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  1. Hi all, Today I received a letter from Bristow and Sutor stating a sundry debt overpayment of housing benefit due to Bristol City Council of £198.12. The letter goes on to say I must pay this debt within 7 days to prevent further recovery action, concluding with 'Failure to respond to this letter as directed will result in the continuation of recovery proceedings, which may result in one of our doorstep collection agents or a doorstep collection agent from Credit Security Limited visiting your property and / or action being taken to obtain a County Court Judgement against you which will adversely affect your credit rating.' Firstly, I've not received housing benefit since around 2013 as I relocated and found work etc etc, so this is the first time I've received anything regarding this matter so it's a bit of surprise! Do I contact Bristol City Council to clarify further information regarding the debt, or the debt collectors themselves? Regarding the 7 day warning, how worried should I be in bailiffs visiting my property? Many thanks in advance. Ben
  2. I have a balance from last years council tax which I had been paying Bristow and Sutor on an arrangement but I have missed a few weeks. I have paid about half the debt. Had a call saying full balance due, I explained I cant but no joy really. I called the council and their balance differs by about £200 so I assume its fees. I offered to pay council direct and they said they will accept payment but B&S own the debt. Council cant agree an arrangement. What can I do to stop B&S coming out to the property and do I have to pay their fees? I fully intend to pay what I owe, just a bit stuck for cash. I did tell B&S guy that I wont deal with anyone sent to the house. Any advice appreciated
  3. Hi all, I'm new here but have long known about this forum and it's expertise. I've found myself in a bit of a rubbish situation so hoping someone can offer some advice beyond the basics that I've googled. Brief history- I am disabled, live alone, not working due to illness (mental health issues too). Yesterday I was in bed poorly when someone knocked at the door. It was an enforcement agent from Bristow and Sutor. Apparently I had a parking fine issued by South Gloucestershire council last summer. Looking at the date, number plate and location of the fine (which I had to ask him to show me) I had a hire car for a short period of time (whilst waiting for motability car) and parked on a restricted parking zone. I am certain I would have displayed my blue badge but I can't prove that now? I knew nothing about this charge until the bailiff arrived yesterday! He said they sent a letter on 24/01/18 but I haven't received one. Apparently that would have given me more options and the £235 wouldn't have been added on at that stage The amount owed is £423.00, including an enforcement charge of £235. I can't see a breakdown of costs other than that. The piece of paper he gave me says 'Notification of Enforcement Visit' and 'warrant of control'. He wrote on it that I have to call him before 4pm on Monday to make full payment or discuss this with him. Apparently I can't call B&S direct now. Now, despite not having a notice about this fine before, the date and time and location points to it being me (I looked back, and I definitely had the car then and it's a street I often park on), so I'm willing to accept that I owe the money but my questions/points are... 1. I do not have anything like the £423 to pay them. I could spare about £75 out of my housing benefit when it lands on Monday and worry about the rent later, but the full amount is out of the question. I'm struggling to eat and pay bills as it is (rent higher than housing benefit will cover, my husband left me last year so I'm on a single benefits income etc etc etc) 2. I have a blue badge and my car is a motability car, so not mine- they can't take that, is that correct? 3. I did not let him into my property (in my dazed and shocked state I somehow remembered that) but if he visits again I'm sure he'll knock at my landlord's door next door and there is a possibility he will likely let him in. He's not a great guy, but also not very clued up and would probably freak out at the sight of a bailiff and feel it's his responsibility 4. Do I count as vulnerable due to my health issues, and what does this mean? What consideration do they have to give me? 5. At this point, if I call and offer £100 and then a weekly payment arrangement, are they obliged to accept or negotiate this, should I pay the £100 anyway first thing Monday? 6. If I do make a payment arrangement, does this mean I have to let them into my property and let them take an inventory? I guess I just want to know the best course of action to resolve it as quickly as possible and without losing my stuff or opening my home up to a stranger, I panic at strange people coming to my house at the best of times. I'm feeling very ashamed at having gotten myself into this mess in the first place and my anxiety levels have shot through the roof but I'm trying to keep calm and figure out what to do. Any advice would be much appreciated- I think I've given plenty of detail here but can provide more if needed. The terrible irony is that had I got this fine last year, I had some savings due to my divorce and would have easily been able to pay it Thanks for reading!
