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  1. Hello all, My very first post ever on here. Please can I bend ears, pick brains as I'm confused about the letters I've had today. Letters in my maiden name, I was married in 2003. Debt amount 943.43 I understand the letters are stating they are a statement from year 2012 right through to 2018. Stating they haven't applied interest or sent statements and I do understand this with an apology. Original debt citi financial Then it's saying passed or changed to arrow and now cap quest have got the debt. I do recall cap quest contacting me on my mobile a few weeks ago, I didn't recognise number so did a Google search. Didn't ring them back and thought nothing of it. Today came home with letters with different dates from 12 to 2018. Every single ccj or default has been lifted off my credit file 2 months ago. Following a painful debt paying process I can honestly say this has blown me. I'm worried. I have paid everything and now I've got this. On one of the statements in May 2013, it appears I've paid AND I do not recall me ever paying this, but a 15.00 payment has been made..... This has thrown me and no idea what it means. The start of letter reads, fixed term credit agreement, with ms E Maiden name and citi financial. If you require further info or for me type out what they say, each letter is the same, just different years. However, each year is dated 1st May 2012, then 1st May 2013 etc. Checked out the days unless they work on a Sunday.... The only letter that's different is one printed this week. It's ref is remediation of account. It is from Arrow and makes no ref to cap quest apart from saying if wish to discuss at bottom. Stating under rules cca 1974 stating required by law to write and noticed that we haven't written to you. Further saying that a full review of my account and failed to provide me with statements since May 2011. To remidy this, we have compiled all your statements. On the what does this mean to you. It states, this exercise does not affect your account, repayments or your obligations to repay. If anyone knows what it means and what I need to do. Not sure about this payment In 2013 either. Not sure the action to take on this Not sure the action they can take on me. Thank you
  2. Hi everyone, Please can anyone advise how I might make contact with this firm (which I think has been "taken over") and claim for mis-sold PPI, as I took out a £14,000 loan from them a good few years back and was told I had to pay for PPI or the loan would not be granted (they said they wanted to be sure they would be repaid, whatever happened to me and/or my circumstances). Also, I was self-employed so probably couldn't have claimed, anyway. But I have no paperwork, anymore. Thank you. Jib
  3. Hi i have received a letter from cabot about an old credit card, how can i tell if this is statute barred, i dont think i have made a payment since 2010 as i moved abroad, i came back in 2012 but was not in a financial position to make any payments. Please advise thanks
  4. Hello, I wonder if anyone may be able to help me please. I bought a flight in Dec 16 from Citi Flights, flying from London to Thailand. I flew out on the outbound flight but the airline cancelled my flight home. They left me stranded in Thailand with no other option but to purchase a new ticket home. I have been battling with them ever since and they have said that Citi Flights had no authorisation to sell me the ticket in the first place and it was a fraudulent transaction. Citi Flights have said that the issue is with Turkish Airlines and not them and if they weren't allowed to sell me the ticket how could I have travelled on the outbound flight. I spoke to the CAB consumer helpline and I have issued a claim online for breach of contract and damages under common law against both parties (as I have no idea who is telling the truth). However I have just received a letter to say that Turkish Airlines intend to defend the claim. Does anyone have any knowledge or experience to offer me please? Lauren
  5. I have a debt with citi financial going back to about 2008, for around £3k on a credit card, i have been paying £1pm stopped when i moved house, the debt company Cabot have instructed Restons to issue court proceedings against me in order to get a charge put on my house which i now own outright. I have asked if they will accept payments of £40pm to prevent court action but they have replied saying that unless i repay the full amount before the 8th December they will issue proceedings. Is it worth getting a CCA request asking for a copy of the agreement to see if it is unenforceable in any way? Or is there any other strategy people know about to prevent them getting a charge on my house and a CCJ. regards Zaggacom
  6. I have finally heard back from CapQuest regarding the CCA Request issued in January, they have provided a signed copy of the CCA together with a statement of account from prior to taking over, which causes some questions, primarily the balance has not reduced from the time I went on to the DMP. They have also failed to send any further documentation (such as a deed of assignment) which I requesting in my letter. Please would someone advise what my next steps should be? I am able to post a copy of the CCA & statement on here if that will help?
  7. Hi As this is now going to the courts, does anyone know the date that CITI card changed over to OPUS? Thanks
  8. Hello all, I've been watching the whole PPI thing and laughing as I would never be so stupid (don't take this literally) as to pay for it, being self employed... Then I realised after a chance meeting with a friend I worked with way back then that back in 1998 I did pay it - on a Peoples Bank of Connecticut credit card, whilst I was still in full time education and earning the odd part time bean. So very much a misselling (I'd guess). However, I don't have any info from back then. Am I correct there is very little point doing a SAR for such old material, I wasn't using a student accomodation address so could supply details easily, just that I've read that Citi seem to never admit to having anything prior to 6 years old? TIA, PEno1
  9. Hi All, I had started a CCA process with Idem servicing with the OL being Citi Financial. I took out the loan in 2007 and have had a minimum payment going out. All payments have been stopped whilst my CCA request is in process. Idem promptly replied within the set time of 12+2 days with many copies of the signed contract with Citi financial, i just want to make sure that what they have sent is enforceable, if so should i resume my payments and send a F&F offer to them. I have uploaded the documents that were sent to me.
