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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys, I've recently received a parking charge notice from the Swansea based Millennium Parking Services. They have asked for £60 with the charge increasing to £100 after 14 days. I am currently a student, so I don't have the money to pay for this and I feel conned. I was using the street to park for my regional rugby training sessions in Llandarcy academy of sport. They don't always have someone blocking the carpark entrance but when they do they don't let me in even if I tell them that my team trains here!! There were no road markings or clear signage for me to know that it was a permit holders only area, if there was, it was 6pm in november and I did not see them, meaning they were inadequately lit! What action should I take from here? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Natalia I have answered the questions I could from the forum the parking ticket forum; 1 The date of infringement? 04/12/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? NO 3 Have you received a Notice To Keeper? NO 4 Who is the parking company? Millennium Parking Services 5 Where exactly did you park? Residential housing area - Heritage Gate, Swansea/Neath, SA10 6DF
  2. Hi guys I have an issue similar to a few others on here, involving the Swansea based Millennium Parking Services. My vehicle was parked in a residential area in Swansea, totally oblivious to any signs advising it was Private Property and Permit Holders Only. Received the PCN stuck to windscreen upon return to the vehicle. The original ticket charge of £100 has not been paid. As the registered keeper, I received the NOK a month or so later and have retained it. It has not been acted upon my me. More recently, I received a demand for £160 from Debt Recovery Plus. I have ignored all requests for payment so far. I'm quite comfortable going through the court process if it comes to that, but would you advise on any action I should take now that might help prevent being taken to court, or even assist with the defence if that day does come? I'd be keen to save myself on the hassle and time wasted in going to court if I can help it, for the want of a well worded letter of dispute. Cheers, Sham
  3. Hi all, I have received 2 Parking Charge Notices (for different contraventions) that are at different stages. I have received the NTK for infringement 1 while infringement 2 occurred on August 31st so I still have a few days before the NTK is sent. I am looking for some advice as I feel both have been administered unfairly. Please let me know if it's advisable to open a new thread for the second PCN to avoid confusion. PCN 1 For a windscreen ticket (Notice To Driver) please answer the following questions.... 1 The date of infringement? 04/08/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? No if you have then please post up whatever you sent and how you sent it and the date you sent it, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload has there been a response? please post it up as well, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload guide] If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) - YES what date is on it - 05/09/2017 Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? YES 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) NO 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] 5 Who is the parking company? Millennium Parking Services 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Live in a rented flat in Cardiff, returned from holiday on August 3rd to find out the car park (private parking) was to be regulated by Millennium Parking Services starting on August 1st. We were unaware they were being brought in. Each flat has one allocated space but I live with my partner, both have cars so when the building management company provided us with permit we had one for a permanent resident (my partner uses) and one visitor pass - I used the visitor pass and placed it in the windscreen. Now the contravention Millennium Parking Services have said is that it wasn't displayed clearly. As I wasn't provided with the plastic pocket I placed it in the corner of my windscreen. The photos that Millennium have taken are from an angle where you can't see the expiry date or that it states Visitor permit. The PCN was issued 3 days after they began regulating and you can clearly see it is the permit we have been provided. What advice would you give for this contravention? I have attached an image of the permit, the permit displayed on the day and the image the NTK has provided. PCN 2 For a windscreen ticket (Notice To Driver) please answer the following questions.... 1 The date of infringement? 31/08/2017 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? No if you have then please post up whatever you sent and how you sent it and the date you sent it, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload has there been a response? please post it up as well, suitably redacted. [as a PDF- follow the upload guide] If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) - NO what date is on it - N/A Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? N/A 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) N/A 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] 5 Who is the parking company? Millennium Parking Services 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? As mentioned in PCN1 we have private parking, and although we have 2 cars unfortunately there's only 1 car parking space allocated but there are 4 visitor spaces specifically for the building apartment. However upon moving into the flat I asked the estate agent what the process was for residents who had 2 cars and the response was that it's "first come first serve" for the visitor spaces and that other residents use them to park their car in. The contravention on PCN 2 is that I was parked for longer than the prescribed time. I have attached an image of the signage around the car park which does advise 'visitors' can only park for 24 hours and there's no return for 24 hours I work in Cardiff and walk back and forth to work my car will often be left for 2/3 days without use at a time I don't want this ticket to be the first of many. I have written to the building management who it seems don't want to get involved feel at a bit of a lose end as I can't see the point of appealing. Any help for either will be very much appreciated - please let me know if it's easier to start a second thread for the second PCN. I will be back on here around 5pm tomorrow evening so will respond to any questions or queries then. Thanks in advance guys! IMG_2700.pdf IMG_2912.pdf IMG_2991.pdf IMG_2940.pdf
  4. Morning all, I have been given a PCN by Millennium parking services. I ignored the windscreen PCN and have now received the notice to keeper in the post. They identify themselves as "the creditor" and state they do not know who was driving, so no suggestion i was driving only i am the registered keeper. In short, there is a little back alley in Swansea, on one side there are parking spaces that are council controlled, on the other side there is a little square of concrete, just about big enough to fit 2 cars on, not marked with parking spaces but with signs up from Millennium parking. I parked there for about 20 minutes at 9:40 at night, not affecting anyone's business or trade and for that they have decided i owe them £100. I'm not going to pay it based on the principle that I have caused no inconvenience or loss of money to anyone I see no reason that I should just give them £100 just because they have decided to put up a sign on this random slab of concrete and decided that anyone stopping there must pay £100!! My intention was to write them a letter stating that as the keeper only i challenge the PCN on the basis that the signs are ambiguous and hard to read as there is very little lighting at the location and the PCN was issued in darkness. The amount requested is extravagant and unconscionable and cannot be justified. ive posted on here before and had some cracking advice so i look forward to replies, hope you are all having a good Christmas period! Thank you Kind regards 47
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