  4. Bristow and Sutor are calling our home regularly. It's a recorded message for my son who does not live at this address nor has he ever lived here. The problem is that my husband is poorly in bed and the phone ringing disturbs him. We normally get very few calls. When they ring they give the case number three times but unfortunately I suffer with Arthritis in my fingers and I am not quick enough to write it down. There is no regular time for these calls otherwise I would arrange for someone to be here to get the case number. I have tried to get a web chat with the company but keep being told to try later and I've tried completing their email form but it won't be accepted due to no case number. I just don't know what to do now. I see my son occasionally and have told him about the calls but he has said to ignore it. He was declared Bankrupt almost two years ago so I'm not sure what this debt is for. I'd be really grateful for any suggestions. Thank you
  5. Hello I have received an email from Bristow and Sutor that looks like spam but it caught my attention purely because it is addressed to myself and my ex. After looking up the company online I am certain it will be due to council tax arrears from 2012. At the time we we’re living together, sharing with another couple. We called the local council, we wrote to the council and I even sent a bankers draft in the post with a letter explaining that we would like to start payments etc and we received an acknowledgement. But after months of trying to pay we got nowhere, even the landlord tried to help and wrote to them until the point we were moving out and we eventually gave up. I haven't spoke to our flat mates since as we never got on anyway, we moved to a new place before we later broke up in 2015. She now lives at the other end of the country and we are not on speaking to terms. She was never good financially so I doubt I would get much joy from contacting her myself. I'm very concerned by all this as I have always paid my way and never been any negative debt and after reading things online about Bristow and Sutor. All of this has occurred as a direct result of the local council's error and I have never had any communication from them whilst we were at the address or since. Where do I go from here? I really don't want to deal with Bristow and Sutor paying their fees and dealing with them. I don't see how that will help me. Do I contact the council? Explain and Pay them what I owe directly? At the moment I've not received any post, just an email Any help or knowledge would be hugely appreciated Thanks!
  6. Hi I made a EAC2 complaint against a Bristow & Sutor bailiff who was abusive and racist during my telephone conversation with him after he had visited my home while I was out. I recorded most of the conversation. I have received the Bailiffs response, which is a load of rubbish as he has not addressed the complaint. The court has given me until 20th May whether I wish to continue with the complaint. Whats thrown me is the following part of the letter from court. 'I strongly recommend that you seek legal advice before you proceed, as the law surrounding Bailiff's power is extremely complex. I should also make you aware that in the event that a hearing is ordered and your complaint is not upheld, you may be liable to pay costs to the bailiff subject of the complaint.' Look forward to some advise.
  7. Hello All I'm currently at work and so I have no real time to look through the sticky threads on here. I owe Council tax to the sum of £1200. I am currently applying for a DRO and have received the barcoded application, but I know that it will still take some time to be considered etc. I have sent Bristow and Sutor my budget, prepared by CAB and also a copy of the DRO application. It was calculated that I could afford £10 per week and so I have been paying this by Standing Order to Bristow and Sutor. They keep refusing my offer I literally cannot afford any more at this time. Surely they can see that I have taken it very seriously having to go through the DRO route and that I am paying what I can afford. They have now set up a payment arrangement of £53 per week which I just cannot do. Firstly, is there anything else I can do to stop them? I have been in touch with the Council, but they want to leave it to Bristow and Sutor. Secondly, I received a notice to take control of goods. How do I stop all this? People are saying just don't answer the door, but can they force entry? Can they just come and take stuff?
