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  1. My employer has changed their payroll system and as a result they have declared all my income correctly up to the end of December and then re-submitteded it all again to HMRC in January so now it appears to HMRC that I earned £2x,xxx inthe first nine months of the financial year and then was paid the the whole total sum again in one payment in January and that no PAYE was collected on this bumper payment the supposedly made to me. It is obvious that the employer has made an error and entered the year to date figures rather than the pay period figures but the implication of this is that HMRC are now looking to recover the PAYE on this generous lump sum my employer has declared I have earned in January. My employer will not acknowledge he has made a mistake and HMRC say they can do nothing as the employer has declared that the figures are correct and he paid me £2x,xxx in January. So we have a deadlock. Has anyone any suggestions? (I have suggested that the employer pay me the money he declared he had paid me in January and I would sort out the PAYE but needless to say that wont happen!) Many Thanks
  2. Hello, A number of PCNs from Smart Parking were delivered to my address in the last few weeks, for an alleged breach of the terms of parking at Matalan in Sutton, Surrey. This was subsequently followed by a Notice of Intended Court Action letter from Debt Recovery Plus (DRP), stating the reason for the PCN being issued as: "Overstayed Paid Time". Earlier this week, another letter was received from SCS Law who claim to act on behalf of Smart Parking Ltd who have allegedly instructed this law firm to recover the PCN charges. The letter then goes on to state that Smart Parking are entitled to the outstanding sum under contract law, adding: "When your vehicle parked at the above mentioned site(s), the driver of the vehicle agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of parking which was displayed on signage throughout the site(s). The driver of the vehicle breached the terms and conditions of parking on each of the above stated occasions for the reason stated. For each contravention, a parking charge notice was issued, for which the sums owed remain outstanding. We refer you to the Supreme Court decision in ParkingEye Ltd v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67. In this case, the Supreme Court found that parking charge notices do not contravene the penalty rule or Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations 1999 provided they protect a legitimate interest. Unless payment is made within the next 14 days, we are instructed to issue court proceedings to recover the same and any of our client's legal costs, without further recourse to you". I visited the Matalan store last weekend and discussed my issue with a member of staff, with the hope Matalan would intervene and request for the PCN to be cancelled, being a regular customer of the store. The member of staff was not very helpful but did advise me to contact Smart Parking directly for any resolution and also pointed out that Smart Parking were no longer the contracted to manage the car park. I would now appreciate the kind assistance of our very valued forum members to advice on how to fight this PCN successfully and have provided some relevant pictures from the car park, if this helps construct a solid defence. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I am hoping someone with a bit of legal knowledge can help me. I have issued a court claim for money owed to our company. We atre due in court a week today and the court ordered that we serve our evidence to each other and the court not later than 14 days before the hearing. We duly submitted ours at the beginning of last week by recorded delivery, however, we have only received the defendants evidence today, 7 days late. Is there a process or an application I can make to ask the court to disallow his evidence on the basis of it being late?
  4. Citi-Opus-Cabot Court claim issued Acknowledged to Court and solicitors CPR 31.14 submitted to solicitor Agreed extension with solicitor Have had no further contact from Solicitor Would like help with submitting defence without any info
  5. This is the link to the National Federation of Housing (NHF) submission to DWPs Consultation on Data Sharing with Social Landlords about Universal Credit (17th October 2014). The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) consulted on changes that will allow information to be shared with social landlords about Universal Credit claims. The proposals would means that landlords would find out when their tenants are moving onto Universal Credit. http://www.housing.org.uk/publications/browse/data-sharing-and-universal-credit/ Please remember this is only their Submission to DWPs Consultation and within that link is a link to the full consultation document as well as the NHF submission link which is a PDF download.
  6. This is the link to the National Federation of Housing (NHF) submission to DWPs Consultation on Data Sharing with Social Landlords about Universal Credit (17th October 2014). The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) consulted on changes that will allow information to be shared with social landlords about Universal Credit claims. The proposals would means that landlords would find out when their tenants are moving onto Universal Credit. http://www.housing.org.uk/publications/browse/data-sharing-and-universal-credit/ Please remember this is only their Submission to DWPs Consultation and within that link is a link to the full consultation document as well as the NHF submission link which is a PDF download.
  7. This is the link to the National Federation of Housing (NHF) submission to DWPs Consultation on Data Sharing with Social Landlords about Universal Credit (17th October 2014). The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) consulted on changes that will allow information to be shared with social landlords about Universal Credit claims. The proposals would means that landlords would find out when their tenants are moving onto Universal Credit. http://www.housing.org.uk/publications/browse/data-sharing-and-universal-credit/ Please remember this is only their Submission to DWPs Consultation and within that link is a link to the full consultation document as well as the NHF submission link which is a PDF download.
  8. hi there, i am in the process of appealing ESA having been placed in wrag group, when i meet the descriptors for the support group. i have and appeal tribunal date set for next month and have received the appeal papers. There are many inconsistences in the bundle and i need to send my submission in ahead of attending my tribunal. I have additional medical reports to send to support me being in the support group. Hopefully if i can get the information across properly the decision will be overturned, and i will not need to attend. It feels like i will be saying the same thing over and over , it has been ignored in my original ESA form, and in my appeal letter- so not sure how else to address this without saying the same things all over again. I have never had a medical, but there are medical reports included in my tribunal bundle- which have been written on the basis of my ESA form- yet ignore my statements of difficulties and no attempt has been made to date to contact any of my consultants or GP to validate my statements , yet they have been discounted . i have cognitive difficulties amongst my problems and am finding it very hard to find a way of writing my submission.- im getting overwhelmed trying to find a way of stucturing my submission and wonder if there is a template anywhere that i could use? i understand it should be concise, but i dont know how to write it can anyone help me please ?
  9. I have recently submitted an application to the employment appeal tribunal on legal grounds, perversity and bias. The ET did not follow the law, the decision was totally perverse, and the judge had connections with the employer and the defence who is also an employment law judge. I am still awaiting response to the application and have been informed that this has been looked at by four judges and is awaiting a fifth judge. From what I read this is normally only looked at by the judge or registrar at the EAT. Is it normal for five judges to look at it before making decision as to avenue it takes? Why are five judges looking into it?
  10. can i send this with my submission to the tribural, as i personaly know them, ?? thanks for any thoughts
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