder if you could advise me about a visit from the baliff this morning that my friend received. She owes council tax for last year and this year. She made an arrangement with the council debt collector and agreed to pay the debt off for last year. She has paid £400 so far and there was only £18 remaing. She then received 2 separate council bills with 2 different account numbers. She rang the council and they said it was a mistake it was just and adjustment. So as far as she knew there was one bill for 2015 to 2016 and a small one for 2014 to 2015. The council told her the money she was paying would part go to pay off 2014 and part pay off this years. The baliff just turned up this morning hammering on the door, and terrified her and her son. He said he was going to take stuff today unless she paid £100 which she did, this was all the money she had and now she cant pay her rent. He is coming back next Friday for the other half. The remaining amount of the bill for 2014 was only £18 and now stand at nearly £300 as he has added his visit to the £18. The council are now saying that the two bills they previously said one was an adjustment isn't. The debt collectors are saying the same thing. She cant get any sense from any of them and they are all telling her to ring someone else. She is at her wits end and doesn't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Hi All that has a read, Thank you firstly for clicking the link and using your time to have a look at my issue On the 29th Jan I spoke to someone that called my mobile, they said they had a high court writ in my name and have been sending letters to an old address. I said that I had not lived there for four years. I gave them my correct address details asked them what it was for and said if it is mine can I arrange a repayment. They said yes but didn't know the details of it. The bill was for 1200.00 Yesterday I received a letter from a bailiff hand delivered, now asking for 2150.00 ish saying that he had visited to take items. I called him his mobile was off Today I called the HSE Group and spoke to them they said they sent me a letter on the 4th I had 10 working days to sort it and I didn't, I gave them my address details why would I then ignore them! They said I would need to speak to him, he has put on charges of £190 2nd stage and £425.00 3rd stage all in one day? is this allowed? crazy I was out at work. I called him again he finished work today at 1pm and turned his phone off, I know this as I rang them back and said I have now tried to call him again and his phone isn't working, they said its turned off when hes not working and no answer machine Please help, I think this is crazy that I have to pay all this extra money when I gave them my details. I can find the money for the original debt, but its doubled! The other thing is I am not a serial debt builder I had a house repossessed because of bad tenants and negative equity and my business failed too, every penny I earn goes to clearing my past. Many thanks in advance
  7. Morning All, Hope you can help. Rossendales due today! Debt council tax relates to 2014/15, I was signed off by G.P for stress and anxiety after suffering post traumatic stress following a dreadful experience. I have all doctors sickness notes. The debt is due and I accept full responsibility for not acting correctly, I was not dealing with anything to be honest. Was on ESA now on JSA. O.k Sums outstanding to council £232.00, Rossendales added £75.00 compliance stage fee total due £307.00. I phoned Rossendales ofice explained my position, office refused to speak to me as now with an agent. Phoned spoke to the Baliff, he refused to accept a payment arrangement over phone and insisted on coming to see me in order to make a levy of goods and would then enter an agreement, however they would charge a £235.00 levying distress fee, making balance now due at £542.00. I phoned the council asking if I could make an arrangement, they advised "now with Rossendales, we cannot intervene." After my bad time, I am now trying to take control and I'm going down to the council personally this morning, what I found and I need help with please is the following:- Council tax guidance - Rt Hon Eric Pickles, "Local authorities should remain and prepared to deal directly with individuals at any point" Does this mean I can insist that the Council call back action from the Baliffs and make an agreement with me? I also have Guidance regulations 45 (b) section 5 (admin & enforcement) regulations 1992 (amended 2006), from these I am a little confused regarding how much the Baliff can charge for the Levy, section 2 a) does not exceed £100 = £12.50, b) 12.5% on the first £100, 4% on next £400, I don't need to go any further, are these charges based on original balance owed to the Council of £232.00 or to include Rossendale fee of £75.00. I may be wrong but I don't see how Rossendales can insist on coming into my home to charge this £235.00 ? I am willing to fight and pay but don't want to quote anything which is incorrect and look an idiot. Baliff due back today, can anyone advise please. Thanking you in advance.