  8. Hi All, I am looking for some advice if possible please and the best way to make a complaint. I had an enforcement officer visit my home today, parking a white Peugot Bipper van in front of my car in my driveway and claimed that I have had a parking ticket and he has a Warrant of execution to take my vehicle. He produced the Execution document and also a document containing details about the account and the case history. He told me that if I did not pay immediately he would tow my car. £82 Parking ticket £75 Compliance stage Fee £235 Enforcement Stage Fee £392 total I have had NO correspondence from either the Council or the Bailiff regarding this case and sure enough all the initial letters were sent to my previous address, where I have not lived for 2 years. 26/3/15 Notice of Enforcement sent - (Previous Address) 26/3/15 Notice of Enforcement Covering Letter 9/4/15 Put up for first enforcement visit 17/4/15 Enforcement visit - Debtor absconded - no F/ADD - TQs left or enquiries made 26/5/15 Request sent to client for F/ADD 2/7/15 F/ADD obtained by tracing agent 2/7/15 Notice of Enforcement sent - (Current Address) LIE 2/7/15 Notice of Enforcement Covering letter 14/7/15 Put up for second Enforcement Visit The one letter said to have been sent to my current address 2 weeks ago but this is a complete lie as I would have dealt with this at that time. There was no letter. The document holds very little information about me. Not even my first name, date of birth or employment status. The fields are all blank. It also says Levy/Goods value 0.00 I am not sure if this is significant. The bailiff was extremely menacing and threatened to call the tow truck right there and then if I did not pay. I had no choice but to pay the money as I need my car for work as I am a mobile IT professional. I received a receipt after the payment and he asked me to sign it. At the bottom it stated that the money was paid willingly and I agree that under no circumstances will it be refunded. I argued with him took the receipt without signing it and he left. Can anyone help me get this money back? Regards, Ollie
  9. Hi I have an old debt from a previous address - I'm not really querying the debt but there are some interesting and challenging and frustrating issues around it. I contacted my LA in the summer to clear off all my outstanding council tax debts. I had come into some money and wanted to end the saga. I asked them to give me a figure for all the outstanding debts. They gave me one amount which I paid. Subsequently my wife - same address - received a set of letters asking for payment of another amount. Now, I was amiss to not challenge this at the time but I genuinely thought it was an oversight as I had asked for all amounts to be included when I paid in the summer. Turns out my wife's is a separate amount that they would not have included at the time of the large payment because of the Data Protection act. This amount has now gone to Bristow and Sutor. I called the LA and asked them to repatriate the debt internally in order to avoid BS costs and they refused to do so. I complained that as I had acted in good faith towards them in the summer by clearing all outstanding debts it would be reasonable for them to do the same for me now. It fell on deaf ears. More to the point Bristow and Sutor were demanding £54 weekly to clear their debt (now compounded to £650 from the original £570 owed to the LA). I told them I can't afford that amount and they eventually reduced the weekly amount to £36. I can't really afford this either but the BS rep told me I had no right to a minimum payment as the debt was legally enforceable. Is there anything I can do? Mike. Thanks
  10. I'm assuming there is a precedent to this. I have a debt to the Council for back Council Tax which I have been paying back as and when I can afford it. Today Bristow and Sutor sent an enforcement agent (who told them he was a bailiff) while I was out and luckily they did not let him in. Nothing, apart from a few items such as my bed and an old stereo which is worth pretty much nothing, on these premises belongs to me as I am just a lodger here and the room is furnished by the landlords. I have never denied that I owe something but the amount is in dispute I have told B&S this previously but they have ignored all my letters. The bloke cleared off when it became clear he wasn't being allowed in but I suspect he will be back. Apparently he was eyeing up their car and I would obviously hate for them to become involved when it is nothing of their doing. Do these people have any claim to anything on the premises and where do we stand if they return in the future? I have spoken to the Council but they say it's out of their hands now although I suspect they could do something about it if they wanted to. Thanks in advance for any help and advice