  10. I have just received a third letter from Citi financial stating they can not find any details on the loans which I took out with the Associates Capital around 2002 possibly before. I have sent all the relevant information I had on this matter to CitiFinancial including a bank statement from the time. As i do not have the credit agreement any longer. On the bank statement you could clearly see the loan agreement number and dates and my address at the time. Regular payments where made to this loan I have also filled in our questionnaire to the best of my ability. I vividly remember having to take out the PPI or I would not be eligible for the loan. it feels like I'm banging my head of a brick wall what is the next step to take I'm not sure how to proceed. any help would be greatly appriacated glen
  11. Hi I received a claim form this morning and was looking for advice on the best way to follow this up. Heres the details Claimant Cabot Financial UK Limited Date of issue – 04 June 2015 What is the claim for – 1.Defendant entered into a credit agreement described by the original creditor as CITIFINANCIAL-CREDIT CARD and having account number ********** 2. The claimant, a uk limited company with company number 3757424, is the assignee and legal owner of all rights previously enjoyed by the original creditor in respect of the Account. 3. The defendant is indebted to the claimant in respect of the account in the sum of ***** 4. The Claimant claims the said sum of ****, plus costs. What is the value of the claim? £2500 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 2001 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt Purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I may have many years ago. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Unknown Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Became unemployed in sept 2006 What was the date of your last payment? Unknown Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Most likely at the time. Sorry I do not have exact details or paperwork this is a very very old debt.
  12. My partner took out a associates credit card in 1997 when he was self employed. He has received a refusal letter today saying that whilst we do not accept all of your allegations we do acknowledge that there may have been flaws in our sales process. However, despite this I am not persuaded that any of these sales failings would have affected your decision to take out the PPI policy. This is because taking into account your circumstances at the time of the sale which are disclosed in your questionnaire, it is clear that you had no means at the time of protecting your card repayments. You also stated that you did not have any other means of making your repayments if you were unable to work through sickness, accident or unemployment, as a result I am not in a position to uphold your complaint and it has now been closed. Anybody any ideas where i go from here? Any thoughts would be appreciated
  13. Hi Guys I'm really after some advice... I purchase a secured loan from Citi in July 2006 to consolidate. (Stupid as I borrow 16K over 180 months/15yrs which payback means I pay back £49K in total) However the issue is as follows.... I haven't paid anything since sometime 2013... and no chasing was done by Citi Then.. 10 June 2014 - Informed they were transferring this loan to Arrow on 29th June 2014 - no mention of my arrears of payment just informing me this debt was being transferred 11 June 2014 received letter from Arrow saying taken over debt again no amounts mentioned and new direct debit details and that continue as normal spiel 25 June 2014 received letter from Arrow asking to fill in Data Capture form - not filled in or returned 28th July 2014 received letter from Arrow about changed to tariff Then nothing received until 27th Feb 2015 letter from Arrow saying account in arrears by £516.82.... (Top of letter say outstanding balance £516.82 & Arrears balance £516.82) So it doesn't add up... Why when haven't paid anything since 2013 am I only £516.82 in arrears??? (My normal payment were £276.27 a month) any why at top of letter is outstanding balance £516.82 and also arrears?? 14th April 2015 letter received from Arrow saying instruction to send a field agent out as the account remains in arrears... Now the top of the letter says outstanding balance £530.48 and arrear £530.48) 30th April 2015 - Field Agent called from Excel Counselling Service (no we were not in and even I was I would not have answered the door) Left letter saying please call to discuss arrears held on this 2nd mortgage and a mobile number. I basically do not know what to do... Do I make contact?? I do not want to go back to paying £276.27 a month as with my current situation would kill me financially. But If they are saying I only owe £530.48 only where is says outstanding balance and arrears amount same - would be willing to get this cleared but I don't know if I can go off that?? Why also would they not have tried to do a repossession order or something similar with no payments being made and no really efforts to claim this money back by lack of letter received??? I have a phone line but we don't have a telephone line connected to it, but I know that someone has tried to call a friend of ours who lives in the same area but ours is a road name and their is a close name and its was just luck that it was a friend who live on the close and said someone rang asking to speak with you or your husband and I said Never heard of them and got wrong number. Please Please help as Im now struggling to sleep as dont like idea of people calling at my house Thanks in advance Candy
  14. Received my DSAR from CitiFinancial re; platinum credit card taken out in 2003. received copies of statements and original application form, which includes a ticked box for "Cardholder Repayment Protection" which statements show I paid an average of £20 per month , is this the same as PPI?? I cannot remember asking for this. the statements also shows numerous Late Charges and Overlimit Charges for £20 a time. Also, £5 charges for cash advances. Many advice would be welcomed.