  8. The Council have forwarded 3 Liability Orders to Bristow and Sutor totalling £1200.00 who have written to me by post and asked me to pay £156.00 per week, this was unaffordable. I went online and said that I would pay £22.00 per week direct to the council to clear the debt, the online form only allowed me to write 250 characters, I did manage to note in there that I would NOT allow the baliffs access into the property. I have sent a letter to the council asking if they will take the debt back and allow me to pay them direct - yet to hear back from them Bristow and Sutor have telephoned me today and confirmed that they have received my email, they will not stop any action and that if I pay direct to the Council it may not come off the debt with them.. . I just again stated that we would not be allowing them access to the property and that we would be paying the council direct at £22.00 per week. Am I doing the right thing ?? Is there anything else I can be doing ?? Any help would greatly appreciated
  9. I missed a council tax payment in December Bristol City Council handed my account over to a Baliff, this amount incorporated the December amount and Feb and March. The baliff arrived at my house 1 day after Bristol City Council had taken a payment from me. The Baliff states I need to pursue the Council for this money as the order has been made for the amount outstanding - I am in discussions with the council regarding this. However I contacted the offices of Bristow and Sutor and told them I had some short term finance issues but would have the whole amount to them by April 15th, they told me this was fine. As it happened I had the money by the 8th of April and contacted their offices to pay the amount - circa £350.00, they informed me that the paperwork was with the baliff and he would be visiting me today, they gave me his mobile number and i duly contacted him to pay the amount outstanding. He told me he had already visited the property and I now owed a further £235.00, money I simply don't have. He said if I paid the amount outstanding it would look good it had been cleared and there would be an exellent chance of the additional fees being written off given I had the cleared the arrears. Clearly I was very naive as todays conversation with Bristow and Sutor did not go well, I remained calm and didnt get irate when they told me the charges stood and how would I like to pay them....... Do I have any recourse to go back to the council and talk to them about this? I dont dispute what I paid last week as it was due but £235.00 is a lot of money for a man currently struggling and just to cover the seemingly excessive fees of Bristow and Sutor
  10. Hi guys can you advice me further. I have council tax arrears and its now with the baliffs. I am currently off work with depression and on medication, as I'd been avoiding my debts and burying my head in the sand for many years, I hadnt actually opened any post for about 18 months....... I am working with CAB, to face my debts. But on going through my post I hacve noticed some hand delivered stuff from Rossendales, about said council tax, I worte to them with an offer of payment what I could afford, they have replied saying its not acceptable, but on going through more paper work, I notice they have been charging me for visits, but they havent actually knocked on the door, now I notice they have put a walking possesion note through the door with my car reg details on it, but I havent signed it, so is this legal ? Also the car is still owned by the finance company.
