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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, First of all, if this is in the wrong section, a kind redirect would be helpful. I've been an avid gamer for years, and recently I had a fall out with my father. Unfortunately because of this fallout, he had asked for all payments made to Valve to be charged back, this also included Paypal payments. So I have a quick question, In the UK, for a online digital product/game that is linked to an account, I know that they Valve has legal right to suspend the games/items that the charged back money was used on but do they have any legal right to permanently block any online gaming with this account because of the charge back for a completely different item? The items in question are three games, worth 150 pound. However Paypal took the money of Valve/Steam not the bank. These games have been removed for my account and my account has been restricted. Restricted in terms that ALL my other 1000 pound + games I purchased with my own card, I am blocked from playing online. In some of these games, Online is the ONLY game mode. I just wanted some advice, before sending steam a ticket. I've read here that they can only suspend and remove games that was charged back, not your whole account(However in other countries I hear their legal system doesn't support this, only in the UK are they restricted to taking back what was purchased rather than the whole account). So in short terms, My account is worth over 1150 pounds, 150 pounds was charged back from Paypal, from my fathers bank. They have ONLY taken what was bought with that 150 pounds BUT have restricted all use of my account other than playing single player games. I would think I would have a case against them wouldn't I? As these games that have been restricted were purchased as a Online and Singleplayer game. And before anyone jumps to conclusions, I am 24 years old, living in my own place with my own job. The money my father gave to me was when I was out of employment over a year ago. We had a falling out a few weeks ago which lead to him cutting all communications from myself, and then charging back everything I had borrowed from him. I have spoken to Paypal and they acknowledge this, and am currently waiting for a reply from them. What laws are relevant to this situation ? Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm hoping the collective wisdom and experience here may be able to help me with a problem that has become quite major rather quickly. We have a 2005 VW Polo 1.4 Petrol which has been running poorly for the last couple of weeks. Upon inspection by a VW dealer yesterday the diagnosis is low compression on cylinder 2, leaking (burnt, worn, cracked? I dunno) exhaust valve. The quote for repair is £3000, the value of the car is about £3000. Some history on the car: 2005 55 Reg, 84,000 miles, kept under extended VW warranty until mid 2009, full VW main deal service history. In 2009 it had a coil fail, which by the time it was diagnosed and repaired by the dealer (rather than just 'clearing the fault code') it had destroyed the catalytic converter which therefore needed replacing under the warranty claim too. My nagging suspicion is that the damage to the exhaust valve could have all stemmed from that coil failure in 2009. If the unburnt fuel igniting in the exhaust can destroy the cat, could it also have damaged the exhaust valves too, starting the problem that we're now faced with? The main problem is that this is my girlfirend's car and through her work car allowance she needs to change the car when it's 8 years old. Therefore we're faced with the dilemma of spending £3k now to sell it for less next year. Unless we can get this fixed under a retrospective claim on the old warranty or get significant (90%) goodwill from VW our only option is to scrap the car and get a new one. Any thoughts and advice will be massively appreciated.
  3. Hi, I am not sure if this is the right forum to post about this kind of stuff or not, but at least I am hoping to get some sort of help!. I bought this VW Polo 1.2 brand new from a main dealer in 2005. Since, I've had lots of little problems with it, but now I've got a major problem. The car struggles to start (sometimes)... when it does decide to start, the engine management light is on and runs rough when idling... as soon as you put some gas in it though, it will run smooth... when it drives, there is noticeable loss of power... Now however, sometimes it starts just fine, runs smooth and there would be absolutely no problems with it apart from the engine management light being on. Initially I took it to the VW garage, it was running fine when I took it... they plugged it in and couldn't find any fault with it apart from that that the ECU needed a software update. They did that and charged me £60 and told me to drive it for a few days and see if the problem persists. Two days later the EML and the EPC light came on.. the engine started to rev by itself... after about 30 mins trying to turn it off and start it again, it started to run fine again. I tried to take it back to VW but they were too busy and wouldn't be able to look at it until after the new year (this was around a week before Christmas). So I decided to take it to another garage that a couple of my friends recommended independently, they diagnosed it and came up with a number of sensor faults... they replaced the crank sensor... But it didn't solve the problem. I took it back to the garage and they said it is definitely misfiring and carried out a compression test on the cylinders... one of the was low and the other two were fine. They have said it is a burnt out valve and it would cost around £800 + VAT to fix... I thought if it was a mechanical problem, it would stay on and not come and goes when it likes?. So I took it to a different garage for a second opinion and they've told me that it came up with an ECU malfunction... and that again it would cost around £800 to replace. But they advised me to take it back to the main VW dealer. I called the VW dealer this morning, they can't have a look at the car until a week's time and also advised me that it is unlikely to be an ECU problem, if the compression is down on one of the cylinders then they will have a look at that first, but would charge me another £60 for plugging the computer and tried to diagnose the problem and could be more if they can't diagnose the problem within the timeframe given... which is probably 30 mins. Now I don't know who to trust or what to do.. it seems like it would be an extremely expensive repair, but the biggest problem is that no one seems to be 100% certain what the problem is and I don't feel confident in spending £800+ to fix something that doesn't need fixing and the problem persists. The car hasn't even done that many miles, only 41k and it is just over 7 years old... I've had quite a lot of problems with it, including replacing one of its cylinder heads when the car was still within warranty... I don't know if it is the same one that is throwing but it is unlikely that the repair that they did in 2008 will still be under warranty. What do you think I should do? Do you think there is a chance that VW would contribute towards the repairing costs?. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Will
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