  11. I would like to ask for any advice about enforcement agent, Bristow & Sutor (B&S). 3 months back B&S enforcement agent was in my rented house for the first time and tried to get into by locked door but I was alone at home as my partner was in Medical Centre at this time and I didn't opened. EA also been in my neighbour to get- I suspect - information about us because she let him in (we have non-friendly "relation" with neighbour). I didn't opened because of fear, I thought that was crime, I haven't had idea that was agent from Council, he left letter with his mobile number AFTER trying to get into house. I also struggle with deep depression and not open anybody at all when I'm alone, so I waited for my partner and after he was back, we sent text message to agent for making a new visit where we are both at home because we was scary: he knocked the door, windows very aggressive... Enforcement agent came in next day and said that we have to pay £360 straight away or he will call the police and we will go to the prison for 90 days. We was scary so much that I started to cry. My partner said that we are unable to pay now (believe or not we didn't had any pound in pocket), but we suspect to have money in Monday (that was Thursday 5th of October) and unfortunately an agent didn't agreed to wait until Monday for £360 payment and repeated again that we will be arrested RIGHT NOW if we will not pay TODAY (5th of October). At that time we were dealing with the decision from Jobcentre Plus about our Jobseekers Allowance, which we claimed about 3 weeks before as well as from Council about Housing Benefit. We already had letter from DWP about providing more proofs and documents to be able to get benefit, so in the time when enforcement agent been in our rented house we didn't even had any penny. We struggled with living expenses waiting for benefits (starving). Also, what is even more important my partner was seriously ill - pneumonia diagnosed by GP and taking antibiotics as well as waiting to have some money to get into Hospital to have blood test and X-Ray as doctor even suspected lung cancer, which means we both was very depressed and extremely stressed out about his condition at the moment as well as our whole life threatening situation. Even that our situation was like that: - without ANY money - unemployed - without any luxury goods, which an agent could take (all we have is old tv worth no more than £10, washing machine, microwave, fridge-freezer, old and damaged xbox 360, old table and 2 summer cheap chairs, 2 double mattress without bed and dressing table with mirror: that's all and he listed everything) - with serious health condition in my partner and depression in my case, which we informed of course - waiting for benefits ...this didn't stop the agent from threatening us about calling the police right now and being arrested if we not pay £360 now. Which is completely out of my mind, if I don't have any penny how I can pay £360 right now? We was so scary that my partner desperately sent text message to his previous colleague from job (he was working in restaurant before we claimed for benefits), who is not even a friend about lending us £360 as soon as possible because if not we are going to jail and he was so kind to borrow us that money the same day... After taking borrowed money from us, enforcement agent made a payment plan without even asking how we can be able to pay that amount, which we are unable to reasonably afford. He made this plan in moment where we was without any money that we have to pay first payment £100 and then £200 every month. This offer is to high for us but we were very scared and too stressed out about going to the prison that we didn't even tried to negotiate any lower payments. We have made our first payment on 4th of December - £100 and from this day were constantly asking to keep that amount because we are struggle even with that amount. Our debt now after paid £360 is £1700 from our 3 previous addresses. We are unable to make £200 every month. Our benefits for both of us are: - Jobseekers Allowance: £419.40 monthly for both of us - Housing Benefit: £328.12 monthly for our landlord's account straight away, which means we not have these money physically (our monthly rent is however: £495, so we actually should pay the remaining amount to our landlord, which is: £167 monthly, which means we will have £252.40 for both of us per month and if we have to pay for Bristow & Sutor £200 monthly, we will have 52.40 PER MONTH for both of us, which means is £13 weekly for living expenses and not paying other bills at all). We are genuinely struggling to pay this years tax on time but we are willing to pay: we just expect understanding our situation and give us chance to pay small amounts. Going to the prison will not resolve the problem, it will make it worse. We are now on benefits and we borrowed a laptop from our colleague and trying to improve our situation by freelancer jobs and my partner considering to start self employment if his work start to bring earnings. Letting EA to our house was mistake I think because we had worsen this problem. Could You please take any advice, what to do? We would like to back our debt into Council again but do they take it? Should I write about that to Council as well? Because I am actually in contact with B&S via their contact form, which allow me to put only 250 characters... They answered that they are unable to reduce the monthly instalments. Here is their e-mail: "In regards to your arrangement we have offered you the maximum time to clear the balance and are therefore unable to reduce the monthly instalments. Failure to comply with the arrangement will result in further recovery action being taken against you and you will be liable for any additional costs incurred. We trust this clarifies the matter." Yesterday was our second date to pay £200. We didn't had it obviously, so I contacted