  11. Hiya, My mum and dad have just called me stressed as a baliff has turned up for my brother ( he was not in at the time ) They know what the amount is for and who it is from but when my dad said he was not in the baliff did not leave any paperwork and just left. They have the court order so will the court know which baliff company is being used, both my brother and my mum suffer ( and have medical documentation ) of severe anxiety and depression and so my mum is already stressing massively about this My brother had already offered a monthly repayment but this has obviously been rejected. So my question is, will the courts know who the baliffs are and can they inform him? If they send medical notification + a repayment offer is this likely to stop the action? I am worried about there health with it all Many thanks
  12. My partner had a charge levied against her at court for 850 and she was making a monthly payments and she subsequently missed one payment but continued paying after that. It has now transpired that the debt was transferred to a bailiff who have slapped 300 pounds fees on top of the existing debt by dropping letter through the letter box. Are these high fees legal and what can she do? Any advice please
  13. Need some advice please I have a council tax debt of £160.00. Bailiffs are trying to charge me £194.00 on top of this for 2 visits they have made to my home.! I read somewhere that for council tax they can only charge for 2 visits and that I should question when their fees are higher than the original debt. I also read somewhere that if I pay the original debtor the debt I owe them then the bailiffs cannot come after me for their fees but will have to deal with that separately. What I want to do is pay my council tax debt directly to the council and tell the debt collectors that I am not paying their unreasonable fees. I want to know that if they knock at my door they cannot charge me again for a visit. Can someone help me please? I can pay £110.00 of my council tax today. I went in this morning and spoke to someone at the council about all this but they said they will not take the debt back and that i'll have to arrange a payment plan with the bailiffs. I left in tears
  14. hi just looking for a bit of advice plzzz:???: (sorry very long post) my partner has a court fine for not having a tv license (he honestly thought he had one ( i no you hear this all the time)). he pleaded guilty by post and got fined ££240 (or there a bouts) (been researching all day and head hurts) he spoke to the courts fines officer and was told to send income & expenditure form which he did. he then received a letter from the court regarding non payment so he called and made a payment of £42 as they had requested. the man on the phone took all his bank details and said it would continue to come out of his account till it was clear. he thought no more of it and happily plodded along.] he moved in with me a month ago and on the 30th April we received a knock on the door (hammering on the door) at 7.30am i ignored the door as wasn't expecting any one, he then posted a letter threw the door it said it was a removal notice and had visited to make a payment arrangement. and £518 was now due. Then on the 1st May we received another notice threw the door (no one was home) saying final notice and he would be back to remove goods either one evening this week one morning this week after 7pm today or this weekend. it also stated there will be no further warnings. we called the company (marstons) direct and was told we had to call watford court as they wore the only people to reclaim the debt for a payment arrangement. so we called watford court who told us it was bedford court but also marstons had to hand the debt back. so we called bedford who said they had no recollection of the calls my partner had made etc and to speak to the bailiff. i call the baliff on my partners behalf and he said he would ask the court if they would except a payment plan, after speaking to the court i was told they shut at 4:30pm this was at 4;15. he said the court had addded a £320 admin fee. and he would call back i then received a text message from the bailiff @ 4:30pm stating important message fao Mr XXXXX your case given that it has been outstanding since 5/4/13 is high priority i have been instructed to collect immediate and full payment off £518. there will be an enforcement team arrive with in 96hours to take control of goods for sale at public auction.my advice would be that you consider asking close family for assistance. i then rang him and it went straight to voicemail, i said could he call me back and explain what the court had said. and also i had been advised by his company and the court that he can not gain access to my property as i am sole tenant and my partner is not currently registered as living here (the man from marstons on the phone said as long as i had my tenancy agreement this is fine) today 8/5/14 at 7:16am i receive a text from the bailiff saying important and urgent message for Mr xxxxxxx from Mr xxxx full payment of £518 is to be made before 12:00 fri 9th may 2014. to make payment call blah blah quoting ref no xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you will receive a 6 digit authorization code text or caall me with this code immediately to cease full enforcement action at (my address) this weekend. i replied mr xxxx you have been told you are not authorized to attend my property if you do attend i will call the police this is not mr xxxxxx (my partners)contact number you are texting the wrong person. Mr xxxxxxx has said to tell you he does not wish to deal with marstons. just to recap do not attend my property it has nothing to do with Mr xxxxxx. many thanks the sole tenant. he then replied please understand there exists the power under schedule 4A magistrates court act 1980 (inserted by schedule 4 of the domestic violence crime and victims act 2004) to enable entry into the property BY FORCE using locksmiths where required to execute a magistrates warrant against Mr xxxxx at the address xxxxxxx. call the police non emergency no 101 to confirm what i am telling you is lawfully correct. So please can someone help us on what we can do? the court has said its not an admin charge its the enforcement charges. we are more than willing to pay in installments just we cannot do it in full. any help and advice gratefully received kind regards Kim & Jay
