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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, First of all, if this is in the wrong section, a kind redirect would be helpful. I've been an avid gamer for years, and recently I had a fall out with my father. Unfortunately because of this fallout, he had asked for all payments made to Valve to be charged back, this also included Paypal payments. So I have a quick question, In the UK, for a online digital product/game that is linked to an account, I know that they Valve has legal right to suspend the games/items that the charged back money was used on but do they have any legal right to permanently block any online gaming with this account because of the charge back for a completely different item? The items in question are three games, worth 150 pound. However Paypal took the money of Valve/Steam not the bank. These games have been removed for my account and my account has been restricted. Restricted in terms that ALL my other 1000 pound + games I purchased with my own card, I am blocked from playing online. In some of these games, Online is the ONLY game mode. I just wanted some advice, before sending steam a ticket. I've read here that they can only suspend and remove games that was charged back, not your whole account(However in other countries I hear their legal system doesn't support this, only in the UK are they restricted to taking back what was purchased rather than the whole account). So in short terms, My account is worth over 1150 pounds, 150 pounds was charged back from Paypal, from my fathers bank. They have ONLY taken what was bought with that 150 pounds BUT have restricted all use of my account other than playing single player games. I would think I would have a case against them wouldn't I? As these games that have been restricted were purchased as a Online and Singleplayer game. And before anyone jumps to conclusions, I am 24 years old, living in my own place with my own job. The money my father gave to me was when I was out of employment over a year ago. We had a falling out a few weeks ago which lead to him cutting all communications from myself, and then charging back everything I had borrowed from him. I have spoken to Paypal and they acknowledge this, and am currently waiting for a reply from them. What laws are relevant to this situation ? Thanks
  2. Hi please can I get some help Faulty steam shower - retailer refuses to honour 5 year warranty In May 2012, I bought a steam shower, as it had a 5 year warranty from Heat and Plumb London, (they still sell these), there are several faults which have now made the shower unsafe if not impossible to use, I wrote to them last week after speaking to which legal (they give you advice but are now very busy) they said the shower was covered under the Sale of good act 1979, so I wrote to the retailer asking for the repair or replacement as it should have lasted more than 2 years.........they have come back and state the original supplier to them is now bankrupt and they can send me parts if I remove the old ones and send them the details of them and will have to charge me, I am not happy as the shower is not working and we have no resolution, I sent this email below and have still not heard anything from the retailer at all now since last week when they stated the supplier is bankrupt, so no warranty - I need to have a new shower installed this weekend as this is no good, and cost me £800 in 2012, I am having to pay another 500 for the new shower cubicle, now! I sent this last week! Dear Sir Sale of goods Act 1979 - defective shower unit - request for replacement and/or repair at suppliers cost. I have now taken legal advice in this matter, I can confirm that my contract for the purchase of the above shower unit which cost approx. £800 is with Purity Bathrooms T/A HEAT AND PLUMB, after considering the matter closely and due to the nature and cost of the appliance/shower unit, I can confirm that the durability and Quality of the product is not of satisfactory quality and failed to be fit for purpose. Sale of Goods Act 1979 Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 goods must be as described, of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. I can confirm that the shower Unit is not fit for purpose as this should have lasted longer than 18 months, moreover the shower steam unit has failed and so has the thermostatic selector for the shower, in addition the build quality is of a inferior design, which has caused these failures, I must also inform you that the reason for buying the shower at such a high cost was due to the 5 year, warranty which you supplied as part of the sale. The contract remains with Heat and Plumb, therefore I now wish to replace the Unit as there is no guarantee for this item and the terms of the contract has been broken by your Company, accordingly any product you now supply (replace) must be of a suitable quality, under the terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and must be as described, and of satisfactory quality and ad fit for purpose, unless you are prepared to supply me with a shower unit which you can now guarantee to be as stated, then I will expect a full refund by return. I await your written response by return and give you no more than 7 working days to conclude this matter and either send me a satisfactory and fit for purpose shower unit which will last longer than the warranty, or send me a full refund, failing which I will have no other option but to issue a County Court claim for damages and loss, which will include legal costs and costs for time to issue proceedings. Please send your response in writing only so there is a record of this issue and I look forward to resolving this matter as soon as possible. Kind regards
  3. Hi Guys, Dunno if anyone else on here has any experience. I'm really getting annoyed with steam, as in the gaming download program that you can download and use to play games with friends, purchase and download new games etc. I don't have any issues with them until I get given a certain game for a Christmas present, Rocksmith 2014, which is a music program that I'm using to improve on playing the guitar. Seems to be working but there are songs that I want to download that come up when you go to the DLC section in the game BUT Steam won't let you purchase some until you buy the original Rocksmith for another £20.00. Not a massive issue you may feel, however, the downloads from the original are compatible and are advertised to download on the games internal shop yet steam says no. I've contacted them and gone round in circles with their tech team who don't seem to care. It may seem OTT but this is so frustrating to be hitting my head against a brick wall as all they want is to make money out of people for buying something unnecessary when I have had a piece of software which has already been paid for. Is there anything I could look down? They are not based in the UK AFAIK. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks, Steve
  4. I bought a game from 'Steam' so have no disc. Before I bought the game I checked the minimum spec and my PC is more than powerful enough so I went ahead and bought it. After installation I tried to play the game and it is twitchy as hell and has no sound. I told them about this but they didn't seem to care; I asked for a refund and they said they don't do refunds; this item is not fit for the purpose I purchased it for..any advice please? Ripped off £20 by Steam.
  5. I am new to CAG's but not forums! My problem is this I have numerous PC games that are fairly expensive some of my games have to be registered via the internet when loading a new game onto my PC (I Never Play online games MMO's) you have to put in the CD key code,once you have done this with Electronic Arts and STEAM, then i can never resell my PC game because it is registered to me,so when i have played my games and they become useless to me, in the past up to 1 year ago i sold my used games on Ebay no problem,Now both company's named above have stopped people reselling their games,i find this totally unfair because these games are my property purchased from the High street and via the internet as well,there is lots of legal jargon in the Terms and conditions but that doe's not help me,i have been intouch with Watchdog and i have had no reply this was 3 months ago,i am 65 years old and these people are treating me unfairly because you can resell other Console cd's and purchase these games in the High street store GAME,now game is a great company i have been with them for over 10 years,i have been in contact with Electronic Arts also STEAM but the replies are the same i cannot resell my games if i do i am breaking my Terms and Conditions, also both companys will not let the second hand purchaser register that game, so once again they have closed of the second hand markey for PC games registered to Electronic Arts also STEAM. Has anybody got any answers to this country wide issue..Please do not suggest court action i do not have the money thats why i contacted Watchdog and they have ignored me.
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