via this short form with 250 characters and sent them 4 of them that I am asking for keep the amount £100, which is still unbelievable high for us at the moment, we are still unemployed. My partner is going to doctor next Wednesday and we will know the results of his lungs, he is feeling really bad and lost much weight as he don't eat not only because we have very little but also he lost appetite. We are living now in extremely life threatening time, I am so depressed that I'm looking for suicide methods in internet because I'm so afraid going to the jail. Here is the fresh answer from B&S: "We acknowledge receipt of you recent emails, the contents of which have been noted. We must advise, however, that in respect to the two accounts we hold, both have a liability order that has been granted through Isle of Wight Magistrates Court. Once a liability order has been granted the balance, including costs, becomes legally due in full. Bristow and Sutor are under no legal obligation to set an arrangement and if we go it must be within our strict client guidelines. In light of the above we must advise that your proposal of payment is still unacceptable as it is not within our guidelines. Notwithstanding of the above, we have referred your proposal of payment, along with your current circumstances, to our client. We now await their instruction and once we are advised further we will update yourself accordingly. In the meantime we urge you to maintain the existing arrangement and will allow until 12.01.16 to make a payment of £142.76 to bring the arrangement up to date. We trust this clarifies the situation. Yours faithfully" I am very sorry for that long post, I don't even believe if someone will read that but I cannot focus and think properly to make it shorter, I just have huge brain fog. I will appreciate any advices and help. Thank You in advance.
  12. Hello, I am in need of desperate help! When I returned home yesterday, I had a letter in my postbox from Bristow Sutor from one of the enforcement agents. From what I can see, I have had a PCN and an outstanding council tax bill from my previous home. The letter is notification that my goods now belong to the agent, and I'm not allowed to remove anything etc etc etc. One of the highlighted parts is that I will be liable for any fees for getting a locksmith to basically come and break into my house. Herein lies the problem. I live in a fully furnished rental property, which is classed as part of the large house at the top of the land. There are 4 properties with the same address. I have never spoken to the enforcement agent (aside from last night when I text him asking for more information, after which he continued to call me, despite me asking for a reply text or email), so I'm not actually sure how he knows which of the buildings is the one I live in. As the place is fully furnished, I own nothing of any value, the TVs in the place do not belong to me, all kitchenware belongs to the landlord, as do the washing machine & drier. I own a car (valued at £175 by my insurer, which I need for work as I live in the middle of nowhere, 9 miles from my place of work). I am actually moving at the end of this week. This has been arranged since well before I got this letter. I definitely don't have enough money to pay the debts in full (totalling over £800). I suffer from chronic clinical depression (diagnosed over 12 years ago) as well as acute anxiety, so clearly, I can do without this, on top of moving house and a whole load of other family related stuff I'm dealing with at the moment. I have logged into the BS website (which is how I got the information that it's for 2 seperate things), and there is no payment plan option available anyway. Please someone help! I'm so scared!
  13. Hi! I was living in a two-bedroomed property in the Willenhall area of Walsall that was totally unfit for human habitation - there was no electricity or gas as the previous installations had been thieved and trashed and eventually I had to move out in May last year as I had had enough, and as well as that I was constantly being called into my manager's office with complaints about personal cleanliness, etc., because I could no longer care for myself properly. (I no longer work for the firm concerned in that.) I sent a letter to Walsall Council advising them I had moved out of this property at the end of May 2015 but received no acknowledgement from them regarding this. I have now received a letter demanding £1178.90 by Bristow and Souter who are demanding a repayment arrangement of £107.90 A WEEK on it from 23 March 2016. Whilst I am in employment at the moment there is no guarantee of me being kept on when my probation period ends in two months time. I thought they were asking £107.90 a month but it's not it's a WEEK. Also included on the letter are the usual threats about seizure of goods. committal to prison etc. Can the good people on here advise me of the next steps to take please? I do have a car but I could park it at a local station a few miles away if needed - it's only worth £450 and I have no other possessions unless B & S want a load of old radio mags and cookery books! Many thanks! PS! It IS possible to get to work on public-transport but I don't want B & S to get their thieving hands on my car as I've been having a great deal of trouble with aggressive beggars in Wolverhampton lately!