  15. Hi all, I hope someone out there can help me as I am very very confused! Briefly, A representation about a PCN was made to Stratford Council on the 23rd of December 2013 and no response was received. I was unaware of the severity of the situation until on the 1st of August 2014 I received correspondence dated 21st of July 2014, from Equita which I subsequently opened regarding the PCN due to Stratford Council, stating that enforcement action would be taken unless the amount of £157 was paid. I immediately telephoned Equita and explained that this correspondence was my first sight of the outstanding PCN from Equita. I notified the gentleman that the vehicle in question is a company vehicle and is currently on a finance agreement and therefore cannot be levied upon and that a representation to Stratford Council had already been made. I then returned home at 3.00pm on Wednesday 6th August 2014 and noticed a white van parked at the rear of the Mews where I live. I parked directly next to the vehicle and noticed a gentleman inside the vehicle. I unloaded the contents of my car, entered the house and approximately 5 minutes later, walked round to the front of the Mews to collect my black bin, noticing the white van was no longer parked in the Mews. I then left my property shortly after this to walk my dog and noticed the white van was now parked at the front of the Mews with the gentleman seated inside. Upon returning to my property some 45 minutes later, I found a handwritten note from Equita with no envelope, had been pushed through the door stating Baliff, Mr S Parker had called to execute a Distress Warrant, giving me 24 hours to contact him to avoid further action. Also pushed through the door was a note stating my vehicle had been clamped because I had not paid the sum of £392. I must stress that at no time have I received a breakdown of the charges due to Equita other than the letter dated 21st of July 2014 received on the 1st of August 2014 with the amount of £157. I then telephoned Equita, having been unable to reach Mr Parker. Equita refused to discuss the matter with me despite the fact that I had stressed the Distress Warrant had been delivered at the same time as the clamping had taken place and no chance to pay the debt or discuss this had been given. I also explained that at no time did Mr Parker attempt to talk to me in person while I was unloading my car and had indeed waited until I had left the vicinity to return and clamp my car. My neighbour witnessed the white van pulling into the back of the Mews after I had left the vicinity and is willing to provide a written witness statement to support this. I also stated that in addition the vehicle has a significantly higher value than the original debt and stressed to Equita that as a single parent living in a rural location, there is no public transport and I needed to collect my daughter from a holiday club. I also explained that the vehicle is absolutely essential for my work since there is no alternative public transport I could use instead and that the car is not owned by me since it is subject to a finance agreement taken out with BMW Finance. Again they refused to discuss the matter or provide me with a breakdown of the charges. Mr Parker them returned to my house and caused considerable embarrassment to me by literally hammering on my front door and shouting through the letterbox. He had also parked his white van directly in front of the entrance to the Mews so my neighbours were unable to enter or exit. I had absolutely no choice other than to pay him the £392 he was demanding (via my debit card to his offices so I had a record of the transaction) and he removed the clamp. I then filed an out of time TE7and TE9 and have just heard back from the TEC that the order for recovery of the unpaid penalty charge has been revoked and the charge certificate has been cancelled. Speaking to the council, they have said I have no rights to ask Equita for a refund of their baliff fees of £310 - is that right? Does a cancellation of the charge and the recovery not also revoke the baliff action and subsequent fees?
  16. I've come home today to find a card posted through my door to say a Bailiff has been to execute a warrant. Some years ago I lost a Money Claim Claim as I was too frightened to attend to Court. I was ordered to pay just over £2000. I've been paying £30 every month. I send the person a load of cheques to cover a year at a time. One got missed and the person jumped at the chance to send in the Bailiff. I sent in an application to the Judge along with my fee. The form got sent back along with a new form (I'd completed the wrong one). The Court cashed my cheque and I sent in the new, completed form. In the time it took for me to send the new forms in, the court had sent me a cheque for the amount I'd originally paid and it now looks like the Bailiffs are to continue. When all this happened all that time ago I became very overwhelmed and everything looked black. I just want to get rid of this. I don't have the money to pay in full. How can I get rid of the Bailiff? Can I just tell him what I own and let him take the stuff? Will it get rid of it all? They say I owe £1600 which is definitely wrong as I've gone through all my statements. The card dropped through the door is headed HM Courts and Tribunal Services. Please can anyone help and advise?