  15. Following on after a successful request for PPI refunding from Citi Cards (hello Paralegals ) - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?433020-Hillards-v-Citi-Cards-(PPI) They have been kind enough to send me a cheque for the PPI and a large part of that is being reserved for potential court fees as I am now moving on to reclaim charges that they made for 'Late Charges' and 'Overlimit Fee' entries on my account between 2003 and 2006. 32 entries, starting at £20 each time, increasing to £25 each time then down to £12 following the OFT report in April 2006 - https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/284445/oft842.pdf I have previously made similar claims for charges against other companies and have gone to court when they have told me to 'go away' when asking nicely. I've not had a failure yet, feel free to look at my other threads Part of my POC states "I do not accept that the Office of Fair Trading report of April 2006 deemed £12 to be an acceptable charge, as it clearly did not. Many of the charges being claimed exceed this amount. " I am at that asking nicely stage and will be sending a letter to Citi to request that they refund the charges they made, totalling £730, with interest. I fully expect them to say 'no, go away', but I have to be seen to be taking the correct steps. If/when they say 'no', or if they do not answer within the time limit they will be given then a letter before action will be sent and if they still refuse then I'm happy to go to court. £730 plus interest: the interest would be at their own rate of 31.80%, as they applied to the credit card account. This is currently just over £10,000 using a copy of CISheet v101 Obviously, this is not going to be resolved overnight so I've created this thread to keep track of progress, and so that others looking to do similar can see that it can be done, you just have to persevere and let them know that you are prepared to stand up to them.
  16. Hello, My ex hubby and I took out a loan in 2003 with Citi financial, it was never paid off due to running into difficulties. It is now been paid through the courts. After reading the paperwork from Reston solicitors we noticed we had paid ppi on the loan of £2373.53. I want to claim it back if possible but I have to much going on in my life to do it myself so want someone to recommend a company who don't charge the earth to claim it back for me. Thanks in advance, Debbie
  17. In dealing with my financial affairs, my solicitor advises of a second mortgage registered by Citi Financial. The first one is Nat West which we are close to paying up. The Citi one relates to a secured loan taken out in 1996 and which was paid up 2004/2005 but is still showing up as a mortgage against the property. Unfortunately we have lost supporting paperwork - so how easy is it to get this removed as it is important for us to move forward. This was originally on my credit file and has since dropped off. Can anyone help.
  18. Citi-Opus-Cabot Court claim issued Acknowledged to Court and solicitors CPR 31.14 submitted to solicitor Agreed extension with solicitor Have had no further contact from Solicitor Would like help with submitting defence without any info
  19. Hi all I had a credit Card with The Associates back in 1996 and during the lifetime was bought by CitiCards Limited. Loads of PPI on there but who do I send the SAR to and once received who do I send my claim to as I believe that The Associates are no more. Many thanks
  20. I received ANOTHER Ordinary cause action yesterday. ( am in the middle of defending an Ordinary cause from Y+K already) This time from Nolans, on behalf of Cabot who have bought the debt from Opus (haven't heard of them until now) who were assigned this card from Citi. And along this 'chain of command' I've not had any notice of assignment etc... I'll be defending this one too, in the same way, but quick question - it is nearly 5 years since I had dealings with Citi, and Nolans states in their letter/writ that ALL correspondence must go thru them. I will need to SAR and CCA for this card, and I know that the SAR usually goes to the initial lender, but in this case, as they seemed so insistent that all correspondence go thru them, should I just SAR Nolans??