  14. Hi all, hope you can help me out. I am being chased from B&S for council tax for 3 property's (during myself and partners we where moved out due to landlords either selling property's or finding it troublesome, antisocial behaviour or violence, however we are now with the local housing trust as we have a child. Now during those 3 years we have occurred some council tax, some was billed for the entire year, some only for the months we where there. Even before B&S started chasing me, I went to the council and explained the situation, they told me to pay what i could across all the council taxes, so they gave me a bar code for the last few months would chip away at the debt, however the process of bailiffs was automatic and eventually the debt would be passed back to the council. They also told me they would apply for an earnings attachment where they would take a % directly out of my wages to cover council tax and back dated payments, and that has happend and has done for 4 months and it will continue until its paid off? Today b&s have visited with an enforcement notice.... Now I dont want to talk to b&s, infact i want to send some form of letter first calsss recorded giving them no right to access my property and also that the debt is being dealt with the council and their services are not required, from the research ive done their people have no power, and the only people with any say are high court enforcement offices? any help with letters or templates would be great!
  15. Hello - can anyone help please? I owed £2219 for unpaid Council Tax that the council passed to Bristow and Suitor. Reasons I owed so much is I am the only one working as my husband isn't working having lost his job due to being sick and doesn't receive ESA. Im trying to get some help to appeal this but this all takes time. I made an arrangement with BS to pay £374 on 18/01/16 followed by 5 monthly payments of £369 (total £2219) On 17/1/2016 (January installment) I paid £1000 and £369 on 1/2/2016 (which would be the February payment so before the 18th of the month as what was agreed) due to pay another installment of £369 on 18/3/2016. I have checked on line via BS website and can see the 2 payments I made have been received, correctly the balance now stands at £850. by my calculation I am actually ahead of what I agreed to pay. I've been issued with redundancy notice last week and not too sure when Im going to get another job thought I would ask BS if I could discuss re-arranging the instalments as I've paid larger installments than was originally agreed (thanks to a family member). BS told me I have to continue with the arrangement - so no help. I received a letter on 8th March stating "you have failed to make payments on the required dates. ..prepared to make the following arrangement of £481 by 18/3/16 followed by 1 monthly payment of £369" I don't see what payment they are referring to? I have paid more than what they have agreed to and wonder if the phone call to them has triggered this letter? They havent got control of my goods although I know this will be the next thing they will try. Husband hasn't a clue about what's going on as he can't manage with stuff like this so I'm on my own and don't know what the hell to do. If anyone can please offer any help please
  16. Hi everyone, I just wondered if someone can give me some advice for a friend of my wife's. She's in terrible financial trouble due to an abusive ex-partner who left her in a lot of debt. She's currently being chased by Bristow & Sutor for Council Tax arrears totalling £2,200. So far, the bailiff that has been visiting her has refused to accept any offers of payment whatsoever and has demanded the balance in full. He was always very aggressive and threatened to force entry and remove all of her furniture on multiple occasions, which we all know he can't do. I have written to them on her behalf and they have agreed to put her account on hold for 14 days to give her time to 'put her finances in order' after which they said she must contact them to make payment. My wife's friend is disabled and is in receipt of ESA. She has, however, said that she will pay them £50 per month. This is a huge amount of money for her and I know that she can't afford any more than this. If she offers them this amount and starts paying it to them online, are the bailiffs entitled to refuse the offer as insufficient and press ahead with further action? If so, what action can they take? Any advice would be very much appreciated. Kind regards, Paul
  17. Hi We had a visit from an enforcement agent regarding council tax, we had a payment plan in place and missed two payments that we had arranged to pay 10 days ago but due to a death in the family we missed that date. We called their office today to bring the payment upto date but were told that we have to deal with the agent directly. The letter posted through the door has noted my car details and claiming that my goods are bound etc.. We have been told contact the agent ASAP. The debt is approx £2000