  17. Hi all I got a court fine through doing something really stupid and was paying it back out of my benefits. I then got a job and my benefits stopped but I completely forgot about my fine. Next thing I know I got a further steps notice in the post and I paid £25 online (I still owe £260). On Monday I got home from work (I work 9 - 530 and don't get a signal on my personal mobile) and there was a message on my home voicemail from the courts saying could I get in touch. I rang them today and got told that it got sent to the baliffs yesterday so I was a day too late to sort it out with the courts and that they'd issued a distress warrant to Marstons and that I'd have to sort it out with them. What can I do now as I can't afford the £260 in one lump sum. I'm not at home during the day so am scared that they'll break in and take goods. I'm under the doctor for treatment of depression and alcoholism. I know that in some cases you can tell the Baliff that and they have to send the debt back but would this work with Marstons/court order? I have their phone number to call them but wanted to find out what I should/could do to prevent them coming to the house? thanks Mary
  18. Hi all, I have been reading with interest regarding some similar issues however no posts seem to fully answer my questions. See last year, almost to the day, I boarded a southern rail train in a rush, asked the platform assistant if it was possible to purchase a ticket on the train, he pointed to the train guard who had the ticket machine strapped to her, she waved and smiled and I boarded the train. I started to look for her in the two adjoins carriages and she was nowhere to be seen so I decided to take a seat and wait for her to walk through as they normally do. My stop arrived, gatwick airport, and I approached a station attended (or a train official, to this day I don't know who it was!) and explained the situation and where could I purchase a ticket from. After much back and forth I was issued a penalty faire which I declined to pay as I felt that I had not intended to evade the fair however I was not given the opportunity to do so, granted I could have gone to the station however my original train arrived at platform 12 at clapham junction and my connecting train was from platform 13, so yes, I jumped on this train and if anyone knows clapham station the station office is some treck! Anyway. My details were taken, I tried to inform her that my address would be soon changing however she stated my current address must be put on the notice. I was not given this notice nor a reference number and she said contact customer services for details??? This I did while in the airport lounge and notified them of the new address which all communications should be directed to and to please request he reference number so I could pay, by then I'd calmed down and thought I'd just pay the damn £20 and be done with it. I was refred IFPAS for payment however they said hey could not settle without a reference number!? So! Back to southern rail to request this, I recovered a replay stating my address had been changed on the system and I would receive the reference number. No further communications were recovered to me. Until today. Turns out a enforcement officer attended my old property with a distress notice and I have missed a court appearance down to southern rail sending all communications to he wrong address, I have yet to see any documentation however asked the EO over the phone what address and dates they have on the paper work and they a to my old address and AFTER the date in which southern rail confirmed that my address details had been updated!! Really don't know which way to go here, I have not had the opportunity to pay the penalty fair as was never provided any documentation nor did I have the opportunity to defend the case in court! Now I have a balif chasing me for £629.90!?!? Can anyone out there assist me and offer some next step guidance please? Really appreciate it as I'm sure not to sleep tonight! Many thanks
  19. Please can someone help! Had a visit today from a bailiff stating i owe £450 for TV license debt from 2008 from a previous address in another area. I called the majestrates court and told them it was the first i had heard about the debt. They advised that i did actually aknowledge the debt back in 2008 and made a £30 payment so a stat dec is not an option. The court advised me to call their fine department which i did and they say because i had a baby 7 months ago, self employed on maternity allowance am classes as vunerable and should be allowed to have the debt passed back to themselves and just pay the original £150 and have baliff taken out the eqasion. So i called marstons, spoke to someone who clearly could not be bothered to be there said i was told a crock of lies (his words) and it was up to the majestrates to claim the debt back. Another call to majestrates, they confirmed they could NOT take the debt back and its up to marstons or the other option they told me - IGNORE IT?!!! they say just dont answer the door or let them in......i don't want a default of CCJ though been working hard to sort out my finances. Called marstens again spoke to someone who was incredibly rude and told me to call the baliff as it was HIS decision NOT the companys to send back the dbt?!! Am confused and have spent the past 2 hours on the phone back and forth whilst trying to look after a 7 month baby. Its seriously stressing me out and inder loads of pressure from baliff HELP please xx
  20. Hi, i have a question regarding the baliffs right to enter. I have a 23 year old wayward son, who has accumilated £1400.00 of unpaid fines. It would appear that he has given our home address as his home address. He has never lived at this address, nor did he live at our last address. we recieved letters from marstons to start with, i replied, they replied and asked me to send them my council tax bill to prove he didnt live here. i said NO, my council tax bill is none of your business. A few weeks later a knock on the door, 2 guys from marstons turn up wanting to come in a see my son, he doesnt live here i replied, we need to come in and confirm that they said. I replied FO and they did, never to be heard of again ( so far ) that was about 2 months ago. i have now received paperwork from a company called Collectica, telling me that they will be forcing entry to my property under the DVCV act. Do they have the right to enter if the debtor does not live at the address and who's job is it to prove he doesnt live there.