  21. Name of the Claimant ? Cabot Financial (UK) Limited Date of issue – 12th August 2014 Date of issue 12.08.14 + 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = 30.08.14 + 14 days to submit defence = 13.09.14 (33 days in total) - What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? By an agreement between CitiFinancial ("CFE") & the Defendant on or around 24/02/2005 ("the Agreement") CFE agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit card upon the terms and conditions set out therin. In breach of the Agreement the Defendant failed to make the minimum payments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant on 02/09/2010. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 70XX.XX What is the value of the claim? £70xx.xx (~£7,000, exact figures disguised for forum post) Is the claim for a current or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? 24/02/2005 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Assigned to Cabot and issued by them. However, Mortimer Clarke have signed as the Claimant (not sure if this matters?). Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I do not have a notice of assignment. I have kept a few letters from Cabot, one dated 13/10/2010 asking for £6,4XX and advising of a home visit which didn't happen, follow up letter 17/12/2010 asking me to call them and 07/06/2012 advising me they had passed the account to Robinson Way with a letter attached from Robinson Way requesting payment. Nothing received from Mortimer Clarke prior to the Claim Form. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No. Why did you cease payments:- Was made redundant October 2008 and couldn't afford payments. Remained unemployed until September 2009 when I became a full time student for 3 years. Stupidly, I ignored all correspondence and buried my head! Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No. I have checked my credit report this morning (Noodle) and the account is listed under defaults. Lender- Cabot Financial (UK) Limited {Note: no mention of Citi Financial Limited} Opening balance £64XX.XX (Default balance the same). Current balance £70XX.XX with a default date of 31/07/2009. I do not have history of my last payment made to Citi Financial, although due to the timeline of my redundancy I believe my last payment would have been towards the end of 2008. I will now log on to Moneyclaim to acknowledge receipt and request the full 28 days to prepare a defence. In the meantime, I would really welcome some help. 1. Should I now send a CCA1974 request to Cabot Financial Limited? 2. And a CPR31.14 request 1 (credit card/loans) to Mortimer Clarke? 3. Should I send anything to Citi Financial Limited? Thanks for reading.
  22. Hello Today I received a county court claim form from Northampton court. It is regarding an alleged debt from back in 2008/9 with Citi Financial for which Cabot was assigned the debt in 2010. I have read a lot of threads and understand I need to acknowledge the service online with the court and say I wish to dispute the whole amount asap which I will do this evening. I also understand I may need to send their solicitors Mortimer Clarke a CPR ASAP. in early 2013 I sent Cabot/Citi a CCA request and a £1 cheque. I have not heard anything back since. The cheque has been banked and the CCA was sent recorded royal mail. Considering this fact would the above still apply (CPR request). I am quite confused on what I should do next. Can anyone advise? Thank You in advance J
  23. I did a SAR to Citi and they've sent the info, although they have duplicated quite a few months statements for some reason, not by accident, they have ascending page numbers. I'm about to send in a PPI claim and have taken note on other threads that Citi have refused to uphold claims on cards taken out pre 2005. Mine started in 2002 and was closed in 2006. The application form clearly shows that I was self-employed at the time and I was not told anything about suitability of the policy or alternatives, those are the grounds I'm using to make the claim. Total PPI paid was £252.76 and the StatIntSheet101 gives me a total of £200.72 at 8% so that's £453.48, of which I'll have to donate £40.14 to the taxman. I've no idea what associated interest there would be, so that's to add in yet. I'm just sending the FOS sheet to them, let them work it out and make an offer, or refusal. I noted somewhere that a letter to the CEO was required - if anyone can fill me in on the details please ? I think I may need to do the same if they play silly beggers.
  24. Hi Everyone, It's a while since I posted a thread here. I'm very happy to say that I've been successful in all my PPI claims so far against Barclays, Marks and Spencer and others. However, the PPI claim above against Citicard is my last one and has been with the FOS for 2 years! I had a phone call yesterday from the FOS to say that they could probably not deal with this complaint because the PPI was added to my card outside of the FOS's jurisdiction ie before 2005. I am just astounded that Citicard who I believe are part of Citi Bank can get away with this. It's tantamount to saying that the bank was unregulated before 2005 which is difficult to believe. No other bank or financial institution I have made a successful complaint against has used this excuse and I'm rather surprised at the response of the FOS particularly as they've kept me hanging on all this time and then tell me they can't do anything! I know that the original card was called The Associates Card, it then became Citi Card until it was taken over by Opus in 2010. When I made my complaint to the FOS it was called Progressive Credit Ltd and I believe it's now called New Day Ltd. Has anyone else had a similar experience with Citi Card? How have you dealt with this and are there other avenues to explore as far as making a claim is concerned? I would welcome some advice. Many thanks
  25. Over the weekend my hubby went up into our loft to try and find some paperwork in relation to another PPI claim I have but found an agreement for a car we bought back in 1994 from a Ford Dealership and its with Associate Capital. I remember at the time we had a really bad credit record and the sales man said that if we added the PPI it would help our application for credit. I remember being so desperate to buy the car as we needed one for work that we even took out the mechanical breakdown cover. We would of done anything in order to get the finance. At the time we were managers of a public house and so the cover was not needed as we would of been paid a salary even if one of us was ill as you ran the business as your own and had full control over takings and budgets etc and so if you was ill you would of just given staff more hours to cover for you. Also redundancy was not a worry as if for some reason the pub actually closed down, which was very unlikely, you would just be transferred to another one as we worked for the company as salaried managers. I have a copy of all the original paperwork etc and want to try and claim back the credit insurance which was £544 plus interest of £244.80 paid monthly over the term of the loan. I have googled Assocaites and can see that CITI bought them in 2000 so do I need to send my claim to them?
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