  18. Hi Everyone, I am hoping for some advice please. I received a letter from Bristow and Sutor on the 18th dec titled Enforcement Process commenced and also a Notice of enforcement enclosed. The debt is for 3 different council taxes from different years £66.57-2012 £193.33-2013 and £926.62-2014 The 2012 and 2013 was from when I was not working and claiming ESA and is for the payment shortfall from what was paid by benefits. The 2014 payment is because i stopped claiming benefits. Each payment has now increased by £75.00 each because of being passed to B&S. I did make and arrangement with the council to pay £150.00 per month but couldn't find the money when due and just buried my head in the sand. ( I did pay them £60.00 when setting up the arrangement with I thought was to come off the £66.57 but it don't seem to have I can check back on this and find out) B&S set me up a payment plan and wants £142.52 by the 25/12/14 and a further 9 weekly payments of £141.00 It is impossible for me to make these kind of payments. I have been on their website today and emailed them to ask if they would consider £200.00 a month as they only allow 250 characters on the enquiry form I couldn't explain why I couldn't afford it. Does anyone have any advice on how to get them to accept a payment arrangement I can afford please, I have a feeling they will call tomorrow and then I will be charged and extra £235.00 on each case and it is just going to get out of control. I am not a very confident person and I am easily walked over so I will find it hard not to let them in and will end up agreeing to anything just to get rid of them. ( I darent even call them) As for our money situation as I was ESA and my husband was not working also (we had massive personal and family problems through 2012 and 2013) we decided to set up our own business as our life was going nowhere. We have worked extremely hard over the last 18 months with setting this up from nothing everything we have made we have put back into the business so we have only had the minimum to live on we have no luxuries like sky TV top brand items or anything we don't even own a car. we only have a works van which my husband relies on. I am terrified they will take my husbands Van and then everything will have been for nothing. Also the house we live in now is my aunties as we moved here for the cheaper rent, She does not no we owe the money and I don't want her finding out but most of the furniture in the house belongs to her. The only thing we bought with us was the bed, washer and a bookcase. the problem is I have no way of proving this. Sorry for the ramble if anyone can give me some advice it would be great Thanks
  19. The Council have forwarded 3 Liability Orders to Bristow and Sutor totalling £1200.00 who have written to me by post and asked me to pay £156.00 per week, this was unaffordable. I went online and said that I would pay £22.00 per week direct to the council to clear the debt, the online form only allowed me to write 250 characters, I did manage to note in there that I would NOT allow the baliffs access into the property. I have sent a letter to the council asking if they will take the debt back and allow me to pay them direct - yet to hear back from them Bristow and Sutor have telephoned me today and confirmed that they have received my email, they will not stop any action and that if I pay direct to the Council it may not come off the debt with them.. . I just again stated that we would not be allowing them access to the property and that we would be paying the council direct at £22.00 per week. Am I doing the right thing ?? Is there anything else I can be doing ?? Any help would greatly appreciated
  20. Hello I had an outstanding parking fine from a local council.The Bristow and sutor visited my old address(where my mother still lives)and despite being told I no longer lived there threatened to call back and remove goods. They left a contact number and I refused to give them my new address,this was simply due to their attitude,i told them I am in receipt of dla and esa yet they demanded full payment or they would return to my mothers and remove goods without further notice. I eventually asked to speak to a manager who wanted £20 weekly..i made a couple of payment but it was impossible to keep up with as I was taken into hospital and my benefits were stopped. Then my mother was given a letter by neighbours,it was a letter from Bristow and sutor given to her neighbours asking for details of my address and whereabouts-even though my mother explained I did not live there. I have now had a letter to my address-demanding the following: debt-£112 compliance stage fee-£33 total sum outstanding-£380 I have phoned for a breakdown of fees,this was refused,i've tried to explain my circumstances and was told they were not interested and I must pay the full amount within 7 days. I also have the message that all my goods are bound and I cannot sell or dispose of them. The baliffs have never been in my house,i will not open any doors to them and I have a blue badge displayed in my car(which is parked away from my house) Any advice welcome please how to deal with these rude ignorant idiots...