  21. Had a baliff today a rather rude and horrible one , wanting a payment of £539.00 with fee of £200 for todays visit included . I asked why the fee was so high as I understood they can only charge so much He said it was because he was leving and enforcing. He then asked me if my husband was a roofer to which I replied yes as he is ... Then asked about the car on the drive which is in my name but its a disabled car so he did nt levy that He was rude demanding payment off me stating he was nt going to leave without some sort of payment and stated that if I paid my bills this would nt be happening his whole manner was scary well he scared me im on medication for stress and anxiety and I have a disabled son of 9 even after telling him this he did nt back off im still shaking . Before he left he posted a notice of seizure through the door and he s levied 3 pairs of ladders all of which my husband needs for his job the baliff knew this as I told him. After he went I phoned my local council office to receive not much better attitude the lady said if should pay my bills and the next step is committal to prison and she said I will be sent so im more paniced than ever . I asked about the baliffs fees and his manner to be told he s just doing his job im petified and don't know what to do if he comes back any advice much appreciated sorry for rambling I do this when anxious kymmie
  22. Hi, Whilst I was out this afternoon, I had a visit from a baliff the left me a letter. Arrears of council tax £397 In accordance with the law, your possesssions will be seized if payment is not made within 5 days. I am asked to contact the baliff directly. I have an old car in my drive which has no tax or mot and wouldn't want the baliff to take this away when I am out. I haven't the funds to pay the baliff in full and any advice would be greatfully accepted.
  23. Hi, I received a letter this morning telling me baliff's were going to come and take my stuff unless I paid £898.54 for keeping a vehicle without a licence in 2009??? I did have a car impounded a longtime ago to which I paid the fine and the impounders bill and got the car back how come I am getting this letter? I don't have the funds to pay it either help please
  24. can anybody help.. we had a issue a storage company who the instructed baliffs to remove our retail stock and sold it at auction.. we did not know anything about this until afterwards they took 200 items item worth approx 20k and sold it for next to nothing at 1725.. what can we do as we have been ripped off beyond belief for a debt of £625.. we didnt receive a penny as the baliffs took the remaining balance for themselves myself and my wife are feeling physically sick by this and has left us with no stock and a huge problem trying to replace it . can anybody help.. the baliffs concerned were some frim called Guants in bradford who we have contacted and found them rude annd agressive and they simply hung up the call. any help would be greatly appreciated
  25. I received a summons for unpaid council tax for a property i used to live in a couple of years ago. The amount was for £513.64 They asked for 1 payment of 257.00 and a second payment of 256.64. They refused to accept anything lower even though i couldnt afford that amount. I paid £50 online last month and today i have come home to find a letter hand delivered from Bristow Sutor demanding payment of £540.14. What can i do?? I am happy to pay monthly installments but in no way can afford the entire amount up front
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