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  1. Hermes Courier broke window stay shoving a parcel through my porch window. The parcel wasnt for me but of 6 doors up and they didnt try delivering there or ringing my doorbell. Made a complaint and that is where it all went wrong. they mixed my name up with the intended recipient of the parcel. The manager who I spoke to and agreed that I would get a mate to replace the catch and he would send something nice as a gesture of goodwill. Well it didnt arrive and after a total of 12 more calls it turns out that the idiot didnt know what gesture of goodwill meant and so didnt do anything about it. No wonder he showed a lack of imagination when I asked him to think of something appropriate for the circumstance as people usually send flowers or chocolates. When i get the notes read back to me he had noted that as I hadnt sent them an invoice number for the flowers to he couldnt pay for it and left it at that. The customer services team cant read the complaints teams notes and vice versa so they have to email each other, the managers dont return calls in the promised time and make their junior staff appear to be incompetent at best and liars at worst and no-one would take control of the mess even the company chief exec denying he was the complaints dept overall boss but wouldnt say who was actually between him and them for "Data Protection". Just the job title would have done but not just the word "manager" as that could be anyone or no-one. They refused to send out stuff under a SAR as I wouldnt supply them with an email address ( they actually had it and I told them to stop being lazy and look at the notes but of course it was a different department that had that info). They said they dont send things in the post - THEY ARE A POSTAL SERVICE how the hell do they think they deliver all of the other stuff broken by them, by teleporting it? If they have any sense they would order a nice bottle of wine from Ocado and let them deliver it as they can manage to dispatch an order the same day (Hermes originally said it would take at least 3 days to deliver my GOGW as they are not a next day service and had seemingly never heard of Tesco online or Ocado) and not lose it or break it. We will see what the end of the day brings as They will be using RM to deliver their AOS to the County Court should I decide enough is enough. Truly they are the worst company to deal with I have come across as far as CS goesn and TalkTalk try to hold on to that crown with some pretty bad teams in the Phillipines and SA to navigate where Hermes all live in the same building in Leeds. Only posting this becasue they have hidden under a stone on Facebook and their livechat has gone dumb as well. Funny coincidence?
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