  21. I'll state at the outset that I've been in dispute with the council over council tax on a semi derelict house, I've lost the argument of course. I naively thought the new regs would have brought in a new era of honesty and transparency in bailiff enforcement. I find that Bristow and Sutor notices still only show the total debt they think you owe, a single figure. I've no idea what years they're enforcing for, how much or what their fees are. It's obviously a cunning ruse to "encourage" you to take part in their [problem]. In no other financial area can businesses demand payment without showing what they are charging for. I'd be interested to know who thought the new fees were reasonable!
  22. This looks like a great forum, I hope someone can help. I got myself into some financial difficulty a few years ago and some council tax debt was referred to Bristow & Sutor. A Bailiff visited me in 2012 and he issued a "notice of seizure of goods" that i signed. He also took inventory of several items in my living room. TV, computer, couch, mirror etc. We made an agreement on 22/03/2012 that I would repay a £740 debt at £10 a fortnight over just less than 3 years. I have honoured the repayment agreement since, never missing a payment until..... I came home from work this evening to find a hand delivered notice from a Bristow & Sutor bailiff advising me he had visited to remove goods today. The letter also states the initial charge for today's visit is £140 and the total amount now due is £230 I called the bailiff who advised I missed a payment in September. I checked my online banking and he was right. I missed one £10 payment due at the end of September as there were no funds available in my account at the time the standing order was due, frustratingly this was just 4 days before payday too. Given the facts that i haven't missed a payment in 2 1/2 years and the debt was down to £90.00 before today's visit. Is it not a little heavy handed and a massive overreaction on the part of Bristow & Sutor to send a bailiff to my house today without any notification? I told the bailiff I was unable to pay him anything at the moment and he told me my case would be passed to another team who would revisit at a future date to try and obtain payment or goods. He couldn't specify when this would happen. Presumably any future visits will be charged again and a debt that i'd nearly cleared has trebled today. I guess at this point, i'm just looking for some general advice on my options. Many Thanks Mark
  23. Hi, I have made a bit of a mistake. I have an agreement with BS to pay £5pw I was supposed to pay £5 20/08/14. I broke down out of area so couldn't pay until I got home which was 02:30 (am) 21/08/14) I have emailed then to apologise that my payment is 2 hours late will they now say that the agreement is broken? Even though it doesn't make a difference to them because its out of office hours either way? If I have broken my agreement what happens next? I hate it all of this for a parking ticket and I feel like these people have control of my life. I wont sleep no worrying about this payment being 2 hours late.
  24. Yesterday morning my Mrs had a visit from a enforcement agent demanding payment of a council tax debt. They have included a enforcement stage fee of £235.. no van turned up just an old man who is demanding she pays £99 pound a week and giving her till Monday to make a first payment. She is classed as a single parent and paying £100 a week will stop her from putting food on the table. Luckily she didnt let them in and he has handed her a notification of enforcement visit given her til 6 pm monday to make payment. what she can do is pay about 35 a week to clear the debt not sure how to tackle this so your help needed where to start please.. hope you got enough informatiion
  25. Hi everyone I hope you can help me please. In 2008 I left my council house to move into a private rented house. While we had been at the house we had been behind with the rent, but over a few months I had managed to get back up to date. Fast forward to October 2013 we applied to get back on the council list and were turned down due to an outstanding amount of unpaid rent on our old account. The amount was for £136. I was certain that it was paid but wanted to make sure so that we could continue with our application for a house. I asked the council in writing to send me my account details so that I could see what I owed and why. I didnt hear from them again. In the end we moved to another private rented house and we claimed council tax and housing benefit, meaning that the council had our new address (we weren't trying to hide anyway). On Saturday morning (29th March 2014) we received a letter from Bristow and sutor for £136. It says that we have to pay in full within 7 days, we must pay them and send any correspondence to them and not the council? I know it is not a huge amount but I am still unable to find it within 7 days and to be honest I have dealt with these people before from a debt that had mistakenly tried to pin on me and I don't trust them. Can I just ask the Council to send me a statement of my old rent account and then make arrangements to deal with them by paying on their online form? I was going to offer the council 3 payments of approx £45.50 over the next 3 months, but if dealing with Bristow and Sutor it is as though they go out of their way to make it harder. Thank you for reading this Jaylie x
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