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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everyone, Please can anyone advise how I might make contact with this firm (which I think has been "taken over") and claim for mis-sold PPI, as I took out a £14,000 loan from them a good few years back and was told I had to pay for PPI or the loan would not be granted (they said they wanted to be sure they would be repaid, whatever happened to me and/or my circumstances). Also, I was self-employed so probably couldn't have claimed, anyway. But I have no paperwork, anymore. Thank you. Jib
  2. Hi folks, So I am not to experienced dealing with letting agents, their reputation for lack of morals has me avoiding contact if necessary. I have an agent who intends to charge me a relisting fee of 400 pounds if I were to end my contract 2 months early. Yes it is legal in the contract as per their outlined conditions. "If the tenant vacates the premises during the term apart from according to any agreed break clause which is included within the agreement the tenant will remain liable to pay the rent and any other monies payable under this agreement until the term expires; or the premises are relet whichever is earlier.In addition an administration charge of £400.00 (inc. VAT) will become immediately due to cover the landloard's cost of remarketing, reletting and administration costs. Please note that this early termination must be agreeable with the landlord." So it looks like they have me by the balls there. BUT Upon closer inspection I see that in the shorthold tenancy agreement I also find the following: The tenant shall pay to the Landlord or the Landlord's agent *NAME REDACTED* by way of rent the amount of £550 per half yearly by Bank Standing Order to: *NAME REDACTED*. So I am paying £550 per month, but they say per 6 months/half yearly. Am I legally only obliged to pay £550 every 6 months? Many thanks from a destitute university graduate.
  3. Hi everyone, I've done some digging, and see that 25 out of the 28 EU countries now share details if a foreign car is noted committing certain traffic offences. An Italian car, say, is photographed speeding in France. The Italian authorities will give the French authorities the keeper's details and the fine will be sent to the person's home in Italy http://etsc.eu/faq-eu-cross-border-enforcement-directive/ This scheme does not apply to the UK - but the UK will join in May and presumably stay until Brexit, if not longer. I was wondering what forum members would advise in such a situation. Regarding France specifically, I see a speeding fine for being just a few km over the limit is €45, if paid within 46 days, which I doubt would be worth chasing, but after 76 days it becomes €180 which might be worth chasing. Obviously the French authorities can't do anything themselves in the UK, but they can transfer the debt to a third party in the UK (I think!) My reason for writing this thread is that although I'm British, I live in Italy, and have just received two French fines, one for being 7km over the limit on a motorway, and one for 5km over the limit, on a different motorway. I need to ask for advice on Italian forums, which I am doing, but as I'm a fan of CAG I thought to scribble a thread here too!
  4. Hi My OH got a NIP the other day but it does not state what speed he was allegedly going. It states he was speeding on motorway where speed limit was reduced to 50mph due to roadworks but it was at 1.30am and the roadworks were in complete darkness. How can he admit speeding when they have not told him how fast he was going. Any advice please?
  5. I have a loan with Provident for £501 over a year at £36 a month and have £325 to repay. I moved house just before Christmas phoned them up and told them that I’ve changed address and they told me to inform my adviser, so I done this by Text, I had one new collection from my new address and no-one has bothered to come around and collect any further payments. My question is, on my Credit file it states that I have settled the debt, should I chase them up and pay them or just leave it be?
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